Viewing and Processing Images with PIL

As mentioned earlier, Python Tkinter scripts show images by associating independently created image objects with real widget objects. At this writing, Tkinter GUIs can display photo image files in GIF, PPM, and PGM formats by creating a PhotoImage object, as well as X11-style bitmap files (usually suffixed with an .xbm extension) by creating a BitmapImage object.

This set of supported file formats is limited by the underlying Tk library, not by Tkinter itself, and may expand in the future. But if you want to display files in other formats today (e.g., the popular JPEG format), you can either convert your files to one of the supported formats with an image-processing program, or install the PIL Python extension package mentioned at the start of Chapter 8.

PIL, the Python Imaging Library, is an open source system that supports nearly 30 graphics file formats (including GIF, JPEG, TIFF, and BMP). In addition to allowing your scripts to display a much wider variety of image types than standard Tkinter, PIL also provides tools for image processing, including geometric transforms, thumbnail creation, format conversions, and much more.

PIL Basics

To use its tools, you must first fetch and install the PIL package: see (or search for “PIL” on Google). Then, simply use special PhotoImage and BitmapImage objects imported from the PIL ImageTk module to open files in other graphic formats. These are compatible replacements for the standard Tkinter classes of the same name, and they may be used anywhere Tkinter expects a PhotoImage or BitmapImage object (i.e., in label, button, canvas, text, and menu object configurations).

That is, replace standard Tkinter code such as this:

from Tkinter import *
imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgdir + "spam.gif")
Button(image=imgobj).pack( )

with code of this form:

from Tkinter import *
import ImageTk
photoimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=imgdir + "spam.jpg")
Button(image=photoimg).pack( )

or with the more verbose equivalent, which comes in handy if you will perform image processing in addition to image display:

from Tkinter import *
import Image, ImageTk
imageobj = + "spam.jpeg")
photoimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imageobj)
Button(image=photoimg).pack( )

In fact, to use PIL for image display, all you really need to do is install it and add a single from statement to your code to get its replacement PhotoImage object, after loading the original from Tkinter. The rest of your code remains unchanged but will be able to display JPEG and other image types:

from Tkinter import *
from ImageTk import PhotoImage                     # <== add this line
imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgdir + "spam.jpg")
Button(image=imgobj).pack( )

PIL installation details vary per platform; on Windows, it is just a matter of downloading and running a self-installer. PIL code winds up in the Python install directory’s Libsite packages; because this is automatically added to the module import search path, no path configuration is required to use PIL. Simply run the installer and import PIL modules. On other platforms, you might untar or unZIP a fetched source code archive and add PIL directories to the front of your PYTHONPATH setting; see the PIL system’s web site for more details.

There is much more to PIL than we have space to cover here. For instance, it also provides image conversion, resizing, and transformation tools, some of which can be run as command-line programs that have nothing to do with GUIs directly. Especially for Tkinter-based programs that display or process images, PIL will likely become a standard component in your software tool set.

See for more information, as well as online PIL and Tkinter documentation sets. To help get you started, though, we’ll close out this chapter with a handful of real scripts that use PIL for image display and processing.

Displaying Other Image Types with PIL

In our earlier image examples, we attached widgets to buttons and canvases, but the standard Tkinter toolkit allows images to be added to a variety of widget types, including simple labels, text, and menu entries. Example 9-41, for instance, uses unadorned Tkinter to display a single image by attaching it to a label, in the main application window. The example assumes that images are stored in an images subdirectory, and allows the image filename to be passed in as a command-line argument (it defaults to spam.gif if no argument is passed). It also prints the image’s height and width in pixels to the standard output stream, just to give extra information.

Example 9-41.

# show one image with standard Tkinter photo object
# as is this handles GIF files, but not JPEG images
# image filename listed in command line, or default
# use a Canvas instead of Label for scrolling, etc.

import os, sys
from Tkinter import *                    # use standard Tkinter photo object
                                         # GIF works, but JPEG requires PIL
imgdir  = 'images'
imgfile = 'newmarket-uk-2.gif'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:                    # cmdline argument given?
    imgfile = sys.argv[1]
imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)

win = Tk( )
imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath)        # display photo on a Label
Label(win, image=imgobj).pack( )
print imgobj.width(), imgobj.height( )    # show size in pixels before destroyed
win.mainloop( )

Figure 9-42 captures this script’s display on Windows XP, showing the default GIF image file. Run this from the system console with a filename as a command-line argument to view other files (e.g., python filename.gif).

Tkinter GIF display

Figure 9-42. Tkinter GIF display

Example 9-41 works but only for image types supported by the base Tkinter toolkit. To display other image formats such as JPEG, we need to install PIL and use its replacement PhotoImage object. In terms of code, it’s simply a matter of adding one import statement, as illustrated in Example 9-42.

Example 9-42.

# show one image with PIL photo replacement object
# install PIL first: placed in Libsite-packages

import os, sys
from Tkinter import *
from ImageTk import PhotoImage           # <== use PIL replacement class
                                         # rest of code unchanged
imgdir  = 'images'
imgfile = 'newmarket-uk-1.jpg'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    imgfile = sys.argv[1]
imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)

win = Tk( )
imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath)        # now JPEGs work!
Label(win, image=imgobj).pack( )
win.mainloop( )
print imgobj.width(), imgobj.height( )    # show size in pixels on exit

With PIL, our script is now able to display many image types, including the default JPEG image defined in the script and captured in Figure 9-43.

Tkinter+PIL JPEG display

Figure 9-43. Tkinter+PIL JPEG display

Displaying all images in a directory

While we’re at it, it’s not much extra work to allow viewing all images in a directory, using some of the directory path tools we met in the first part of this book. Example 9-43, for instance, simply opens a new Toplevel pop-up window for each image in a directory (given as a command-line argument, or a default), taking care to skip nonimage files by catching exceptions.

Example 9-43.

# display all images in a directory in pop-up windows
# GIFs work, but JPEGs will be skipped without PIL

import os, sys
from Tkinter import *
from ImageTk import PhotoImage              # <== required for JPEGs and others

imgdir = 'images'
if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgdir = sys.argv[1]
imgfiles = os.listdir(imgdir)               # does not include directory prefix

main = Tk( )
quit = Button(main, text='Quit all', command=main.quit, font=('courier', 25))
quit.pack( )
savephotos = []

for imgfile in imgfiles:
    imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)
    win = Toplevel( )
        imgobj = PhotoImage(file=imgpath)
        Label(win, image=imgobj).pack( )
        print imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height( )       # size in pixels
        savephotos.append(imgobj)                              # keep a reference
        errmsg = 'skipping %s
%s' % (imgfile, sys.exc_info( )[1])
        Label(win, text=errmsg).pack( )

main.mainloop( )

Run this code on your own to see the windows it generates. If you do, you’ll get one main window with a Quit button, plus as many pop-up image view windows as there are images in the directory. This is convenient for a quick look, but not exactly the epitome of user friendliness for large directories—those created by your digital camera, for instance. To do better, let’s move on to the next section.

Creating Image Thumbnails with PIL

As mentioned, PIL does more than display images in a GUI; it also comes with tools for resizing, converting, and more. One of the many useful tools it provides is the ability to generate small, “thumbnail” images from originals. Such thumbnails may be displayed in a web page or selection GUI to allow the user to open full-size images on demand.

Example 9-44 is a concrete implementation of this idea—it generates thumbnail images using PIL and displays them on buttons which open the corresponding original image when clicked. The net effect is much like the file explorer GUIs that are now standard on modern operating systems, but by coding this in Python, we’re able to control its behavior and to reuse and customize its code in our own applications. As usual, these are some of the primary benefits inherent in open source software in general.

Example 9-44.

# display all images in a directory as thumbnail image
# buttons that display the full image when clicked;
# requires PIL for JPEGs and thumbnail img creation;
# to do: add scrolling if too many thumbs for window!

import os, sys, math
from Tkinter import *
import Image                          # <== required for thumbs
from ImageTk import PhotoImage        # <== required for JPEG display

def makeThumbs(imgdir, size=(100, 100), subdir='thumbs'):
    get thumbnail images for all images in a directory;
    for each image, create and save a new thumb, or load
    and return an existing thumb; makes thumb dir if needed;
    returns list of (image filename, thumb image object);
    the caller can also run listdir on thumb dir to load;
    on bad file types we may get IOError, or other: overflow
    thumbdir = os.path.join(imgdir, subdir)
    if not os.path.exists(thumbdir):

    thumbs = []
    for imgfile in os.listdir(imgdir):
        thumbpath = os.path.join(thumbdir, imgfile)
        if os.path.exists(thumbpath):
            thumbobj =            # use already created
            thumbs.append((imgfile, thumbobj))
            print 'making', thumbpath
            imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)
                imgobj =            # make new thumb
                imgobj.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) # best downsize filter
                        # type via ext or passed
                thumbs.append((imgfile, imgobj))
            except:                                     # not always IOError
                print "Skipping: ", imgpath
    return thumbs

class ViewOne(Toplevel):
    open a single image in a pop-up window when created;
    photoimage obj must be saved: erased if reclaimed;
    def _ _init_ _(self, imgdir, imgfile):
        Toplevel._ _init_ _(self)
        imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)
        imgobj  = PhotoImage(file=imgpath)
        Label(self, image=imgobj).pack( )
        print imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height( )   # size in pixels
        self.savephoto = imgobj                           # keep reference on me

def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None):
    make thumb links window for an image directory:
    one thumb button per image; use kind=Tk to show
    in main  app window, or Frame container (pack);
    imgfile differs per loop: must save with a default;
    photoimage objs must be saved: erased if reclaimed;
    win = kind( )
    win.title('Viewer: ' + imgdir)
    thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir)
    if not cols:
        cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs))))     # fixed or N x N

    savephotos = []
    while thumbs:
        thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:]
        row = Frame(win)
        for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow:
            photo   = PhotoImage(imgobj)
            link    = Button(row, image=photo)
            handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile)
            link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES)

    Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit).pack(fill=X)
    return win, savephotos

if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':
    imgdir = (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or 'images'
    main, save = viewer(imgdir, kind=Tk)
    main.mainloop( )

Most of the PIL-specific code in this example is in the makeThumbs function. It opens, creates, and saves the thumbnail image, unless one has already been saved (i.e., cached) to a local file. As coded, thumbnail images are saved in the same image format as the original full-size photo.

We also use the PIL ANTIALIAS filter—the best quality for down-sampling (shrinking), and likely the default in the future; this does a better job on low-resolution GIFs. Thumbnail generation is essentially just an in-place resize that preserves the original aspect ratio. We’ll defer to PIL documentation for more details on that package’s API.

But notice how this code must pass in the imgfile to the generated callback handler with a default argument; as we’ve learned, because imgfile is a loop variable, all callbacks will have its final loop iteration value if its current value is not saved this way (all buttons would open the same image!). Also notice how we keep a list of references to the photo image objects; as we’ve also seen, photos are erased when their object is garbage collected, even if they are currently being displayed. To avoid this, we simply generate references in a long-lived list.

Figure 9-44 shows the main thumbnail selection window generated by Example 9-44 when you’re viewing the default images subdirectory in the examples source tree. As in the previous examples, you can pass in an optional directory name to run the viewer on a directory of your own (for instance, one copied from your digital camera). Clicking on any thumbnail button in the main window opens a corresponding image in an independent pop-up window; Figure 9-45 captures one of these.

Simple thumbnail selection GUI

Figure 9-44. Simple thumbnail selection GUI

Thumbnail viewer pop-up image window

Figure 9-45. Thumbnail viewer pop-up image window

Performance: saving thumbnail files

Before we move on, three variations on the thumbnail viewer are worth considering. The first underscores performance concepts. As is, the viewer saves the generated thumbnail image in a file, so it can be loaded quickly the next time the script is run. This isn’t strictly required—Example 9-45, for instance, customizes the thumbnail generation function to generate the thumbnail images in memory, but never save them.

There is no noticeable speed difference for small image collections. If you run these alternatives on larger image collections, though, you’ll notice that the original version in Example 9-44 gains a big performance advantage by saving and loading the thumbnails to files; on some tests with many large image files on my machine, the original version usually opens the GUI in roughly 1 second, compared to as much as 5 to 15 seconds for Example 9-45. For thumbnails, loading from files is quicker than recalculation.

Example 9-45.

# same, but make thumb images in memory without saving
# to or loading from files -- this seems just as fast
# for small directories, but saving to files makes
# startup much quicker for large image collections;
# saving may also be needed in some apps (e.g., web pages)

import os, sys
import Image
from Tkinter import Tk
import viewer_thumbs

def makeThumbs(imgdir, size=(100, 100), subdir='thumbs'):
    create thumbs in memory but don't cache to files
    thumbs = []
    for imgfile in os.listdir(imgdir):
        imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)
            imgobj =          # make new thumb
            thumbs.append((imgfile, imgobj))
            print "Skipping: ", imgpath
    return thumbs

if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':
    imgdir = (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or 'images'
    viewer_thumbs.makeThumbs = makeThumbs
    main, save = viewer_thumbs.viewer(imgdir, kind=Tk)
    main.mainloop( )

Layout: gridding and fixed-size widgets

The next variations on our viewer are purely cosmetic, but they illustrate Tkinter layout concepts. If you look at Figure 9-44 long enough, you’ll notice that its layout of thumbnails is not as uniform as it could be. For larger collections, it could become difficult to locate and open specific images. With just a little extra work, we can achieve a more uniform layout by either laying out the thumbnails in a grid, or using uniform fixed-size buttons. Example 9-46 positions buttons in a row/column grid by using the Tkinter grid geometry manager—a topic we will explore in more detail in the next chapter; you should consider some of this code a preview.

Example 9-46.

# same as viewer_thumbs, but uses the grid geometry
# manager to try to achieve a more uniform layout;
# can generally achieve the same with frames and pack
# if buttons are all fixed and uniform in size;

import sys, math
from Tkinter import *
from ImageTk import PhotoImage
from viewer_thumbs import makeThumbs, ViewOne

def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None):
    custom version that uses gridding
    win = kind( )
    win.title('Viewer: ' + imgdir)
    thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir)
    if not cols:
        cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs))))     # fixed or N x N

    rownum = 0
    savephotos = []
    while thumbs:
        thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:]
        colnum = 0
        for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow:
            photo   = PhotoImage(imgobj)
            link    = Button(win, image=photo)
            handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile)
            link.grid(row=rownum, column=colnum)
            colnum += 1
        rownum += 1

    Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit).grid(columnspan=cols, stick=EW)
    return win, savephotos

if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':
    imgdir = (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or 'images'
    main, save = viewer(imgdir, kind=Tk)
    main.mainloop( )

Figure 9-46 displays the effect of gridding; our buttons line up in rows and columns in a more uniform fashion.

Gridded thumbnail selection GUI

Figure 9-46. Gridded thumbnail selection GUI

We can achieve a layout that is perhaps even more uniform than gridding, by giving each thumbnail button a fixed size. Example 9-47 does the trick. It sets the height and width of each button to match the maximum dimension of the thumbnail icon.

Example 9-47.

# use fixed size for thumbnails, so align regularly;
# size taken from image object, assume all same max;
# this is essentially what file selection GUIs do;

import sys, math
from Tkinter import *
from ImageTk import PhotoImage
from viewer_thumbs import makeThumbs, ViewOne

def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None):
    custom version that lays out with fixed-size buttons
    win = kind( )
    win.title('Viewer: ' + imgdir)
    thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir)
    if not cols:
        cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs))))      # fixed or N x N

    savephotos = []
    while thumbs:
        thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:]
        row = Frame(win)
        for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow:
            size    = max(imgobj.size)                     # width, height
            photo   = PhotoImage(imgobj)
            link    = Button(row, image=photo)
            handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile)
            link.config(command=handler, width=size, height=size)
            link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES)

    Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit, bg='beige').pack(fill=X)
    return win, savephotos

if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':
    imgdir = (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or 'images'
    main, save = viewer(imgdir, kind=Tk)
    main.mainloop( )

Figure 9-47 shows the results of applying a fixed size to our buttons; all are the same size now, using a size taken from the images themselves. Naturally, other layout schemes are possible as well; experiment with some of the configuration options in this code on your own to see their effect on the display.

Fixed-size thumbnail selection GUI

Figure 9-47. Fixed-size thumbnail selection GUI

Scrolling and canvases

The thumbnail viewer scripts presented in this section work well for reasonably sized image directories, and you can use smaller thumbnail size settings for larger image collections. Perhaps the biggest limitation of these programs, though, is that the thumbnail windows they create will become too large to handle (or display at all) if the image directory contains very many files. A directory copied from your camera with more than 100 images, for example, might produce a window too large to fit on your computer’s screen.

To do better, we could arrange the thumbnails on a widget that supports scrolling. The open source Pmw package includes a handy scrolled frame that may help. Moreover, the standard Tkinter Canvas widget gives us more control over image displays and supports horizontal and vertical scrolling.

In fact, one final extension to our scripts in the source code directory,, does just that—it displays thumbnails in a scrolled canvas and so handles large collections much better. We’ll study that extension in conjunction with canvases in the next chapter. And in Chapter 12, we’ll apply this technique to a more full-featured image viewing program called PyPhoto, whose main window is captured in Figure 9-48. To learn how these programs do their job, though, we need to move on to the next chapter, and the second half of our widget tour.

Scrollable thumbnail selection GUI

Figure 9-48. Scrollable thumbnail selection GUI

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