Appendix D. TLC2 TeX CD

The CD-ROM at the back of this book will enable you to set up a LaTeX system that is as close as possible to the descriptions in this book. This appendix explains how we created this CD and gets you started on how to use it.

Origins—The TeX Live system

TeX Live is an “open source” distribution of TeX and LaTeX that is sponsored by an international consortium of TeX user groups. The TLC2 TeX CD-ROM is based closely on this distribution and we therefore wish to thank all the individuals involved in the production and maintenance of TeX Live over the years.

The 2003 release of the TeX Live distribution was distributed as three disks: a DVD containing the full distribution and a copy of the CTAN archives, a CD containing (in compressed form) a full TeX Live distribution, and a “demo” disk containing a TeX distribution that may be either installed on a hard disk, or used directly from the CD.

To fit onto one CD, some packages had to be omitted from the “demo” CD, and only the major machine architectures are supported: Linux, Windows and MacOSX.

The TLC2 TeX CD-ROM is a version of the TeX Live “demo” CD. All the binary programs are unchanged, several packages described in this book have been updated or added, and the LaTeX format itself is the 2003/12/01 release. In order to keep within the size constraint, some packages had to be removed. A full list of changed packages is contained in the file readme-tlc2.html, which can be found in the top level directory on the CD.

Installing LaTeX from the CD-ROM

Installation and use of this CD-ROM follows exactly the procedures outlined for the TeX Live demo distribution from the original TeX Live documentation. An overview of these procedures is in the file readme.html, which has links to more extensive documentation files on the CD. (Much of the TeX Live documentation is available in several languages.)

In brief, the install script in the top level directory should be run by you on Linux or MacOSX. Under Windows the Install program should automatically start (or double click on autorun.exe). This process will lead you through some configuration options and then install a LaTeX system on your hard disk. Depending on the options chosen, some lesser used packages may not be installed initially; they may be added to your local installation later, as described in the TeX Live documentation.

If you are already using LaTeX then you may not want to install the whole system but simply use the CD to update your base LaTeX and your chosen packages to more recent versions.

Running LaTeX directly from the CD-ROM

As an alternative to installing the whole system on your local disk, you can opt to run all software directly from the CD-ROM. However, some local disk space will still be required so that TeX can write output files and, if necessary, extra fonts can be generated.

Under Windows this option is taken by choosing the Explore CD-Rom/Run TeX off CD-Rom menu option from the TeX Live welcome program. On the other systems you should run as above, but choose the option to run directly from the media.

In addition to giving you a running TeX system, this installation will also set up xemacs as an environment for preparing your documents. This provides an extensive set of menu options to help in the editing of LaTeX documents, and in the use of LaTeX and associated programs such as BibTeX.

The LaTeX Companion example documents

Files for all the examples displayed in the book are on the CD-ROM in the directory Books/tlc2/examples. The file name is in each case the example number, with extension .ltx or .ltx2 (for two-page examples), as in 1-3-1.ltx and 2-4-4.ltx2.

Most of these examples use the class file ttctexa.cls which is in the same directory as the examples. This class is a small extension of the article class: it defines some extra commands to control the display of preamble commands in this book.

If the TeX system is used directly from the CD then all those packages required for the examples will be available, with the exception of some packages which relate to commercial fonts that cannot be distributed on this CD-ROM.

If the distribution is installed on a hard disk then not all the packages are installed by default. Extra individual packages can be installed using either under Linux and MacOSX, or the TeX Live/maintenance option from the Start menu under Windows.


The file LICENSE.TL in the top level directory describes the license and copying conditions for TeX Live itself; these also apply to the modified distribution on the TLC2 TeX CD-ROM. All the software contained on this CD-ROM is (to the best of our knowledge) freely distributable, although different licenses are used on the different components, as detailed in the documentation of each package.

Many of the LaTeX packages, and all of the example files for this book, are distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License, the text of which is on the CD in the file texmf/doc/LaTeX/base/lppl.txt.

The LPPL allows arbitrary use, including copying and modification, so long as you do not distribute modified copies with the same name as the original files.

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