
1 Using a 2B pencil, I begin the drawing with two circles: one for the head and one for the muzzle. Then I draw a few guidelines to establish the centerline of the face, which will help me determine feature placement.


2 Now I place the facial features, including the eyes, nose, and mouth. I also draw two long ovals for ears. Notice that the eye closest to the viewer appears to be slightly larger than the eye that is farther away—this is an example of foreshortening.


3 Next I use the shapes from the previous steps to create a general outline of the dog’s curly fur with scribbled, squiggly lines. Using the same technique, I suggest the ears, ruff, and muzzle.


4 Now I erase the initial guidelines that I don’t need. I also begin to refine the eyes and muzzle area, developing the darks with thick, closely placed strokes that follow the direction of fur growth.


5 To finish, I further develop the coat with scribbles to suggest the frizzy texture of the hair. You don’t have to render each individual strand of hair—just give the general impression of the overall texture. I am very loose with my pencil to give the drawing a playful and spontaneous feel. To finish, I smudge a few areas with a cotton swab to create subtle shadows.

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