
Network management is straightforward and UCP presents the same interface as for other resource types. The network list shows the networks in the cluster and these can be added to a collection with RBAC applied, so you'll only see networks you're allowed to see.

There are several low-level options for networks, allowing you to specify IPv6 and custom MTU packet sizes. Swarm mode supports encrypted networks, where the traffic between nodes is transparently encrypted, and it can be enabled through UCP. In a Docker Enterprise cluster, you'll use the overlay driver to allow services to communicate in a virtual network across the cluster nodes:

Docker supports a special type of swarm network called an ingress network. Ingress networks have load balancing and service discovery for external requests. This makes port publishing very flexible. On a 10-node cluster, you could publish port 80 on a service with three replicas. If a node receives an incoming request on port 80 but it isn't running one of the service tasks, Docker will intelligently redirect it to a node that is running a task.

Ingress networks are a powerful feature that work the same for Linux and Windows nodes in a Docker Swarm cluster. I cover them in more detail in Chapter 7, Orchestrating Distributed Solutions with Docker Swarm.

Networks can also be deleted through UCP, but only if there are no containers attached. If you have services defined that use the network, you'll get a warning if you try to delete it.

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