

public interface Configurable


Interface implemented by services which support a configuration object. Configurable is an interface that may be implemented by a bundle programmer. The implementation of a service that is configurable should implement this interface. Bundles that wish to configure a service may test to see if the service object is an instanceof Configurable.

Member Summary
public ObjectgetConfigurationObject()
 Retrieve the configuration object for a service.


public java.lang.Object getConfigurationObject()
            throws java.lang.SecurityException

Retrieve the configuration object for a service.

Services implementing this interface should be careful when returning their configuration object since this object is probably sensitive. If the Java runtime environment supports permissions, it is recommended that the caller is checked for an appropriate permission before returning the configuration object. It is recommended that callers possessing the AdminPermission always be allowed to retrieve the configuration object.

Returns: The configuration object for the service.


javalang.SecurityException— If the caller does not have an appropriate permission and the Java runtime environment supports permissions.

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