DeMarco, T., and T. Lister , Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, New York: Dorset House Publishing Company, 1987, pp. 26–29.

Henderson-Sellers, B., “The Economics of Reusing Library Classes,” Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, 1993, 6(4), pp. 43–50.

———, and J. Edwards, Book Two of Object-Oriented Knowledge, The Working Object, Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1994, p. 485.

Jacobson, I., M. Christerson, P. Jonsson, and G. Overgaard , Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach, Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1992, p. 460.

Jones, C., Applied Software Measurement: Assuring Productivity and Quality, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991.

Lorenz, M., and J. Kidd , Object-Oriented Software Metrics, Upper Saddle River N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1994, pp. 4–5.

Thomas, D., and I. Jacobson , “Managing object-oriented software engineering tutorial,” TOOLS '89, Paris, 13–15 Nov. 1989, p. 52

Unhelkar, B., and Henderson-Sellers, B. , “The Role of Granularity in the Reuse of Object-oriented Systems,” Proceedings of ACOSM'93 First Australian Conference on Software Metrics, Sydney, Australia, June Verner (ed.), Australian Software Metrics Association, November 18–19 1993, pp 51–66.

Unhelkar, B., “The MOSES experience,” Object Magazine, June 1995, p. 51.

———, After the Y2K Fireworks: Business and Technology Strategies, CRC Press, 1999; further work by this author is in the offing, titled Games IT People Play.

Wohlin, C., and M. Ahlgren , “Soft factors and their impact on time to market,” Software Quality Journal, September 1995, 4(3), pp. 189–205.

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