
It seems like a ridiculous conceit to put only my name on the cover of the book. I’ve learned that “it takes a village” to write a book and I’d like to acknowledge some of the members of my village who have been so helpful with their time and encouragement. First, thanks to my editor, Debra Williams Cauley, who began by not taking “no” for an answer (in the nicest way, of course) and continued by expertly guiding me through the process.

Also, thanks to Debra’s team at Prentice-Hall, including those I worked with directly, Chelsey Marti, Chrissy White, Michael Thurston, and all those who toiled behind the scenes to get this book into the reader’s hands. Eric Foster-Johnson also provided invaluable suggestions to the text.

No book on Dojo would have been possible without the Dojo Framework itself. Thanks to all who’ve contributed to the project and provided me with help and support along the way, including Dylan Schiemann, Alex Russell, Karl Tiedt, Adam Peller, Becky Gibson, Sam Foster, Ben Lowery, and James Burke. And to all the other contributors too numerous to mention that have made Dojo the great framework it is.

Also thanks to my personal network who gave lots of great advice: Ed Lance, Ted Rafacz, Max Rahder, Steve Meshner, Bob Phifer, and Will Provost. Thanks to my technical idols, Douglas Crockford, Jesse James Garret, and the guys at who got me interested in Ajax and JavaScript in the first place.

And special thanks to my wonderful wife, Sonia, who helped me carve out the time to write this book. I couldn’t have done it without you. Your constant support is always an inspiration to me. I love you.

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