

<%#...%> syntax, 508–509

? (question mark), 140

+ (plus sign), 202


Absolute positioning, controls, 589–590

AcceptChanges method

client-side transactions, 650–651

EndEdit method vs., 158

setting row state in data tables, 641

accessDataSource control, 507

Add Column dialog, 264–265, 276–277

Add Connection dialog

adding new data sources and connections, 7–8

overview of, 182–183

setting up typed data set connections, 45–46

Add method

adding columns to TextBox cell, 223

adding controls to Windows Forms, 552

adding rows to grids, 224

binding image columns to PictureBox, 142

binding numeric columns to TextBox, 145–147

IList interface, 300–301

inserting items in BindingSource list, 124–126

simple data binding, 91

Add Query Wizard, 75–77

add tag, connectionStrings, 58

Add Web Reference dialog, 185–186

AddBarChartControl method, 389–391

AddControlToGrid method, 531

AddCopies method

adding rows in virtual mode, 234

initializing grid, 238

working with unbound columns, 231

AddCustomers method, 425

AddHandler keyword, 575

AddIndex method, IBindingList, 312

AddingNew event, 125–126, 131

AddNew method

creating custom collection type, 427

IBindingList, 312–313

ICancelAddNew interface, 426

using BindingSource as data storage container, 124–126

AddNewCore method, 427–428, 441

AddValueChanged method, 307

AddWithKey property, 622

ADO.NET, 601–670

client-side transactions, 650–651

creating data sets programmatically, 611–613

data set and data adapter events, 651–654

DataSet structure, 607–609

handling concurrency, 628–631

loading data into XPathDocument, 664–665

loading data sets from database, 613–619

loading data sets from files, 609–611

ADO.NET, continued

loading DataTable with DataReader, 619–621

master-details DataSets, 621–623

merging data from multiple data sets, 639–641

navigating XML document, 667–669

overview of, 601–603

querying XML data, 665–667

reading data into business objects, 654–658

relational data access, 603–607

retrieving data with stored procedures, 623–624

scoping transactions with System.Transactions, 647–649

searching data sets, 637–638

updating database using data sets, 624–628

updating with data sets and stored procedures, 632–637

working with data views, 641–642

working with SmlDataDocument class, 659–663

working with transactions, 643–646

working withXPathDocument class, 663–664

XML data access, 658–659

Aliases, 78–79

AllCells value, DataGridViewAutoSizeMode, 260

AllowEdit property, IBindingList, 133, 311, 313

AllowNew property, IBindingList, 133, 311, 313

AllowPaging property, DataGrid control, 511

AllowRemove property, IBindingList, 133, 311, 313

AllowUserToAddRows property, 221, 265

AllowUserToDeleteRows property, 221, 265

AllowUserToOrderColumns property, 266–269

AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle property, 282

Anchor property, controls, 590–592

app.config, 58, 60

Application class, defined, 572

Application class, XAML, 538–539

Application object, WinFx, 525

ApplySort method

creating rich object collections, 426

IBindingList, 312, 317–318

IBindingListView, 324, 444

ApplySortCore method, 437

ApplySortInternal method, 437

Architecture, Windows Forms, 567–570

ArgumentException, 611

ASP.NET, 487–519

data binding expressions, 508–509

data binding in ASP.NET 2.0, 498–499

DetailsView control, 512–514

FormView control, 514–515

GridView control, 509–512

hierarchical binding, 518

master-details data binding, 515–518

overview of, 487–488

page processing basics, 489

ASP.NET 1.X, 490–498

hooking up dynamic behavior in code-behind class, 492–495

overview of, 490–491

presenting tabular data in grid, 491–492

row selection in grid, 495–496

using expressions, 496–498

ASP.NET data sources, 499–508

AccessDataSource control, 507

ObjectDataSource control, 505–507

overview of, 499–500

SiteMapDataSource control, 508

SqlDataSource control, 500–505

XmlDataSource control, 507–508

ASPX files, 489, 492–495


designer initialization of data binding, 359–360

specifying binding properties on controls, 360–362

XPathNavigator navigation methods, 669

Authentication, 8–9

AutoComplete feature

DataGridComboBoxColumn, 252

filter grid controls, 354–355

overview of, 160–162

TextBox control, 371–375

AutoGenerateColumns property, 358

Automatic formatting, 147–148

AutoSizeMode property

DataGridView control, 259–261

DataGridViewColumn, 246, 375–376

AutoValidate property, 461–462, 471–472

Avalon code name, 521


BackgroundWorker, 239


adding editing support to, 391–397

creating, 381–383

designing, 379–381

rendering bars, 383–384

BarChartControl, coding, 384–391

defining custom control skeleton, 385–386

initializing and updating data bindings, 387–389

overview of, 384–385

using AddBarChartControl method, 389–391

Batching, in database updates, 33

BeginEdit method

binding controls to data sources, 157

IEditableObject interface, 329

transacted editing of objects, 417–420

BeginInit method, ISupportInitialize, 335–337

BeginTransaction method, table adapters, 64–65

Bind method, ASP.NET 2.0, 509

BindFilterFields method, 368

Binding object

binding DateTime column to DateTimePicker, 142–144

binding DateTime column to TextBox, 144–145

binding image column to PictureBox, 141–142

overview of, 135–137

simple data binding with, 83–84, 90–92

BindingComplete event, 131

BindingContext, 20

BindingContext property, 86, 96–97

BindingEvents application. See Events, binding

BindingList<T> class

creating rich object collections, 424–426

defined, 287

as generic collection class, 408

managing transacted additions to collections, 439–441

object edit notifications, 423–424

raised item changed events, 441–443

BindingList<T> class, custom collections, 426–439

adding search functionality, 430–431

adding sorting capabilities, 432–439

getting test data, 429–430

overview of, 426–427

taking over construction process, 427–428

BindingListView<T> class

adding search functionality, 430–431

adding sorting functionality, 435–437

using IBindingListView functionality, 445–453

BindingNavigator control

adding navigation to control with, 11

defined, 151–152

master-details data binding with, 105–106

overview of, 103–104

BindingSource component

data binding with, 97–99, 112–115, 219–220

defined, 15

events, 131–133

generating data-bound controls, 11, 195–196

implementing ITypedList with, 307–309

master-details data binding with, 105–106, 116–121

navigating data with, 121–122

overview of, 111–112

paging through data with, 99–104

populating with data reader, 126–128

position changes in, 365–366

restricting changes to data with, 133

sorting, searching, and filtering data with, 128–130

WinFx binding vs., 532

BlinkRate properties, ErrorProvider, 466

BlinkStyle properties, ErrorProvider, 466

bool Contains method, IList, 300

Borders, in DataGridView, 282–283

Bound controls. See Data-bound controls

Built-in columns, DataGridView, 241–255

DataGridViewButtonColumn, 250

DataGridViewCell properties, 242–246

DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn, 251

DataGridViewColumn properties, 246–249

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, 252–255

DataGridViewImageColumn, 251–252

DataGridViewLinkColumn, 250

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, 249–250

overview of, 241–242

Business logic layer, 21–27, 459

Business objects, 399–456

adding IBindingListView to, 443–453

CustomBusinessObjects example. See CustomBusinessObjects example

defining and working with, 400–405

defining and working with collections, 405–406

edit notifications with INotifyPropertyChanged, 423–424

edit notifications with property change events, 420–423

generic collection classes, 406–408

managing transacted additions to collections, 439–441

overview of, 399–400

raising item changed events, 441–443

reading data into, 654–658

setting textual data-binding behavior of, 415–416

through Data Sources window, 453–455

transacted object editing and, 416–420

using BindingList<T>. See BindingList<T> class

using IDataErrorInfo, 479–482

Button control

adding to Windows Forms, 550–552

adding to WinFx applications, 530–531

overview of, 580

using DataGridViewButtonColumn, 250

ButtonColumn, 495–496

Byte arrays, 141


CacheDisplayOrder method, columns, 269

CancelEdit method, IEditableObject

binding controls to data sources, 157

overview of, 329

transacted additions to collections, 439–441

transacted editing, 417–420

CancelEventHandler, validating event, 460–461

CancelNew method, ICancelAddNew, 326, 425–426

Caption property, 47–48

Cell events, DataGridView, 277–281

Cell templates, 222–223

Cell types, built-in, 240

Cell types, custom, 270–273

CellFormatting event

controlling displayed cell content with, 232

creating grouped column DataGridView, 347–348

DataGridView validation with, 462

overview of, 227–231

CellPainting event, DataGridView

customizing cell painting process, 269

for header cells, 255–256

modifying cell painting behavior, 348–349

CellParsing event

DataGridView validation, 462–463

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, 249–250

grid data edits, 256

Cells, errors in DataGridView, 467

CellTemplate property

customizing columns, 274–275

DataGridComboBoxColumn, 252

DataGridViewColumn, 246

CellType property, DataGridViewColumn, 246

CellValidated event, 462–463

CellValidating event, 462–463

CellValueNeeded event

overview of, 239

setting up virtual mode, 234, 236–237

virtual mode using, 240

CellValuePushed event, 240, 250

Chaining binding sources, 116–121

Change Data Source dialog, 44–45

Chart controls, data-bound. See DataBoundBarChartControl

CheckBox control

as default control type, 190

icon, 191

overview of, 580–581

using DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn, 251

CheckChanged event, CheckBox control, 580–581

CheckChanged event, RadioButton control, 581

CheckState property, CheckBox control, 580–581

CheckState property, DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn, 251

Child controls, 552, 567

Child relations. See Parent-child data binding

ChildObject, 121

Choose Toolbox Items dialog, 199, 351


layered application architecture, 21–22

partial, 51, 545–565

typed data sets as, 37

Windows Forms architecture, 567–570

Clear method, IList, 300–301

ClickOnce, 27

Client-side transactions, ADO.NET, 650–651

Clone method, custom column types, 275


BarChartControl, 384–391

designer-generated, 202–205

generating data-binding code for existing controls, 199–201

setting control data binding in Properties window, 205–210

table adapter designer-generated, 55–56

typed data set-generated, 49–52

using typed data sets in your, 78–79


hooking up dynamic behavior in, 492–495

XAML, 538, 540

Code view, 526


access control with ICollection, 295–298

adding controls to Windows Forms, 552

adding search functionality to, 430–431

adding sort functionality to, 432–439

binding to grid with templates, 541–543

business object, 405–408

customizing control mappings, 197–198

data binding with interfaces. See Interfaces

data sets and, 19

defined, 16

generating bound controls from data sources, 189–196

object, 237

using BindingList<T>. See BindingList<T> class

ColumnChanged event, DataTable, 652

ColumnChanging event, DataTable, 652

ColumnCount property, TextBox, 224

ColumnHeadersDefaultStyle property, DataGridView, 281–282

ColumnIndex property, DataGridViewCell, 242

Columns. See also Built-in columns, DataGridView

adding to data sets, 48–49

automatically sizing, 259–261, 375–376

built-in. See DataGridViewColumn

capturing data errors on, 477–479

cell-oriented grid features for, 277–281

customizing content with unbound columns, 226–232

DataGridViewButtonColumn, 250

DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn, 251

DataGridViewImageColumn, 251

DataGridViewLinkColumn, 250

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, 249–250

defining grids in designer, 263–266

freezing, 262–263

grouped in DataGridView, 345–350

header cells for, 255–256

implementing custom type of, 269–270, 273–277

programmatically adding to grid, 222–224

reordering, 266–269

setting name of database, 39

updating database with data sets, 624–628

ComboBox control

AutoComplete feature, 160–162, 371–375

binding data collections to, 88–90

dynamically populating, 368–369

handling grid data edits with, 257

icon, 192

.NET Framework 2.0 enhancements, 85–86

overview of, 584

Smart Tag, 213

using DataGridComboBoxColumn, 252–255

CommandField, DataGrid control, 511

CommandType property, stored procedures, 624

CompareTo method, SortComparer, 435

Complex data binding

customizing control mappings with, 198–199

to individual properties on controls, 134–141

.NET Framework 2.0 enhancements, 84–85

using IList, 302

ComplexBindingProperties attribute, 361

Component base class, Windows Forms, 567–568

ComponentType property, PropertyDescriptor, 306


ensuring data consistency with, 457

handling in ADO.NET, 628–631

resolving errors, 483–484

.config extension, 60

Configure Data Source wizard, 505


adding new, 6–8

choosing database, 181–184

data reader, 620–621, 654–655

using table adapters for, 58–62

connectionStrings configuration, 58–62

Constraints, typed datasets, 33


defined, 288

implementing IEnumerable for, 289–290

notifying of changes to collection, 313–315

ContainerControl class, 569

Contains method, BindingSource, 121

ContainsListCollection property, GetList method, 304

ContentBounds property, DataGridViewCell, 242

ContextMenuStrip property, DataGridViewCell, 242

ContextMenuStrip property, DataGridViewColumn, 246

Control base class

common controls. See Controls, display

designing data-bound controls from, 20

handling control events, 574–576

Windows Forms architecture, 567–570

Control composition model, WinFx, 523

Control layout, 589–596

anchoring, 590–592

creating Windows Forms application, 551–552, 554

docking, 592–594

positioning and sizing, 589–590

setting tab order, 596–598

snap-lines simplifying, 557–558

using layout container controls, 595–598

WinFx applications, 526

Controls. See also Data-bound controls

binding data to individual, 90–92

binding to data sources. See Data sources, binding controls to

creating custom user, 586–588

developing Windows Forms and, 548

handling events, 574–576

working with Toolbox, 555–557

Controls, display, 578–586

Button, 580

CheckBox, 580–581

ComboBox, 584

DataGrid, 585–586

DataGridView, 586

DateTimePicker, 582

Label, 579–580

ListBox, 582–584

ListView, 584

overview of, 578–579

PictureBox, 585

RadioButton, 581

RichTextBox, 582

TextBox, 581

TreeView, 585

ControlUpdateMode property, BindingSource, 162–163

Converter property, PropertyDescriptor, 306

ConvertEventArgs, 149, 154–155

ConvertEventhandler, 149

CopyTo method, ICollection, 296–297

Count property, ICollection, 296

CreateBindings method, 152–153

CreateCells method, 225–226

CreateNavigator, 666

CTP (Community Technology Preview), 522


changing current record in set of data with, 99

defining, 92

ICurrencyManagerProvider interface, 341

synchronizing data between controls, 96–97

Current property

IEnumerator interface, 291

manipulating data through binding source, 122

CurrentChanged event, 131–133, 169–172

CurrentItemChanged event, 131

Cursor, data reader as, 656–657

Custom collections, 237–238

CustomBusinessObjects example, 408–416

binding through Data Sources window, 453–455

customer and order classes, 408–410

forming controls, 410–413

generating test data, 413–414

Customer objects

binding to form controls, 410–413

implementing data-bound business objects, 408–410

PropertyChanged events, 420–423

CustomerIDChanged event, PropertyChanged events, 421–423

CustomerNameChanged event, PropertyChanged events, 421–423

CustomersRow class, 38–40, 52

CustomersTableAdapter class, 47, 63–64


Data access layer

adding helper methods in, 66–67

layered application architecture, 21–27

table adapters and, 67

Data adapters

events, ADO.NET, 651–654

loading data sets from database and, 616–618

updating database with, 626–628

using Update method on, 33

Data-bind method, ASP.NET, 496

Data binding

adding to custom controls, 357–359

building applictions with Windows Forms. See Windows Forms applications, building data-bound

business objects. See Business objects

concepts, 82–84

data paths within data sources, 92–96

defining, 2–3, 81–82

designer initialization of, 359–360

expressions, 508–509

to grid, 86–87

IList enabling, 298–303

to individual controls, 90–92

key interfaces involved in. See Interfaces

master-details, 104–106

to multi-valued controls, 88–90

.NET Framework 2.0 and, 84–86

paging through data, 99–104

smarter data containment and, 97–99

synchronizing data between controls, 96–97

updating data sources through, 106–108

Data-binding expressions, ASP.NET, 496–498, 508–509

Data-bound columns, 264–265

Data-bound controls

ASP.NET 1.X, 490–491

binding customers and orders to form, 410–413

data paths within data sources and, 92–96

data source mappings and, 10–11

generating, 11–12

.NET Framework 2.0 and, 84–86

overview of, 20–21

simple data binding and, 83–84

synchronizing data between, 96–97

validation, 459, 463, 473

with Visual Studio Designer. See Visual Studio Designer, bound controls

WinFx, 524, 530–535, 543–545

XAML, 539–540

Data-bound controls, customizing, 343–398

adding data-binding capability, 357–359

autocomplete, 371–375

autosizing columns, 375–376

building from scratch, 379

chart controls for decision support, 379–384

coding, 384–391

delayed initialization, 362–366

designer initialization, 359–360

developing, 353–354

editing, 391–397

filtered grid control, 354–356, 377–378

grouped columns, 345–350

overview of, 343–345

specifying binding properties, 360–362

specifying data source properties, 367–371

test container, 352–353

using, 350–352

Data concurrency, 457, 483–484

Data connections. See Connections

Data contexts, 536, 543

Data display controls

Button, 580

CheckBox, 580–581

ComboBox, 584

DataGrid, 585–586

DataGridView, 586

DateTimePicker, 582

label, 579–580

ListBox, 582–584

ListView, 584

overview of, 578–579

PictureBox, 585

RadioButton, 581

RichTextBox, 582

TextBox, 581

TreeView, 585

Data items

defined, 16

defining, 286–287

PropertyDescriptors and, 305–307

Data members

customizing control mappings, 196, 197–199

defined, 7

generating data-binding code for existing controls, 201

specifying for bound controls, 94–95

Data objects, 8–10, 16–18

Data persistence layer (data tier), 15

Data providers, 6–7, 604–607

Data readers

defined, 607

filling binding source with, 126–128

loading DataTable with, 619–621

reading data into business objects, 654–658

Data relations, typed datasets, 33

Data rows

capturing errors on, 475–479

data sets containing, 31

moving between DataRowView and, 123–124

Data Set Designer

adding tables to data sets, 48–49

creating typed data sets, 43–45

setting up connections, 45–48

Data sets

capturing data errors on, 475–479

choosing custom collections vs., 237

as collection of collections, 303–304

defined, 31

as fancy collection class, 405–406

overview of, 31–32

using in this book, 18–20

Data sets, ADO.NET

creating master-details, 621–623

creating programmatically, 611–613

data adapter events and, 651–654

loading DataTable with data reader, 619–621

loading from database, 613–619

loading from file, 609–611

master-details, 621–623

merging data from multiple, 639–641

searching, 637–638

structure of, 607–609

updating with, 624–628, 632–637

Data Source Configuration wizard

adding data sources to project, 179–180

adding database data source, 181–184

adding new data source and data connection, 6–8

adding object data source, 186–189

adding Web service data source, 185–186

choosing type of data source, 180

creating new data sources in property editor, 207

designer-generated code files and, 205

selecting data objects, 8–10

Data source control, ASP.NET 2.0

DataGrid control working with, 510

defined, 498–499

using master-details data binding, 515–518

Data sources

adding new, 6–8

binding attributes, 360–362

binding hierarchical, 518

choosing typed data set, 44–45

creating bound controls. See Data Source Configuration wizard

customizing control mappings, 10–11

data binding through BindingSource, 97–99

data contexts and, 536

data paths within, 92–96

data providers, 604–605

defined, 31

designer-generated code files, 202–205

dynamically determining properties of, 367–371

ErrorProvider extracting information from, 466–467

overview of, 15–16

paging through data, 99–104

selecting in Property window, 207

in simple data binding, 91

updating through data binding, 106–108

updating typed data sets with table adapters, 57–58

using designer to define grids, 263–266

Data sources, ASP.NET, 499–508

AccessDataSource control, 507

ObjectDataSource control, 505–507

overview of, 499–500

SiteMapDataSource control, 508

SqlDataSource control, 500–505

XmlDataSource control, 507–508

Data sources, binding controls to, 111–176

AutoComplete feature, 160–162

automatic formatting and parsing, 147–148

binding events, 148–154

BindingSource, as data storage container, 124–126

BindingSource, chaining for master-details, 116–121

BindingSource, filling with data reader, 126–128

BindingSource, manipulating data through, 122–124

BindingSource, navigating data through, 121–122

BindingSource, overview of, 111–112

BindingSource, sorting, searching and filtering with, 128–130

child-parent data binding, 163–165

complex types, 134–141

data binding lifecycle, 162–163

DateTime column to DateTimePicker, 142–144

DateTime column to TextBox, 144–145

editing completion, 157–160

Format event, 154–155

image column to PictureBox, 141–142

monitoring with events, 131–133

multiple copies of data, 165–168

nullable types, 140–141

numeric column to TextBox, 145–147

Parse event, 156–157

restricting changes to data, 133

simple data binding, 112–115

synchronizing many-to-many related collections, 172–176

type conversion process and format providers, 138–139

updating to parent data-bound controls, 168–172

Data Sources window

adding data sources, 179–180

adding object data sources, 188–189

adding outside data sources, 202

binding to business objects in, 453–455

creating typed data sets in, 41–42

customizing control mappings in, 196–199

generating bound controls from data sources in, 189–196

generating data-binding code for existing controls on, 199–201

working with, 177–179

Data storage container, BindingSource as, 124–126

Data structures, 405

Data tables

binding to DataView when binding to, 113

capturing data errors on, 475–479

defined, 609

form controls and components from, 192–193

loading with DataReader, 619–621

Data tier, 15

Data type drop-down list, 197–199

Data UI Customization settings, 199

DataBind, ASP.NET, 494

DataBinder.Eval method, ASP.NET, 509

DataBindingComplete event, 221, 376

DataBindings property, 90–92, 208–209


adding editing support to, 391–397

class definition for, 385–386

implementing BarChartControl, 381–383

overview of, 380–381

DataBoundBarChartControl, coding, 384–391

defining custom control skeleton, 385–386

initializing and updating data bindings, 387–389

overview of, 384–385

using AddBarChartControl method, 389–391

DataColumn instances, 31

DataError event, 132

DataErrorEventArgs, DataGridView, 468–471

DataFile property, AccessDataSource control, 507

DataGrid control

ASP.NET, 490–492, 494, 509–510

DataGridView vs., 220

limitations, 217

overview of, 585–586

DataGridView control, 217–284

automatic column sizing, 259–262

basic data binding with, 219–221

binding data collections to grid, 86–87

built-in header cells, 255–256

calling EndEdit in, 159

column and row freezing, 262–263

column reordering, 266–269

controlling modifications, 221–222

custom cell types, 270–273

custom column content with unbound columns, 226–232

DataGridView control, continued

customizing control mappings, 198

DataError event, 468–471

as default control type, 190

defined, 586

defining custom column type, 273–277

deriving controls from, 21

formatting with styles, 281–283

grid data edits, 256–259

grouped columns, 345–350

master-details data binding, 104–106

overview of, 218–219

programmatically adding columns, 222–224

programmatically adding rows, 224–226

row and cell error displays, 467–468

transacted object editing, 417–420

using Visual Studio Designer, 263–266

utilizing cell-oriented grid features, 277–281

validation events, 462–463

DataGridView control, built-in column types, 241–255

DataGridViewButtonColumn, 250

DataGridViewCell properties, 242–246

DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn, 251

DataGridViewColumn properties, 246–249

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, 252–255

DataGridViewImageColumn, 251–252

DataGridViewLinkColumn, 250

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, 249–250

overview of, 241–242

DataGridView control, virtual mode, 233–241

choosing data sets or custom collections, 237–238

initializing grid, 238–239

overview of, 233–234

setting up, 234–237

summary, 240–241

understanding behavior of, 239–240

DataGridView icon, 191

DataGridViewAutoSizeMode, 259–260

DataGridViewButtonColumn, 250

DataGridViewCell class

built-in cell types derived from, 240

cell templates as instances of, 222

properties, 242–246

working with built-in header cells, 256

DataGridViewCell Style, 282

DataGridViewCell.CellStyle property, 282

DataGridViewCellStyle object, 226

DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn, 251

DataGridViewColumn, 240, 246–249

DataGridViewColumn.DefaultCellStyle property, 281–282

DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell, 255

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, 252–255

DataGridViewImageColumn, 251–252

DataGridViewLinkColumn, 250

DataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle property, 282

DataGridViewRowHeaderCell, 255

DataGridViewSelectionMode, 277–280

DataGridViewTextBoxCell class, 223–224

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, 223, 249–250

DataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl, 249–250

dataMember parameter, Binding class, 136

DataMember property

DataBoundChartControl, 386

DataGridView, 219–221

master-details data binding, 105–106

DataMemberChanged event, 132, 221

DataPropertyName property, 227, 246

DataRowState, 625

DataRowView class

implementing IEditableObject, 157

moving between DataRow and, 123–124

supporting transacted object editing, 417–420


ADO.NET, 607–609

icon, 191

DataSet property, XmlDataDocument, 659

.datasource files, 202–203

dataSource parameter, Binding class, 136

DataSource property

adding columns to grid, 264–265

adding rows to grid, 227

binding data collections to grid, 86–87

complex data binding using, 84

creating Windows Forms application, 553–554

data binding with DataGridView, 220–221

DataGridComboBoxColumn, 253

defining custom control skeleton, 386

master-details data binding, 105–106

.NET Framework 2.0 and, 85

simple data binding, 113–114

DataSourceChanged event, 132, 221

DataSourceID property

for ASP.NET data-bound controls, 500

data-binding expressions, 509

DataGrid control, 510–511

dataSourceUpdateMode parameter, Binding class, 136

DataSourceUpdateMode property, 163, 209–210


events, 651–652

overview of, 31–33

using DataView and, 123

DataTextField property, ASP.NET DropDownList control, 497

DataValueChanged event, 397

DataValueField property, ASP.NET DropDownList control, 497

DataView class

binding to data tables really binding to, 113

defining, 123

implementing ITypedList, 307–309

as key class for data binding, 287

working with in ADO.NET, 641–642

DateTime column, DateTimePicker, 142–144

DateTime column, TextBox, 144–145

DateTimeFormatInfo provider, 145

DateTimePicker control

binding DateTime column to, 142–144

as default control type, 190

icon, 192

limitations of, 144

overview of, 582

DBConcurrency exception, 483

DBNull, 140–141, 155


running FirstDataApp, 13–14

in Visual Studio, 563

Declarative programming, design-time, 378

DefaultBindingProperties attribute, 361

DefaultCellStyle property, 246, 281–282

DefaultNewRowValue property, DataGridViewCell, 242

DefaultStatus property, custom columns, 274–276

Definitions, data set tables, 44

Delegate inference, 575

Delete method, table adapters, 54

DeleteCommand property, database updates, 626

Design tools, 36

Designer. See Visual Studio Designer, bound controls

Designer view, 526

.Designer.cs extensions

adding database data sources, 184

defined, 49–50

example, 50–52

.Designer.vb extensions, 49–50

DesiredType property, ConvertEventArgs, 149–150

Details view, Data Sources window, 191, 195–196

DetailsView control, ASP.NET, 512–514, 515

Direction, in data binding, 82–83

DirectX graphics engine, in WinFx, 523

Disconnected data access, ADO.NET, 603

Displayed property, DataGridViewCell, 243

DisplayIndex property, 247, 267–269

DisplayMember property

ComboBox control, 85–86, 88–90

DataGridComboBoxColumn, 253

setting in Properties window, 207–208

DisplayStyleForCurrentCellOnly property, DataGridComboBoxColumn, 253

Dispose method

IDisposable interface, 293

loading DataTable with data reader, 620

Windows Forms architecture, 570

DividerWidth property, DataGridView, 247, 262–263

Dock property

DataGridView Smart Tag, 265

docking controls, 592–594

Drag and drop process. See Mouse clicks

DropDownList control, ASP.NET, 497

DropDownStyle, ComboBox, 584

DropDownWidth property, DataGridComboBoxColumn, 253

DumpList method, IBindingList, 320



adding to custom data bound controls, 391–397

binding controls to data sources, 157–160

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, 249–250

FormView, 515

grid data, 256–259

INotifyPropertyChanged, 423–424

Edit, continued

PropertyChanged events, 420–423

supporting transacted object, 416–420

using Data Sources window toolbar, 179–180

Edit Columns dialog, 263–264, 276–277

EditedFormattedValue property, DataGridViewCell, 243

EditingControlShowing event, 257–258

EditType property, DataGridViewCell, 243

EnableVisualStyles method, Windows Forms, 572

EndEdit method

ISupportInitialize, 335–337

ISupportInitializeNotification, 338–341

updating bound controls, 170

using BindingSource as data storage container, 125–126

EndEdit method, IEditableObject

overview of, 157–159

transacted additions to collections, 439–441

transactional editing of objects, 328–329, 417–420

EndNew method, ICancelAddNew, 326, 425–426

Error handling, 457–485

capturing errors on data sets, 475–479

data concurrency resolution, 483–484

DataGridView, 467–468

DataGridView DataError event, 468–471

IDataErrorInfo interface for, 330–331, 479–482

overview of, 457–458

validation controls, 474–475

validation down control hierarchy, 472–473

validation events, handling, 459–462

validation events, with DataGridView, 462–463

validation up control hierarchy, 463

validation, with AutoValidate property, 471–472

validation, with ErrorProvider, 464–467

Windows Forms validation, 458–459

Error property, IDataErrorInfo, 331

ErrorIconBounds property, DataGridViewCell, 243

ErrorProvider control, 459, 464–467

ErrorText property, DataGridViewCell, 243

Esc key, transacted object editing, 417, 420

Eval method, data-binding expressions, 509


control events, 574–576

creating Windows Forms with Visual Studio, 561–563

PropertyChanged events, 421–423


binding, 148–154

BindingSource, 131–133

control, 574–576

controlling modifications to data in grid, 221–222

data sets and data adapter, 651–654

DataGridView cell, 277–281

DataGridView DataError, 468–471

DataGridView validation, 462–463

DataTable, 651–652

IBindingList, 312–313

paging through data with, 101–103

populating column cells through, 227

typed data table, 38–39

validation, 459–462

validation based on, 459

virtual mode, 234

Windows Forms architecture, 570

ExecuteNonQuery method, SqlCommand, 646–647

ExecuteReader method, 621

ExecuteScalar method, SqlCommand, 646


adding tables to data sets, 48–49

ASP.NET data-binding, 496–498, 508–509

Extended provider control, defined, 464

Extensible Application Markup Language. See XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language)


Fat client. See Smart client applications

Fault tolerance, 25

Fields, 7

Fill, AutoSizeMode, 260–261

Fill method

filling typed data sets with table adapters, 56–57

loading data sets from database, 616–618

untyped data sets, 32–33

Update method vs., 33

FillError event, SqlDataAdapter, 654

FillWeight property, AutoSizeMode, 261

FillWeight property, DataGridViewColumn, 247

Filter property

IBindingListView, 323–325, 444

setting on binding source, 130

synchronizing many-to-many relationships, 175–176

Filtered grid control

adding data-binding capability, 357–359

autocompleting input, 371–375

autosizing columns in grid, 375–376

building, 354–356

delayed initialization, 362–366

determining properties of data source, 367–371

specifying binding properties on controls, 360–362

summary, 376–378

FilterExpression property, SqlDataSource control, 515–517


data view supporting, 642

IBindingListView supporting, 323–325, 443–453

master-details binding supporting, 516–517

removing from collections, 325

Find method

BindingSource, 121, 129–130

creating rich object collections, 426

IBindingList, 312

FindCore method, 430–431

FlatStyle property, DataGridComboBoxColumn, 253

FlowDirection property, FlowLayoutPanel control, 595

FlowLayoutPanel control, 595–597

Font, BarChartControl, 383

foreach operator, IEnumerable and IEnumerator, 292–293, 294

Form class, 15, 569

Format event

event binding and, 149–150, 153–154

handling, 154–155

Format providers, 138–139, 147–148

FormatException, 148

formatInfo parameter, Binding class, 137

FormatString parameter, 137, 145–147

FormattedValue property, DataGridViewCell, 243

FormattedValueType property, DataGridViewCell, 243


the data, 135

data binding lifecycle, 163

with styles, 226, 281–283

Formatting and Advanced Binding dialog, 209–210

FormattingApplied property, 230, 260

FormattingEnabled parameter

binding DateTime column to TextBox, 145

binding numeric column to TextBox, 146

overview of, 136–138

FormView control, ASP.NET, 514–515

Frozen property

column and row freezing with, 262–263

DataGridViewCell, 243

DataGridViewColumn, 247


Generic collection classes, 406–408

Generic data classes, ADO.NET, 604

Generics, defined, 287

Get Visited Count button, virtual mode, 240

GetColumnsInError method, 477–479

GetCustomers method, objectDataSource control, 506–507

GetEnumerator method, IEnumerable, 290, 292

GetEnumerator method, IEnumerator<T>, 293

GetFormattedValue method, custom cell types, 272–273

GetItemProperties method, ITypedList, 308–309

GetManifestResourceStream method, custom cells, 273

GetOrdinal method, data reader, 657

GetProperties method, 367

GetRegions method, 633–634

GetString method, data reader, 656–657

GetTestCustomers method, 413–414

GetValue method, PropertyDescriptor, 306

GetXML method, loading data sets, 609

Global exception handlers, 573–574

Graphics, WinFx, 523


adding to Windows Forms, 550–552

binding customers and orders objects to form controls, 410–413

binding data collections to, 86–87

binding through BindingSource, 112–115

handling data edits, 256–259

handling row selecting in, 495–496

implementing data-bound business objects, 408–410

master-details data binding in, 104–106

presenting tabular data. See DataGridView control

templates in XAML binding collections to, 541–543

WinFx, 526, 530–531

GridView control, ASP.NET, 509–512, 513–514

Grouped columns, 345–350


HasErrors boolean property, 477

HasStyle property, DataGridViewCell, 244

Header cells, built-in, 255–256

HeaderCell property, DataGridViewColumn, 247

HeaderText property, DataGridViewColumn, 247

“Hello World“ application, WinFx, 526–528

Heterogenous columns, DataGridView, 224–225

Hierarchical binding, ASP.NET, 518

Hierarchy, Windows Forms, 567–570

Hollis, Billy, 475

Hot cells, 281

HTML, ASP.NET Web forms, 491



IBindableComponent interface

data-bound controls and, 20–21

.NET Framework 2.0 and, 85

simple data binding with, 84–85

IBindingList interface, 310–322

binding to data tables, 113

BindingList<T> implementation, 425

exercising change notifications, 316–317

filter function, 128–130

notifying consumers of changes, 313–315

overview of, 310–313

restricting changes to data, 133

search function, 128–130, 322

sort function, 128–130, 317–321

using for IList interface limitations, 303

IBindingListView interface

adding functionality of, 443–453

multi-property sorting with, 318

overview of, 323–325

sorting with, 129–130

ICancelAddNew interface

creating custom collection types, 425–426

overview of, 325–326

using BindingList<T>, 425–426

ICollection interface, 295–298

ICollection<T> interface, 298

IComparer<T> interface, 433–435

Icons, data sources controls, 189–192

Icons, ErrorProvider control, 466

IConvertible interface, 148

ICurrencyManagerProvider interface, 341, 365

ICustomTypeDescriptor interface, 332–334

id attribute, ASP.NET controls, 492

Id property, virtual mode, 237–238

IDataErrorInfo, 330–331, 483–484

Identity values, 633

IDisposable interface

IEnumerator<T> class deriving from, 293

implementing BarChartControl, 383

Windows Forms architecture, 570

IEditableObject interface

calling EndEdit, 159

DataRowView class implementing, 157

ICancelAddNew interface vs., 325

managing transacted additions to collections, 439–441

overview of, 328–329

transacted editing of objects with, 416–420

IEnumerable interface, 289–295, 301

IEnumerator<T> class, 293

IList interface

complex data binding with, 85–86

defined, 288–289

List<T> implementation, 411

overview of, 298–303

IListSource interface, 303–305

IList<T> interface, 303

Image column, PictureBox control, 141–142

Image property, PictureBox/TreeView control, 585


DataGridViewImageColumn for, 251–252

PictureBox control for, 580, 585

Implementers, 288

Indexers, data readers, 656–657

IndexOf method, BindingSource, 122

IndexOf method, IList, 300

Indigo (Windows Communication Foundation), 521

InheritedAutoSizeMode property, DataGridViewColumn, 247

InheritedStyle property, DataGridViewCell, 244

InheritedStyle property, DataGridViewColumn, 247

InitData method, 118, 237–238


coding custom-bound controls, 387–389

delayed, data-bound controls, 362–366

ISupportInitialize, 334–337

ISupportInitializeNotification, 337–341

Main method and, 573

using designer, 359–360

InitializeComponent method

defining grids in designer, 266

designer-generated code, 202

ISupportInitialize, 335–336

overview of, 565–566

in XAML, 540

Initialized event, DataSet, 651

INotifyPropertyChanged interface

business object edit notifications with, 423–424

overview of, 329–330

raising item changed events, 439

using for IList interface limitations, 303

INotifyPropertyCollectionChanged interface, WinFx, 536

Input validation, 474–475

Insert method, IList, 300

Insert method, table adapters, 54

INSERT stored procedure, 637

InsertCommand property, updating with data adapters, 626

InsertTemplate, FormView, 515

IntelliSense, 36

Interfaces, 285–342

data binding and, 286–289

IBindingListView, 323–325

ICancelAddNew, 325–326

ICollection, 295–298

ICurrencyManagerProvider, 341

ICustomTypeDescriptor, 332–334

IDataErrorInfo, 330–331

IEditableObject, 328–329

IEnumerable and IEnumerator, 289–295

IList, 298–303

IListSource, 303–305

implementing with data providers in .NET, 605

INotifyPropertyChanged, 329–330

IRaiseItemChangedEvents, 327

ISupportInitialize, 334–337

ISupportInitializeNotification, 337–341

ITypedList, 307–309

overview of, 285–286

property descriptors, 305–307

WinFx, 536

Interfaces, IBindingList, 310–322

exercising change notifications, 316–317

notifying consumers of changes, 313–315

overview of, 310–313

search function, 322

sorting function, 317–321

IntiGrid method, 238–239

IRaisedItemChangedEvents, 441–443

IRaiseItemChangedEvents interface, 327

Is<ColumnName>Null method, 140–141

IsDataBound property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

IsFixedSize property, IList, 299, 301

IsInEditMode property, DataGridViewCell, 244

IsInitialized property, ISupportInitializeNotification, 339–341

IsMdiContainer property, MDI, 577–578

Isolation levels, transaction, 645

IsPostBack property, 495

IsReadOnly property, IList, 299, 301

IsSorted property, IBindingList, 311

IsSynchronized property, ICollection, 297–298


DataBoundBarChartControl implementing, 386

delayed initialization with, 362–366

overview of, 334–337

ISupportInitializeNotification interface, 337–341

Items property, DataGridComboBoxColumn, 254

ItemsSource property, WinFx data binding, 535

Iteration, IEnumerable and IEnumerator, 290–292

ITypedList interface, 307–309


Label controls

Detail view control mapping with, 194

generating for data-bound controls, 11–12

icon, 191

overview of, 579–580

Layered application architecture, 15–16, 21–27

Layers, 23–26, 29

Layout, control. See Control, layout

Lifecycle, data binding, 162–163

Lifecycle, Windows Forms, 569–570

LinkLabel icon, 192

Links, DataGridViewLinkColumn, 250

Links, defining grids in designer, 263–265

List-based binding, 84

ListBox control

ASP.NET, 497

binding data collections to, 88–90

icon, 192

overview of, 582–584

Smart Tag, 213–214

WinFx, 535

XAML, 540

ListChanged events

BindingList<T> supporting, 425

defining, 132

FilteredGrid control, 370–371

IBindingList, 312

INotifyPropertyChanged, 329–330, 424

IRaiseItemChangedEvents of, 327

ListChangedEventArgs properties of, 314–315

ListChangedType enumeration values, 315

synchronizing many-to-many related collections, 174–175

ListChangedEventArgs properties, 314–315

ListChangedType property, ListChangedEventArgs, 314

Lists, defined, 16

ListSortDescriptionCollection, IBindingListView, 444

List<T> generic type

adding searching to collections, 431

adding sorting to collections, 432–434

IList interface using, 302

overview of, 407–408

ListView control, 584

ListViewItem class, 584

Load event, 570

LoadDataRow method, 641

Loading, ADO.NET

data into XPathDocument, 664–665

data sets from database, 613–619

data sets from files, 609–611

DataTable with DataReader, 619–621

localhost, 8

Location property, 589–590

Logical units, WinFx, 523

Lookup complex data binding, 199

LookupBindingProperties attribute, 361


Main method, 549, 570–574

many-to-many relationships, synchronizing, 172–174

MarshalByRefObject, 567–568

MaskedTextBox control, 144

Master-details data binding

ASP.NET, 515–518

chaining BindingSources for, 116–121

generating controls with designer, 214–216

implementing data-bound business objects, 408–410

overview of, 104–106

reversing, 168–172

Master-details data sets, ADO.NET, 621–623

MaxDropDownItems property, DataGridComboBoxColumn, 254

MDI (multiple-document interface) applications, 577–578

MdiParent property, MDI applications, 578

Member controls, Windows Forms, 567

MemberDescriptors, 305–306

Members, adding, 557–561

Memory. See DataGridView control, virtual mode

MenuStrip control, 598–600

Merge method, ADO.NET, 639–641

MergeFailed event, DataSet, 651

MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class), 49–50

Microsoft SQL Server

as data provider in .NET, 604

loading data sets from database, 613–619

working with, 606–607

MinimumWidth property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

MissingSchemaAction property, 622, 634

Mouse clicks

configuring table adapters to use stored procedures, 76

generating data-bound controls, 11, 200–201

generating form controls and components, 193–194

working with Data Sources window, 177

MoveFirst method, BindingSource, 122

MoveLast method, BindingSource, 122

MoveNext method

IEnumerator, 290, 292, 294

navigating data through BindingSource, 122

XPathNavigator query methods, 666

MovePrecious method, BindingSource, 122

MoveToXXX methods, XPathNavigator, 668–669

Multiline property, TextBox control, 581

multiple-document interface (MDI) applications, 577–578

Multithreaded programming, ICollection, 297

m_Visited collection, 239


Name property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

Name property, PropertyDescriptor, 306

Namespace, icon, 191

Namespace, XPathNavigator, 669

Naming conventions

adding tables to data sets, 48–49

configuration files at runtime, 60

data-bound controls, 11

generating bound controls from data sources, 194

hooking up event handler to get different, 561–563

loading data sets from database, 616–619

setting control data binding in Properties window, 206

typed data sets, 39, 47–48


with BindingNavigator. See BindingNavigator control

BindingSource properties and methods, 121–122

of XML documents. See XPathNavigator

XML documents, 667–669

.NET Framework 2.0

data binding enhancements, 84–86

data sets, 19–20

generic collection classes, 406–408

.NET Framework Data Provider, 45

Never value, DataSourceUpdateMode property, 163

New Connection button, 6–7

New Project dialog, 4–5, 554–555

NewIndex property, ListChangedEventArgs, 314

No mapping icon, 191

NodeType property, XPathNavigator, 667

NotSortable property, DataGridView, 280

Null value

binding numeric column to TextBox, 146

customizing bindings in Properties window, 209

handling Format event, 155

overview of, 140–141

Nullable types, 140

nullValue parameter, Binding class, 137

Numeric columns, binding to TextBox, 145–147

NumericUpDown control icon, 192


Object collections, 237

Object reference, 129–130

ObjectDataSource control, 505–507, 518


data-bound business. See Business objects

overview of, 16–18

performing data binding against, 186–189

ObservableCollection<T> class, 536

ODBC, 604

Offline applications, 27, 603

OldIndex property, ListChangedEventArgs, 314

OLE DB, 604

OLE images, conversion handling, 142

OnAddingNew event handler, 125–126

OnCellFormatting, DataGridView override, 347–348

OnCellPainting method, DataGridView override, 348–349

OnCellValueNeeded handler, virtual mode, 239

OnCountryComboChanged event, 258–259

One-way data binding, 82

OnFilterClicked event handler, 374

OnFormLoad method, paging through data, 101–102

OnGetList method, bound controls, 412

OnGetVisitedCount button Click handler, virtual mode, 239

OnLoadData handler, 552–553

OnPositionChanged event handler, 102–103

OnPropertyChanged value, DataSourceUpdateMode property, 163

OnSelectedIndexChanged event, 495

OnStartingUp method, WinFx, 529–530

OnValidating value, DataSourceUpdateMode property, 163

Optimistic currency, 33

Oracle, 605

Order objects, 410–413

OwningColumn property, DataGridViewCell, 244

OwningRow property, DataGridViewCell, 244


Page processing, ASP.NET

handling row selecting in grid, 495–496

hooking up dynamic behavior in code-behind files, 492–495

overview of, 489

Page_Load event handler, 494

Paging, DataGrid control, 511

Paging, FormView, 515

Painting, custom and row headers, 255–256

Parent-child data binding

master-details data binding using, 117–121

overview of, 163–165

updating to parent data-bound controls, 168–172


data binding lifecycle, 163

event binding with Parse event, 153–154

handling Parse event, 156–157

overview of, 147–148

Parse event, 149

Partial classes, 51, 545–565

Passing the data, 135

PasswordBox control, 530–531

Performance, 25, 68

PictureBox control

binding image column to, 141–142

customizing data source control mappings, 10

generating data-bound controls, 12

icon, 191

label control vs., 579

overview of, 585

Pixel-based programming, WinFx vs., 523

plus sign (+), 202

Position property, 99–100, 121

PositionChanged event, 101–103, 132

Postback handling, DataGrid control, 510

Pragmatic ADO.NET (Wildermuth), 602

PreferredSize property, DataGridViewCell, 244

Presentation layer

of layered application architecture, 21–27

using data readers in, 607

using data sets in, 18–19

Preview Data option, Smart Tag, 212–213

Programmatically constructing data sets, 611–613

Programming .NET Components (Löwy), 407, 574

Programming Windows Presentation Foundation (Sells and Griffiths), 522

Programming, Winfx UI, 522–524


data-bound business object, 404

DataGridComboBoxColumn, 252–254

DataGridView, 218

DataGridView cell styles, 281–283

DataGridViewCell, 242–246

DataGridViewColumn, 246–249

defined, 7

designing own data-bound controls from, 21

dynamically determining data source, 367–371

exposing data-binding, 307–309

setting control data binding, 206–210

setting values with designer-generated code, 565

sorting on multiple. See IBindingListView interface

transacted object editing, 416–420

typed data set, 37–38, 47–48

Properties window

adding member to Windows Forms, 557–560

DataGridView settings in, 266

hooking up event handler in, 561–563

setting control data binding in, 205–210

Property change events, 420–424

PropertyChangedEventHandler, 330


determining properties of data sources, 367–371

ListChangedEventArgs, 315

manipulating data through binding source, 124

overview of, 305–307

propertyName parameter, Binding class, 136

PropertyType property, PropertyDescriptor, 306

PropertyUISettings, data source files, 204

ProposedValue property, DataTable, 652–653

Provider model, ASP.NET, 499–500

Provider-specific classes, ADO.NET, 604

Pseudo-properties, Properties window, 206–210



loading data sets from database, 616–617

table adapters configured for custom, 69–72

table adapters configured for stored procedures, 74–77

using Smart Tags, 210–214

writing SQL statements with Query Builder, 72–73

against XML data, 665–667

Query Builder, 72–73, 212

question mark (?), 140


RadioButton control, 581

RaiseItemChangedEvents property, 439–441

Raster graphics, 523

Read method, data reader, 656

Readers. See Data readers

ReadOnly property

controlling modifications to grid data, 221

DataGridView Smart Tag, 265

DataGridViewButtonColumn, 250

DataGridViewCell, 244

DataGridViewColumn, 248

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, 249–250

in virtual mode, 240

ReadXml method

creating Windows Forms application, 552

loading data sets from file, 609–611

working with XmlDataDocument, 661–662 item, 203

RejectChanges method, client-side transactions, 650–651

Relational data access, ADO.NET, 603–607

Relational data, defined, 286

Relations, typed data sets, 51

Remove method, IList, 300–301

RemoveAt method, IList, 300–301

RemoveFilter method, IBindingListView, 324, 325, 444

RemoveIndex method, IBindingList, 312

RemoveSort method, IBindingList, 312, 317

RemoveSortCore method, IBindingList, 438–439

Renderers, .NET 2.0, 600

Rendering, BarChartControl, 381–383

Rendering, custom data structure for, 383–384

Reset method, IEnumerator<T> class, 293

Resizeable property, DataGridViewCell, 244

Resizeable property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

Rich Text Format (RTF), 582

RichTextBox control, 582

Rollback transactions, 645–646

RowAdded event, DataGridView, 281

RowChanged event, DataTable, 652

RowChanging event, DataTable, 652

RowDeleted event, DataTable, 652

RowDeleting event, DataTable, 652

RowFilter property, data views, 642

RowIndex property, CellFormatting event, 230

RowIndex property, DataGridViewCell, 244


adding in virtual mode, 234

errors in DataGridView, 467

freezing, 262–263

header cells for, 255–256

programmatically adding to grid, 224–226

selecting in grid, 495–496

updating database with data sets, 624–628

RowsAdded event

controlling stored cell content with, 232

defined, 227

using, 231–232

RowsHeadersDefaultStyle property, 281–282

RowState flag, 33

RowState property, DatSet class, 625

RowStateFilter property, DataView, 642

RowUpdated event, SqlDataAdapter, 654

RowUpdating event, SqlDataAdapter, 654

RowValidated event, DataGridView, 462–463

RowValidating event, DataGridView, 462–463

RTF (Rich Text Format), 582

Run method, 527, 572

runat = "server" attribute, ASP.NET, 492

Running, data-bound applications, 13–14

Runtime, data binding, 37


Saving, connection strings, 8–9

Scalability, 25

Scoping transactions, ADO.NET, 647–649

ScrollableControl class, 569

Scrollbars property, TextBox control, 581

Scrolling, while freezing rows/columns, 262–263

Search Criteria Builder dialog, 211

Search functionality

adding to custom collections, 430–431

adding to rich object collections, 426

with BindingSource, 128–130

data sets, in ADO.NET, 637–638

with IBindingList, 322

SearchControl user control, 588–589


basing table adapters on stored procedures and, 68

dividing applications into tiers for, 25

IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces and, 294

smart clients and, 28

Select method, overloads, 638

SELECT query, in database updates, 627–628

SelectCommand property

calling update stored procedures, 634

SqlDataSource control, 500, 515

updating database with data sets, 626, 627

Selected property, DataGridViewCell, 244

SelectedIndexChanged event

ComboBox control, 584

grid data edits, 258

ListBox control, 583

row selection in grid, 495

SelectedItem(s) property, ListBox control, 583

SelectedValue property, ComboBox, 88–90

SelectedValue property, updating data-bound controls, 170

SelectIndex property, ListBox control, 583

SelectionMode property, DataGridView, 277–280

SelectionMode property, ListBox control, 583–584

SELECT...WHERE clause, DetailsView control, 514

Server Explorer, 44–45

SetBinding method, WinFx, 535

SetColumnError method, DataRow class, 476

SetConnection method, 62

SetDisplayOrder method, columns, 269

SetError method, ErrorProvider, 465–467

Settings class, connection management, 58–60

SetValue method, IRaiseItemChangedEvents, 327

SetValue method, PropertyDescriptor, 306–307

Show method, displaying other forms, 576–577

Show method, WinFx, 527

ShowDialog method, displaying other forms, 577

ShowXXXButton properties, DataGrid control, 511

Simple data binding

with binding sources, 112–115

customizing control mappings using, 198–199

overview of, 83–84

performing, 90–92

using IList interface, 302

Site property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

SiteMapDataSource control, 508


controls on forms, 589–590

DataGridViewCell, 245

PictureBox, 585

TableLayoutPanel control, 595–596

Windows Forms, 551, 554

Smart client applications

configuring, 24–25

defining, 27–28

separate layers in, 29

Smart Tags

adding columns to grids, 264–266

generating data bindings, 210–214

working with, 556

SmlDataDocument class, ADO.NET, 659–663

Snap-lines, 557–558

SnycRoot property, ICollection, 297–298

Solution Explorer

creating typed data sets, 43, 49–50

XSD files hidden in, 42

Sort functionality

adding to collections, 432–439

with BindingSource, 128–130

data views, 642

with DataGrid control, 511

with IBinding List, 317–321

with IBindingListView, 323–325, 443–453

with IEnumerator, 291–292

rich object collections, 426

Sort property, data views, 642

SortComparer, 433–434

SortComparer, adding sorting to collection, 437–438

SortDescriptions property, IBindingListView, 323–324, 444

SortDirection property, IBindingList, 311

SortDirection property, IBindingListView, 324

Sorted property, DataGridComboBoxColumn, 254

SortExpression property, DataGrid control, 511

SortMode property, DataGridView, 280

SortMode property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

Source property, database column names, 39

Source property, typed data sets, 47–48

SplitContainer control, 595–597

Splitter control, SplitContainer control, 595

Spreadsheets, creating, 218

SQL Express engine, 614–615

SQL Server, 45–46

SQL statements

adding custom query to table adapters, 69–72

configuring table adapter to use stored procedures, 74–77

writing with Query Builder, 72–73

SqlCommand object, 615–616, 646

SqlCommandBuilder, 627–628

SqlDataAdapter class

events of, 654

loading data sets from database, 616–618

updating database with data sets, 626

SqlDataReader, 654–658

SqlDataSource control

DetailsView control and, 514

master-details data binding in, 515–518

overview of, 500–505

SqlParameter class, 636–637

SqlTransaction class, 643–644

STAThread attribute, Main method

overview of, 572–573

Windows Forms applications using, 550

WinFX using, 528

StatusCells, 270–273

StatusColumns, 273–277

StatusImage, 276

StatusStrip control, 598–600

Stored procedures

basing table adapters on, 67–69

configuring table adapter to use, 74–77

loading data sets from database, 616

retrieving data with, 623–624


automatic formatting and parsing, 147–148

filter, 175–176

setting textual data-binding behavior of custom objects, 413–414


DataGridView, 281–283

DataGridViewCell, 245

WinFx layered, 523–524

SupportsAdvancedSorting property, IBindingListView, 323–324, 444

SupportsChangeNotification property, IBindingList, 311, 313

SupportsFiltering property, IBindingListView, 323, 444

SupportsSearching property, IBindingList, 311, 322

SupportsSearchingCore method, 430–431

SupportsSorting property, IBindingList, 317


of data between controls, 96–97

data paths within data sources, 94–96

ICollection interface, 297

of many-to-many relationships, 172–174

updating to parent data-bound controls, 168–172

System namespace, 550

System.Collections namespace, 19–20

System.ComponentModel namespace, 20

System.Data namespace, 605

System.Transactions, 647–649

System.Windows namespace, WinFx, 525, 527

System.Windows.Controls namespace, WinFx, 526

System.Windows.Windows.Window objects, WinFx, 525


Tab order, controls, 596–598

TabIndex property, 597

Table adapters, 52–77

adding helper data access methods, 66–67

adding queries to, 69–72

adding transaction support to, 62–66

basing on stored procedures or views, 67–69

configuring to use stored procedures, 74–77

connection management, 58–62

defined, 35, 41

designer-generated code, 55–56

filling and updating typed data sets, 56–58

generating data-bound controls, 11

overview of, 52–56

using Query Builder for SQL statements, 72–73

Table-oriented complex data binding, 199

TableAdapter Query Configuration wizard, 67–72

TableLayoutPanel control, 595–597

TableMappings property, 618


adding to data sets, 48–49

creating Windows Forms application, 553

loading data sets from database, 616–619

presenting tabular data. See DataGridView control

Tag property, DataGridViewCell, 245


binding collection to grid with, 541–543

CellTemplate property, 246, 252, 274–275

FormView, 515

Test container, 352–353

Testing, custom controls, 350

Text property

ASP.NET data-binding expressions, 497

Button control, 580

CheckBox control, 580–581

Label controls, 580

RichTextBox control, 582

TextBox control, 581

TreeView control, 585

TextBlock control, WinFx, 526, 530–531

TextBox control

AutoComplete, 160–162, 371–375

binding DateTime column to, 144–145

binding numeric column to, 145–147

DataGridViewTextBoxColumn in, 249–250

as default control type, 190

icon, 191

overview of, 581

setting data bindings, 93–96

using data-binding expressions in, 497

in WinFx applications, 530–531, 535

in XAML, 540

TextChanged event, 101

TextReader, 664–665

Textual controls, 413–414

Third-party components

adding control to Visual Studio Toolbox, 199

adding outside data source, 202

designing own data-bound controls from, 21

working with in Toolbox, 555–557

This property, IDataErrorInfo, 331

This property, IList, 299

ThreeState property, CheckBox controls, 580–581

ThreeState property, DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn, 251

Tiers, layers vs., 23–26

Toolbox, Visual Studio

adding custom controls to, 350–352

creating Windows Forms, 555–557

customizing, 199–200

ToolStrip control

adding with designer, 212–213

adding with Search Criteria Builder dialog, 212

BindingNavigator control as version of, 103

overview of, 598–600

ToolTipText property, DataGridViewCell, 245

ToolTipText property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

ToString method, ListBox control, 582–583

ToString method, overriding, 413–414

Transacted object editing, 416–420, 439–441


adding support to table adapters, 62–66

client-side, 650–651

overriding to add sorting to collection, 432–433

scoping with System.Transactions, 647–649

working with in ADO.NET, 643–647

TransactionScope class, 62, 648–649

TreeView control, 518, 585

try-catch block, 645–646

try-finally block, 620, 646–648

TryParse method, 103

Two-way data binding, 82–83

Type conversions

automatic formatting and parsing, 147–148

binding events vs., 148–154

overview of, 138–139

Type-safe indexer, 37–38

Type safety, 34–37

Typed data sets, 31–52

creating, 41–42

creating with command line tools, 77–78

creating with Data Set Designer, 42–49

designer-generated code files for, 203

displaying in Data Source window, 189

filling and updating with table adapter, 56–58

generated code, 49–52

generating table adapters. See Table adapters

internals of, 37–41

review of, 31–34

safety of, 34–37

using in code, 78–79

TypeInfo, data source files, 203–204

TypeName property, ObjectDataSource control, 506

TypeUISetting, data source files, 204


Unbound columns, 226–232

adding to grids, 264–265

defined, 218, 227

generating computed columns, 232

overview of, 226–227

using CellFormatting event, 227–231

using RowsAdded event, 231–232

Unchanged method, client-side transactions, 650–651

Update method, data sets, 33

Update method, table adapters, 54

UpdateCoordinates method, bar chart controls, 384

UpdateDataBinding method, data-bound custom controls, 387–389, 396


ADO.NET, handling concurrency during, 628–631

ADO.NET, stored procedures, 632–637

ADO.NET, with data sets, 624–628

coordinates on bar chart controls, 384

data bindings on data-bound custom controls, 387–389, 396

of data sources, 106–108

to parent data-bound controls, 168–172

typed data sets with table adapters, 56–58

Use Windows Authentication, 8–9

UserControl base class, 586–588

UserControl class, 569

Users, validation, 457

using block, 620, 646–648

using statement, 78–79


Val property, virtual mode, 237–238

Validate method, 463

ValidateChildren method

using AutoValidate property, 472

validation down control hierarchy, 473

validation up control hierarchy, 463

Validated events

DataGridView, 462–463

defined, 459

overview of, 459–461

setting error provider message in response to, 465

Validation, 457–485

calling EndEdit and, 158

capturing data errors on data sets, 475–479

data concurrency resolution, 483–484

DataGridView DataError event, 468–471

DataGridView error displays, 467–468

DataGridView events, 462–463

down control hierarchy, 472–473

ErrorProvider control and, 464–467

for extended controls, 474–475

handling events, 459–462

IDataErrorInfo and, 479–482

overview of, 479–482

up control hierarchy, 463

updating data sources, 107–108

using AutoValidate property, 471–472

Windows Forms, 458–459

ValidationConstraints enumeration values, 473

Value property, ConvertEventArgs, 149–150, 156

Value property, DataGridViewCell, 245

ValueChanged event, DateTimePicker, 582

ValueMember property, ComboBox control, 85–86, 88–90

ValueMember property, DataGridComboBoxColumn, 254

ValueType property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

Vector graphics, WinFx, 523

View Code, 526


basing table adapters on, 67–69

binding to data table really binding to data, 113

typed datasets defining, 33

ViewState, 495–496

Virtual mode, DataGridView, 233–241

choosing data sets or custom collections, 237–238

defined, 218

initializing grid, 238–239

overview of, 233–234

setting up, 234–237

summary, 240–241

understanding, 239–240

Visible property, DataGridViewCell, 245

Visible property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

Visual Studio 2005, 4–8

Visual Studio Designer

defining grids, 263–266

design-time declarative programming, 378

designer-generated code, 563–566

initialization, 334–337, 359–360

Visual Studio Designer, bound controls, 177–216

adding data sources, 179–180

adding database data source, 181–185

adding object data source, 186–189

adding Web service data source, 185–186

choosing data source type, 180

code, 202–205

customizing, 196–199

from data sources, 189–196

data sources files, 202–205

with Data Sources window, 177–179

generating data-binding code for existing controls, 199–201

generating other data-binding code, 205–206

master-details bound controls, 214–216

Properties window settings, 206–210

selecting type, 196

summary, 216

using smart tags, 210–214

Visual Studio Options dialog, 197–198

Visual Studio, Windows Forms applications, 554–563

adding members to form, 557–561

creating empty project, 554

hooking up event handler and data binding, 561–563

working with Toolbox, 555–557


Web reference folder, 202–203

Web reference icon, 191

Web servers, validation controls, 483–484

Web service data sources, 185–186, 202–203

Weinhardt, Michael, 475

WHERE clause, SqlDataSource control, 515

Width property, DataGridViewColumn, 248

WindowLoaded event handler, XAML, 540–541

Windows class, WinFx, 527, 539–540

Windows Communication Foundation (Indigo), 521

Windows Forms applications, building data-bound

adding new data sources and data connection, 6–8

creating project, 4–5

customizing data source control mappings, 10–11

data binding, 2–3

data-bound controls, 20–21

data objects and collections, 16–18

data sets, 18–20

data sources, 15–16

generating data-bound controls, 11–12

layered application architecture, 21–27

overview of, 3–4

running, 13–14

selecting data objects, 8–10

smart clients, 27–28

Windows Forms applications, programming, 547–600

architecture, 567–570

binding data reader to, 607

commanding and controlling, 598–600

containing forms with parent forms, 577–578

creating custom user control, 586–588

data application in, 548–554

data binding improvements in, 3

data sources in, 16

designer-generated code, 563–566

displaying other forms, 576–577

handling control events, 574–576

layout of, 589–596

main method, 570–574

overview of, 547–548

tab order settings, 597–598

Windows Forms, data display controls, 578–586

Button, 580

CheckBox, 580–581

ComboBox, 584

DataGrid, 585–586

DataGridView, 586

DateTimePicker, 582

label, 579–580

ListBox, 582–584

ListView, 584

overview of, 578–579

PictureBox, 585

RadioButton, 581

RichTextBox, 582

TextBox, 581

TreeView, 585

Windows Forms Programming in C# (Sells), 378

Windows Forms validation, 458–459

Windows Forms, with Visual Studio, 554–563

adding members to form, 557–561

creating empty project, 554

hooking up event handler and data binding, 561–563

working with Toolbox, 555–557

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), 521

WinFx applications, 521–545

binding collection to grid with templates, 541–543

control styling in, 543–545

data binding, 532–535

data contexts and data sources, 536

overview of, 521–522

UP programming and capabilities, 522–525

writing, 525–531

XAML and, 537–541

WithEvents keyword, 576

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), 521

WriteXML method, 609–611

.wsc file, 203


XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language)

binding collection to grid with templates, 541–543

control styling in WinFx, 543–545

overview of, 537–541

programming WinFx applications, 524–525

XDR (XML Data Reduced) schemas, 78

XML data access, ADO.NET, 659–663

loading data into XPathDocument, 664–665

navigating XML document, 667–669

overview of, 658–659

querying XML data, 665–667

XmlDataDocument class, 659–663

XPathDocument class, 663–664

XML Data Reduced (XDR) schemas, 78

XML, data source files, 202–205

XML Schema Support utility (xsd.exe), 77–78

XmlDataDocument class

defined, 658

obtaining XPathNavigator for, 664

searching data sets with, 638

working with, 659–663

XMLDataSource control, 507–508, 518

XmlDocument class

defined, 658

navigating, 667–669

obtaining XPathNavigator for, 664

XmlDataDocument deriving from, 659

XmlReader class, 659, 664–665

XmlWriter class, 659

XPathDocument class, 663–665


navigating XML documents, 667–669

obtaining for XPathDocument, 664

querying XML data, 665–667

XPathNodeIterator class, 666–667

.xsc file, 204–205

XSD (XML Schema Definition file)

configuring data source, 184

converting XDR schemas to, 78

creating typed data sets with, 42

typed data set-generated code and, 49–50

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