Chapter 10. Python and Distributed Systems Design

In this chapter, we pull all of the techniques and knowledge illustrated thus far into a distributed sample application. In addition to exercising what you’ve learned, this chapter blazes new ground with an analysis of XML network flow—a key to creating scalable, flexible XML applications. This chapter can be used as a design catalog and tutorial reference for interfacing XML with all sorts of distributed systems.

Thus far, you’ve learned about: XML DOM, and SAX manipulation; XSLT for transformation; XPath for searches and extraction, validation and dialects; Internet APIs; and finally SOAP and web services. In this chapter, we put many of these technologies to work.

One aspect of distributed XML development that you haven’t touched on yet is the best way to move XML between distributed systems. As this chapter shows, a poor traffic design in your distributed systems can mean the difference between an eight-lane expressway and a bogged-down two-lane highway.

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