Installing the Postman REST client

So far, we have installed two terminal-based or command-line tools to compose and send HTTP requests to our Django development server: cURL and HTTPie. Now, we will start installing Graphical User Interface (GUI) tools.

Postman is a very popular API testing suite GUI tool that allows us to easily compose and send HTTP requests, among other features. Postman is available as a standalone app in Linux, macOS, and Windows. You can download the versions of the Postman app from the following URL:

You can download and install Postman for free to compose and send HTTP requests to the RESTful Web Services we will build throughout this book. You just need to sign up to Postman. We won't be using any of the paid features provided by either Postman Pro or Postman Enterprise in our examples. All the instructions work with Postman 5.2.1 or greater.

The following screenshot shows the HTTP GET request builder in Postman:

..................Content has been hidden....................

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