
Element — Inherits Node


The Element interface represents a markup element. In addition to its Node-like methods, it supports access methods to get at contained attributes.


The name of the element type. In <stag drums="dale">, a string with the value stag is returned.

getAttribute( name )

This method returns an attribute’s value. This method bypasses retrieving the Attr object directly and using its accessor methods. In some cases, using the Attr node directly may be more appropriate, but the convenience methods on the element node usually suffice.

getAttributeNS( namespaceURI, localName )

Similar to getAttribute, but selects the return attribute based on namespace as well as name.

getAttributeNode( name )

This method returns the actual Attr object instead of its character value, as is the case with getAttribute. Returns None if no such attribute is found.

getAttributeNodeNS( namespaceURI, localName )

Returns an Attr node that matches both the name and namespace URI specified. Returns None if no such attribute is found.

getElementsByTagName( tagName )

This method returns a NodeList of descendant Element nodes that share the same element type name. The special value * matches all tags.

getElementsByTagNameNS( namespaceURI, localName )

Returns a NodeList of all descendant elements who match both the name and namespace URI supplied. The value * in either field matches all namespaces URIs or all local names; using * for both fields matches all elements in the tree rooted at this node.

hasAttribute( name )

This Boolean method returns true when an attribute with a given name is in the element or has a default value in the DTD.

hasAttributeNS( namespaceURI, localName )

This Boolean method returns true when an attribute of a specific name and namespace exists within the element or has a default value stated in the DTD.

removeAttribute( name )

Removes an attribute by the name indicated in the name parameter. If the removed attribute has a default value in the DTD, that value is immediately substituted upon its removal.

removeAttributeNS( namespaceURI, localName )

Removes an attribute that matches both the local name and namespace supplied. If the attribute had a default value specified in the DTD, that value is immediately substituted upon removal.

removeAttributeNode( node )

This method removes the specified attribute node. This method takes a complete Attr object as a parameter as opposed to a string name, as is the case with the removeAttribute methods. Return value is the removed node.

setAttribute( name, value )

This method adds a new attribute to the Element with the supplied name/value pair. It replaces any elements that already exist with the same name. The text supplied as value is placed as a literal string, so any EntityReference or other more complex Attr structures are not created (see setAttributeNode instead).

setAttributeNS( namesapceURI, qualifiedName, value )

This method works essentially the same as setAttribute, except a namespace URI and prefix are associated with the attribute.

setAttributeNode( node )

This method adds a new attribute to the Element. If the supplied node parameter (of type Attr) contains any Text node or EntityReference children, they are added as well. If an attribute with a matching nodeName already exists within the element, it is replaced. Returns None unless an attribute is replaced, in which case the old attribute is returned to the caller.

setAttributeNodeNS( node )

This method works essentially the same as setAttributeNode. If a node already exists with the same namespace URI and local name, it is replaced and returned to the caller. Otherwise, the new attribute is added and None is returned.

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