Document Types and Schemas

When we talk about document types, we are speaking of something very similar to the notion of types in a programming language. Programming language types are used to describe structures that can be composed in particular ways, and document types do the same thing. The primitive components and the types of composition that are allowed differ, but they are conceptually aligned. A document type is commonly referred to as a schema. The difference between a document type and a database schema can be shallow in many applications, though the similarity is not always relevant. We often use schema to refer to a document type when it is not important how it was defined, because the phrase “document type” has historical associations with a particular schema language.

Schemas are valuable for several reasons, but two dominate: they require critical thinking about the applications and data to design, and they can be used to help specify how documents should constructed and interpreted when exchanged across organizational boundaries. The latter can be especially critical in applications such as supply-chain integration, where the automated exchange of dynamically generated documents can incur contractual obligations—it becomes very important that everyone agree what the documents mean, because misinterpretation can be very costly!

Document types are built on top of data types as well as on top of structuring rules, in which data types are very analogous to the primitive types provided by most programming languages. Different schema languages use different sets of data types, some being extensible and others allowing the use of arbitrary typing systems rather than providing their own. Some schema languages allow data types to be specified for any document content, and others limit the ability to apply data types to specific constructs.

All schema languages let the allowed ordering and nesting of elements be defined, and let attributes be associated with element types. Everything else is open to variation, so it helps to be aware of the general differences and select a schema language based on the requirements of the application, the availability of tools, and interoperability requirements.

Document Type Definitions

The XML 1.0 recommendation specifies one way to define a document type known as a Document Type Definition, or DTD. The language used to specify a DTD is really just part of XML itself, but is also informally known as the DTD language. This is a subset of XML that has a slightly different set of syntactic rules and does not allow arbitrary content to mix with the markup.

The DTD language for XML is derived from the DTD language for SGML, but drops many of the less commonly used constructs in favor of simplicity. The newfound simplicity pertains both for the language itself and for processing tools. The specific features that were omitted are only of interest if you already know the SGML version of the language, and so are not discussed in this book. Please refer to the XML recommendation and books focused on document type development to learn more about the differences.

We discuss the specific construction and interpretation of DTDs later in this chapter, but it is interesting to note that while the DTD language allows fairly flexible composition of elements, it defines very few data types that can be used to specify the types of attribute content, and provides almost no way to extend the set of data types. In spite of the limitations of DTDs, they are still an important type of schema due to their early specification as part of the XML 1.0 recommendation, their similarity to SGML DTDs, the widespread availability of tools, and the relative ease of learning how to create and use them.

Alternate Schema Languages

The XML sublanguage used to specify document types is largely inherited from the SGML roots of XML, and is perhaps the least appreciated aspect of the specification. The use of this language does represent a trade-off, no matter how useful it may be to particular projects. While there is no doubt that it is better than having only well-formed XML defined by the XML specification, there is a broadly perceived need for something better. As with all standards, however, one size does not fit all, so a number of alternate languages have been developed for specifying document types. Together, these are known as schema languages.

The application of each language varies, as does the level of complexity and availability of tool support. In this section, we examine some of the more popular languages and describe the intended uses for each of these, as well as what form of support is available for Python programmers. Two common aspects of the schema languages described here involve the fact that they all use XML to provide their own syntax, and they all are namespace-aware: the schema they can specify can contain elements and attributes from multiple namespaces. Both are significantly different from the DTD language, and both can easily be argued to be significant improvements.

XML Schema

The World Wide Web Consortium has been active in efforts to develop and standardize a schema language that was intended to work for everyone, and XML Schema is the result. As with all committee-driven designs, there is widespread dissatisfaction with XML Schema, not because it is not powerful enough, but because it is considered by many practitioners to be too complex. It defines ways to describe the allowed structures for a document type, as well as describe data types that can be used to describe both element and attribute content much more precisely and flexibly than what the DTD language supports.

XML Schema does offer the advantage that it provides ways to define both document types and data types, and includes a selection of basic data types to build on. These types range from numbers to strings that must match some regular expression, to more complex types such as dates or times. XML Schema data types are very rich compared to the data types supported by the DTD language. Schemas may be defined that constrain values of attributes or element content to be of these types, making it possible to describe larger document types much more precisely than the DTD language allows. This makes it possible to build tools that can validate a document against a schema, allowing application code to deal with far less specialized error-checking code. XML Schema data types are used briefly in Chapter 9, but are not discussed in detail.

There is an XML Schema validator for Python; see Appendix F for more information.


Tree Regular Expressions for XML (TREX) is a schema language designed by the notable James Clark, who has been active in developing usable XML standards for as long as XML has been around, and is known for his significant contributions to the SGML community before XML. TREX does not define fine-grain data types the way XML Schema does. It is intended to be used in conjunction with data types defined using external specifications, which can include XML Schema-defined data types.

The PyXML package includes a TREX validator in the xml.schema.trex module; this was added in PyXML Version 0.7.0.


RELAX-NG is a language derived from two well-received schema languages, TREX and RELAX; the specification is still under active development at the time of this writing. This specification is the combined effort of James Clark and Makoto Murata, the authors of TREX and RELAX, and is sponsored by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). RELAX-NG takes the same approach to data types as TREX. Complete information on RELAX-NG is available at An alternate, non-XML syntax has also been proposed.


The Schematron Assertion Language defined by Rick Jelliffe is a bit different from the other schema languages. Instead of defining what elements are allowed, their content models, and their attributes, Schematron makes assertions about the relationships among elements and attributes. Extensive documentation is available online at, and a Python validator is available from Fourthought, Inc. (

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