In the last chapter we finally saw the fruits of our hard analysis and design efforts. We crafted a slice of our architectural prototype using a collection of components that had one requirement: not to rely on a commercial container product or use Enterprise JavaBeans. In this chapter we move forward and take the same slice of the architectural prototype created in the last chapter, add additional functionality, and implement it using Enterprise JavaBeans.

We will do things a bit differently in our approach in this chapter. In the last chapter we didn't use the benefits that a visual modeling tool has to offer code generation; in this chapter we will use a visual modeling tool to generate much of our code. But don't worry. Code generation gives us only the embryo of the code; we still have to do the hard part: filling in between the lines.

Our focus in this chapter will be to generate initial skeleton code from the class diagram that we built in Rational Rose. From there, we have to begin filling in the code to make the skeleton do something for us.

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