1 With a sharp HB pencil, I establish the boxy shape of the Doberman’s head and shoulders with quick, straight lines. Even at this early stage, I’m establishing a sense of dimension and form, which I’ll build upon as the drawing progresses.
2 Using the lines from the previous step as a guide, I adjust the outline of the ears, head, and neck to give them a more contoured appearance. I also add the eyes and nose, following the facial guidelines. Finally I refine the outline of the muzzle.
3 Next I erase any guidelines that are no longer needed. Then I begin placing light, broken lines made up of short dashes to indicate where the value changes in the coat are. These initial lines will act as a map for later shading.
4 For the dog’s short hair, I begin with small, dark hatch marks to establish the bristly, coarse nature of the coat. I also fill in the darks of the eyes and eyebrows, and I dot in a few light rows of whiskers at the tip of the muzzle.
5 To finish, I fill in the remaining darks of the coat. First I create graphite dust by rubbing a pencil over a sheet of fine sandpaper. Then I pick up the graphite dust with a medium-sized blending stump and shade in the dark areas of the dog’s fur and nose. To avoid hard edges, I blend to create soft gradations where the two values meet.
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