
App domains themselves are subdivided into contexts. Contexts can be thought of as boundaries within which objects share usage rules. These usage rules include synchronization transactions (see Chapter 20), and so forth.

Context-Bound and Context-Agile Objects

Objects are either context-bound, or they are context-agile. If they are context-bound, they exist in a context, and to interact with them the message must be marshaled. If they are context-agile, they act within the context of the calling object; that is, their methods execute in the context of the object that invokes the method and so marshaling is not required.

Suppose you have an object A that interacts with the database and so is marked to support transactions. This creates a context. All method calls on A occur within the context of the protection afforded by the transaction. Object A can decide to roll back the transaction, and all actions taken since the last commit are undone.

Suppose that you have another object, B, which is context-agile. Now suppose that object A passes a database reference to object B and then calls methods on B. Perhaps A and B are in a call-back relationship, in which B will do some work and then call A back with the results. Because B is context-agile, B’s method operates in the context of the calling object; thus it will be afforded the transaction protection of object A. The changes B makes to the database will be undone if A rolls back the transaction, because B’s methods execute within the context of the caller. So far, so good.

Should B be context-agile or context-bound? In the case examined so far, B worked fine being agile. Suppose one more class exists: C. C does not have transactions, and it calls a method on B that changes the database. Now A tries to roll back, but unfortunately, the work B did for C was in C’s context and thus was not afforded the support of transactions. Uh-oh: that work can’t be undone.

If B was marked context-bound, when A created it B would have inherited A’s context. In that case, when C invoked a method on B it would have to be marshaled across the context boundary, but then when B executed the method it would have been in the context of A’s transaction. Much better.

This would work if B were context-bound but without attributes. B of course could have its own context attributes, and these might force B to be in a different context from A. For example, B might have a transaction attribute marked RequiresNew. In this case, when B is created it gets a new context, and thus cannot be in A’s context. Thus, when A rolled back, B’s work could not be undone. You might mark B with the RequiresNew enumeration value because B is an audit function. When A takes an action on the database it informs B, which updates an audit trail. You do not want B’s work undone when A undoes its transaction. You want B to be in its own transaction context, rolling back only its own mistakes, not A’s.

An object thus has three choices. The first choice is to be context-agile. A context-agile object operates in the context of its caller. Option two is to be context-bound (accomplished by deriving from ContextBoundObject) but have no attributes, and thus operate in the context of the creator. Option three is to be context-bound with context attributes, and thus operate only in the context which matches the attributes.

Which you decide upon depends on how your object will be used. If your object is a simple calculator that cannot possibly need synchronization or transactions or any context support, it is more efficient to be context-agile. If your object should use the context of the object that creates it, you should make that object context-bound with no attributes. Finally, if your object has its own context requirements, you should give it the appropriate attributes.

Marshaling Across Context Boundaries

No proxy is needed when accessing context-agile objects within a single app domain. When an object in one context accesses a context-bound object in a second context, it does so through a proxy, and at that time the two context policies are enforced. It is in this sense that a context creates a boundary; the policy is enforced at the boundary between contexts.

For example, when you mark a context-bound object with the System.Runtime.Remoting.Synchronization attribute, you indicate that you want the system to manage synchronization for that object. All objects outside that context must pass through the context boundary to touch one of the objects, and at that time the policy of synchronization will be applied.


Strictly speaking, marking two classes with the Synchronization attribute does not guarantee that they will end up in the same context. Each attribute gets to vote on whether it is happy with the current context at activation. If two objects are marked for synchronization but one is pooled, they will be forced into different contexts.

Objects are marshaled differently across context boundaries, depending on how they are created:

  • Typical objects are not marshaled at all; within app domains they are context-agile.

  • Objects marked with the Serializable attribute are marshaled by value across app domains and are context-agile.

  • Objects that derive from MarshalByRefObject are marshaled by reference across app domains and are context-agile.

  • Objects derived from ContextBoundObject are marshaled by reference across app domains as well as by reference across context boundaries.

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