About the Authors

David Geary is a prominent author, speaker, and consultant and holds a unique qualification as a Java expert: He wrote the best-selling books on both Java component frameworks—Swing and JavaServer Faces (JSF). David’s Graphic Java™ 2, Volume 2: Swing, Third Edition (www.prenhallprofessional.com/title/0130796670) was one of the best-selling Java books of all time, and Core JavaServer™ Faces (www.prenhallprofessional.com/title/0131463055), which David wrote with Cay Horstmann, is the best-selling book on JavaServer Faces.

Cay Horstmann is the co-author of Core Java and Core JavaServer™ Faces (both from Prentice Hall/Sun Microsystems Press) and is the author of several widely adopted college textbooks. Cay is a professor of computer science at San Jose State University and is a frequent speaker at computer industry conferences. For four years, he was vice president and chief technology officer of an Internet start-up that went from three people in a tiny office to a public company.

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