2.15. Using Commons Codec


You want to use Commons Codec.


You must download the latest version of Jakarta Commons Codec, and place the Commons Codec JAR in your project’s classpath. Follow the steps outlined in Recipe 1.1, downloading Commons Codec 1.2 instead of Commons Lang.


The Commons Codec library is a small library, which includes encoders and decoders for common encoding algorithms, such as Hex, Base64; and phonetic encoders, such as Metaphone, DoubleMetaphone, and Soundex. This tiny component was created to provide a definitive implementation of Base64 and Hex, encouraging reuse and reducing the amount of code duplication between various Apache projects.

If you have a Maven project that needs to use Commons Codec, add a dependency on Commons Codec 1.2 with the following section in project.xml:


  ....other dependencies...

See Also

For information on obtaining the source code for Commons Codec, see Recipe 2.16. To learn more about Commons Codec, visit the Jakarta Commons Codec web site at http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/codec/.

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