For more information

Table 7.10 lists additional information sources about topics that this chapter introduces.

Table 7.10. More information about topics in Chapter 7
For more information about...Introduced in section that begins on page...See...
Check constraints237Volume 1 of DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide
CREATE SQL statements for defining objects: Databases, indexes, storage groups, tables, table spaces, views217Volume 2 of DB2 SQL Reference
Data sets246
  • Volume 1 of DB2 Administration Guide

  • z/OS DFSMS: Using Data Sets

DB2 catalog tables218Volume 2 of DB2 SQL Reference
DB2 data types224Volume 1 of DB2 SQL Reference
DB2 Extenders268
  • DB2 Image, Audio, and Video Extender Administration and Programming

  • DB2 Net Search Extender Administration and Programming

  • DB2 Text Extender Administration and Programming


DB2 utilities244DB2 Utility Guide and Reference
Distinct types232Volume 1 of DB2 SQL Reference
EA-enabled table spaces247Volume 1 of DB2 Administration Guide
ENFORCE CONSTRAINTS option on DB2 utilities272DB2 Utility Guide and Reference
IBM Storage Management Subsystem (SMS)249Storage Management with DB2 for OS/390 (viewable at
Index space data sets, deferring allocation of265Volume 2 of DB2 SQL Reference
Informational referential constraints272Volume 1 of DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide
Joining tables266Volume 1 of DB2 SQL Reference
Large objects268Large Objects with DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 (viewable at
Loading tables that are involved in referential relationships277DB2 Utility Guide and Reference
Materialized query tables222Volume 1 of DB2 Administration Guide
Naming conventions216Volume 1 of DB2 SQL Reference
Partitioned table spaces245Volume 2 of DB2 SQL Reference
Referential integrity and constraints272
  • Volume 1 of DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide

  • Volume 1 of DB2 SQL Reference

Referential integrity, restrictions on SQL statements related to272Volume 2 of DB2 SQL Reference
Referential structures, defining276Volume 2 of DB2 SQL Reference
Relational concepts as implemented in other DB2 products216
  • A Complete Guide to DB2 Universal Database by Don Chamberlin

  • DB2 Universal Database for iSeries Database Programming

  • DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Administration Guide: Implementation

  • DB2 for VSE & VM Database Administration

Rows, conditions for deleting244
  • Volume 2 of DB2 Administration Guide

  • Volume 2 of DB2 SQL Reference

Segment size243Volume 2 of DB2 Administration Guide
Storage groups, managing249Volume 1 of DB2 Administration Guide
Tables, differences among218Volume 1 of DB2 Administration Guide
Triggers, defining278Volume 1 of DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide
Unicode in DB2226Volume 1 of DB2 SQL Reference
User-defined default values, restrictions235Volume 1 of DB2 SQL Reference
User-defined functions, defining278Volume 1 of DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide
User-defined functions, samples that come with DB2229Volume 1 of DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide
VSAM265DFSMS/MVS: Access Method Services for the Integrated Catalog

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