Building the Profiles Access Class

In addition to the Profiles database is the CustomerProfile Python class. This object performs XML input and output against the database, and exposes methods for use by the XML Switch. The basic profile actions allow you to retrieve, insert, update, and delete profiles. Arguments to these methods are XML versions of profile data. By making the customer profile packets in XML, it’s easy for other applications to generate and consume the packets without any concern for the structure of the database, or even how to access it directly. In fact, a CustomerProfile can easily become the payload of a SOAP message. A profile packet appears as:

<CustomerProfile id="555-99JKK39">
  <address1>396 Evergreen Terrace</address1>

Note that the address2 element exists, even though it is empty. The DTD for such a document appears as:

<!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT address1 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT address2 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT state (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST CustomerProfile 
<!ELEMENT CustomerProfile
  (firstname, lastname,
   address1, address2,
   city, state, zip)>

An instance of the document using the DTD needs to have the declaration within the document as well:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE CustomerProfile SYSTEM "CustomerProfile.dtd">
<CustomerProfile id="555-99JKK39">

In order to keep things within the scope of this chapter, DTD enforcement is not a part of the CustomerProfile Python class, although the DTD rides along with the document and may be utilized at a later date. When embedding CustomerProfile elements within an XML message, the prolog is stripped out, and only the CustomerProfile element is inserted into the XML message.

The Interfaces

The CustomerProfile class supports four distinct operations. These operations allow for retrieval, insertion, updates, and deletes. This class is used by the XML switch to manage the insertion and retrieval of CustomerProfile information at runtime in the distributed system. All communication to and from this class takes the form of XML—this enables greater flexibility in how the data is stored on the backend. This also alleviates the burden of requiring distributed applications to connect directly to the database and understand the structure of its tables. In this scenario, distributed applications only need to understand structure of a CustomerProfile document.

getProfile( id )

This method accepts a customer profile ID and returns the corresponding information in a well-formed, valid CustomerProfile document in the form of a string.

getProfileAsDom( id )

This method is identical to getProfile, except that the return value is not a string of XML, but rather a DOM instance. The DOM can then be used for further manipulation.

insertProfile( strXML )

The insertProfile method takes a valid, well-formed CustomerProfile document as a string and inserts it into the database.

updateProfile( strXML )

Similar to insertProfile, this method takes a fresh XML CustomerProfile chunk and updates the existing record in the database based on the customer ID. Under the covers, it performs a delete and insert respectively.

deleteProfile( id )

This method takes a customer ID as a parameter, and deletes the corresponding record from the database.

With the exception of the getProfile and getProfileAsDom methods, these methods return either 1 or 0 (true or false) to the caller, enabling them to be used as arguments to if statements.

Getting Profiles

The CustomerProfile class for retrieving profiles exposes two methods: getProfile and getProfileAsDom. Both methods take a customerId as an argument. In a simple test case (in the file, you could use the methods as follows:

from CustomerProfile import CustomerProfile
from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint

cp = CustomerProfile(  )

print "String of XML:"
print cp.getProfile("234-E838839")

print "Or retrieve a DOM:"
dom = cp.getProfileAsDom("234-E838839")

This assumes that you have populated a record in the database with a customerId of 234-E838839. The result of running this code is the output of two identical XML representations:

G:9780596001285c10> python
String of XML:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE CustomerProfile SYSTEM "CustomerProfile.dtd">
<CustomerProfile id='234-E838839'>
  <address1>123 Evergreen Terrace</address1>

Or retrieve a DOM:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE CustomerProfile SYSTEM "CustomerProfile.dtd">
<CustomerProfile id='234-E838839'>
  <address1>123 Evergreen Terrace</address1>

Whether you would like a raw XML string or a DOM really depends on what you want to do with the record after you obtain it. If passing it back to another application, it’s wise to send the string, or make the string a piece of another document such as a SOAP packet (extracting the prolog declarations, of course). If you wish to manipulate the result, and perhaps insert it into the database once again, a DOM may be more convenient to work with.

Connecting with the database

The code for getProfile is straightforward. First, some simple validation is performed on the parameters, and then a database connection is prepared with a simple SQL statement:

def getProfile(self, strId, dom=0):
  getProfile - returns an XML profile chunk based on
  the supplied id.  Returns None if not found.
  if not strId:
    return None

  # generate connection
  conn = odbc.odbc(CONNECTION_STRING)
  cmd = conn.cursor(  )
  cmd.execute("select * from customer where " +
              "customerId = '" + strId + "'")
  conn.close(  )

In this code, that strId is inspected before anything else occurs, and the database command is of a simple select * variety. Of note is the third default parameter, dom=0, present in the method definition. This is flipped on by getProfileAsDom to require that getProfile return a DOM instance instead of a string.

Building the XML document

Next, the record is retrieved, and an XML document is prepared using the DOMImplementation class.

# get data record
prof_fields = cmd.fetchone(  )
if prof_fields is None:
  return None

# generate XML from fields
# generate CustomerProfile doctype
doctype = implementation.createDocumentType(
  "CustomerProfile", "", "CustomerProfile.dtd")

# generate new document with doctype
newdoc = implementation.createDocument(
  "", "CustomerProfile", doctype)
rootelem = newdoc.documentElement

# create root element id attribute
rootelem.setAttribute("id", prof_fields[CUSTOMER_ID])

In this code, the DOMImplementation class is used to build an XML document. In the beginning of the snippet, prof_fields is populated with the raw list of values from the database using the fetchone method, which returns one row. The indexes into prof_fields are given as named constants defined in the CustomerProfile module; the definitions are listed in the complete source listing for the module in Example 10-2, later in this chapter. Next, a document type object is created, citing the CustomerProfile.dtd file created earlier. This object is then used in the call to implementation.createDocument to generate an empty XML document element.

At this point, the simplicity of using the DOMImplementation to build your XML document (as opposed to manually constructing a string of XML, which is done later) is illustrated when we construct the elements in a simple loop:

# create list with field values
fields = ["firstname", prof_fields[FIRSTNAME],
          "lastname",  prof_fields[LASTNAME],
          "address1",  prof_fields[ADDRESS1],
          "address2",  prof_fields[ADDRESS2],
          "city",      prof_fields[CITY],
          "state",     prof_fields[STATE],
          "zip",       prof_fields[ZIP],
# loop through list adding elements and element text
for pos in range(0, len(fields), 2):
  # create the element
  thisElement = newdoc.createElement(fields[pos])

  # check for empty values and convert to soft nulls
  if fields[pos + 1] is None:
    fields[pos + 1] = ""

What is interesting about this code is that you place all of the database values in a list, and then iterate the list creating and appending elements as you go. Use a list to hold the data values instead of a dictionary, because you need to create elements in the XML document in a specific order or it won’t comply with the DTD. (Python dictionaries return their keys in an unpredictable order, and certainly do not maintain the order in which you inserted them).

Using a list over a dictionary poses no big feat, as the Python range function is used to hop through the list in steps of two, allowing the code to use the current list member as the element name, and the next list member as the element’s character data content.

With the XML in hand, a decision is made whether to return a string of XML or a DOM, based on how the method was called (remember, getProfileAsDom calls getProfile with additional parameters):

# return DOM or String based on how we were called...
if dom:
  return newdoc
  # return string
  strXML = StringIO.StringIO(  )
  PrettyPrint(newdoc, strXML)
  return strXML.getvalue(  )

At this point, the caller’s request has been satisfied. If a string is returned, the StringIO class is used in conjunction with the PrettyPrint method to write the XML into the string as if it were a file. Using a DOMImplementation to create your document, as opposed to manually constructing one with a string, offers several benefits. First, it removes tricky details such as preparing a DTD and encoding declarations from inside string assignment statements. It’s far easier to maintain the code if you can programmatically alter the encoding or Document Type, without resorting to editing XML by hand inside string assignment statements. Second, greater flexibility is enabled if you need to change the structure of the document. It’s easier in the long run to manipulate nodes and their position in the document with a DOM than to parse and manipulate a text string. However, there are many times when you may want to concatenate a string of XML together and create a fresh DOM (in this case, you still wind up with a programmatically accessible DOM representation of the XML).

Returning a DOM instead of a string

Using getProfileAsDom works the same as getProfile, but a DOM instance is returned to you instead of a string of XML.

def getProfileAsDom(self, strId):
  This method calls getProfile with the
  dom option set on, which causes getProfile
  to return its created DOM object, and not
  an XML string
  return self.getProfile(strId, 1)

This approach was taken because it’s often easier to provide intuitive convenience functions as opposed to loading down a method with conditional parameters that a user must learn.

Inserting and Deleting Profiles

The insertProfile method is the other workhorse method of the CustomerProfile class. Whereas getProfile builds a DOM, insertProfile deconstructs a DOM to place its values in the database. Deleting profiles is relatively easy as just a single SQL statement is sent straight to the database with a supplied customer ID.

The insertProfile method is used to add new XML CustomerProfile documents to the database. This interface prevents client applications from having to connect to the database or understand the table structure. Arguably, sharing the structure of XML documents among distributed applications is easier than sharing database structure and potentially having to require support for proprietary data types.

Use insertProfile with a string of XML such as the following:

cp = CustomerProfile(  )
cp.insertProfile("<string of XML>")

The method returns true on success, and false on failure. Additionally, exceptions may be propagated if they occur in handling code.

Inserting a profile

The code for insertProfile is simple as well, but touches on some intricate DOM manipulation. It starts off, as does getProfile, with some simple validation and the retrieval of a DOM instance (as opposed to a DOMImplementation in getProfile):

def insertProfile(self, strXML):
 insertProfile takes an XML chunk as a string,
  parses down its fields, and inserts it into the
  profile database.  Raises an exception if XML is
  not well-formed, or customer Id is missing, or if
  SQL execution fails.  Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
  if not strXML:
    return 0

  # Begin parsing XML
    doc = FromXml(strXML)
    print "Error parsing document."
    return 0

  # Normalize white space and retrieve root element
  doc.normalize(  )
  elem = doc.documentElement

Probably the most important things in the preceding code are the calls to FromXml and the call to the normalize method of the instantiated document object. The FromXml method is part of the Sax2 reader package, and allows for the construction of a DOM object from a raw string of XML data.

The call to the doc.normalize method is important as well. The structure of a CustomerProfile XML chunk is quite simple. The character data residing in the elements is short, and needs no peripheral whitespace. That is, if a web form or GUI has placed carriage returns inside the elements, they can be safely eliminated. This step is critical to how the elements are processed inside insertProfile. Without the normalization call, it’s possible that the text contained in the element may be contained in multiple nodes, and the firstChild attribute provides only the first of these; the call to normalize ensures that all adjacent text nodes are collapsed into a single node.

Next, the values are extracted out of the fresh XML DOM and used to populate a SQL statement.

# Extract values from XML packet
customerId = elem.getAttributeNS(None, 'id')
firstname = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "firstname")
lastname  = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "lastname")
address1  = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "address1")
address2  = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "address2")
city      = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "city")
state     = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "state")
zip       = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "zip")

# prepare SQL statement
strSQL = ("insert into Customer values ("
          "'" + firstname  + "', "
          "'" + lastname   + "', "
          "'" + address1   + "', "
          "'" + address2   + "', "
          "'" + city       + "', "
          "'" + state      + "', "
          "'" + zip        + "', "
          "'" + customerId + "')")

Here, the customerId attribute is extracted from the root element, and then a series of calls to the extractNodeValue helper method are issued. This small method (shown next) takes the current element and attempts to extract a target’s text value beneath itself. Since this step is repeated for every element you need, it’s easier to relegate it to an internal function rather than duplicate the code in each method that uses it. The preparation of the SQL statement takes the results of the calls to extractNodeValue and assembles a SQL insert statement. The work of extractNodeValue is shown as follows:

def extractNodeValue(self, elem, elemName):
  Internal method to parse UNIQUE elements for text value or
  substitute empty strings.
  e = elem.getElementsByTagName(elemName)[0].firstChild
  if e is not None:
    return e.nodeValue
    return ""

This method attempts to extract a child element from the element it is given, and also tests for its character data content. If not available, an empty string is returned.

Now that the SQL statement is prepared, it can be sent to the database:

# generate connection
conn = odbc.odbc(CONNECTION_STRING)
cmd = conn.cursor(  )

# execute SQL statement
if not cmd.execute(strSQL):
  return 0

conn.close(  )
return 1

If communication with the database proceeds as expected, the method returns a positive 1 to the caller.

Deleting a profile

The code to delete a profile from the database is easy, and relies mainly on taking the supplied customer ID and using it as a parameter in a SQL delete statement:

def deleteProfile(self, strId):
  deleteProfile accepts a customer profile ID
  and deletes the corresponding record in the database.
  Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
  if not strId:
    return 0

  # generate database connection
  conn = odbc.odbc(CONNECTION_STRING)
  cmd = conn.cursor(  )
  ok = cmd.execute("delete from customer where customerId = '"
                     + strId + "'"):
  conn.close(  )
  return ok and 1 or 0

The result of the SQL operation is indicated to the caller by either a 1 or 0 return value.

Updating Profiles

The process of updating a profile using the CustomerProfile class is simple. When calling updateProfile, you supply a new chunk of XML data. The customerId of this XML chunk must match an existing ID in the database. If so, the old record is deleted, and the new one is inserted.

As mentioned earlier, the updateProfile method uses insertProfile and deleteProfile internally, but is exposed to make the CustomerProfile class easier to use.

In order to extract the customerId from the supplied chunk of XML, a DOM object is briefly instantiated to parse the data:

def updateProfile(self, strXML):
  This convenience function accepts a new customer
  profile XML packet.  It extracts the customer ID
  and then calls deleteProfile and insertProfile using
  the new XML.  The return value for the insert is propagated
  back to the caller, unless the delte fails, in which case
  it is propagated back and insert is never called.
  # parse document for customer Id
    doc = FromXml(strXML)
    customerId = doc.documentElement.getAttributeNS(None,'id')
    print "Error parsing document."
    return 0

As the preceding code shows, FromXml is used once again to convert the string-based XML data into a DOM object. The customerId is then extracted using a call to getAttributeNS. Since the reader.Sax2 package is used, you must use a namespace-oriented DOM method as opposed to the normal getAttribute method (this is a debated bug in the implementation that will hopefully be removed by the time of this printing, at which point getAttribute will work as well. To participate in the lively commentary, join the XML-SIG at With the customerId in hand, you can utilize the existing insert and delete methods:

# attempt to delete and insert based on customerId
if self.deleteProfile(customerId):
  return self.insertProfile(strXML)
  return 1

Here returns from these functions are propagated back to the caller as the return value of a call to this function.

The Complete CustomerProfile Class

The CustomerProfile class is quite a workhorse. It allows customer information to be stored on the network as XML. Any distributed application that can access the CustomerProfile class can utilize its functionality without knowing anything about the underlying database or storage medium. Additionally, it’s possible to route XML to an application hosting the CustomerProfile class to perform an update. In this best-case scenario, the calling application need not even know of the CustomerProfile class, but instead just construct the appropriate SOAP or XML message format, and submit it to the network. We perform this operation later in this chapter after building the XML switch, in Section 10.6.5 and Section 10.8.5.

The complete listing of the CustomerProfile class is shown in Example 10-2.

Example 10-2.
import dbi
import odbc
import StringIO

from xml.dom                 import implementation
from xml.dom.ext             import PrettyPrint
from xml.dom.ext.reader.Sax2 import FromXml

# define some global members for the class
CONNECTION_STRING = "Profiles/webuser/w3bus3r"
FIRSTNAME         = 0
LASTNAME          = 1
ADDRESS1          = 2
ADDRESS2          = 3
CITY              = 4
STATE             = 5
ZIP               = 6
CUSTOMER_ID       = 7

class CustomerProfile:
  CustomerProfile - manages the storage and retrieval
  of XML customer profiles from a relational database.
  def getProfileAsDom(self, strId):
    This method calls getProfile with the
    dom option set on, which causes getProfile
    to return its created DOM object, and not
    an XML string
    return self.getProfile(strId, 1)

  def getProfile(self, strId, dom=0):
    getProfile - returns an XML profile chunk based on
    the supplied id.  Returns None if not found.
    if not strId:
      return None

    # generate connection
    conn = odbc.odbc(CONNECTION_STRING)
    cmd = conn.cursor(  )
    cmd.execute("select * from customer where " +
                "customerId = '" + strId + "'")
    conn.close(  )

    # get data record
    prof_fields = cmd.fetchone(  )
    if prof_fields is None:
      return None

    # generate XML from fields
    # generate CustomerProfile doctype
    doctype = implementation.createDocumentType(
      "CustomerProfile", "", "CustomerProfile.dtd")

    # generate new document with doctype
    newdoc = implementation.createDocument(
      "", "CustomerProfile", doctype)
    rootelem = newdoc.documentElement

    # create root element id attribute
    rootelem.setAttribute("id",prof_fields[CUSTOMER_ID] )

    # create list with field values
    fields = ["firstname", prof_fields[FIRSTNAME],
              "lastname",  prof_fields[LASTNAME],
              "address1",  prof_fields[ADDRESS1],
              "address2",  prof_fields[ADDRESS2],
              "city",      prof_fields[CITY],
              "state",     prof_fields[STATE],
              "zip",       prof_fields[ZIP],
    # loop through list adding elements and element text
    for pos in range(0, len(fields), 2):
      # create the element
      thisElement = newdoc.createElement(fields[pos])

      # check for empty values and convert to soft nulls
      if fields[pos + 1] is None:
        fields[pos + 1] = ""

    # return DOM or String based on how we were called...
    if dom:
      return newdoc
      # return string
      strXML = StringIO.StringIO(  )
      PrettyPrint(newdoc, strXML)
      return strXML.getvalue(  ) 

  def insertProfile(self, strXML):
    insertProfile takes an XML chunk as a string,
    parses down its fields, and inserts it into the
    profile database.  Raises an exception if XML is
    not well-formed, or customer Id is missing, or if
    SQL execution fails.  Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
    if not strXML:
      raise Exception("XML String not provided.")

    # Beign parsing XML
      doc = FromXml(strXML)
      print "Error parsing document."
      return 0

    # Normalize whitespace and retrive root element
    doc.normalize(  )
    elem = doc.documentElement

    # Extract values from XML packet
    customerId = elem.getAttributeNS(None, 'id')
    firstname = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "firstname")
    lastname  = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "lastname")
    address1  = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "address1")
    address2  = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "address2")
    city      = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "city")
    state     = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "state")
    zip       = self.extractNodeValue(elem, "zip")

    # prepare SQL statement
    strSQL = ("insert into Customer values ("
              "'" + firstname  + "', "
              "'" + lastname   + "', "
              "'" + address1   + "', "
              "'" + address2   + "', "
              "'" + city       + "', "
              "'" + state      + "', "
              "'" + zip        + "', "
              "'" + customerId + "')")

    # create connection
    conn = odbc.odbc(CONNECTION_STRING)
    cmd = conn.cursor(  )

    # execute SQL statement
    if not cmd.execute(strSQL):
      raise Exception("SQL Exec failed.")

    conn.close(  )
    return 1    

  def extractNodeValue(self, elem, elemName):
      Internal method to parse UNIQUE elements for text value or
      substitute empty strings.
      e = elem.getElementsByTagName(elemName)[0].firstChild
      if e is None:
        return ""
        return e.nodeValue

  def updateProfile(self, strXML):
    This convenience function accepts a new customer
    profile XML packet.  It extracts the customer ID
    and then calls deleteProfile and insertProfile using
    the new XML.  The return value for the insert is propagated
    back to the caller, unless the delte fails, in which case
    it is propagated back and insert is never called.
    # parse document for customer Id
      doc = FromXml(strXML)
      customerId = doc.documentElement.getAttributeNS(None,'id')
      print "Error parsing document."
      return 0

    # attempt to delete and insert based on customerId
    if self.deleteProfile(customerId):
      return self.insertProfile(strXML)
      return 1

  def deleteProfile(self, strId):
    deleteProfile accepts a customer profile ID
    and deletes the corresponding record in the database.
    Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
    if not strId:
      return 0

    # generate database connection
    conn = odbc.odbc(CONNECTION_STRING)
    cmd = conn.cursor(  )
    ok = cmd.execute("delete from customer where customerId = '"
                     + strId + "'"):
    conn.close(  )
    return ok and 1 or 0

One thing of note in is the use of constants defined at the top of the file as field markers in the database record set. By defining constants, it’s far easier to work with the different fields in the record set array.

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