Chapter 9. RDF and Perl, PHP, and Python

There is commonality among many of the APIs that manipulate RDF/XML, regardless of the programming language in which the API is implemented. Usually a new model is created, some form of storage mechanism is assigned to it, and statements are added to it by first creating the resource, predicate, and object associated with the statement, and then creating the statement itself. This similarity of procedure is one of the advantages to the metadata structure of RDF—a fundamental data structure transcends implementation. This basic data structure was apparent in the last chapter, which manipulated RDF using Java. This same data structure and similarity of actions are also apparent in this chapter, which looks at working with RDF/XML using what I call the three Ps of programming.

If you’ve worked on web development, particularly within a Unix environment, chances are you’ve used at least one of the three Ps: Perl, PHP, or Python. Perl has become ubiquitous across most Unix environments (which now include Mac OS X); with the help of ActiveState, Perl is also fairly common in Windows. PHP is now beginning to rival ASP as the web scripting language of choice, especially since PHP is designed to work with Apache, the most widely used web server in the world. Python is much newer, but is increasing in popularity at a rapid pace due to the extremely loyal following it has attracted.

Considering the popularity of these three languages, it’s not a surprise that each boasts more than one language-based RDF/XML API or other technology. It would be difficult to find and cover every Perl-, PHP-, and Python-based RDF/XML API. Instead, in this chapter, I focus on the APIs that have had recent updates and/or are most widely used. This includes the APIs I’ve used in my own projects, noted in the discussions.


The online book support site lists download locations for the most recent PHP, Perl, and Python RDF/XML tools, utilities, and APIs. For more on Perl, see the Perl resource site at The main Python site is, and PHP’s main site is

RDF/XML and Perl

There would seem to be a natural fit between Perl, a language known for its parsing and pattern-matching capability, and RDF. When I went searching for Perl APIs, I was surprised to find that several I discovered had not been updated for months (sometimes years) or were seriously incomplete. However, I was able to find a couple of Perl APIs that are active, are being supported, and provide much of the functionality necessary for working with the RDF data model through RDF/XML.


The W3C had a Perl library that included an RDF Parser, perllib, found at However, there hasn’t been a solid release of the Perl modules associated with it in quite some time, and the only activity that’s occurred in relation to it is buried in the CVS files for the API. Because there hasn’t been a release of the API in some time, I decided not to include it in this chapter.

Ginger Alliance PerlRDF

I found the Ginger Alliance Perl APIs by searching for RDF within CPAN, the repository of Perl on the Internet (accessible at The organization provides Perl modules that can parse, store, and query Notation3 (RDF::Notation3) as well as RDF/XML (RDF::Core), but we’ll cover only the RDF/XML module in this book.

The RDF::Core modules for RDF/XML allow you to parse and store an existing RDF/XML document, add to it, and query it using function calls, as well as serialize a new or modified model. You can store the module in memory, within a PostgreSQL database or in Berkeley DB.

Model Persistence and Basic Querying

RDF models can be built within the code or parsed in from an external file. First, though, you have to create a storage mechanism to store the data. PerlRDF gives you a choice of storing a model in memory or in a Berkeley DB or PostgreSQL database. The RDF::Core::Storage object manages the memory access, and it has three different implementations for the three different storage mechanisms.

RDF::Core::Storage::Memory manages in-memory storage. This object won’t persist after the Perl application terminates or goes out of scope, and the only unique method is new, which takes no parameters:

require RDF::Core::Storage::Memory;
my $storage = new RDF::Core::Storage::Memory;

The RDF::Core Berkeley DB object, RDF::Core::Storage::DB_File, utilizes the existing Berkeley Database DB_File Perl module for much of its functionality. DB_File uses the tie function to bind the DB object functions to the database file on disk, hiding much of the detail of database management. Unlike the memory method, the DB_File object’s new method takes several parameters:


The name used as the first part of the name for several files, to support the structures necessary to store the RDF model.

Flags, Mode

Equivalent to the flags and mode used with the Berkeley DB dbopen method. Examples of flags are O_RDONLY, O_RDRW, and O_CREAT. By default, O_RDONLY and O_RDRW are used. The default mode is 0666.


Controls the number of statements returned within an enumerator (to be discussed) if nonzero.


Number of wire transfer processes to complete before synchronizing memory data with storage or zero to not force synchronization.

In the following code, a storage object is instantiated, set to the current directory with the name of rdfdata, and given a MemLimit set to 500 statements; all other values are set to default:

require RDF::Core::Storage::DB_File;
my $storage = new RDF::Core::Storage::DB_File(Name =>'./rdfdata',
                                                 MemLimit => 5000,

The last storage mechanism supported in RDF::Core, RDF::Core::Storage::PostGres uses the PostgreSQL data store to persist the RDF model. Its new method takes the following options:


PostgreSQL connection string

DBUser, DBPassword

Database user and password


Distinguish between models (can store than one model in PostgreSQL database)

After a storage object is instantiated, the methods to manipulate its data are the same regardless of the underlying physical storage mechanism.

Building an RDF Model

A basic procedure is used with PerlRDF to create a new RDF model. First, create the storage mechanism; next, create the model and each of the components of an RDF statement, assigning them to a new statement. Finally, add the statement to the model. That’s all you need to add a new triple to an RDF model. The power of this Perl module is in its simplicity of use.

To demonstrate this, Example 9-1 shows a simple application that creates a new model using a Berkeley database, adds a couple of statements for the same resource, and then serializes the model to RDF/XML. The first statement adds an rdf:type of PostCon Resource to the main resource; the second adds a movement type predicate. Note that predicate objects are created directly from the subject object, though the two aren’t associated within the model until they’re added to the model. Also note that literals are specific instances of Perl objects, in this case RDF::Core::Literal.

Example 9-1. Creating simple RDF graph with two statements
use strict;

require RDF::Core::Storage::Memory;
require RDF::Core::Model;
require RDF::Core::Statement;
require RDF::Core::Model::Serializer;
require RDF::Core::Literal;

# create storage object
my $storage = new RDF::Core::Storage::Memory;
my $model = new RDF::Core::Model (Storage => $storage);

my $subject = 
  new RDF::Core::Resource(''),
my $predicate = 
my $object = 
  new RDF::Core::Resource(''),
my $statement = new RDF::Core::Statement($subject, $predicate, $object);

$model->addStmt(new RDF::Core::Statement($subject,
                new RDF::Core::Literal('Move')));

my $xml = '';
  my $serializer = new RDF::Core::Model::Serializer(Model=>$model,
  print "$xml

Running this application results in the following RDF/XML:

<rdf:Description about="">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>

PerlRDF hasn’t been updated to reflect the W3C’s recommendation to qualify all attributes; in this case about should become rdf:about. However, this isn’t an error, and the most that happens when testing this in the RDF Validator is that you’ll get a warning:

Warning: {W101} Unqualified use of rdf:about has been deprecated.[Line = 5, Column = 72]


It was a simple matter to fix this directly, within the In both instances of an "about" element being printed out (contained within quotes, use your text editor’s search function to find these), replace "about" with "rdf:about". The rest of the examples in this chapter reflect this change.

Additional statements can be built and added on using the same approach. If the statement can be modeled as a particular N-Triple, it can be added as a statement to the model using RDF::Core, including blank nodes.

In Example 9-2, the code will add the N-Triples statements equivalent to the newer RDF construct, rdf:value. From monsters1.rdf, this looks like the following using the more formalized syntax:

<pstcn:presentation rdf:parseType="Resource">
   <pstcn:requires rdf:parseType="Resource">

Technically, no specific method is included in RDF::Core for creating the formalized rdf:value syntax, but one’s not needed as long as you can add statements for each N-Triple that results when the syntax is broken down into triples. In the case of rdf:value, the N-Triples for the rdf:value construct associated with the stylesheet in monsters1.rdf are (from the RDF Validator):

_:jARP24590 <> "stylesheet" .
_:jARP24590 <> 
"" .
_:jARP24589 <> _:jARP24590 .
<> <> _:jARP24589 .

Breaking this down into actions, first a blank node must be created and added as a statement with the resource monsters1.htm and a given predicate of This blank node is then used as the resource for the next statement that’s added, which adds another blank node, this one with the predicate of In this example, the RDF::Core object NodeFactory creates the blank nodes for both.

Next, the second blank node that was created is used to add the next statement, with a predicate of and value of The last statement has a predicate of and a value of stylesheet. Since blank nodes created by NodeFactory are RDF::Core::Resource objects, they can also create predicates for each of the statements.

Example 9-2. Adding rdf:value as N-Triples to the model
use strict;

require RDF::Core::Storage::Memory;
require RDF::Core::Model;
require RDF::Core::Statement;
require RDF::Core::Model::Serializer;
require RDF::Core::Literal;
require RDF::Core::NodeFactory;

# create storage object
my $storage = new RDF::Core::Storage::Memory;
my $model = new RDF::Core::Model (Storage => $storage);

# new subject and new resource factory
my $subject = 
  new RDF::Core::Resource(''),
my $factory = 
  new RDF::Core::NodeFactory(BaseURI=>''),

# create bnode for presentation
my $bPresentation = $factory->newResource;

# create bnode for requires
my $bRequires = $factory->newResource;

# add presentation
my $predicate = 
my $statement = 
  new RDF::Core::Statement($subject, $predicate, $bPresentation);

# add requires
$model->addStmt(new RDF::Core::Statement($bPresentation,

# add rdf:value
$model->addStmt(new RDF::Core::Statement($bRequires,
                        new RDF::Core::Literal('')));

# add value type
$model->addStmt(new RDF::Core::Statement($bRequires,
                new RDF::Core::Literal('stylesheet')));

my $xml = '';
my $serializer = new RDF::Core::Model::Serializer(Model=>$model,
print "$xml

Running the application results in the following RDF/XML output:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="">

Plugging this into the RDF Validator and asking for N-Triples output returns the following N-Triples:

_:jARP24933 <> 
"" .
_:jARP24933 <> "stylesheet" .
_:jARP24932 <> _:jARP24933 .
<> <> _:jARP24932 .

This maps back to the original N-Triples that we used to build the statements in the first place. As the generated N-Triples demonstrate, the subgraph of the monsters1.rdf directed graph that’s specific to the use of rdf:value is identical to using the more formalized syntax for this construct. Regardless of the complexity of the model, the same procedure can be used to add all statements.

In addition to building a model from scratch, you can also read RDF models in from external resources such as an RDF/XML document, demonstrated in the next section.

Parsing RDF/XML Documents

Using RDF::Core to parse and query an RDF file is much simpler than creating an RDF model within code, something true of all APIs and parsers used in this book.

Whether you build the RDF model directly in the code or read it in, you still have to create a storage object and attach it to a model before you can start adding statements. However, when you read in a model from an external source, you can use the RDF::Core::Model::Parser object to read in the RDF/XML directly and generate the appropriate statements.


One major different between reading RDF statements in from an RDF/XML file and reading a file in using a parser is that the API may not support all the current constructs within the RDF/XML document, especially if you’re using some of the more specialized XML shortcuts. As you read in the data, you may run into problems. If this happens, then you’ll want to modify the RDF/XML, transforming the shortcut to the more formalized syntax to reflect the N-Triples that the parser can process.

To demonstrate how simple it is to read in an RDF/XML document, the code in Example 9-3 reads in the monsters1.rdf file, storing it in a Berkeley DB datastore. The application then calls getStmts on the model, returning an RDF::Core::Enumerator object, which is used to print out the N-Triples defined within the document.

Example 9-3. Parsing in RDF/XML document and then printing out N-Triples from model
use strict;

require RDF::Core::Model;
require RDF::Core::Model::Parser;
require RDF::Core::Enumerator;
require RDF::Core::Statement;
require RDF::Core::Storage::DB_File;

# create storage
my $storage = new RDF::Core::Storage::DB_File(Name =>'./rdfdata',
                                                 MemLimit => 5000,

# create model and map to storage
my $model = new RDF::Core::Model (Storage => $storage);

# define parser options and parse external RDF/XML document
my %options = ( Model => $model,
             Source => "/home/shelleyp/www/articles/monsters1.rdf",
             SourceType => 'file',
             BaseURI => "",
             InlineURI => ""
my $parser = new RDF::Core::Model::Parser(%options);

# enumerate through statements, printing out labels
my $enumerator = $model->getStmts;
my $statement = $enumerator->getFirst;
while (defined $statement) {
   print $statement->getLabel."
   $statement = $enumerator->getNext

# close enumerator

The Berkeley DB file prefix is rdfdata, and several files will be generated with this prefix. The options for the parser include the file location for the RDF/XML document, the fact that it’s being read in as a file and not a URL, and a base and an inline URI. The base URI is used to resolve relative URIs, while the inline URI is for blank node resources. RDF::Core generates a blank node identifier consisting of this inline URI and a separate number for each blank node within the document.

When the application is run, the N-Triples are printed out to system output, which can then be piped to a file to persist the output. A sampling of these N-Triples representing the subgraph we’ve been using for the example, the rdf:value syntax, is:

<> <
elements/1.0/presentation> <> .
<> <> 
<> .
<> <> 
<> <> "http:/
/" .

Though the blank node identifiers are different from those generated by the RDF Validator, the statements are equivalent.

Now that the RDF/XML document has been read in, we can access it within the database to perform more selective queries.

Querying RDF with RDF::Core

In the last section, the code read the RDF/XML into a persistent Berkeley Database. Instead of going back against the document, we’ll use the database for queries in the next examples.

You might want to see how many statements have a given predicate. To count statements matching a specific value in any one of the triple components, use countStmts, passing in appropriate search parameters for subject, predicate, and object. The number of statements found matching the given values is returned. Passing an undefined parameter signals that any value found for the specific items is a match. In Example 9-4, we’re interested in only the statements that use the predicate The code loads the database and accesses the countStmts directly on the RDF::Core::Storage object (the Model object has a countStmts function, too).

Example 9-4. Count of statements matching a specific predicate
use strict;

require RDF::Core::Storage::DB_File;
require RDF::Core::Resource;

# load model from storage
my $storage = new RDF::Core::Storage::DB_File(Name =>'./rdfdata',
                                                 MemLimit => 500);

# objects must be defined
my $subject;
my $object;

# initiate predicate
my $predicate = 
  new RDF::Core::Resource(''),

# get count of statements for predicate and print
my $val = $storage->countStmts($subject, $predicate, $object);
print $val . "

When run, the application returns a value of 6, matching the number of statements that have the given predicate. If you’re interested only in statements with a given predicate and subject, you could define the subject object in addition to the predicate:

my $subject = new RDF::Core::Resource("");

The value then returned is 1, for one record found matching that combination of subject and predicate.


You’ll also need to add in the RDF::Core::Literal class if you want to match on the subject in this example.

If you’re interested in finding data to go with the count of statements, you can modify the code to use the method getStmts instead, returning an enumerator, which you can then traverse to get the data you’re interested in.

The RDF::Core classes also support a more sophisticated querying capability similar to RDQL (discussed in detail in the next chapter). As with RDQL, the query language supported with RDF::Core supports select, from, and where keywords for the results, source, and search parameters. Three objects process RDQL queries in RDF::Core:


A mapping between a row of data and a function handler


An evaluator object passed to the query to be used to evaluate the specific query


A query object

The RDF::Core::Functions class contains a package of functions used to drill down to specific schema elements within the query set. It’s instantiated first, taking optional instances of the model being queried, an instance of the RDF Schema model, and a factory object.

The RDF::Core::Evaluator class is what evaluates a specific query, passed in as a string, formed from RDQL. When it’s instantiated, it can take an instance of the model being queried, the instance of the Functions class, as well as the factory class and a hash containing namespaces and their associated prefixes, or it can default for a default namespace. The last option is a reference to a function defined in the code to be called for each row returned in the query set. If this isn’t provided, then the result is returned as an array of rows.

The RDF::Core::Query class pulls the other objects and the query string together, returning an array of rows (statements) matching the query or passing the row to a function defined within the function object to process each row. The documentation included with RDF::Core::Query provides a description of the query language supported with RDF::Core including examples.


Another excellent Perl-based RDF API is RDFStore, written by Alberto Reggiori. This API is based on the Stanford Java API created by Sergey Melnik. Access it at


Few languages have achieved faster acceptance than PHP. ISPs now install support for PHP when they install Apache, so most people have access to this server-side tag-based scripting language. And where there’s scripting, there’s support for RDF. PHP boasts two RDF APIs: the RDF API for PHP and the RDF-specific classes within the PHP XML classes. The latter is covered in the next chapter; this chapter focuses on the RDF API for PHP, which I’ll refer to as RAP for brevity.


The RDF API for PHP (RAP) home page is at The SourceForge project for the API is at

Basic Building Blocks

The RAP classes are split into three main packages: model, syntax, and util. The model package includes all the classes to create or read specific elements of an RDF model, including reading or creating complete statements from a model or their individual components. These classes are:


Used to create a blank node, to get the bnode identifier, or check equality between two bnodes


Support for model literals


Contains methods to build or read a specific RDF model


An abstract RDF node


Support for model resources


Creating or manipulating a complete RDF triple

RAP doesn’t, at this time, support persistence to a database such as MySQL or Berkeley DB, but you can serialize the data through RdfSerializer, which is one of the two syntax classes. To read a serialized model, you would then use the other syntax class, RdfParser.

The util class Object is another abstract class with some general methods overloaded in classes built on it, so it’s of no interest for our purposes. However, the RDFUtil class provides some handy methods, including the method writeHTMLTable to output an RDF/XML document in nice tabular form.

Building an RDF Model

Creating a new RDF model and adding statements to it using RAP is extremely easy. Start by creating a new RDF graph (data model) and then just add statements to it, creating new resources or literals as you go. The best way to see how to create a new graph is to look at a complete example of creating a model and then outputting the results to a page.

In the first example of this API, the path from the top-level resource all the way through the first movement is created as a subgraph of the larger monsters1.rdf model. Since movements in this model are coordinated through an RDF container, rdf:Seq, information related to the container must also be added to ensure that the generated RDF/XML maps correctly to the original RDF/XML of the full model. The N-Triples for just this path, as generated by the RDF Validator, are:

<> <
elements/1.0/Document> .
<> <
elements/1.0/history> _:jARP31427 .
_:jARP31427 <> 
<> .
_:jARP31427 <> <
dynaearth/monsters1.htm> .
<> <
elements/1.0/movementType> "Add" .

In the script, the first two lines map the RDF API directories and should reflect your own installation. This test script was built on a Linux box, which the path to the API reflects. Following the global directory definitions, a new model, as well as the top-level resource (since this will be used more than once in the page), is created. Added to the new model is a new statement consisting of the top-level resource as the subject, a new resource created for the predicate, and the object. In this case, the top-level resource is defined as a PostCon Document class.

Following the initial statement, a blank node is created to represent the rdf:Seq object using the label history, and a type resource identifying it as rdf:Seq is added to the model. The first of the movements is added using the container element URI and giving as object the URI of the movement object. In the last statement, the movementType property is added for this resource, as shown in Example 9-5. To observe the resulting model, it’s serialized using the RDFUtil::writeHTML class, to generate a table of statements. And then the model is serialized to RDF/XML, using the RDFSerializer class.

Example 9-5. Creating an RDF model using RDF API for PHP and serializing it to the page
define("RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR", "./../api/");

// New Model, set base URI
$model = new Model(  );

// first statement
$mainsource = new Resource("monsters1.htm");
$model->add(new Statement($mainsource, $RDF_type,

$history = new BlankNode("history");
$model->add(new Statement($mainsource,

// Define RDF Bag
$model->add(new Statement($history, $RDF_type, $RDF_Seq));

$movement = new Resource("");
$model->add(new Statement($history,
            new Resource(RDF_NAMESPACE_URI . "_1"),

$model->add(new Statement($movement,
         new Literal("Add", "en")));

// Output as table

file://Serialize and output model
$ser = new RDFSerializer(  );
$rdf =& $ser->serialize($model);
echo "<p><textarea cols='110' rows='20'>" . $rdf . "</textarea>";

file://Save the model to a file


When this script is included within HTML and accessed via the Web, the result looks similar to Figure 9-1.

Page resulting from running PHP script in Example 9-5
Figure 9-1. Page resulting from running PHP script in Example 9-5

If you want to persist the serialized result of the model, use PHP’s own file I/O functions to save the generated RDF/XML to a file. Note that the figure shows bnodes as URI, which isn’t proper format. However, this is an internally generated value that has no impact on the validity of the RDF/XML.

Example 9-6 contains the script to open this serialized RDF/XML and iterate through it (this script was provided by the RAP creator, Chris Bizer).

Example 9-6. Iterating through the serialized RDF/XML created in Example 9-5

// Include RDF API
define("RDFAPI_INCLUDE_DIR", "./../api/");

// Create new Parser
$parser = new RdfParser(  );

// Parse document
$model =& $parser->generateModel("rdf_output.rdf");

// Get StatementIterator
$it = $model->getStatementIterator(  );

// Traverse model and output statements
while ($it->hasNext(  )) {
   $statement = $it->next(  );
   echo "Statement number: " . $it->getCurrentPosition(  ) . "<BR>";
   echo "Subject: " . $statement->getLabelSubject(  ) . "<BR>";
   echo "Predicate: " . $statement->getLabelPredicate(  ) . "<BR>";
   echo "Object: " . $statement->getLabelObject(  ) . "<P>";


You can add or subtract statements on a given model, check to see if the model contains a specific statement, and even find the intersection or combination of multiple models, using the Model class. However, one of the most frequent activities you’ll likely do is query the model.

RDF and Python: RDFLib

It would be difficult not to see the natural fit between Python and RDF. Of course, Python programmers would say the same happens with all uses of Python, but when you see how quick and simple it is to build an RDF/XML model from scratch using the Python RDF library, RDFLib, you might think about switching regardless of what language you normally use.


RDFLib was created by Daniel Krech. Download the most recent release of RDFLib at I used RDFLib 1.2.3 on Windows 2000 when writing this section. RDFLib requires Python 2.2.1 or later. Additional software is required if you want to use the rdflib.Z informationStore, providing support for contexts in addition to persistent triples.

RDFLib is actually a part of a larger application framework, Redfoot, discussed in Chapter 12. However, RDFLib is a separate, fully RDF functional API. If there’s any additional need with the API, it’s documentation, which is quite scarce for the product. However, the libraries are so intuitive, one could almost say that the documentation isn’t needed.

All the unique components of an RDF model have been defined as Python objects in RDFLib:


A resource with a URI


A resource without a URI


A literal


Manage a namespace


In-memory triple store

In addition, RDFLib.constants contains definitions for the RDF properties such as type and value.

Example 9-7 implements a subgraph of the test RDF/XML document (monsters1.rdf) defined in the following snippet of XML:

<pstcn:Resource rdf:about="monsters1.htm">
   <pstcn:presentation rdf:parseType="Resource">
      <pstcn:requires rdf:parseType="Resource">

To begin, a Namespace object is created for the PostCon namespace, in addition to a TripleStore used for the model in progress. Following this, the top-level resource is created using URIRef, which is then added as a triple with the RDF type and the PostCon Document type. After that, it’s just a matter of creating the appropriate type of object and adding more triples. Note that Namespace manages the namespace annotations for all of the objects requiring one, such as all of the predicates. At the end, the triples are printed out to standard output, and the model is serialized to RDF/XML.

Example 9-7. Building a graph using RDFLib
from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef
from rdflib.Literal import Literal
from rdflib.BNode import BNode
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
from rdflib.constants import TYPE, VALUE

# Import RDFLib's default TripleStore implementation
from rdflib.TripleStore import TripleStore

# Create a namespace object
POSTCON = Namespace("")

store = TripleStore(  )

store.prefix_mapping("pstcn", "http://")
# Create top-level resource
monsters = URIRef(POSTCON["monsters1.htm"])

# Add type statement
store.add((monsters, TYPE, POSTCON["Document"]))

# Create bnode and add as statement
presentation = BNode(  );
store.add((monsters, POSTCON["presentation"],presentation))

# Create second bnode, add
requires = BNode(  );
store.add((presentation, POSTCON["requires"], requires))

# add two end nodes
type = Literal("stylesheet")
store.add((requires, POSTCON["type"],type))

value = Literal("")
store.add((requires, VALUE, value))

# Iterate over triples in store and print them out
for s, p, o in store:
    print s, p, o

# Serialize the store as RDF/XML to the file subgraph.rdf"subgraph.rdf")

Just this small sample demonstrates how simple RDFLib is to use. The generated RDF/XML looks similar to the following, indentation and all, which is a nice little feature of the library.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <n4:Document rdf:about="">

Testing this in the RDF Validator results in a directed graph equivalent to the subgraph found in the larger model, and equivalent to the graph generated earlier in the chapter with the Perl modules.

You can also load an existing RDF/XML document into a TripleStore and then run queries against the triples. Example 9-8 contains a small Python application that loads monsters1.rdf into a TripleStore and then looks for all subjects of class Movement. These are passed into an inner loop and used to look up the movement type for each Movement.

Example 9-8. Finding all movements and movement types in RDF/XML document
from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
from rdflib.constants import TYPE

# Import RDFLib's default TripleStore implementation
from rdflib.TripleStore import TripleStore

# Create a namespace object 
POSTCON = Namespace("")
DC = Namespace("")

store = TripleStore(  )

# For each pstcn:Movement print out movementType
for movement in store.subjects(TYPE, POSTCON["Movement"]):
    for movementType in store.objects(movement, POSTCON["movementType"]):
        print "Moved To: %s Reason: %s" % (movement, movementType)

This application prints out the movement resource objects as well as the movement types:

Moved To: Reason:
Moved To: Reason: Add
Moved To: Reason: Move

The TripleStore document triple_store.html in the RDFLib documentation describes the TripleStore.triples method and the variations on it that you can use for queries. The method used differs but the basic functionality remains the same as that just demonstrated.


Another open source and Python-based RDF API is 4RDF and its Versa query language, a product of Fourthought. 4RDF is part of 4Suite, a set of tools for working with XML, XSLT, and RDF. More information is available at

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