
Document — Inherits Node


The Document interface is the object representation of an entire XML document. It contains all of the root elements, as well as the document type. The contained child objects of the Document have their ownerDocument attribute associated with this parent.


Contains the Document Type Declaration associated with the document. The value is read-only, and cannot be modified in DOM Level 2.


Represents the root element of the document. As you work with the DOM, dealing with elements is a natural thing, and being able to quickly extract the root element of any document object is desirable.


The DOMImplementation object that handles this document.

createAttribute( name )

Creates an Attr object with the name supplied. Support for namespaces is provided with the createAttributeNS method.

createAttributeNS( namespaceURI, qualifiedName )

Does essentially the same task as createAttribute( name ), however it creates the attribute with the given namespaceURI.

createCDATASection( data )

Creates and returns a CDATA node section with the supplied data.

createComment( data )

Creates and returns a comment node.

createDocumentFragment( )

Creates and returns an empty DocumentFragment object.

createElement( tagname )

Creates an element with the given element tagname. Returns an Element object.

createElementNS( namespaceURI, qualifiedName )

Same as createElement; however the namespaceURI is associated with the element.

createEntityReference( name )

Creates and returns an EntityReference object; may raise an invalid character exception if illegal characters are used.

createProcessingInstruction( target, data )

Creates and returns a ProcessingInstruction node with the supplied target and data.

createTextNode( data )

Creates and returns a text node that contains the text given by data.

getElementById( elementId )

Returns an Element object with the corresponding ID. Returns None if there is no such element. Remember that ID attributes must be specified in the DTD. Simply creating a tag such as <account id="234"/> will not cause it to be returned by this method unless the DTD included assigns the attribute to be of the tokenized type ID. Additionally, the DOMImplementation object must be aware of which attributes have been given the type ID. Attributes of type ID must be unique within any given XML document.

getElementsByTagName( tagName )

Returns a NodeList containing all of the elements matching tagName. They are returned in the order they were found when the original document is parsed.

getElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI, localName )

Returns a NodeList of the elements that match both the localName and namespaceURI.

importNode( importedNode, deep )

This method imports a node from another document into the current one. The Node has no parent. All attributes and the namespace of the imported Node are the same. Given the broad variety of nodes that can be imported, certain rules or side effects are applied.

  • Imported nodes that are Attributes (Attr) have no owner element, and all children are imported as well.

  • DocumentFragment nodes have their children imported as well if the deep parameter is set to true.

  • Document nodes are not imported since a Document cannot contain another Document.

  • Element nodes are imported as expected, complete with attributes. If the deep parameter is true, children of the element are imported as well.

  • EntityReference nodes have only themselves copied, regardless of the deep parameter. If the entity has a value definition, it is imported as well.

  • Notation nodes can be imported, but the DOM currently does not allow modification of the DocumentType.

  • ProcessingInstruction nodes are imported as expected, in their entirety. CharacterData (including CDATASection and Comment nodes) are copied as expected with their data attribute.

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