
$25,000 Pyramid, 36


accessibility, 17381

affordances, 15153

Agile development, 4, 118

Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?, 4247

Apple, 143

apps, mobile, 155-59

average user, 9

myth of the, 18, 108


Beat the Clock, 85

Big Bang Theory of Web Design, 89

big honking report, 4, 117

Breadcrumbs, 7980

Brin, Sergey, 26

browse-dominant users, 59


what users say it is, 26

browsing, 6062

Brundlefly, 162

Burma-Shave, 29


Calvin and Hobbes, 153, 191

Camtasia, 122, 163

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

and accessibility, 181

earliest use of, 37

and usability, 171

clickability, 15, 37

Collyer, Bud, 85

conventions, 2933, 64

culture clash, 107

cursor, 37, 152


delight, 15556


conventions and, 2933

Home page, 84

navigation, 54

and satisficing, 2425

Web sites, intention vs. reality, 21, 23

do-it-yourself usability testing, 115

Elements of Style, The, 49

expert usability review, 3


FAQ list, 165, 171

“Farmer and the Cowman Should Be Friends, The,” 102

Flat design, 15253

focus groups, 11213

font size, in browser, 173

forms, 4647, 67


golden goose, temptation to kill, 99100

goodwill reservoir, 16671


Hansel and Gretel, 79

happy talk, eliminating, 50

Hatch, Sen. Orrin, Web site, viii

Holmes, Sherlock, 7

Home page

cluttered, 39

designing, 84

happy talk on, 50

link to, 70

hover, 152


instructions, eliminating, 5152

Ive, Jonathan, x, 184

Jarrett, Caroline, 40, 46, 194

Jobs, Steve, x, 184

“kayak” problems, 139

Klein, Gary, 2425

Kleiner, Art, 107

Krug’s laws of usability, 1011, 43, 49


Larson, Gary, 23

Lean startup, 4, 114

Lincoln, Abraham, 145

link-dominant users, 59

links, visited vs. unvisited, 190

logo. See Site ID


memorability, 159

mensch, 164

mindless choices, 4247

mirroring, 161

mission statement, 95


apps, 155

usability testing, 160

Mobile First, 14749

muddling through, 2527


names, importance of, 14


conventions, 64

designing, 58

lower-level, 72

persistent, 66

revealing content, 63

needless words, omitting, 4852

new feature requests, 139

Nielsen, Jakob, xi, 54, 5859, 96, 115, 121

noise. See visual noise

Norman, Don, 151


page name

importance of, 7476

matching what user clicked, 76

position on page, 75

persistent navigation, 66

primary navigation. See Sections

Prince and the Pauper, The, 26

printer-friendly pages, 171


content promos, 86

feature promos, 86

pull-down menus, limitations of, 10809


recruiting test participants, 12021

Redish, Janice (Ginny), 40, 41, 46, 179, 194

registration, 87, 99

reinventing the wheel, 31

religious debates, 103, 104, 109

reservoir of goodwill, 16671

responsive design, 149, 150

“right” way to design Web sites, 7

Rosenfeld, Louis, 194


satisficing, 2425

scanning pages, 2223

scent of information, 43,

script for usability test, 125, 12736

search box, 1617, 30, 58, 7172, 86, 99

on Home page, 86

options, 71

wording, 71

search-dominant users, 58

secondary navigation. See subsections

section fronts, 50

Sections, 6970

signifiers, 151

Site ID, 6768

sizzle, 169

slow-loading pages, 59

stop signs, 29

street signs, 64, 74

subsections, 6869


tabs, 8081

color coding, 81

importance of drawing correctly, 81

tagline, 93, 9598

Talking Heads, 55

teleportation, 62, 67, 92

Theofanos, Mary, 179

tradeoffs, 14547

tragedy of the commons, 100

trunk test, 8283



attributes of, 155

defined, 9

usability lab, 115

usability testing, 3, 110

do-it-yourself, 115

vs. focus groups, 11213

of mobile devices, 16063

number of users to test, 119

observers, 124

recruiting participants, 12021

remote, 140

reviewing results, 13739

sample session, 127

unmoderated, 140

value of starting early, 115

what to test, 124

User Experience Design (UXD, UX), x, 183, 140

Utilities, 65, 6970


validator, accessibility, 177

visual hierarchy, 3336

visual noise, 38

Welcome blurb, 93

White, E. B., 49

xkcd, 194

Zuckerberg, Mark, 26

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