Name _______________________________________________

Film ________________________________________________

Phone _______________________________________________

Fill out this form to see how much you know about your film. Take the time to refine your answers and fill out all the spaces. Notice how the questionnaire encapsulates the artistic process by starting with your major belief, then moving through information about your film and its characters, and ending with how you want to act on your audience.

1. Statistics

My film will be ____ minutes long, will be shot on (format) ____, is expected to take ____ shooting days, and to cost $ ____. So far I have (check what applies):

A rough idea, incomplete ____ A thematic statement ____ All cast ____
Complete but rough idea ____ A treatment ____ Principal cast ____
A beginning ____ Screenplay ____ Production manager ____
A middle ____ Shooting script ____ All funds ____
An end ____ Producer ____ ____% funds raised ____
A step outline ____ Director of photography ____ ____ $ still to raise ____

2. Personal philosophy behind the making of this film

In life I believe that ____

3. Premise

The film explores my convictions by showing (here briefly write your film' premise): ____

4. Genre

The genre (type or family) of this film is ________ , and my film only departs from this genre in that it ____

5. Main characters, their wants, dominant traits, and major conflict for each (most important first)

Character A ____ mainly wants ____

Dominant traits ____

Major conflict ________

Character B ________ mainly wants ________

Dominant traits ____

Major conflict ____

Character C ________ mainly wants ________

Dominant traits ________

Major conflict ____

Character D ____ mainly wants ____

Dominant traits ________

Major conflict ____

Character E ____ mainly wants ____

Dominant traits ____

Major conflict ____

Character F ____ mainly wants ____

Dominant traits ____

Major conflict ____

More characters? Add on separate sheet.

6. Major situation affecting the main characters

The major situation in which the characters find themselves is ____

7. Point of view

(a) The point-of-view character is ________ and his/her biased way of seeing means that ____

(b) Subsidiary characters are ____ and their way of seeing, by contrast, means that ____

(c) The Storyteller' characteristics are ________ and this makes him/her see in a particular way that is ________

8. The film' main conflict

The major forces at conflict in this film are between ________ and ________

9. ____ The confrontation

The story' main conflict is finally played out between ________ and ________ in ________ scene.

10. Story resolution

The resolution to the characters____ struggle is ________

11. Intended impact

After they have seen my film, I want my audience members to:

(a) Feel ________

(b) Think ________

(c) Tell all their friends to go and see the film because ________

12. Other

Anything important not included above:


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