
CharacterData — Inherits Node


The CharacterData interface is a subtype of Node that provides additional methods for working with text data. This interface does not correspond to concrete node types, but is used as a basis for defining the Text and Comment interfaces.


This string represents the character data held within the node.


The number of characters available through the data attribute and substringData method. If the object is empty, the value may be 0.

appendData( arg )

This method appends the string arg to the end of the character data.

deleteData( offset, count )

Removes a given number of characters from the character data beginning at offset and continuing through offset + count. If the supplied range exceeds the length of the string, the contents from offset through the end of the string are deleted.

insertData( offest, arg )

This method allows you to insert character data into the node beginning at the position noted by offset.

replaceData( offset, count, arg )

This method replaces the data beginning at offset, with the supplied data of arg, continuing through offset + count. If the length of the data is exceeded, then the additional replacement text is appended to the data.

substringData( offset, count )

Extracts a portion of the data from the CharacterData node. If offset + count exceed the length, then all characters through the end of the node are returned.

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