The regsub Command

The regsub command does string substitution based on pattern matching. It is very useful for processing your data. It can perform simple tasks like replacing sequences of spaces and tabs with a single space. It can perform complex data transforms, too, as described in the next section. Its syntax is:

regsub ?switches? pattern string subspec varname

The regsub command returns the number of matches and replacements, or 0 if there was no match. regsub copies string to varname, replacing occurrences of pattern with the substitution specified by subspec. If the pattern does not match, then string is copied to varname without modification. The optional switches include:

  • -all, which means to replace all occurrences of the pattern. Otherwise only the first occurrence is replaced.

  • The -nocase, -expanded, -line, -linestop, and -lineanchor switches are the same as in the regexp command. They are described on page 148.

  • The -- switch separates the pattern from the switches, which is necessary if your pattern begins with a -.

The replacement pattern, subspec, can contain literal characters as well as the following special sequences:

  • & is replaced with the string that matched the pattern.

  • x , where x is a number, is replaced with the string that matched the corresponding subpattern in pattern. The correspondence is based on the order of left parentheses in the pattern specification.

The following replaces a user's home directory with a ~:

regsub ^$env(HOME)/ $pathname ~/ newpath

The following constructs a C compile command line given a filename:

set file tclIO.c
regsub {([^.]*).c$}$file {cc -c & -o 1.o} ccCmd

The matching pattern captures everything before the trailing .c in the file name. The & is replaced with the complete match, tclIO.c, and 1 is replaced with tclIO, which matches the pattern between the parentheses. The value assigned to ccCmd is:

cc -c tclIO.c -o tclIO.o

We could execute that with:

eval exec $ccCmd

The following replaces sequences of multiple space characters with a single space:

regsub -all {s+}$string " " string

It is perfectly safe to specify the same variable as the input value and the result. Even if there is no match on the pattern, the input string is copied into the output variable.

The regsub command can count things for us. The following command counts the newlines in some text. In this case the substitution is not important:

set numLines [regsub -all 
 $text {} ignore]

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