Appendix B. Provided Magic Folders

Table B.1 lists the Magic Folders provided in InstallAnywhere.

Table B.1. InstallAnywhere Magic Folders
Folder NameInstallAnywhere VariableDestination
User Installation Directory$USER_INSTALL_DIR$This is the installation folder as specified by the end-user. Developers can specify a default value for this variable in the Project Info screen in the advanced designer by choosing a location in the Default Install Folder area of the screen.
Programs Folder (Platform Default)$PROGRAMS_DIR$This is the default application directory on the destination system (the Program Files folder on Windows, the Applications folder on Mac OS, and the logged-in-end-user's home account on UNIX).
Shortcuts$USER_SHORTCUTS$This is the folder specified by the end-user as the shortcuts/links/aliases location. The value of this location can be changed by the end-user if the Choose Alias, Link, Shortcut Folder action is turned on in the installer. Developers can specify a default value for this variable on a per-platform basis by selecting the Platforms task in the advanced designer.
System$SYSTEM$This variable represents the System folder on the target machine. On Windows 95/98, this resolves to <WINDOWS>System. On Windows NT/2000, this resolves to <WINDOWS>System32. On the Mac OS, this resolves to the System Folder. On UNIX, this resolves to /usr/local/bin.
Desktop$DESKTOP$This variable represents the desktop on the target machine. This folder only resolves on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS systems.
Temp Directory$TEMP_DIR$This variable represents the temp directory on the target machine. When running the pure Java installer on Windows, $TEMP_DIR$ will resolve to the user's home directory.
Startup$STARTUP$This is the automatic start-up folder for items that are launched automatically during operating system boot up. This folder only resolves on Windows and Mac OS systems.
Installation Drive Root$INSTALL_DRIVE_ROOT$This is the root directory on the volume where the installation is taking place.
Home Directory$USER_HOME$This is the home directory of the end-user running the installer. This variable works with all platforms except Mac OS. For users who have already included the variable $UNIX_USER_HOME$, this variable will continue to function with the same definition as $USER_HOME$.
System Drive Root$SYSTEM_DRIVE_ROOT$This is the root directory of the system drive.
Java Home$JAVA_HOME$This is the home directory of the JVM to be used.
Windows$WIN_WINDOWS$This is the Windows directory (Windows 95/98/Me/XP/NT/2000 computers only).
Start Menu$WIN_START_MENU$This is the Windows Start Menu directory (Win-dows 95/98/Me/XP/NT/2000 computers only).
Quick Launch Bar$WIN_QUICK_LAUNCH_BAR$This is the Quick Launch Bar on Windows. On Windows 2000 and XP, the location is relative to the UserProfile Environment variable. On Win-dows 98 and Me it's relative to the Windows directory.
Do Not Install$DO_NOT_INSTALL$This doesn't install the file on the target platform. It is used for files (typically localized license agreements and graphics) that are used during installation, but don't need to remain on the target system.
USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_#$USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_#$These variables are user-defined destination install Magic Folders. They install to whichever directories their variable names have been set. To set these variables, use the Set InstallAnywhere Variable action. Note: For UNIX, if the leading “/” is not included in the path before the Magic Folder location, the result is <directory in which installer double-clicked>/USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_# because the operating system assumes that any path not preceded by a “/” is below the current directory.
Programs Menu$WIN_PROGRAMS_MENU$This is the Windows Programs menu (in the Start menu) (Windows 95/98/Me/XP/NT/2000 computers only).
All Users Start Menu$WIN_COMMON_START_MENU$This is the Windows All Users Start Menu directory (Windows NT/2000 computers only). On Win 9x computers this resolves to the same value as $WIN_START_MENU$.
All Users Programs Menu$WIN_COMMON_PROGRAMS_MENU$This is the Windows All Users Programs menu (in the Start menu) (Windows NT/2000/XP com-puters only). On Win 9x computers this resolves to the same value as $WIN_PROGRAMS_MENU$.
All Users Startup$WIN_COMMON_STARTUP$This is the Windows All Users Startup folder (in the Start menu) (Windows NT/2000/XP com-puters only). On Win 9x computers this resolves to the same value as $STARTUP$.
All Users Desktop$WIN_COMMON_DESKTOP$This is the Windows Common Desktop folder (Windows NT/2000/XP computers only). On Win 9x computers this resolves to the same value as $DESKTOP$.
Fonts$FONTS$This is the Fonts directory (on both Windows and Mac OS computers only): $WIN_WINDOWS$ Fonts on Windows; $SYSTEM$:Fonts on Mac OS.
Apple Menu Items$MAC_APPLE_MENU$This is the Apple Menu Items folder (Mac OS computers only).
Control Panels$MAC_CONTROL_PANELS$This is the Control Panels folder (Mac OS com-puters only).
Extensions$MAC_EXTENSIONS$This is the Extensions folder (Mac OS computers only).
Preferences$MAC_PREFERENCES$This is the Preferences folder (Mac OS computers only): $SYSTEM$:Preferences.
Cleanup at Startup$MAC_CHEWABLE$This is the Clean at Startup folder (Mac OS com-puters only): $SYSTEM_DRIVE_ROOT$:Cleanup At Startup.
User Applications$MACX_USER_APPLICATIONS$This is the User Applications directory of the end-user running the installer (Mac OS X only).
The Dock$MACX_DOCK$This is the Mac OS X Dock—for shortcuts only. Files cannot be installed to the Dock.
/usr/local/bin$UNIX_USR_LOCAL_BIN$This is the /usr/local/bin directory (UNIX computers only).
/opt$UNIX_OPT$This is the /opt directory (UNIX computers only).
/usr/bin$UNIX_USR_BIN$This is the /usr/bin directory (UNIX computers only).


Developer-defined Magic Folders are not available in Standard Edition.

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