2.2. Checking for an Empty String


You need to test for an empty or null string.


Use StringUtils.isBlank() . This method will return true if it is supplied with an empty, zero length, or whitespace-only string. This method gracefully handles a null input by returning true. The following example demonstrates isBlank( ) with four strings:

String test = "";
String test2 = "

String test3 = null;
String test4 = "Test";

System.out.println( "test blank? " + StringUtils.isBlank( test ) );
System.out.println( "test2 blank? " + StringUtils.isBlank( test2 ) );
System.out.println( "test3 blank? " + StringUtils.isBlank( test3 ) );
System.out.println( "test4 blank? " + StringUtils.isBlank( test4 ) );

All four strings are tested, and the following output is produced:

test blank? true
test2 blank? true
test3 blank? true
test4 blank? false


Checking for nonblank strings is just as easy; StringUtils.isNotBlank( ) will return the compliment of isBlank( ). If a string is empty, contains only whitespace, or is null, the StringUtils.isNotBlank( ) method will return false. This method comes in handy when a process expects a certain string to have content, and it gracefully handles a null input by returning false:

String test = "		";
String test2 = "Test";

System.out.println( "test is not blank? " + StringUtils.isNotBlank( test ) );
System.out.println( "test2 is not blank? " + StringUtils.isNotBlank( test2 ) );

This produces the following output, which shows that a string containing only whitespace is considered blank:

test is not blank? false
test2 is not blank? true

Another method to test for an empty string is to “trim” a string to null if it contains only whitespace, and then test to see if the trimmed result is null. Use StringUtils.trimToNull( ) to transform empty strings to null. This method handles a null parameter value by returning null.

String test1 = "	";
String test2 = "Test";
String test3 = null;

System.out.println( "test1 trimToNull: " + StringUtils.trimToNull( test1 ) );
System.out.println( "test2 trimToNull: " + StringUtils.trimToNull( test2 ) );
System.out.println( "test3 trimToNull: " + StringUtils.trimToNull( test3 ) );

This produces the following output, which shows that a string containing only whitespace is trimmed to null:

test1 trimToNull: null
test2 trimToNull: Test
test3 trimToNull: null

These three methods are laughably simple, but they will serve to reduce the amount of complexity in a system that needs to test strings. Use the methods from this recipe to avoid writing code to test for a null, and check the length of a string:

if( variable != null && 
    variable.length( ) > 0 && 
    !variable.trim( ).equals("") ) {
        // Do something

The code above can be rewritten with one call to StringUtils.isNotBlank( ):

if( StringUtils.isNotBlank( variable ) ) {
    // Do something

It is good practice to avoid using null whenever possible; code that uses null to signify emptiness or an error condition is harder to maintain and more likely to throw a nasty NullPointerException. Worse yet are methods that return a null whenever a problem occurs or an exception is thrown. While trimToNull() can accomplish the goal, it does increase the occurrence of nulls in code; use isBlank( ) and isNotBlank( ) to excise dangerous nulls from your code.

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