
MSXML3.0 Document Object


The Document object supports the same functionality as the W3C DOM Document interface, but also features some Microsoft convenience extensions. For example, with MSXML3.0, you can use the validate method to validate your document against its DTD:

myDomDocument.validate(  )

In addition to validation, support for XSLT transformations is built into the MSXML3.0 as well as with the transformNode method:


The transformNode method takes another DOM instance as a parameter that contains an XSLT stylesheet. The transformation is applied against the current document, and the result is returned to the caller. The following section is a reference for the different methods and properties of the Document object.

MSXML3.0 Document Object Methods

abort( )

Aborts an asynchronous download operation, if in progress.

createAttribute( name )

Creates an attribute using the name supplied as a parameter.

createCDATASection( data )

Creates the character string data as a CDATA node and returns.

createComment( data )

Creates and returns a new comment using the supplied data as the contents.

createDocumentFragment( )

Creates and returns a new and empty document fragment.

createElement( elementName )

Creates and returns a new element with the supplied name.

createEntityReference( name )

Creates and returns a new entity reference object.

createNode( type, name, namespaceURI )

Creates and returns a node of the given type, using the supplied name, within the given namespace context.

createProcessingInstruction( target, data )

Creates and returns a new processing instruction with the given target and data.

createTextNode( data )

Creates and returns a text node with the provided data as its characters.

getElementsByTagName( elementName )

Returns a NodeList of elements matching the given name.

getProperty( )

Returns the SelectionLanguage, ServerHTTPRequest, or SelectionNamespace properties.

load( url )

Loads the URL supplied as a parameter. If it is a filename, the parser attempts to load the file; if it is a remote HTTP address, the parser attempts to connect and load the document. The existing contents of the document are discarded.

loadXML( strXML )

Creates a document object from a well-formed string of XML. Only UTF-16 and UCS-2 text are accepted. Any existing contents of the document are discarded.

nodeFromID( id )

Returns the node from the document using the supplied unique ID value.

save( objTarget )

Attempts to save the XML document to the specified location.

setProperty( )

Allows you to specify the value of the SelectionLanguage, ServerHTTPRequest, or SelectionNamespace property.

validate( )

Performs validation against the document based on the declared DTD.

MSXML3.0 Document Object Properties


This read/write property determines whether synchronous or asynchronous document retrieval is used when downloading.


This read-only property contains the doctype associated with the XML document.


This read/write property contains the XML document’s root element.


This read-only property contains the DOMImplementation object for the document instance.


This read-only property contains a collection of all of the namespaces used in the document.


This read/write property represents the event handler that is called when data becomes available.


This read/write property represents the event handler that is called when the readyState property changes.


This read/write property is set to the event handler called when the transformnode event is fired.


This read-only property contains the document’s ParseError object.


This read/write property determines whether whitespace is preserved during document parsing.


This read-only property indicates the current state of the document instance.


This read/write property determines whether external definitions are resolved during parsing.


This read-only property represents the canonical URL for the most recently loaded XML document.


This read/write Boolean property indicates whether the parser should validate during its parsing pass.

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