
The rapid turnaround with Tcl coding means that it is often sufficient to add a few puts statements to your script to gain some insight about its behavior. This solution doesn't scale too well, however. A slight improvement is to add a Debug procedure that can have its output controlled better. You can log the information to a file, or turn it off completely. In a Tk application, it is simple to create a text widget to hold the contents of the log so that you can view it from the application. Here is a simple Debug procedure. To enable it you need to set the debug(enable) variable. To have its output go to your terminal, set debug(file) to stderr.

Example 13-12 A Debug procedure.
proc Debug { args }{
   global debug
   if {![info exists debug(enabled)]}{
      # Default is to do nothing
   puts $debug(file) [join $args " "]
proc DebugOn {{file {}}}{
   global debug
   set debug(enabled) 1
   if {[string length $file] == 0}{
      set debug(file) stderr
   } else {
      if [catch {open $file w}fileID] {
         puts stderr "Cannot open $file: $fileID"
         set debug(file) stderr
      } else {
         puts stderr "Debug info to $file"
         set debug(file) $fileID
proc DebugOff {}{
   global debug
   if {[info exists debug(enabled)]}{
      unset debug(enabled)
      flush $debug(file)
      if {$debug(file) != "stderr" &&
          $debug(file) != "stdout"}{
         close $debug(file)
         unset debug(file)

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