Setting up the e-learning project

Our final practical project will be an e-learning platform. In this chapter, we are going to build a flexible CMS that allows instructors to create courses and manage their contents.

First, create a virtual environment for your new project and activate it with the following commands:

mkdir env
virtualenv env/educa
source env/educa/bin/activate

Install Django in your virtual environment with the following command:

pip install Django==2.0.5

We are going to manage image uploads in our project, so we also need to install Pillow with the following command:

pip install Pillow==5.1.0

Create a new project using the following command:

django-admin startproject educa

Enter the new educa directory and create a new application using the following commands:

cd educa
django-admin startapp courses

Edit the file of the educa project and add courses to the INSTALLED_APPS setting as follows:


The courses application is now active for the project. Let's define the models for courses and course contents.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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