

A (abstractness) metric, 432, 456

Abbott, Edwin A., 331

Abstract classes

in class diagrams, 250–251

for Open/Closed Principle, 430

ABSTRACT SERVER pattern, 496–497

AbstractDbGatewayTest class, 536


in CoffeeMaker, 265–266, 270–279

in Dependency-Inversion Principle, 154, 156–159

metrics for, 432

in Open/Closed Principle, 123–124, 128–131, 430

in payroll system, 360–363

for repetition reduction, 106

in Stable Abstractions Principle, 431–435

Abstractness (A) metric, 432, 456

AbstractTransactions class

class allocation in, 458, 464

metrics for, 465

Accept method

Assembly, 553–554

ErnieModem, 550

HayesModem, 550

Modem, 544, 548

PiecePart, 555

ZoomModem, 551

Acceptance tests

in extreme programming, 15–16

purpose of, 36–37

Actions in state diagrams, 184

Activations in sequence diagrams, 183, 226

ACTIVE OBJECT pattern, 299, 305–310

Active objects

in object diagrams, 213–217

in sequence diagrams, 240

ActiveObjectEngine class, 305–308, 310

Actors in use cases, 222

Acyclic Dependencies Principle (ADP), 420–426

ACYCLIC VISITOR pattern, 548–552

ADAPTER pattern, 498

class-form of, 498–499

for modem problem, 499–505

Add method

Assembly, 554, 572

CompositeShape, 468

Frame, 59–62

Game, 64, 74, 88, 90, 93

GameTest, 68, 70–71

PersistentSet, 146

Set, 145

TransactionContainer, 669

TreeMap, 179–180, 182–184

TreeMapNode, 180

AddAction method

PayrollPresenterTest, 659

TransactionContainer, 668–669

AddClassification method, 635

AddCommand method, 306

AddCommissionedEmployee class, 371, 386

AddCommissionedEmployeeTransaction class, 352

AddEmployee method

AddEmployeePresenter, 648, 650

AddEmployeePresenterTest, 644

AddEmployeeWindowTest, 652–653, 657

Blah, 607–610

InMemoryPayrollDatabase, 606

PayrollDatabase, 368, 605

in SqlPayrollDatabase, 608, 614–616, 618–620, 622–624

in SqlPayrollDatabaseTest, 611, 613

AddEmployee_Static method, 605

AddEmployeeAction method

PayrollPresenterTest, 659

PayrollWindowTest, 666

AddEmployeeActionInvoked method, 661

addEmployeeButton_Click method, 655

addEmployeeMenuItem_Click method, 667

AddEmployeePresenter class, 641–642, 645–650

AddEmployeePresenterTest class, 642–644

AddEmployeeTransaction class

dynamic model of, 369–370

fields in, 302–304

hierarchy of, 352

listing, 370–371

PayrollDatabase for, 368

static model of, 367

for user interface, 641, 648

AddEmployeeView interface, 642, 649

AddEmployeeWindow class, 641–642, 653–657

AddEmployeeWindowTest class, 650–653, 656–657

AddExtension method, 570

AddHourlyEmployee class, 371, 382

AddHourlyEmployeeTransaction class, 352, 460

Adding employees

into databases, 607–617

into payroll system, 302–304, 352–353, 366–371

AddingTransaction method, 668

AddingTransactionTriggersDelegate method, 668

AddItem method

AddItemTransaction, 509

Order, 508, 510, 534

OrderImp, 521

OrderProxy, 522

AddItemTransaction class, 509

AddPaymentMethod method

LoadEmployeeOperation, 630

LoadEmployeeOperationTest, 628

LoadPaymentMethodOperation, 635

Address class, 253–254, 257

Address property

AddEmployeePresenter, 645–646

Employee, 407

addressTextBox_TextChanged method, 654

AddSalariedEmployee class, 371

AddSalariedEmployeeTransaction class, 352

AddSalariedTransaction method, 366–368

AddSchedule method

LoadEmployeeOperation, 627–628

LoadPaymentMethodOperation, 635

AddServiceCharge method, 379

AddSubNode method, 180

AddThrow method, 88, 94

addTimeSink method, 479

AddTransition method, 585–586

AdjustCurrentFrame method, 70–72, 74–77, 88, 90–93

AdjustFrameForStrike method, 91–92

ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle), 420–426

AdvanceFrame method, 91–92, 94

Afferent coupling (Ca), 427–428, 456

Affiliation class, 389–392

in Common Closure Principle, 450

in Employee, 357

for service charges, 379–380

structure of, 362–363

for union dues, 403

Affiliation property, 408

Affiliation table, 605

Affiliations class

in Common Closure Principle, 450

merging into PayrollImplementation, 462

metrics for, 459

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452

AffiliationTransactions class

class allocation in, 458

metrics for, 459

Aggregation in class diagrams

associations, 252

composition, 253–254

multiplicity, 254–255

Agile Alliance, 4–5

Agile design, 103–104

Copy program, 108–113

and rotting software, 104–107

Alarm method

Turnstile, 341–342, 589

TurnstileFSM, 592

AllInfoIsCollected method, 643, 648

AllInformationIsCollected method, 647

Animal class, 178

Anticipation in Open/Closed Principle, 128–129

Application class, 312–314

class allocation in, 458, 464

metrics for, 459, 465

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452

Application interface, 320

ApplicationRunner class, 319–320

Architecture, serendipitous, 37–38

AsDouble method, 655

AsInt method, 655

Assemblies, 416

Assembly class, 553–554, 571–572

Assembly method

BOMReportTest, 557

BomXmlTest, 567

AssemblyOfAssemblies method

BOMReportTest, 557

BomXmlTest, 567

AssemblyWithPartsCSV method, 570

AssemblyWithPartsXML method, 569

AssertSinkEquals method

ClockDriverTest, 481

ObserverTest, 488


in class diagrams, 181, 245

aggregation, 252

classes, 256–257

horizontal, 247

qualifiers, 257

stereotypes, 255–256

in CoffeeMaker, 267

Asynchronous messages in sequence diagrams, 235–239

AsynchronousLogger class, 235–241

ATM system

class diagrams for, 247–249

user interface example, 169–174

Aurelius, Marcus, 349

Author support, 417

Automated acceptance tests, 36

Axes of change in Single-Responsibility Principle, 118


Back-end documentation, 192

BadExtension method, 570

BadPartExtension class, 575

Behaviors in diagrams, 194–196

Bills of materials (BOM), 552–553

Binary units, 416

BinaryTreeNode class, 254

Blah class, 607–610

Boiler class, 263–264

BoilerEmptiesWhilePotRemoved method, 291

BoilerEmptyPotNotEmpty method, 291

BOM (bills of materials), 552–553

BOMReportTest class, 556–559

BomXmlTest, 567–570

Booch, Grady, 154–155, 250

Bottom-up design vs. top-down, 424–426

BoundedSet set, 144

Bowling game, 56–98

Brew button, 268, 271–272

Brewer, E. Cobham, 115

BRIDGE pattern, 503–505

Bubble sort, 316–319, 321–322

BubbleSorter class, 190–191, 316–319, 321–322

Budgets, developer, 27

Buildability of applications, 425

BuildProductQueryCommand method, 515

Burke, Edmund, 579

Burn-down charts, 28–29

Business decisions, 25

Business rules

in persistence, 119

in user interface, 642

Businesspeople, collaboration with, 9

Button class

associations with, 245

for cellular phones, 194–198

for CoffeeMaker, 263–264

for Dependency-Inversion Principle, 157–159

ButtonDialerAdapter class, 198–199

ButtonListener interface, 197–198

buttonPressed method, 197–199

Buttons in CoffeeMaker, 263–264, 268, 271–272

ButtonServer interface, 159


C# programmers, UML for, 177–185

Ca (afferent coupling), 427–428, 456

CalcMaxPrimeFactor method, 48

CalculateDeductions method, 404, 406–407

CalculatePay method, 393

defining, 395

in HourlyClassification, 399, 401, 403

CalculatePayForTimeCard method, 402

Calculating bowling scores, 56–98

Calling hierarchy in collaboration diagrams, 184

Cancelable superstate, 206

CASE tools, 201

CashDispenser class, 247

CCP (Common Closure Principle), 419

applying, 450–451

DECORATOR for, 561

in dependency cycles, 425

for stability, 426

Ce (efferent coupling), 427–428, 456

Cellular phones

code for, 198–199

collaboration diagrams for, 194–196

diagram evolution for, 199–200

state diagrams for, 194

Celsius/Fahrenheit conversions, 313–315, 320–321

Change method

ChangeClassificationTransaction, 387

ChangeEmployeeTransaction, 383–384, 391

ChangeNameTransaction, 384

ChangeAddressTransaction class, 381, 383–385

ChangeAffiliationTransaction class, 381, 389, 391

ChangeClassificationTransaction class, 381, 384, 386–387, 449–450

ChangeCommissionedTransaction class, 386, 388

ChangeDirectTransaction class, 388

ChangeEmployeeTransaction class, 381–384

ChangeHoldTransaction class, 389

ChangeHourlyTransaction class, 385–388, 460

ChangeMailTransaction class, 389

ChangeMemberTransaction class, 390–392

ChangeMethodTransaction class, 381–382, 388

ChangeNameTransaction class, 381–384


Copy program handling of, 109–111

employee, 356–358, 381–393

in Open/Closed Principle, 129–130

requirements, 9

responding to, 7–8

and rigidity and fragility in design, 105

rotting software from, 107

as software module method, 42

ChangeSalariedTransaction class, 385, 388

ChangeUnaffiliatedTransaction class, 390–393

ChangeUnionMember method, 390–391

Characters, Copy program for, 108–113

Charts. See also Class diagrams; Diagrams

burn-down, 28–29

velocity charts, 28

CheckButton method, 272, 275, 277

CheckMessagesFlowToLog method, 237

CheckQueuedAndLogged method, 237

CheckSavedPaymentMethodCode method, 613

CheckSavedScheduleCode method, 612

CheckSubmitEnabled method, 644

CheckThatProductsMatch method, 537–538

CheckWriter class, 33–34

ChgEmp transaction, 366

Child method, 568

ChildText method, 568

Circle class, 131, 137, 438, 467–468

Circle structure, 125–127

Clarity in design, 107

Class diagrams, 180–181, 243–244

associations in, 181, 245

aggregation, 252

classes, 256–257

horizontal, 247

qualifiers, 257

stereotypes, 255–256

for ATM system, 247–249

for cellular phones, 196–198

classes in, 243–244

abstract, 250–251

association, 256–257

nested, 256

composition in, 253–254

inheritance in, 246–248

multiplicity in, 254–255

properties in, 251–252

stereotypes in, 249–250

Class-form adapters, 498–499

Class interfaces vs. object interfaces in ISP, 166

Class utilities, 250


abstract, 250–251, 430

Common Closure Principle for, 419

Common Reuse Principle for, 418–419

container, 144–147

degenerate, 548

dependencies in, 416

god, 266

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle for, 417–418

vapor, 265

Classification, changing, 384–393

Classification property

in ChangeHourlyTransaction, 387–388

in Employee, 407

Classifications class, 448–449

in Common Closure Principle, 450

couplings in, 454

dependence on, 460

merging into PayrollImplementation, 462

metrics for, 457, 459

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452

ClassificationTransaction class

dependence on, 460

metrics for, 457, 459

Cleanup method

FtoCStrategy, 321

FtoCTemplateMethod, 314–315

Clear method

ItemData, 525

TransactionContainer, 669

TreeMap, 228

ClearEmployeeTable method, 612

Client class, 123

ClientInterface class, 123–124


in Interface Segregation Principle, 165–166

in Open/Closed Principle, 123

Clock interface, 473–474, 483, 485–487

Clock project, 472–491

ClockDriver class, 473–474, 477–480

ClockDriverTest class, 473–476, 479, 481

ClockObserver interface, 477–481

ClockSink class, 474

Close method

AbstractDbGatewayTest, 536

Db, 515

SocketServer, 214

ClutchOnCommand method, 301

Cockburn, Alistair, 221

CoffeeMaker class, 259–260

abstraction in, 265–266, 270–279

hideous solution for, 263–265

improved solution for, 266–267

object-oriented design for, 279–291

specifications for, 260–263

user interface for, 267–270

CoffeeMakerAPI interface, 261–265, 270–274

CoffeeMakerStub class, 286–288


of components, 420

Common Closure Principle, 419

Common Reuse Principle, 418–419

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 417–418

considerations for, 461–463

metrics for, 455–457

in SRP. See Single-Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Coin method

Locked, 596

LockedTurnstileState, 587

State, 595

Turnstile, 341, 588, 595

Unlocked, 595

UnlockedTurnstileState, 588

Coincidence, programming by, 70

CoinInLockedState method

SMCTurnstileTest, 597

TurnstileTest, 582–583

CoinInUnlockedState method

SMCTurnstileTest, 597–598

TurnstileTest, 582–583

Coins property, 341


with businesspeople, 9

vs. negotiation, 6–7

Collaboration diagrams

for cellular phones, 194–196

for relationships, 183–184

Collective ownership, 17

Command interface, 300, 469

COMMAND pattern, 299–300

for decoupling, 304

for DeleteEmployeeTransaction, 372

for simple commands, 300–302

for transactions, 302–304, 366

Undo variation, 304–305

Command property, 631, 633

Commission property, 647

CommissionedClassification class, 356, 403–404

CommissionedClassification table, 605

commissionRadioButton_CheckedChanged method, 654

CommissionSalary property, 647

commissionSalaryTextBox control, 656

commissionSalaryTextBox_TextChanged method, 655

commissionTextBox control, 656

commissionTextBox_TextChanged method, 655

Common Closure Principle (CCP), 419

applying, 450–451

DECORATOR for, 561

in dependency cycles, 425

for stability, 426

Common Reuse Principle (CRP), 418–419


diagrams for, 189–191

as software module method, 42

Company class, 256–257

Compare method, 132

CompareAndSwap method, 190, 316

CompareTo method, 130–131

Compartments in class diagrams, 244

Compile-time safety, 441

Complete builds, 423

Complete method, 280

CompleteCycle method, 281

Complexity in design, 106

Component dependency graphs, 420

Component-dependency structures, 425

Component diagrams, 421–422

Components, 416

cohesion of, 420

Common Closure Principle, 419

Common Reuse Principle, 418–419

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 417–418

stability principles, 420

Acyclic Dependencies Principle, 420–426

Stable Abstractions Principle, 431–435

Stable-Dependencies Principle, 426–431

structure and notation for, 448–450

COMPOSITE pattern, 467–468

for association stereotypes, 256

commands for, 469

multiplicity in, 470

CompositeCommand class, 469

CompositeShape class, 467–468

Composition in class diagrams, 253–254

Comprehensive documentation, 6

ComputationalGeometryApplication class, 117

Conceptual-level diagrams, 178–179

Concrete classes in Dependency-Inversion Principle, 157

Conditions in sequence diagrams, 232–233

Configuration data structures, 559

configureForUnix method, 544

Constraints, 4

Construction in sequence diagrams, 183

Construction method, 668

Container classes, 144–147

ContainerAvailable method, 284

ContainerUnavailable method, 284

ContainmentVessel class, 266–270, 273, 283–284

Context class, 590

Contingencies, preparing for, 106

Continuous delivery of software, 8

Continuous integration, 17–18

Contract negotiation, 6–7

Contracts in Liskov Substitution Principle, 143–144

Controls, events on, 656

Conveniently callable software, 32

Conventions in Liskov Substitution Principle, 150–151


Fahrenheit to Celsius, 313–315, 320–321


Cooley, Mason, 325

Coolidge, Calvin, 437

Copier class, 109–112

Copy method, 109–112

Copy program, 108–113

Core model in payroll system, 358

Cost property

in ExplosiveCostExplorer, 555

in PiecePart, 555, 571


components. See Stability

factories for, 460–463

metrics for, 427–428, 455–457

in package analysis, 454–455

separating, 119

types of, 427–428

CreateAssembly method

BOMReportTest, 557

BomXmlTest, 567

CreateDirectDepositMethod method, 633

CreateDirectDepositMethodFromRow method, 630–631

CreateEmployee method, 626

CreateHayes method, 563

CreateHoldMethod method, 633

CreateInsertDirectDepositCommand method, 621

CreateInsertMailMethodCommand method, 621

CreateMailMethod method, 634

CreateMailMethodFromRow method, 634

CreatePart method

BOMReportTest, 557

BomXmlTest, 567

CreatePaychecks method, 38

CreatePaymentMethod method, 631–632

CreateTransaction method, 648

CreatingTransaction method, 644, 650

Creation method

AddEmployeePresenterTest, 642–643, 648

PayrollPresenterTest, 659

Cross-platform support, SINGLETON for, 334

Crossed wires, 267

CrossOutMultiples method, 47–48, 51

CrossOutputMultiplesOf method, 48, 52

CRP (Common Reuse Principle), 418–419

CsvAssemblyExtension class, 575

CsvPartExtension interface, 574

CsvPiecePartExtension class, 574

CsvText property

CsvAssemblyExtension, 575

CsvPiecePartExtension, 574

CurrentFrame property, 69–73, 77, 87, 91–92

CustomerId property

Order, 533

OrderImp, 521

OrderProxy, 522


collaboration with, 6–7

in extreme programming, 14

Cut and paste, repetition from, 106


dependency, 421–426

in extreme programming, 15


D metrics for main sequence, 434–435, 457

DAGs (directed acyclic graphs), 422

Dashes (-) in class diagrams, 244

Data access object (DAO), 528

Data-driven approach in Open/Closed Principle, 131–132

Data structures, configuration, 559

Data tokens in sequence diagrams, 183, 226

Database property, 661

DatabaseFacade class, 540


as implementation detail, 350–351

patterns with, 539–540

for payroll. See PayrollDatabase class

third-party, 526–528

DataSet class, 626

Date method, 376

DateUtil class, 406–407

Db class, 325–326, 346–347, 514–515

DB gateways, 535–539

DBC (design by contract), 142

DbGateways class, 535

DbOrderGateway class, 528–529, 536

DbOrderGatewayTest class, 538–539

DbProductGateway class, 531–532, 536

DbProductGatewayTest class, 536–538

DbTest class, 513, 520

DeclareComplete method, 283

DeclareDone method, 281


for association stereotypes, 256

with databases, 539–540

for modem problem, 560–565


physical and temporal, 304

serendipitous, 36

DedicatedHayesModem class, 503–504

DedicatedModem class, 500–502

DedicatedModemAdapter class, 502

DedModemController class, 504

DedUsers class, 500–502

Degenerate classes, 548

DelayAndRepeat method, 309–310

DelayedTyper class, 308–310


separation through, 167–168

STRATEGY for. See STRATEGY pattern


Delete method, 145

DeleteEmployeeTransaction class, 353, 372–373

DeleteProductData method, 515

Deleting employees, 353, 372–373

Delivery of software, 8

DeMarco, Tom, 116, 455


in agile design, 113

class diagrams for, 243–244, 246

in classes, 416

in CoffeeMaker, 277–278

in FACTORY, 440–441

in modem problem, 501–502

from static typing, 441

Dependency cycles, eliminating, 421–426

Dependency-Inversion Principle (DIP), 153–154, 424

abstractions in, 156–159

in CoffeeMaker, 271

in Copy program, 113

in furnace example, 160–161

layering in, 154–155

in modem problem, 499

in OBSERVER, 493

ownership inversion, 155–156

simple example, 157–158

in table lamp, 496

violations of, 437–438

Dependency management metrics, 416

Dependent components, 428

Deposit method, 342

DepositTransaction class, 169–171

DepositUI interface, 170–173

Derivability in MONOSTATE, 337

Deriving vs. factoring, 148–150

Description property

Assembly, 554, 572

PiecePart, 555, 571


agile, 103–104

Copy program, 108–113

and rotting software, 104–107

attention to, 10

before coding, 188–189

in extreme programming, 19–20

large systems, 416

top-down vs. bottom-up, 424–426

Design by contract (DBC), 142

Desktop applications, 638


in Common Closure Principle, 451

in payroll system, 356–358

DetermineIterationLimit method, 52


budgets for, 27

and business decisions, 395–396

in extreme programming, 14

Diagrams, 177–180

appropriateness of, 200–201

as back-end documentation, 192

for bowling game, 57

class. See Class diagrams


for cellular phones, 194–196

for relationships, 183–184

for communication, 189–191

discarding, 192–194

effective use of, 189

iterative process for, 194–200

object, 182, 211

active objects in, 213–217

purpose of, 211–212

purpose of, 187–189

as road maps, 191–192

sequence. See Sequence diagrams

state. See State diagrams

use cases, 222

Dial method

DedModemController, 504

DialModemController, 504

HayesModem, 562

LoudDialModem, 563, 565

Modem, 118, 561

ModemDecorator, 565

Dialer class

for cellular phones, 194–198

class diagram for, 244–245

DialForReal method, 561

dialImp class, 504

DialModem class, 503–504

DialModemController class, 504

Diderot, Denis, 299

Digital clock project, 472–491

DigitalClock interface, 473–474, 492–493

DIP. See Dependency-Inversion Principle (DIP)

Direct dependency, 155

DirectDepositAccount table, 605, 613, 615–616

DirectDepositMethod, 613, 618, 628, 630

DirectDepositMethodGetsSaved method, 614

Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), 422

Directed edges, 421

Directed graphs, 421

Direction of dependencies, 113

DirectMethod class, 357

DisplayTime method, 472

Dispose method

AddEmployeeWindow, 653–654

PayrollWindow, 666–667

Distance from main sequence, 434–435, 457

Distributed processing, 601–602

DLLs, components in, 419

Do method, 469


acceptance tests as, 36

comprehensiveness of, 6

diagrams as, 192

size of, 202

source code listings as, 103

Dog class, 178

“Done”, defining, 26

Done method

Application, 314

ContainmentVessel, 283

HotWaterSource, 281

M4UserInterface, 281

UserInterface, 280

Door interface, 163–165, 168

DoorTimeOut method, 167

DoorTimerAdapter, 167–168

DoPayroll method, 230

DoSort method, 317

Dot structure, 184

DoubleBubbleSorter class, 318–319

Draw method

Circle, 137

CompositeShape, 467

Shape, 127, 467

Square, 137

DrawAllShapes method, 125–128, 130, 132

DrawCircleCommand class, 304–305

Drawing rectangles, 600

DrawShape method, 137

DrawSquare method, 125

Dual dispatch technique, 544, 548

Duplication of code, 20

Dynamic diagrams, 179

Dynamic typing vs. static, 441–442


Early delivery of software, 8

Efferent coupling (Ce), 427–428, 456




Eiffel language, 143

EmpId property, 645

empIdTextBox_TextChanged method, 654

Employee class, 33–35, 357–359

for affiliations, 391

associations with, 257

for ChangeMethodTransaction, 388

for changing employees, 382

in Common Closure Principle, 450

Hashtable for, 368

implementation, 407–408

inheritance from, 246

with NULL pattern, 346–348

for persistence, 119

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452–453

in sequence diagrams, 227

Employee table, 604–605

EmployeeAffiliation table, 605

EmployeeDatabase class, 33–34, 448

EmployeeDB class, 227

EmployeeFactory class, 442–443

EmployeeImplementation class, 346

EmployeeObserver class, 492

Employees in payroll system

adding, 302–304, 352–353, 366–371

changing, 356–358, 381–393

database for. See PayrollDatabase class

deleting, 353, 372–373

paying, 393–408

EmployeesText method, 666

EmployeesText property

MockPayrollView, 662

PayrollWindow, 667

EmployeeTest class, 347

EmptyPotReturnedAfter method, 291

EnablingAddEmployeeButton method, 652, 657

EnablingCommissionFields method, 652, 656

EnablingHourlyFields method, 652, 656

EnablingSalaryFields method, 652, 656

Encapsulation, 454–455

enterSub action, 206

enterSuper action, 206

Entry events in state transition diagrams, 205–207

Environment, viscosity of, 105–106

Equals method

ItemData, 523

ProductData, 514

EraseMembership method, 393

ErnieForUnix method, 547, 552

ErnieModem class, 546, 550

ErnieModemVisitor interface, 550

ErniesModem class, 499, 503–504

EventHandler method, 656


on controls, 656

in state diagrams, 184, 205–207

use cases for, 220

Evolving patterns, 471–491

Exclusion zones, 432–433

Execute method, 304–305

AddEmployeeTransaction, 369, 371

ChangeEmployeeTransaction, 382–384

Command, 300–301, 306

DeleteEmployeeTransaction, 372–373

DepositTransaction, 172

LoadPaymentMethodOperation, 630–632, 635

PaydayTransaction, 397, 403–404

SaveEmployeeOperation, 623

ServiceChargeTransaction, 380

SleepCommand, 308

StopCommand, 309–310

TestSleepCommand, 306

TimeCardTransaction, 375–377

Transaction, 171, 366, 448

ExecuteCommand method, 620

ExecuteSql method, 536

exit events in state transition diagrams, 205–207

exitSub2 action, 206

exitSuper action, 206

ExplodedCost method, 559

ExplodedCost property, 553

ExplodedCostVisitor class, 555

EXTENSION OBJECT pattern, 539, 565–576

Extensions in Open/Closed Principle, 122

ExtractItemDataFromResultSet method, 524

Extreme programming, 13

acceptance tests in, 15–16

collective ownership in, 17

continuous integration in, 17–18

metaphors in, 21–22

open workspace in, 18

pair programming in, 16

planning in, 19

refactoring in, 17, 20–21

short cycles in, 15

simple design in, 19–20

sustainable pace in, 18

test-driven development in, 16

user stories in, 14

whole teams in, 14


FACADE pattern, 325–326

with databases, 539–540

PayrollDatabase class, 368

for refactoring, 119

vs. SINGLETON, 334


Face-to-face conversations, 9

factoring in Liskov Substitution Principle, 148–150

FACTORY pattern and factories, 437–438

for couplings, 460–463

dependencies in, 440–441

for fixture tests, 443–444

importance of, 444–445

initializing, 461

for payroll window, 658

static vs. dynamic typing, 441–442

substitutable, 442–443

Factory Method pattern, 369

Fahrenheit/Celsius conversions, 313–315, 320–321

FanSwitch class, 496–497

Fat interfaces. See Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)


customer, 7

of velocity, 26

Final pseudostates in state transition diagrams, 207–208

Find method

DbOrderGateway, 530

DbOrderGatewayTest, 538–539

DbProductGateway, 532

DbProductGatewayTest, 537

InMemoryOrderGateway, 531

InMemoryProductGateway, 532

TreeMapNode, 180

FindSubNodeForKey method, 180

Finite state machines, 579–580

for CoffeeMaker, 279

diagrams for, 208–209

high-level application policies for GUIs, 598–600

Monostate implementation of, 338–343

nested switch/case statements for, 580–584

state diagrams for. See State diagrams

UML notation for, 184

First Law of Documentation, 6

FitNesse tool, 37

Fixtures, testing, 443–444

Floor plans, 212

Forms, 639–640

Fowler, Martin, 41, 177

Fragility in design, 105

Frame class, 58–62, 64

FrameTest class, 58–59

Friendly, Fred W., 467

FSMError class, 596–597

FSMs. See Finite state machines

ftoc program, 313

FtoCRaw class, 313

FtoCStrategy class, 319–321

FtoCTemplateMethod class, 314–315

Function matrices, 548, 552

Functional decompositions, 424

Furnace example, 160–161


Game class, 61–62, 64–65, 73–74, 87–88, 92–94, 116

GameTest class, 61–63, 66–73, 95–98

Gamma, Erich, 312


example, 528–535

with Facade, 326

testing, 535–539

GdatabaseFactory class, 444

Generality metric, 456

Generalization, 246

GeneralTransactions class

class allocation in, 458

metrics for, 459

GeneratePrimeNumbers method, 43–45, 47–48, 51

GeneratePrimes program

final version, 49–52

refactoring, 45–49

testing, 52–53

unit testing, 44

version 1, 42–44

version 2, 45–46

version 3, 47

version 4, 48–49

version 5, 49

GeneratePrimesTest class, 44, 52–53

GeometricRectangle class, 117

Get method, 179–180

GetBoilerStatus method

CoffeeMakerAPI, 262

CoffeeMakerStub, 287

GetBrewButtonStatus method

CoffeeMakerAPI, 262, 271–272, 275

CoffeeMakerStub, 287

GetClassification message, 384

GetCountForPart method, 556

GetCurrentState method, 594

GetCurrentStateName method, 594

GetEmployee method

DB, 346–347

PayrollDatabase, 369

in sequence diagrams, 227

GetExtension method, 566

Part, 570

PiecePart, 576

GetHashCode method, 514

GetHours method

MockTimeSink, 476, 480, 490

MockTimeSource, 489

GetItemsForOrder method, 524

GetItsLockedState method, 594

GetItsUnlockedState method, 594

GetMinutes method

MockTimeSink, 476, 480, 490

MockTimeSource, 489

GetOrderData method, 524

GetPayPeriodStartDate method, 408

GetProductData method, 514–515

GetScore method, 61

GetSeconds method

MockTimeSink, 476, 480, 490

MockTimeSource, 490

GetVersion method, 594

GetWarmerPlateStatus method

CoffeeMakerAPI, 262

CoffeeMakerStub, 287

God classes, 266

GoodStart method, 289

Granularity principles, 417–420

GraphicalApplication class, 117


burn-down charts, 28–29

diagrams. See Diagrams

directed, 421–422

Grenning, James, 226

Guards in sequence diagrams, 183

Guillemet characters (« ») in class diagrams, 249


desktop applications, 638

high-level application policies for, 598–600

interaction controllers, 600–601

GUITransactionSource class, 409


H (relational cohesion) metric, 456

HandleBrewingEvent method, 285

HandleEvent method, 580–581, 584–585

HandleIncompleteEvent method, 285

HandleSecondThrow method, 80–85

hangImp class, 504

hangup method

DedModemController, 504

DialModemController, 504

Modem, 118

Hashes (#) in class diagrams, 244

Hashtable class, 368

HayesForUnix method, 547, 552

HayesModem class, 499, 503–504, 546, 550, 562–563

HayesModemVisitor interface, 550

Heater interface, 160–161, 263, 265

Height property, 138–141

Heine, Heinrich, 3

Helm, Richard, 312


in CoffeeMaker. See CoffeeMaker class

in Liskov Substitution Principle, 150–151

hideLoginScreen action, 204

High-level application policies, 598–600

High-level design placement, 429–431

High-level modules, 154

HoldMethod class, 357

HoldMethod method, 622, 630

Hollywood principle, 155

Hooks in Open/Closed Principle, 129–130

Horizontal associations in class diagrams, 247

HotWaterSource class, 266–270, 273–274, 281–282

Hourly employee payments, 398–402

HourlyClassification class, 356, 374–375, 386–387, 403–404, 460

HourlyClassification table, 605

hourlyRadioButton_CheckedChanged method, 654

HourlyRate property, 646

hourlyRateTextBox control, 656

hourlyRateTextBox_TextChanged method, 655

HourlyUnionMemberServiceCharge method, 405

Hours method, 376

HttpRequest class, 189–190

HttpResponse class, 189–190

Human attention, refactoring in, 41–42

example. See GeneratePrimes program

in extreme programming, 17, 20–21

Hunt, Andy, 70

Hunt the Wumpus program, 32–33


I (instability) metric, 427–428, 456

IComparable interface, 130, 180

Id property, 533

IDataReaderExecuteQueryStatement method, 515

Idle method

FtoCStrategy, 321

FtoCTemplateMethod, 314–315

Imaginary abstraction, 265–266

Immobility in design, 105

Implementation-level diagrams, 178–179

In-memory TDGs, 535–539

Independent components, 427–428, 450–451

Individuals in agile development, 5

InformCashDispenserEmpty method, 247

Inheritance, 497

in class diagrams, 246–248

separation through, 168

with SINGLETON, 334

STRATEGY for. See STRATEGY pattern


Inheritance relationships, 178

Init method

ContainmentVessel, 283

Db, 514

FtoCStrategy, 321

FtoCTemplateMethod, 314

HotWaterSource, 281

M4CoffeeMaker, 276–277

UserInterface, 280

Initial pseudostates in state transition diagrams, 204, 207–208

InitialConditions method

SMCTurnstileTest, 597

TestCoffeeMaker, 288

TurnstileTest, 582

Initialization programs, 301

InitializeArrayOfBooleans method, 50

InitializeArrayOfIntegers method, 46–49

InitializeSieve method, 46

Initializing factories, 461

InMemoryGateway class, 535

InMemoryOrderGateway class, 531, 535

InMemoryPayrollDatabase class, 606, 669

InMemoryProductGateway class, 532

Insert method

DbOrderGatewayTest, 539

DbProductGateway, 532

DbProductGatewayTest, 537

InMemoryOrderGateway, 531

InMemoryProductGateway, 532

OrderGateway, 528–529

InsertItems method, 530

insertPaymentMethodCommand variable, 621–622

Instability (I) metric, 427–428, 456

Instances, 331–332

Monostate, 336–343

Singleton, 332–336

Instantiating proxies, 442–443

Insulation layers, 526–527

IntBubbleSorter class, 318–319

Integration in extreme programming, 17–18

Integration penalty, 421

Intentional programming, 33

Interaction controllers, 600–601

Interactions in agile development, 5

Interface pollution, 163–165

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), 163

ATM user interface example, 169–174

class interfaces vs. object interfaces in, 166

for interface pollution, 163–165

modem problem, 500

in Observer, 493

separate clients in, 165–166

for separation, 167–168


in class diagrams, 246–247, 249–250

for CoffeeMaker, 267–273

names of, 302

in sequence diagrams, 240–241

Internal scope state variables, 583

IntSortHandler class, 322–323

InvalidOperationException class, 376

Inverse principle. See Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

Inversion, ownership, 155–156

Irresponsible components, 428, 450

IS-A relationships, 138, 142

“Is connected to” relationships, 245

isBrewing method, 275

IsCommission property, 646

IsHourly property, 646

IsInPayPeriod method

DateUtil, 406

HourlyClassification, 401, 403

PaymentClassification, 404

IsLastDayOfMonth method, 397

IsLines method, 254

IsLocked method, 589

IsMember method, 145

Isolation in testing, 33–35

IsOn method, 148–150

ISP. See Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

IsPayDate method

Employee, 408

MonthlySchedule, 397

WeeklySchedule, 402

IsReady method

ContainmentVessel, 284

HotWaterSource, 281–282

M4ContainmentVessel, 274–275, 284

M4HotWaterSource, 273–274, 282

IsSalary property, 646

IsTimeToPay method, 346–348

IsUnlocked method, 589

Item class, 534–535

Item property, 511

ItemCount property, 533–534

ItemData class, 521–523

Iteration planning, 15, 25–27

Iterative process for diagrams, 194–200


Jacobson, Ivar, 122

Jeffries, Ron, 18

Johnson, Ralph, 312

Just-in-time requirements, 220


Kelly, Kevin, 41

Kelvin, Lord, 23

Keyboard, Copy program for, 108–113

KeyboardReader class, 112–113

Khrushchev, Nikita, 495

Kitchen instance, 212

Koss, Bob, 55


Lamp, 496

Abstract Server for, 496–497

abstraction in, 158–159

Adapter for, 498–499

in Dependency-Inversion Principle, 157–158

Lamp class, 157–159

Large systems, component design in, 416

LastBallInFrame method, 93

Layering in Dependency-Inversion Principle, 154–155

Length method, 322

Lifelines in sequence diagrams, 226

Light class, 263–264, 496–499

Line class, 148–150

LinearObject class, 149

LineSegment class, 148–150

Links in collaboration diagrams, 183

Liskov, Barbara, 136

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP), 135–136

factoring in, 148–150

heuristics and conventions in, 150–151

in modem problem, 499

real-world example, 143–147

violations of, 136–143

LoadAddEmployeeView method

MockViewLoader, 663

ViewLoader, 658

WindowViewLoader, 664–665

WindowViewLoaderTest, 664

LoadData method, 633

LoadDirectDepositMethodCommand method, 630

LoadEmployee method, 623–624

LoadEmployeeCommand method, 625

LoadEmployeeData method, 626

LoadEmployeeOperation class, 624–628, 630

LoadEmployeeOperationTest class, 624–628

LoadEmployeeTable method, 612

LoadHoldMethod, 629

Loading employees in database, 623–635

LoadingEmployeeDataCommand method, 625

LoadingHoldMethod method, 628

LoadingSchedules method, 626–627

LoadItems method, 530

LoadMailMethodCommand method, 631–634

LoadPaymentClassificationOperation class, 634

LoadPaymentMethod class, 628

LoadPaymentMethodOperation class, 628–635

LoadPaymentMethodOperationTest class, 628–634

LoadPayrollView method

MockViewLoader, 663

ViewLoader, 658

WindowViewLoader, 664, 669

WindowViewLoaderTest, 663

LoadPrimes method, 45–46

LoadTable method, 616–617

LoadView method, 665

Lock method

Turnstile, 341, 589

TurnstileFSM, 592

Locked class, 341–343, 596

Locked state

in state diagrams, 184, 208–209

in Turnstile, 338

LockedTurnstileState class, 587–588

Logger interface, 240–241

Login events, 204

Login method in sequence diagrams, 226–227 file, 599–600

Login state machines, 204–205

LoginPage class, 189–190

LoginTransaction class, 257

LogMessage method, 235, 238, 240

LogOneMessage method, 238

LogoutExitModem decorator, 564

LogQueuedMessages method, 238

Loops in sequence diagrams, 228–229, 232–233

LoudDialModem class, 561–565

Low-level modules in Dependency Inversion Principle, 154

LSP. See Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

lunchRoom instance, object diagram for, 212


M4CoffeeMaker class, 276–277, 280–283, 285–286

M4ContainmentVessel class, 273–275, 284–285

M4HotWaterSource class, 274

M4UserInterface class, 272–275, 277, 280–281

MailMethod class, 357, 613, 616, 631

MailMethodGetsSaved method, 617

Main loop structure in Application, 312–313

Main method in M4CoffeeMaker, 276–277, 286

Main program for payroll, 408–409

Main sequence

in abstraction, 432–434

distance from, 434–435, 457

MainLoggerLoop method, 237–238

Maintainability vs. reusability, 419

Make method, 440–441

MakeCircle method, 438–439

MakeClassification method

AddEmployeeTransaction, 369

AddSalariedEmployee, 371

MakeSchedule method

AddEmployeeTransaction, 369–370

AddSalariedEmployee, 371

MakeSquare method

ShapeFactory, 227, 438

ShapeFactoryImplementation, 439

Managers in extreme programming, 14

Manifesto of the Agile Alliance, 4–5

ManyMessages method, 236

Mark IV Special Coffee Maker. See Coffee Maker class

Martin, Bob, 55

Martin’s First Law of Documentation, 6

Math class, 250

Matrices of functions, 548, 552

maxPrimeFactor method, 50

McBreen, Pete, 13

Measures of progress, 9

Mechanism layer, 155

MechanismLayer layer, 155–156

Mediator pattern, 327–329

Messages in sequence diagrams, 226, 233–241

MessagesInQueue method, 238

MessagesLogged method, 238

Metaphors in extreme programming, 21–22

Method property

ChangeMethodTransaction, 388

Employee, 408

LoadPaymentMethodOperation, 633

Methods class

in Common Closure Principle, 450

merging into PayrollImplementation, 462

metrics for, 457, 459

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452–453

Methods in class diagrams, 244

MethodTransactions class

metrics for, 459

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 453


for abstraction, 432, 456

in package analysis, 455–457

for payroll application, 457–463

for stability, 427–428

Meyer, Bertrand, 122, 142–143


with Singleton, 334

third-party, 526–528

MockAddEmployeeView class, 642, 649–650

MockGame class, 61

Mocking, 443

Mockobject pattern, 34

MockPayrollView class, 662

MockTimeSink class, 475–477, 479–480, 490

MockTimeSource class, 475–476, 478, 482–487, 489

MockViewLoader class, 658, 662–663


for employee transactions, 641–642

for windows

building, 650–657

payroll, 657–669


for Observer pattern, 492–493

purpose of, 187–188

Modem interface, 117, 499–500, 503–504, 543–545, 549, 561–563

Modem problem

Acyclic Visitor for, 548–552

Adapter for, 499–503

bridges in, 503–505

Decorator for, 560–565

Visitor for, 544–548

Modem property, 565

ModemConnectionController class, 504

ModemDecorator class, 564–565

ModemDecoratorTest class, 563–564

ModemImplementation class, 119, 504

ModemVisitor interface, 548–549

ModemVisitorTest class, 547, 551–552

Modifications in Open/Closed Principle, 122

Modules in Dependency-Inversion Principle, 154

Monostate class, 337

MONOSTATE pattern, 331–332, 336–337

benefits and costs of, 337–338

for DeleteEmployeeTransaction, 373

example, 338–343

MonthlySchedule class, 397

Morning-after syndrome, 420

Motivated individuals, 9

Motor class, 158

MotorOffCommand, 300

Multiple inheritance, 168

Multiple threads in sequence diagrams, 239–240


in class diagrams, 254–255

in Composite, 470


Name-only dependencies, 440

Name property

AddEmployeePresenter, 645

Employee, 407

Product, 533

ProductImpl, 517

ProductProxy, 517

Name/value pairs for properties, 251

Names of interfaces, 302

nameTextBox_TextChanged method, 654

Natural structure in Open/Closed Principle, 128–129

Negotiation vs. collaboration, 6–7

Nested classes in class diagrams, 256

Nested switch/case statements, 580–584

NewElement method, 572

NewOrder method, 520

NewTextElement method, 572

NextBall method, 84

NextBallForSpare method, 87, 89, 95

NextTwoBalls method, 83

NextTwoBallsForStrike method, 87, 89, 95

NoAffiliation class, 393

Null Object for, 357

for payment methods, 362

for service charges, 379–380

Nodes on directed graphs, 421

NoItems method, 523

Nonblocking source control, 17–18

NormalBrew method, 291

NormalFill method, 290

NormalStart method, 289

Norman, Donald A., 447

Nosek, J. T., 16

Notation for components, 448–450

NotCrossed method, 47, 49, 52

Notifications in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 417

Notify method

SalaryObserver, 492

TimeSource, 483

TimeSourceImplementation, 485

NotifyObservers method, 489

Null Object pattern

description, 345–348

for service charges, 380

NullEmployee class, 346–348

NumberOfFridaysInPayPeriod method, 404

NumberOfUncrossedIntegers method, 49, 51


Object diagrams, 182, 211

active objects in, 213–217

purpose of, 211–212

Object-form adapters, 498

Object interfaces in Interface Segregation Principle, 166

Object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS), 369, 410

Object-oriented design

for CoffeeMaker, 279–291

limitations of, 98

Objects in sequence diagrams, 226–227

ObservableClock class, 483–484, 486

Observer interface, 488

Observer pattern

evolving, 471–491

models for, 492–493

for OOD principles, 493

ObserverTest class, 488

OCP. See Open/Closed Principle (OCP)

Off method, 264

On method, 264

One-to-many association, 245

OneMessage method, 236

OODBMS (object-oriented database management systems), 369, 410

Opacity in design, 107

Open/Closed Principle (OCP)

abstraction in, 123–124, 128–131, 430

for adding employees, 366

anticipation and natural structure in, 128–129

for components, 419

conforming to, 127–128

in Copy program, 112

data-driven approach to, 131–132

description, 122–124

in modem problem, 499

in Observer, 493

in payroll system, 360–361

for stability, 430

violations of, 124–127

Open workspace in extreme programming, 18

OpenConnection method, 536

Order class, 508, 510, 533–534

Order interface, 519–520

OrderData class, 519–520

OrderGateway interface, 528–529

OrderId property, 522

OrderImp class, 521

OrderKeyGeneration method, 520

OrderProxy class, 519, 522

OutOfOrder method

BubbleSorter, 317

DoubleBubbleSorter, 319

IntBubbleSorter, 318

IntSortHandler, 323


in extreme programming, 17

inversion of, 155–156


Pace in extreme programming, 18

Packaging, 415–416, 447–448

Common Closure Principle in, 450–451

components in. See Components

coupling and encapsulation in, 454–455

final structure, 463–466

metrics in, 455–463

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle in, 452–454

Page class, 189–190

Page-Jones, Meilir, 116

Pain, zone of, 433

Pair programming

Bowling game, 56–98

in extreme programming, 16

Part class, 553, 570

Part interface, 553

PartCount method, 559

PartExtension interface, 571

Partitionings, errors in, 263

PartNumber property

Assembly, 554, 572

PiecePart, 555, 571

PartNumberCount property, 556

Parts property, 554, 572

PartVisitor interface, 555

Pass method

Locked, 596

State, 595

Turnstile, 341–342, 588–589, 594

Unlocked, 595

UnlockedTurnstileState, 588

PassInLockedState method

SMCTurnstileTest, 598

TurnstileTest, 582–583

PassInUnlockedState method

SMCTurnstileTest, 598

TurnstileTest, 582–583


with databases, 539–540

evolving, 471–491

Pause method

M4HotWaterSource, 282

TestLog, 237

Pause transitions in state transition diagrams, 206

pay method, 346

PaycheckAddress table, 605, 613, 616

PayClassification class, 302, 304

Payday method, 395, 398, 408

PaydayTransaction class, 393–397, 403–404

payEmployee message in sequence diagrams, 232

PayGasBillTransaction class, 169

PayingSingleHourlyEmployeeNoTimeCards method, 398

PaymentClassification class

for abstraction, 360, 384, 386

for adding employees, 369

benefits of, 356

in Common Closure Principle, 450

for load operations, 634

for pay periods, 403–404

for payments, 358–359, 393

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452

for time cards, 373–375

PaymentClassification table, 605

PaymentMethod class, 357, 393

abstraction in, 362, 388

in Common Closure Principle, 450

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452

PaymentMethod table, 605

PaymentMethodCode method, 613

PaymentMethodGetsSaved method, 613


abstraction in, 360

methods, 362

process, 358–359, 393–396

hourly employees, 398–402

pay periods for, 402–408

salaried employees, 396–398

schedules for, 360–361, 366–367

PaymentSchedule class, 369, 386, 393

in Common Closure Principle, 450

for pay periods, 403

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452

PaymentSchedule table, 605

Payroll class, 33–37, 230

abstractions in, 360–363

testing, 443–444

Payroll system, 349–350, 365

affiliations in, 362–363

classification changes in, 384–393

Command pattern for, 302–304

database for. See PayrollDatabase class

employees in

adding, 302–304, 352–353, 366–371

changing, 356–358, 381–393

deleting, 353, 372–373

paying, 393–408

Factory for, 442–444

main program, 408–409

metrics for, 457–463

Null Object for, 345–348, 380

packaging. See Components; Packaging

payments in. See Payments

sales receipts in, 354–355, 377

service charges in, 355, 378–380

specification for, 350–351

time cards in, 354, 373–377

transactions in, 302–304, 366

user interface for. See User interfaces

Payroll window, 657–669

PayrollApplication class, 408–409, 448–450

class allocation in, 458, 464

in Common Closure Principle, 450

metrics for, 457, 459, 465

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452, 454

PayrollDatabase class, 603–604

for affiliations, 391–393

building, 604–605

class allocation in, 458, 464

for DeleteEmployeeTransaction, 373

design flaw in, 605–607

employees in

adding, 368–369, 607–617

changing, 382

loading, 623–635

metrics for, 457, 459, 465

objects in, 409–410

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452

for service charges, 379

transactions for, 618–623

PayrollDatabase interface, 607

PayrollDatabaseImplementation class

class allocation in, 458, 464

metrics for, 459, 465

PayrollDomain class

class allocation in, 458, 464

in Common Closure Principle, 450

metrics for, 457, 459, 465

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452–454

PayrollFactory class

class allocation in, 458, 464

metrics for, 465

PayrollImplementation class

class allocation in, 458, 464

for cohesion, 462

metrics for, 465

PayrollMain class, 669

PayrollPresenter class, 657, 660–661

PayrollPresenterTest class, 658–660

PayrollTest class, 34, 443–444, 606

PayrollView interface, 661–662

PayrollWindow class, 666–667

PayrollWindowTest class, 665–666

PaySingleHourlyEmployeeOneTimeCard method, 399

PaySingleHourlyEmployeeOnWrongDate method, 400

PaySingleHourlyEmployeeOvertimeOneTimeCard method, 399

PaySingleHourlyEmployeeTwoTimeCards method, 400

PaySingleSalariedEmployee method, 396

PaySingleSalariedEmployeeOnWrongDate method, 396–397

PDImplementation class, 452

People in agile development, 5

PerformClick method, 656

Persistence in Single-Responsibility Principle, 119

PersistentObject class, 145–147

PersistentSet set, 145–147

Phone calls, timing of, 233–234

Phone class, associations with, 245

PhoneNumber property

HayesModem, 563

LoudDialModem, 563

ModemDecorator, 565

Phones, cellular

code for, 198–199

collaboration diagrams for, 194–196

diagram evolution for, 199–200

state diagrams for, 194

Photocopier commands, 300–302

Physical bonds, 497

Physical decoupling, 304

Physical diagrams, 179

PieceCount property, 553, 556

PiecePart class, 554–555, 571

PiecePart1toCSV method, 569

PiecePart1XML method, 568

PiecePart2toCSV method, 569

PiecePart2XML method, 568

Planning, 23–24

in extreme programming, 19

flexibility of, 7–8

initial exploration in, 24–25

iteration, 15, 25–27

release, 25

task, 26–27

tracking, 28–29

Platforms in Monostate, 338

Plus signs (+) in class diagrams, 244

Poe, Edgar Allen, 543

Point-of-sale systems, 220–221

Point structure, 136–137

Policy class, 124

Policy layer, 155

PolicyLayer layer, 155–156

PolicyServiceInterface interface, 156

Political issues, 417

Poll method, 157–158

M4ContainmentVessel, 284–285

M4HotWaterSource, 282

M4UserInterface, 277, 280

Pollable, 275–276, 286

TestCoffeeMaker, 288

Pollable interface, 275–276, 285–286

Polyadic form of methods, 173–174



in Open/Closed Principle, 135

in Shape, 137

Positional stability of components, 427

Postconditions, 143

Posting in payroll system

payments, 395

sales receipts, 354–355

service charges, 355

time cards, 354

PotRemovedAndReplacedWhileEmpty method, 289–290

PotRemovedWhileNotEmptyAndReplacedEmpty method, 290

PotRemovedWhileNotEmptyAndReplacedNotEmpty method, 290

Powell, Colin, 603

Preconditions, 143

Prepare method, 632–634

PrepareToSaveEmployee method, 620

PrepareToSavePaymentMethod method, 616–617, 620–621

Presence of MONOSTATE, 338

Presenter property

AddEmployeeWindow, 654

MockPayrollView, 662

PayrollWindow, 667

PresenterValuesAreSet method, 651, 656

Price property

Product, 511, 533

ProductImpl, 517

ProductProxy, 517

Primary course in use cases, 220

Prime numbers. See GeneratePrimes program

PrimeGenerator class, 45–52

Principles in agile development, 8–10

Printers, Copy program for, 108–113

PrinterWriter class, 113

PrintSet method, 145

PriorityFor method, 132

Private classes in class diagrams, 244

Processes in agile development, 5

Product class, 510–512, 533, 535

Product interface, 516

ProductData class, 326, 513–514

ProductDataExtractProductDataFromReader method, 515

ProductDBProxy class, 511

ProductGateway interface, 531

ProductImpl class, 517–518

ProductImplementation class, 511–512

ProductProxy class, 517–518

ProductProxy method, 516


by coincidence, 70

by difference, 312

extreme. See Extreme programming

Programming practices example, 56–98

Progress measures, 9

PromptForAccount method, 247


in class diagrams, 251–252

virtual, 140

Protected classes in class diagrams, 244

PROXY pattern

for association stereotypes, 256

factories with, 442–443, 445

implementing, 512–525

for refactoring, 119

for shopping cart, 508–512

for third-party APIs, 527–528

ProxyTest class, 516, 519

Pseudostates in state transition diagrams, 204, 207–208

Public classes in class diagrams, 244

Pull model observers, 487, 492

Push model observers, 487

PutUncrossedIntegersIntoResult method, 49, 51


Quantity class, 511

Quantity property, 535

QuantityOf property, 534

QuickBubbleSorter class, 323–324

QuickEntryMediator class, 327–329


Race conditions in sequence diagrams, 234

Raskin, Jef, 637

Rationales, 6

Ray class, 150

RDBMS (relational database management systems), 369, 410

Read Keyboard module, 108

Read method, 112

Readability of software, 42, 49

Reader interface, 112

ReadUser method, 335

“Realizes” relationships, 246–247

receive method, 504

receiveImp class, 504

RecordMembership method

Affiliation, 393

ChangeAffiliationTransaction, 391

ChangeMemberTransaction, 392

ChangeUnaffiliatedTransaction, 392

Rectangle class, 116–117, 138–141

Rectangles, drawing, 600

recv method, 118

Redesign problems, 104

Reeves, Jack, 103

Refactoring, 41–42

example. See GeneratePrimes program

in extreme programming, 17, 20–21

Reflexive transitions in state transition diagrams, 205

Refund method, 342

Refunds property, 341

Register method, 164–166

RegisterObserver method, 481

MockTimeSource, 482, 484, 486

Subject, 489

TimeSource, 482–483, 485

TimeSourceImplementation, 485

Regulate method, 160–161

Relational cohesion (H) metric, 456

Relational database management systems (RDBMS), 369, 410


in class diagrams, 181

collaboration diagrams for, 183–184

RelayOnCommand method, 300

Release planning, 15, 25

RemoteTransactionSource class, 409

REP (Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle)

applying, 452–454

description, 417–418

Repetition in design, 106–107

Report generation

Extension Object for, 565–576

Visitor for, 552–559

RequestDepositAmount method, 169, 171

RequestTransferAmount method, 169, 172

RequestWithdrawalAmount method, 172

Requirements change

attitudes toward, 9

rotting software from, 107

Requirements documents, acceptance tests as, 36

Requirements in extreme programming, 14

reset method, 341

ReSharper refactoring add-in, 45

Responsibility. See Single-Responsibility Principle (SRP)

Responsible components, 427–428, 450–451

Resume method, 283


Common Reuse Principle for, 418–419

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle for, 417–418

Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle (REP)

applying, 452–454

description, 417–418

Rigidity in design, 105

Road maps, diagrams as, 191–192

Rotting software, 104–107

RTC (run-to-completion tasks), 308

Rules of bowling, 99–100

Run method

ActiveObjectEngine, 305–306

Application, 314

ApplicationRunner, 320

SocketServer, 215

Run-to-completion tasks (RTC), 308

runButton_Click method, 667

RunTransactions method

PayrollPresenter, 661

PayrollPresenterTest, 659–660

PayrollWindowTest, 666


Salaried employee payments, 396–397

SalariedClassification class, 356

SalariedClassification table, 605

SalariedEmployee class, 246

SalariedUnionMemberDues method, 402–403

Salary property, 646

SalaryObserver class, 492

salaryRadioButton_CheckedChanged method, 654

salaryTextBox control, 656

salaryTextBox_TextChanged method, 655

Sales receipts

implementing, 377

posting, 354–355

SalesReceipt class

in Common Closure Principle, 450

couplings in, 454–455

posting in, 354–356

SalesReceipt table, 605

SalesReceiptTransaction class

couplings in, 454–455

static model of, 377

Salient documentation, 6

SAP (Stable Abstractions Principle), 431–435

SaveEmployeeOperation class, 622–624

SaveEnabled property, 649

SaveIsTransactional method, 618

SaveMailMethodThenHoldMethod method, 621–622

SavePaymentMethod method, 615

Scenarios, sequence diagrams for, 228–231

Schedule property

ChangeHourlyTransaction, 387–388

Employee, 407–408

ScheduleCode method, 611–612

ScheduleGetsSaved method, 610, 612

Schedules class

in Common Closure Principle, 450

merging into PayrollImplementation, 462

metrics for, 457, 459

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 452

Schedules for payments, 360–361, 366–367

Score method, 73

Score property, 59–62, 64, 68, 74, 76, 87, 91–93

ScoreForFrame method, 64–65, 67–68, 72–73, 75, 77–89, 94

Scorer class, 65, 80, 87–89, 94–95, 116

Screen class, 194

SDP (Stable-Dependencies Principle), 426–431

SelectSubNode method, 180

Self-organizing teams, 10

Self-Shunt pattern, 443

send method

DedModemController, 504

Modem, 118

sendImp class, 504

Sending Password Failed state in login state machine, 205

Sending Password Succeeded state in login state machine, 205

sendPassword method, 205

Seneca, 31

Sense method, 265

Sensor class, 263

abstraction in, 265

for composites, 469–470

function of, 301

Separate clients in Interface Segregation Principle, 165–166


of coupled responsibilities, 119

through delegation, 167–168

through multiple inheritance, 168

Sequence diagrams, 182–183, 225–226

active objects in, 240

for cases and scenarios, 228–231

conditions in, 232–233

creating and destroying, 227–228

loops in, 228–229, 232–233

messages in, 226, 233–239

multiple threads in, 239–240

objects in, 226–227

sending messages to interfaces in, 240–241

Sequence numbers in collaboration diagrams, 184

Serendipitous architecture, 37–38

Serendipitous decoupling, 36

Serve method, 214

Server class, 123

Server method, 214

Service charges

implementing, 379–380

pay periods for, 402–403

posting, 355

ServiceCharge class, 379–380, 449

ServiceChargesSpanningMultiplePayPeriods method, 405–406

ServiceChargeTransaction class, 378–380, 449

ServiceRunner method, 215

Set interface, 145

SetArray method, 322

SetBoilerState method

CoffeeMakerAPI, 262

CoffeeMakerStub, 287

SetDone method, 314

SetDriver method

ClockDriver, 474

MockTimeSource, 476

TimeSource, 475

SetIndicatorState method

CoffeeMakerAPI, 262, 264

CoffeeMakerStub, 287–288

SetLocked method, 589

SetObserver method, 481

MockTimeSource, 478–479

TimeSource, 478

SetReliefValveState method

CoffeeMakerAPI, 263

CoffeeMakerStub, 288

SetState method, 594

SetTime method

MockTimeSink, 477

MockTimeSource, 476, 478, 482–483, 485, 489

ObservableClock, 484

TimeSink, 475

SetUnlocked method, 589

SetUp method

AddEmployeePresenterTest, 642, 648

AddEmployeeWindowTest, 650–651, 656

Blah, 607, 609

BOMReportTest, 556–557

BomXmlTest, 567

ClockDriverTest, 481

DbOrderGatewayTest, 538

DbProductGatewayTest, 537

DBTest, 513

GameTest, 66, 95

LoadEmployeeOperationTest, 625

LoadPaymentMethodOperationTest, 629

ModemVisitorTest, 547, 551

ObserverTest, 488

PayrollPresenterTest, 659

PayrollWindowTest, 665

ProxyTest, 516

SMCTurnstileTest, 597

SqlPayrollDatabaseTest, 609, 611–612

TestCoffeeMaker, 288

TestLog, 236

TransactionContainerTest, 668

TurnstileTest, 339, 582

WindowViewLoaderTest, 663

SetUpReportDatabase method, 558–559

SetWarmerState method

CoffeeMakerAPI, 262

CoffeeMakerStub, 287

Shape application, 124–126

Shape class, 136–137

Shape interface, 130, 438, 467–468

Shape structure, 125–126

ShapeComparer class, 131–132

ShapeFactory class, 227–228

ShapeFactory interface, 438–441

ShapeFactoryImplementation class, 438–441

ShapeType enumeration, 125–126, 136

Shopping cart

implementing, 512–525

object model, 508

Proxy for, 508–512

relational data model, 509

Short cycles in extreme programming, 15

Show method, 656

showLoginScreen method, 204–205

ShuntRow method, 627, 630

Sieve method, 46

SillyAddAction method, 668

SimpleAssemblyCSV method, 570

SimpleAssemblyXML method, 568–569


in extreme programming, 19–20

importance of, 10

for use cases, 219–220

Single-Responsibility Principle (SRP), 115–117

for adding employees, 366

for CoffeeMaker, 273

for components, 419

defining responsibilities in, 117–118

in dependency cycles, 425

in payroll system, 361

persistence in, 119

for report generation, 553

separating coupled responsibilities in, 119

in table lamp, 498

Singleton class, 332–333

SINGLETON pattern, 331–333

benefits and costs of, 334

for DeleteEmployeeTransaction, 373

example, 334–336

Sku property

Product, 533

ProductImpl, 517

ProductProxy, 517–518

SleepCommand class, 306–308, 310

SleepTillMoreMessagesQueued method, 238

SMC (State Machine Compiler), 591–593

SMCTurnstileTest class, 597–598

Smells of rotting software, 104–107

SocketServer class, 213–217

SocketService interface, 214


early and continuous delivery of, 8

models for, 187–188

rotting, 104–107

Software delivery in extreme programming, 15

Software module functions, 42

Sort method

BubbleSorter, 190, 316–317, 322

DoubleBubbleSorter, 318

IntBubbleSorter, 318

QuickBubbleSorter, 323

SortHandler interface, 322


bubble sorts, 316–319, 321–322

QuickBubbleSorter, 323–324

Source code dependencies, class diagrams for, 243–244

Source control, nonblocking, 17–18

Spare method, 84, 89, 95


in bowling, 99

testing, 66–73

Sparse matrices, 552

Speaker class, 194

SpeakerVolume property

HayesModem, 562

LoudDialModem, 563

ModemDecorator, 565

Special events in state transition diagrams, 205

Specification-level diagrams, 178–179

Splitting user stories, 24–25

Spock, Mister, 507

Spoofing, 443

SQL Server, 604

SqlCommandBuildInsertionCommand method, 514

SqlCommandBuildItemInsersionStatement method, 523–524

SqlCommandBuildItemsForOrderQueryStatement method, 524

SqlCommandBuildProductDeleteStatement method, 515

SqlPayrollDatabase class, 607–608, 614–623

SqlPayrollDatabaseTest class, 607, 609–614, 621–624

SqlTransaction class, 618

Square class, 137–141, 438, 467–468

Square structure, 125–127

SRP. See Single-Responsibility Principle (SRP)


and abstraction, 432

definition, 426–427

metrics for, 427–428, 455–457

principles, 420

Acyclic Dependencies Principle, 420–426

Stable Abstractions Principle, 431–435

Stable-Dependencies Principle, 426–431

variable, 429

Stable Abstractions Principle (SAP), 431–435

Stable-Dependencies Principle (SDP), 426–431

Start method

ContainmentVessel, 283

HotWaterSource, 274, 281

M4ContainmentVessel, 275

StartBrewing method, 272–273

M4HotWaterSource, 282

UserInterface, 280

StartedPotNotEmpty method, 289

StartingState method, 651, 656

StartNoPot method, 288–289

StartNoWater method, 289

StartServiceThread method, 214

State class, 595

State diagrams, 184, 203

basics, 204–205

for cellular phones, 194

FSM, 208–209

state transition diagrams, 204–205, 600–601

pseudostates in, 207–208

special events in, 205

superstates in, 206–207

State Machine Compiler (SMC), 591–593

State machines


distributed processing, 601–602

GUI interaction controllers, 600–601

high-level application policies for GUIs, 598–600

UML notation for, 184

STATE pattern

costs and benefits of, 590

vs. Strategy, 589–590

for turnstile, 586–589

State transition tables (STTs), 208

State variables, internal scope, 583

Stateless interfaces, 598

StateName method, 595

States, 579–580

in state diagrams, 184

State Machine Compiler for, 591–593

transition tables for, 584–586

Static diagrams, 179

Static typing vs. dynamic, 441–442

Statistical analysis of designs, 434–435

Stereotypes in class diagrams, 249–250, 255–256

Stop method, 238

StopCommand class, 309

Store method

Db, 514

ItemData, 523

StoreItem method, 523

StoreProduct method, 513

STRATEGY pattern, 113, 312

for Application problem, 319–324

for employee pay, 398

in Open/Closed Principle, 123

in payroll system, 361

vs. STATE, 589–590

vs. TEMPLATE METHOD, 323–324

Strike method, 83, 92–93, 95

Strikes in bowling, 99

Strong players, 5

Stroustrup, Bjarne, 55


class diagrams for, 196–198

of components, 448–450

Structure documents, 6

STTs (state transition tables), 208

Subject class, 487, 489

SubmitEnabled property

AddEmployeeWindow, 656–657

MockAddEmployeeView, 649

Substates in state transition diagrams, 206

Substitutable factories, 442–443

Substitution and subtypes. See Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

Subway turnstiles. See Turnstiles

Superstates in state transition diagrams, 205–207

Support efforts, 417

Sustainable pace

in agile development, 9

in extreme programming, 18

Swap method

BubbleSorter, 190, 316

DoubleBubbleSorter, 319

IntBubbleSorter, 318

IntSortHandler, 322

Switch/case statements, 580–584

Switch class, 496–497

Switchable interface, 496–499

SwitchableDevice, 159

Synchronous messages in sequence diagrams, 235

System boundary diagrams in use cases, 222

System.Data namespace, 326


Table Data Gateway (TDG) pattern

example, 528–535

with Facade, 326

testing, 535–539

Table lamp, 496

Abstract Server for, 496–497

abstraction in, 158–159

Adapter for, 498–499

in Dependency-Inversion Principle, 157–158

Talfourd, Thomas Noon, 153


in extreme programming, 15

planning, 26–27

TDD (test-driven development), 16, 32

Teams, 5

in extreme programming, 14

self-organizing, 10

TearDown method

Blah, 609

DbOrderGatewayTest, 538

DbProductGatewayTest, 537

DBTest, 513

PayrollWindowTest, 665

ProxyTest, 516

TestLog, 236

Technical excellence, attention to, 10


abuse of, 315

for adding employees, 369

for Application problem, 311–325

for bubble sort, 316–319

for changing employees, 382–384, 386–387, 389, 391

for modem problem, 561

in Open/Closed Principle, 124

for similar functions, 20

vs. STRATEGY, 323–324

Temporal decoupling, 304

Tennyson, Alfred, 345

Test cases in extreme programming, 18

Test-driven development (TDD), 16, 32

Test-first design, 32–33

Testability of models, 188

Testable software, 32

TestAddOneThrow method, 59

TestAddSalariedEmployee method, 367–368

TestCancelAlarm method, 340

TestChangeHourlyTransaction method, 386

TestChangeNameTransaction method, 383

TestCoffeeMaker class, 288–291

TestCoin method, 339

TestCoinAndPass method, 339

TestCreateCircle method, 440

TestCreateSingleton method, 333

TestEndOfArray method, 77, 97

TestExhaustive method, 50, 53

TestFourThrowsNoMark method, 63, 66–67, 69, 71, 96

TestGame class, 63

TestHeartBreak method, 79, 97

Testing, 31

acceptance tests, 15–16, 36–37

fixtures, 443–444

GeneratePrimes program, 44, 52–53

isolation in, 33–35

in Open/Closed Principle, 129–130

serendipitous architecture in, 37–38

serendipitous decoupling in, 36

test-driven development, 32

test-first design, 32–33

TestingVisitor method, 557

TestInit method, 339

TestInstance method, 336

TestInstancesBehaveAsOne method, 336

TestLog class, 235–236

TestMonostate method, 336

testMove method, 32–33

TestMultipleSinks method

ClockDriverTest, 481

ObserverTest, 488

TestNoPublicConstructors method, 333

TestNull method, 347

TestOneThrow method, 61–62, 66, 69, 73

TestOrderPrice method, 510

TestPass method, 340

TestPayroll method, 35

TestPaySingleHourlyEmployeeWithTimeCardsSpanningTwoPayPeriods method, 401

TestPerfectGame method, 76–77, 96–97

TestPrimes method, 44, 52

TestSampleGame method, 78, 97

TestScoreNoThrows method, 58

TestSimpleFrameAfterSpare method, 68, 72, 96

TestSimpleSingleton class, 332–333

TestSimpleSpare method, 66–67, 72, 96

TestSimpleStrike method, 74, 96

TestSleep method, 307

TestSleepCommand class, 306–307

TestTenthFrameSpare method, 79, 97–98

TestTimeCardTransaction method, 375–376

TestTimeChange method

ClockDriverTest, 475, 479, 481

ObserverTest, 488

TestTurnstile class, 583

TestTwoCoins method, 339–340

TestTwoOperations method, 340

TestTwoThrowsNoMark method, 63, 66, 69, 71, 95

Text in FSM diagrams, 208

Text interfaces, 638

TextFieldChanged method, 328

TextParser class, 450

TextParserTransactionSource class, 409, 448

class allocation in, 458, 464

in Common Closure Principle, 450

couplings with, 460–461

metrics for, 459, 465

Thankyou method, 184

Turnstile, 589

TurnstileFSM, 592

Thermometer interface, 160–161

Thermostat algorithm, 160–161

Third-party APIs, 526–528

Thomas, Dave, 70

Thread class, 216–217


in object diagrams, 213–217

in sequence diagrams, 239–240

ThreadStart method, 215

Throw class, 57–59

ThrowTest class, 57–58

tic method, 484

Time, digital clock project for, 472–491

Time cards

implementing, 354, 373–377

posting, 354

TimeCard class, 356, 373–376, 449

in Common Closure Principle, 450

couplings in, 454–455

implementing, 373–376

for postings, 354

TimeCard table, 605

TimeCardTransaction class, 375–377, 449

couplings in, 454–455

structure of, 374

TimedDoor class, 164–168

TimeOut method, 164–168

Timer class, 164–167

TimerClient class, 164–168

TimeSink interface, 473–475, 479–481, 487

TimeSource interface, 473–475, 477–479, 482–487, 489

TimeSourceImplementation class, 482–486

Timing in sequence diagrams, 233–234

Tools in agile development, 5

Top-down design vs. bottom-up, 424–426

Total property

Order, 510, 534

OrderImp, 521

OrderProxy, 522

Tracking planning, 28–29

Transaction class, 448, 606

in ATM system, 169

in Common Closure Principle, 450

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 453–454

Transaction interface, 171, 366

TransactionAdded method, 660

TransactionApplication class

class allocation in, 458, 464

metrics for, 459, 465

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 454

TransactionContainer class, 668–669

transactionContainer field, 657

TransactionContainer property

AddEmployeePresenter, 647

PayrollPresenter, 660

TransactionContainerTest, 667–668

TransactionFactory class, 461

class allocation in, 458, 464

metrics for, 465

TransactionImplementation class

class allocation in, 458, 464

for cohesion, 462

metrics for, 465

object factory, 461


Command pattern for, 302–304

forms for, 639–640

for payroll database, 615–616, 618–623

Transactions class, 448–449, 452

Transactions method, 669

TransactionSource class, 448

in Common Closure Principle, 450

in Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, 454

TransactionSource interface, 408–409

TransactionsText method, 665

TransactionsText property

MockPayrollView, 662

PayrollWindow, 667

TransferTransaction class, 169, 172

TransferUI interface, 170, 172–173

Transition class, 586

Transition tables, 584–586

Transitions in state diagrams, 184. See also State diagrams

Transitive dependency, 155




TreeMap class, 179–180

class diagram for, 180–181

collaboration diagram for, 183–184

object diagram for, 182

sequence diagram for, 182–183, 228

TreeMapNode class, 179–181

Triangle class, 126–127

TurnOff method, 157–158, 265

TurnOn method, 157–158, 265

Turnstile class, 340–343, 580–581, 583–589, 593–595

TurnstileActions class, 591–592

TurnstileController class, 598

TurnstileController interface, 581, 583–584

TurnstileControllerSpoof class, 581, 597

TurnstileFSM class, 592–593

TurnstileLockedState class, 587


finite state machines for, 580

Monostate pattern for, 338–343

nested switch/case statements for, 580–584

state diagrams for, 184, 208

State Machine Compiler for, 591–598

State pattern for, 586–589

transition tables for, 584–586

TurnstileState interface, 587

TurnstileTest class, 339–340, 581–582

TurnstileUnlockedState class, 587

TwoBallsInFrame method, 84, 89, 95

TwoConsecutiveMessages method, 236

Typing, static vs. dynamic, 441–442


UI class, 249

UI interface, 169–170

UIGlobals class, 170, 173

UIs. See User interfaces

UML. See Unified Modeling Language (UML)

UnboundedSet set, 144

UncrossIntegersUpTo method, 50–51

Undo method, 304–305

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 177–180

for back-end documentation, 192

CASE tools, 201

for communication, 189–191

diagrams. See Diagrams

for road maps, 191–192

Union dues and service charges

implementing, 379–380

pay periods for, 402–403

posting, 355

UnionAffiliation class, 357, 390, 392–393

for service charges, 379–380

for union dues, 403–406

Unit tests

for GeneratePrimes, 44

limitations of, 36

UnixModemConfigurator class, 544, 546–547, 551

Unlock method

Turnstile, 587, 589

TurnstileFSM, 592

Unlocked class, 342–343, 595–596

Unlocked state

in FSM diagrams, 208–209, 338

in state diagrams, 184

UnlockedTurnstileState class, 588

UPC codes, 221

Update method

ClockDriver, 476, 478

ClockObserver, 478

MockTimeSink, 480, 490

Observer, 488

SalaryObserver, 492

UpdateEmployeesTextBox method, 661

UpdateTransactionsTextBox method, 660–661

UpdateView method, 647, 649

Use cases, 219–220

alternate courses in, 221–222

for CoffeeMaker, 267–273

diagramming, 222

for payroll system, 351–359

sequence diagrams for, 228–231

writing, 220–221

Uselessness, zone of, 433

User interfaces, 637–639

for ATM system, 169–174

for CoffeeMaker, 267–273

designing, 639–640

implementing, 640–650

unveiling, 669–670

windows for

building, 650–657

payroll, 657–669

User stories

in extreme programming, 14

in planning, 24

splitting, 24–25

velocity of, 25

UserDatabase class, 189–190

UserDatabase interface, 334–335

UserDatabaseSource class, 335–336

UserInterface class, 268–270, 279

using statements, 428

USRModem class, 503–504

USRoboticsModem class, 499

Utility layer, 155

UtilityLayer layer, 155–156


Validate method, 302

ValidateHourlyPaycheck, 398–399

validateUser method, 204–205

Validating user state, 204

Validity in Liskov Substitution Principle, 142

Vapor classes, 265

Variable component stability, 429

Variables in class diagrams, 244


feedback of, 26

of user stories, 25

Velocity charts, 28

VerifyPrime method, 53

VerifyPrimeList method, 53

Vertical inheritance, 247

View property, 660

ViewGetsUpdated method, 643, 649

ViewLoader interface, 662

Virtual properties, 140

Viscosity in design, 105–106

Visible events, use cases for, 220

Visit method

BOMReportTest, 557

ExplodedCostVisitor, 555

Modem, 548

PartCountVisitor, 556

UnixModemConfigurator, 546–547, 551

VISITOR pattern, 543–544

for databases, 539–540

for modems, 544–548

for report generation, 552–559

VisitorCoverage method, 558

Vlissides, John, 312


WaitForServiceThreads method, 215

WakeLoggerThread method, 238–239

wakeup command, 307

WakeUpCommand class, 306

WarmerPlate class, 263–265

Web interfaces, 638

Weekly builds, 421

WeeklySchedule class, 386–387

White box tests, 36

Whole/part relationships in class diagrams, 252

Whole teams in extreme programming, 14

Width property, 138–141, 143

Wiener, Lauren, 150

Wilkerson, Brian, 150

Williams, Laurie, 16


building, 650–657

payroll, 657–669

WindowViewLoader class, 658, 664–665, 669

WindowViewLoaderTest class, 663–664

Wirfs-Brock, Rebecca, 150

Wiring of commands, 301

WithdrawalTransaction class, 169–170, 247

WithdrawalUI interface, 170, 172–173, 247

Write Printer module, 108

WriteUser method, 335

WumpusGame, 32–33


XML representation for reports, 566

XmlAssemblyExtension class, 573–574

XmlElement property

XmlAssemblyExtension, 573–574

XmlPiecePartExtension, 573

XmlPartExtension class, 572

XmlPiecePartExtension class, 573

XP. See Extreme programming


YIntercept property, 148



of exclusion, 432–433

of pain, 433

of uselessness, 433

ZoomForUnix method, 547, 552

ZoomModem class, 546, 551

ZoomModemVisitor interface, 550

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