50.4. Editing or Deleting a Webmin User

Like in the Cluster Users and Groups module, when editing a user you can choose exactly which of its attributes to change. This is useful because the user may have been created independently on multiple systems without the benefit of this module, and thus may not have the same settings on all of them. For example, you can change a user's language on all systems without touching his personal theme, which may be different depending on how fast each server is.

The following steps allow you to edit a Webmin user:

On the main page, select the user's name from the menu next to the Edit user button. Hitting the button will then take you to an editing form like the one shown in Figure 50.2.

Figure 50.2. The user editing page.

In each of the fields that you want to edit, select Set to and enter a new value in the text box or menu next to it. The Leave unchanged option has the attribute's current value displayed next to it, taken from the server shown in the form's header.

The only exception is the Username field, which is just a text box that you can edit if you want to rename this user on systems on which it exists.

The Modules section works slightly differently, as it allows you to add or remove selected modules from the user on all systems. This is useful if he has different modules available on different hosts and you want to grant access to another one without disturbing those already assigned. The options in this section are available on different hosts and you want to grant access to another one without disturbing those already assigned. The available options in this section are:

Leave unchanged The user's assigned modules will not be touched on any managed hosts.

Only selected modules The selected modules will be granted to the user, overriding any that he currently has on all systems. Be careful with this option, because the list will not have currently assigned modules selected by default.

Add selected modules Modules selected from the list will be added to those that the user already has on all systems.

Remove selected modules Selected modules will be taken away from those assigned on all systems if the user actually has access to them.

As on the user creation form, you can either choose modules from the list by clicking on them, or use the links below the list to select a large number at once.

Hit the Save button to start the process of updating the user. A page listing all hosts that he exists on will be displayed, along with the success or failure of the attempt to update on each. Generally a user modification should only fail if one of the managed servers is down, or if the user has been deleted

Deleting a Webmin user is even simpler, although you should be careful not to remove the root or admin user on a managed system that the master server logs in as. Unlike the Webmin Users module, this one will not stop you from doing things that can mess up your Webmin server, such as deleting the user you are currently logged in as. So, be careful!

To remove a user, follow these steps:

Use the Edit user button on the main page to bring up the user's editing form.

Hit the Delete button down near the bottom-right corner. The user will be immediately removed from all systems on which he exists with no confirmation and a page showing the results from each will be displayed.

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