29.17. Setting Up User Web Directories

On a system with many UNIX users, you may want to allow each user to create his own set of web pages. Instead of creating a subdirectory for each user under some document root directory, you can instead designate a subdirectory in each user's home directory as a location for web page files. Typically, this subdirectory is called public_html and its contents are made available at a URL like http://www.example.com/~username/.

The special ~username path in the URL is converted by Apache to a directory under the home of the user named username, no matter what document root directory is being used for the rest of the files on the website. It is also possible for files in the user's actual home directory to be made available instead, so that ~username actually maps to the user's home directory and not a subdirectory. This is a bad idea, however, as it makes all of the user's files available to anyone with access to the website.

To turn on Apache's user web directories feature so ~username URL paths can be used, follow these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the icon for the virtual server for which you want to activate user directories. To activate them for all virtual servers, click on the Default Server icon instead.

Click on the Document Options icon.

In the User WWW directory field, deselect the Default option and enter public_html into the field next to it. Or, if you want a different subdirectory to be used for users' web pages, enter its name instead. To make users' entire home directories available via ~username URL paths, enter . into the field.

On many systems, this option will already be set to public_html in the default Apache configuration, meaning that user web directories are already enabled.

If the All users accessible option is selected, Apache will allow the pages in any user's web directory to be accessed.

To configure the web server to only allow access to the pages belonging to certain users, select the Only users option and enter the names (separated by spaces) into the field next to it. This can be useful if there is a small fixed list of UNIX users who should be allowed to publish web pages.

To block only a few users' web pages and allow the rest, select the All users except option and enter the names of the blocked users into its field. This is useful for protecting files belonging to important system users such as root.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the page, then use the Apply Changes link to activate the new settings. Try creating a public_html subdirectory in the home directory of a user, putting some HTML files in it, and seeing if they can be accessed using the ~username/filename.html URL path.

It is also possible to have ~username URL paths mapping to directories outside users' home directories by entering values starting with / into the User WWW directory field. For example, if you were to enter /www and a browser requested ~jcameron/foo.html, then the file returned by Apache would be /www/jcameron/foo.html. If you entered /home/*/public_html, then the file returned would be /home/jcameron/public_html/foo.html, even if the user jcameron did not have his home directory at /home/jcameron. As that example shows, any occurrence of a * in the user web directory is replaced by the username.

Similarly, you can enter a URL into the directory field, which will be used by Apache to generate a URL to redirect browsers to when a user web directory is requested. For example, if you enter http://home.example.com/users/ and the URL path ~jcameron/foo.html is requested by a browser, it will be redirected to http://home.example.com/users/jcameron/foo.html instead. This is useful if you want to move user web directory hosting to a separate server, while allowing URLs on your main server to be used to access them.

Even though the above are sufficient to enable user web directories, there are some other things that you might want to do. As the earlier Section 29.16 “Editing .htaccess Files” explains, you may want to limit the kinds of directives that users can put in their .htaccess files so that they cannot execute CGI programs or use server-side includes. You can also change the default directory indexing and document options that apply to user web directories. To accomplish both of these tasks, follow these steps:

On the module's main page, click on the icon for the virtual server in which user web directories were enabled, or the default server.

Assuming all your users have their home directories under /home and the web subdirectory is named public_html, enter /home/*/public_html into the Path field of the create per-directory, files, or location options form at the bottom of the page.

Leave the Type field set to Directory and the Regexp? field to Exact match.

Click the Create button to create a new set of options that will apply to users' web directories, then click on its newly created icon. This will bring up the document options page shown in Figure 29.5.

Click on the Document Options icon.

Change the Directory options field to Selected below and set to Yes those options that you want to apply to user web directories. It is advisable to turn on Generate directory indexes and safe to enable Server-side includes, but not Execute CGI programs or Server-side includes and execs.

The Follow symbolic links option is relatively safe to turn on as well, but will allow users to make available via the web files that are not in their public_html subdirectory by creating links to them.

To prevent users from overriding these settings in .htaccess files, change the Options file can override field to Selected below and deselect the MIME types and encodings and Directory options checkboxes. The others control options that present no security risk and so can be safely left selected.

Click the Save button and then the Apply Changes link to save and activate the restrictions.

If you want to turn on server-side includes, set some custom MIME types or IP access controls for user web directories, you can do it by following the instructions in the appropriate sections for this directory. Because server-side includes are quite harmless with the ability to execute external programs disabled, they can be safely enabled for users by setting the right content handler for .html or .shtml files, as Section 29.9 “Setting Up Server-Side Includes” explains.

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