Adding 2006 Data

In Chapter 14, “Snapshots” you populated the month_end_sales_order_fact table with February 2006 data. You now need to add more data (January 2006 data and March 2006 through December 2006 data) by running the month_end_sales_order.sql script from Chapter 14. You must run the script once a month. Don’t forget to set your MySQL date to the month end date right before each run. All runs look exactly the same on the MySQL monitor. Here’s an example.

mysql> . c:mysqlscriptsmonth_end_sales_order.sql

Database changed
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

When you finish loading additional data (eleven times altogether), use the following SQL statement to query the month_end_sales_order_fact table to make sure it has been populated correctly.

mysql> select month, year, product_name,
    -> month_order_amount mo_amt, month_order_quantity mo_qty
    -> from  month_end_sales_order_fact a, month_dim b, product_dim
    -> where a.month_order_sk = b.month_sk
    -> and a.product_sk = c.product_sk
    -> and year = 2006
    -> order BY month, year, product_name;

Here is the query result.

| month | year | product_name             | mo_amt   | mo_qty |
|     1 | 2006 | LCD Panel                |  1000.00 |   NULL |
|     2 | 2006 | Hard Disk Drive          |  1000.00 |   NULL |
|     4 | 2006 | LCD Panel                |  2500.00 |   NULL |
|     5 | 2006 | Hard Disk Drive          |  3000.00 |   NULL |
|     6 | 2006 | Floppy Drive             |  3500.00 |   NULL |
|     7 | 2006 | LCD Panel                |  4000.00 |   NULL |
|     8 | 2006 | Hard Disk Drive          |  4500.00 |   NULL |
|     9 | 2006 | Floppy Drive             |  1000.00 |   NULL |
|    10 | 2006 | LCD Panel                |  1000.00 |   NULL |
10 rows in set (0.09 sec)

Note that there is no data for November and December.

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