Creating an XmlDocument

Although XmlNode sits at the top of the inheritance tree, XmlDocument is the top-level node in an actual document object tree. The XmlDocument has child nodes, which are accessible through the XmlNode type’s various properties and methods. One of these child nodes, accessible through the DocumentElement property, is an ordinary XmlElement representing the root element of the tree. There may also be a document type node (such as <!DOCTYPE inventory SYSTEM "inventory.dtd">), represented by an XmlDocumentType, accessible through the DocumentType property. Finally, some XML documents will have an XML declaration (such as <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no">), represented by an XmlDeclaration, and accessible only as an ordinary child node of the XmlDocument. Figure 5-3 represents a typical XML document tree structure in memory.

Document tree
Figure 5-3. Document tree

You can create an XmlDocument in memory either by calling its constructor or by calling XmlImplementation.CreateDocument( ). Both of these methods are overloaded to take an XmlNameTable, and the XmlDocument constructor is also overloaded to take an XmlImplementation.


XmlNameTable is used to store atomized element and attribute names. It provides a more efficient way to compare the names than using strings. If you create two XmlDocument instances using the same XmlImplementation, they will share an XmlNameTable, making name comparisons more efficient.

Creating a new XmlDocument gives you an empty document.

XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument( );


Technically, the DOM says you shouldn’t be able to instantiate a node by calling a constructor. However, .NET has provided an XmlDocument constructor for convenience.

Now that you have a document, you’re free to start adding nodes to it. As specified by the DOM, in addition to serving as a representation of the XML document, XmlDocument also acts as a factory for the creation of new nodes. The first thing you might want to do is to create the XML declaration. XmlDocument has a CreateXmlDeclaration( ) method that does just that.

This method takes version, encoding, and standalone parameters. There are some constraints on the values of these parameters: the encoding parameter must be null or the name of an encoding supported by the System.Text.Encoding class; the standalone parameter must be null, "yes“, or "no“; and, as of this writing, the version parameter must be "1.0“. CreateXmlDeclaration( ) creates the XmlDeclaration node, but does not insert it into the tree; you must use AppendChild( ) or a similar method to actually add the node to the document:

XmlDeclaration declaration = document.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0",Encoding.UTF8.HeaderName,


This code snippet sets the document’s encoding to Encoding.UTF8. In most cases you can safely use the default encoding of the XmlDeclaration. However, if you were to save the document to an XmlWriter that had a different encoding, the XmlWriter would discard the encoding set in the XmlDeclaration and use its own instead. This replacement ensures that the XML can be read back in with the correct encoding.

Next, you might wish to specify the document type. Example 5-2 shows a DTD named inventory.dtd.

Example 5-2. A DTD for warehouse inventory listings
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!ELEMENT inventory (date,items)>

               month (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12) #REQUIRED
               day (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|
                    28|29|30|31) #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT items (item)+>

               productCode CDATA #REQUIRED
               description CDATA #REQUIRED
               unitCost CDATA #REQUIRED>


The XmlDeclaration and XmlDocumentType nodes are optional, but if you choose to use them, they must appear in that order, and before the document element. If you can’t add them sequentially in your code using AppendChild( ), you can use the XmlDocument type’s methods InsertAfter( ), InsertBefore( ), or PrependChild( ) to ensure that the nodes are in the correct order. Note that PrependChild( ) is not a DOM Level 1 or Level 2 method, but a .NET-specific extension.

XmlDocument has a CreateDocumentType( ) method that, predictably, creates an XML document type. This method takes a name, a system ID, a public ID, and an internal subset as parameters, the last three of which can be null. Again, you must use AppendChild( ) to add the XmlDocumentType node to the tree:

XmlDocumentType docType = document.CreateDocumentType("inventory",


If you try to create an XmlDocumentType node but the specified DTD does not exist, a FileNotFoundException will be thrown.

Next, you should create the document element. CreateElement( ) creates a new XmlElement but, again, does not insert it into the XML tree:

XmlElement documentElement = document.CreateElement("inventory");

If you inspect the XmlDocument instance’s DocumentElement property, you’ll see that the new XmlElement has automatically become the document element because it is the first XmlElement added to the tree:

XmlElement element = document.DocumentElement;
Console.WriteLine("DocumentElement is " + element.Name);


At any point, you might wish to examine the document tree as it would appear if serialized to XML. The following code snippet will do that for you with nice human-readable formatting.

XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(Console.Out);
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

Next, continue building your XmlDocument, one element at a time. The next required element is the date:

XmlElement dateElement = document.CreateElement("date");

You’ll notice that, in this case, you call AppendChild( ) on the document’s DocumentElement, rather than the document itself. Besides being the right way to build a valid document for this DTD, this is necessary because a document is only allowed to have one child element. Attempting to append another child element directly to the document would cause the following exception to be thrown:

System.InvalidOperationException: This document already has a DocumentElement node.

Continuing, create the items and several item elements:

// create the items element
XmlElement itemsElement = document.CreateElement("items");

// create some item elements
XmlElement itemElement = document.CreateElement("item");
itemElement.SetAttribute("description","14.4 Volt Cordless Drill");

itemElement = document.CreateElement("item");
itemElement.SetAttribute("description","12 Piece Drill Bit Set");

By now, you should see that you’ve built the following XML document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE inventory SYSTEM "inventory.dtd">
  <date year="2002" month="6" day="22" />
    <item quantity="1" productCode="R-273" description="14.4 Volt Cordless Drill" />
    <item quantity="1" productCode="1632S" description="12 Piece Drill Bit Set" />

That looks fairly good, but is it valid? You can check with the XmlValidatingReader from Chapter 2. Remember that one of the XmlValidatingReader type’s constructors takes a Stream. You can write the XmlDocument to a MemoryStream, flush the Stream to ensure that all the data has been written, set the Stream instance’s pointer back to the beginning, and then pass it to the XmlValidatingReader. You can either let the XmlSchemaException be thrown and handle it in a try...catch, or register a ValidationEventHandler as I did in Chapter 2. In this case I’ll just let the default InternalValidationCallback do the work:

Stream stream = new MemoryStream( );
XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter(new StreamWriter(stream));
textWriter.Flush( );
XmlReader textReader = new XmlTextReader(stream);
XmlReader reader = new XmlValidatingReader(textReader);
try {
  while (reader.Read( )) {
    // Validation only happens when you call Read( )
} catch (XmlSchemaException e) {
} finally {
  stream.Close( );


You might think that you could use a combination of XmlNodeReader and XmlValidatingReader to validate the document. However, remember that although the XmlValidatingReader constructor takes an XmlReader, an ArgumentException will be thrown if it’s not actually an XmlTextReader.

Now you can run the program and the XmlValidatingReader will tell you if you’ve forgotten anything:

System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: The required attribute 'unitCost' is missing. 
An error occurred at (1, 140).
   at System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.InternalValidationCallback(Object sender, 
ValidationEventArgs e)
   at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.SendValidationEvent(XmlSchemaException e, 
XmlSeverityType severity)
   at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.BeginChildren( )
   at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.ProcessElement( )
   at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.Validate( )
   at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.Validate(ValidationType valType)
   at System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ReadWithCollectTextToken( )
   at System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.Read( )
   at CreateInventory.Main(String[ ] args) in C:Chapter 5CreateInventory.cs:line 85

This exception indicates that an attribute required by the DTD is missing. You can go back and add the missing unitCost attributes to their respective elements. Because the DOM allows non-sequential access to the XML tree, you can actually go back to nodes that you created early in the program and assign the cost to each item at the end. This might be necessary in real life if the data were coming from disparate sources—maybe the list of items comes from a database, while the cost comes from a flat file; you don’t want to have to scan the entire file as each row is read from the database.

Since you still have the items element in memory, you can simply iterate through its child nodes, looking up the productCode attribute, and adding the unitCost attribute with the appropriate value. If the code encounters an unknown productCode, it will throw an ApplicationException:

XmlNodeList elements = itemsElement.ChildNodes;
foreach (XmlElement currentElement in elements) {
  double cost = 0d;
  string productCode = currentElement.GetAttribute("productCode");
  switch (productCode) {
    case "R-273":
      cost = 189.95;
    case "1632S":
      cost = 14.95;
      throw new ApplicationException("Unknown productCode: "
        + productCode);
  currentElement.SetAttribute("unitCost",cost.ToString( ));

There are other ways you could navigate through the items element’s child nodes. For example, if there were other types of child nodes besides elements, or other elements besides item, you could replace the first line of code with the following:

XmlNodeList elements = itemsElement.GetElementsByTagName("item");

Either way, you now have valid XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE inventory SYSTEM "inventory.dtd">
  <date year="2002" month="6" day="22" />
    <item quantity="15" productCode="R-273" description="14.4 Volt Cordless Drill" unitCost="189.95" />
    <item quantity="23" productCode="1632S" description="12 Piece Drill Bit Set" unitCost="14.95" />

Finally, you should save the document to a file:


The XmlDocument.Save( ) method has several overloads. The one used here takes a filename, creates all necessary FileInfo and/or XmlWriter instances, and serializes the document to the file. Other overloads take a Stream, a TextWriter, or an XmlWriter, respectively, so you can save the document not only to a variety of destinations, but even to alternative XML syntaxes, using, for example, the XmlPyxWriter I showed you in Chapter 4.

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