Chapter 9. Graphics


The recipes in this chapter introduce the powerful, fast, and creative graphics capabilities of Visual Basic 2005. They provide working examples of everything from drawing simple lines to creating charts and simple animations. If you’re coming from Visual Basic 6.0, you’ll be especially pleased with the powerful new capabilities of the GDI+ graphics. Several recipes will help you update your skills by substituting new functionality for the primitive graphics commands provided by Visual Basic 6.0, such as Line, Circle, and so on.

9.1. Creating Graphics Objects


You’re just getting started with GDI+ graphics and want to know where to begin.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09GDIObjects

Always start by defining and creating the fundamental graphics objects relied upon by all GDI+ graphics methods. These include colors, pens, fonts, brushes, and of course the Graphics object itself, the drawing surface used by all graphics drawing methods.


The sample code in this recipe demonstrates the creation of several graphics-related objects, providing a good starting point for studying some GDI+ fundamentals. We’ll look at the code in sections.

The most common place to put drawing code is in the Paint event handler for the form or control on which you will draw:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint

You can draw in other events or methods as well, but you’ll run into fewer hassles if you paint when the system tells you to, rather than forcing redrawing of surfaces based on other events.

The Paint event provides a couple of useful parameters to help with the painting. You can create your own Graphics object—a technique handy in some situations—but when drawing in a Paint event, simply use the Graphics object passed to the event. You can reference the e.Graphics object by that nomenclature, or you can create a shorter reference to it (such as, in this example, canvas):

	' ----- Grab the graphics object for this form.
	Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics

You typically use the Graphics object a lot in the Paint method, so keeping the reference easy to use can simplify your coding.

Colors can be defined in several ways, some of which are demonstrated in the following group of program lines. You can choose from a long list of enumerated colors with fanciful names like “cornsilk,” or you can build your own color by setting each of the red, green, and blue components of the color to a value from 0 to 255. There are also some named system colors you can access to employ the standard colors selected by the user for the entire workstation. The advantage of using these colors is that your graphics will take on the system-described colors, even if the user has changed one of those colors from its default base. A fourth optional parameter (actually passed as the first argument to Color.FromArgb())), called Alpha, controls the transparency of a color. As shown in the following code, a transparent shade of green is created by setting its Alpha parameter to a middle-of-the-road value of 127:

	' ----- Create some colors.
	Dim colorBackground As Color = Color.Cornsilk
	Dim colorRed As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0)
	Dim colorTransparentGreen As Color = _
	   Color.FromArgb(127, 0, 255, 0)
	Dim colorControlDark As Color = _

A Pen is used as a parameter for many drawing methods. For example, lines, ellipses, rectangle edges, and polygon edges are all drawn using a designated pen to define the lines used to construct them. A basic Pen object is comprised of a color and an optional width. If not given, the width defaults to 1 unit, and you’ll get what you expect if your scaling mode is the default pixels. If a different scaling is used, the thickness of the pen’s line will remain at 1 unit, but depending on the scaling this can drastically affect the appearance of the lines you draw (see Recipe 9.8 for more on this topic). The following code block defines pen1 with a width of 1 unit and pen2 with a width of 25:

	' ----- Create some pens.
	Dim pen1 As New Pen(Color.Blue)
	Dim pen2 As New Pen(colorRed, 25)

Font objects are required whenever text is drawn on a graphics surface. There are several ways to define a new Font object: you can specify its name and a few optional properties such as font size, or you can start with a given font and make changes to it. Both of these techniques are used in the program lines shown here:

	' ----- Create some fonts.
	Dim font1 As New Font("Arial", 24, _
	   FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic)
	Dim font2 As New Font(Me.Font, FontStyle.Regular)

Visual Basic 2005 doesn’t have a plain old Print command, like the one that was available in the good old days of VB 6. You’ll need to become familiar with fonts, brushes, and GDI+ methods such as DrawString() to draw even the simplest text content. The upside of this situation is that text can be drawn on any surface in the same way, whether it’s a printer page, a form, or the face of a button or other control.

When you draw shapes using lines, you pass the graphics method a pen. When you fill Graphics objects with color, such as when drawing a solid-filled rectangle or ellipse, you pass a brush. Brushes can be solid-filled with a color, as shown here, or they can be created using a repeating fill pattern or image:

	' ----- Create some brushes.
	Dim brush1 As New SolidBrush(Color.DarkBlue)
	Dim brush2 As New SolidBrush(colorTransparentGreen)

The next lines use several methods of the Graphics object to render ellipses, rectangles, and a string:

	' ----- Demonstrate a few sample graphics commands.
	canvas.DrawEllipse(pen2, 100, 50, 300, 200)
	canvas.FillEllipse(brush1, New Rectangle( _
	   50, 150, 250, 200))
	canvas.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(colorTransparentGreen), _
	   120, 30, 150, 250)
	canvas.DrawString("Text is drawn using GDI+", _
	   font1, brush1, 120, 70)

Figure 9-1 displays the results generated by this code. The biggest ring is a single-line outline of an ellipse, drawn using the pen2 object defined above (it’s actually a red pen with a width of 25 units—in this case, the units are the default pixels). The lower ellipse is solid-filled using a blue brush. Clipping takes place automatically, and although the blue ellipse doesn’t quite fit on the form’s surface, this causes no problems. The rectangle uses the transparent green brush defined earlier, allowing the red and blue ellipses to show through from underneath. Finally, the string of text can be drawn at any location, using any font, any size, any color, and any rotation angle.

Creating GDI+ graphics
Figure 9-1. Creating GDI+ graphics

Proper GDI+ etiquette requires that you properly dispose of all objects you create. Back in the old days before Windows 95, proper cleanup of graphics objects was essential, and the system could crash if it ran out of its few precious graphics resources. Those fears are long gone, but GDI+ objects still consume system resources. The .NET garbage-collection system will eventually dispose of all graphics objects, but it’s best if you do it yourself immediately:

	   ' ----- Clean up.
	   canvas = Nothing
	End Sub

9.2. Drawing on Controls for Special Effects


You want to alter the appearance of a control by drawing on it in reaction to mouse or other events.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09SpecialEffects

Add code to the control’s Paint event handler, and if required, call the control’s Refresh() method to trigger the Paint event.


Any visible control has a Paint event that lets you patch in code to modify the control’s appearance in any way you want. The following code demonstrates this technique by completely changing the appearance and behavior of a standard Button control. For the sample, we created a new Windows Forms application, then added a Panel control named Panel1 and two Button controls, Button1 and Button2. Button1 is left untouched for comparison, but Button2 changes as the mouse is used with it. The button’s background color is altered as the mouse moves over its face, and again when the mouse is clicked. The ButtonBackColor variable holds the indicated color as set within the various mouse-event procedures, and it is used in the button’s Paint event to render its background color:

	Public Class Form1
	   Private ButtonBackColor As Color = Color.LightGreen

These four events change the background color in response to the mouse cursor entering or leaving the face of the button and to the mouse button being depressed and released when the cursor is over the button:

	Private Sub Button2_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.MouseEnter
	   ' ----- Change the button to show the effect of the mouse.
	   ButtonBackColor = Color.FromArgb(32, 192, 32)
	End Sub

	Private Sub Button2_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.MouseLeave
	   ' ----- Return the button to normal mode.
	   ButtonBackColor = Color.LightGreen
	End Sub

	Private Sub Button2_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	      Handles Button2.MouseDown
	   ' ----- The mouse is clicking the button. Show an effect.
	   ButtonBackColor = Color.LightPink
	End Sub

	Private Sub Button2_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	      Handles Button2.MouseUp
	   ' ----- The mouse was released. Go back to normal.
	   ButtonBackColor = Color.LightGreen
	End Sub

The Refresh() method in the MouseUp event handler tells the control to redraw itself, triggering a Paint event. You would expect the other three event handlers to each need a Refresh() call as well, but the Button control issues those calls on our behalf during these events.

The following method repaints Button2’s surface whenever Windows fires the Paint event:

	Private Sub Button2_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Button2.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw a fancy button surface.
	   Dim counter As Integer
	   Const numberOfLobes As Integer = 5
	   ' ----- Get the graphics object for the button.
	   Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics
	   ' ----- Set a new background color.

The button’s Graphics object provides the surface for all graphics commands. The Clear() method optionally renders the background in a given color. In this case, the variable ButtonBackColor tells the button what colors to set the background to in response to the various mouse events:

	' ----- Draw the atomic orbits in blue, two pixels wide.
	Dim atomPen As Pen = New Pen(Color.Blue, 2)
	' ----- Specify the location and size of the electron orbits.
	Dim sizeFactor As Integer = Button2.ClientSize.Width  2
	Dim lobeLength As Integer = sizeFactor * 8  10
	Dim lobeWidth As Integer = lobeLength  4
	' ----- Shift center of orbits to center of button.
	canvas.TranslateTransform(sizeFactor, sizeFactor)

The following lines of code repeatedly draw an ellipse in blue, rotated around its center to create an “atom” effect:

	   ' ----- Draw orbits rotated around center.
	   For counter = 1 To numberOfLobes
	      canvas.RotateTransform(360 / numberOfLobes)
	      canvas.DrawEllipse(atomPen, -lobeLength, -lobeWidth, _
	         lobeLength * 2, lobeWidth * 2)
	   Next counter
	End Sub

We chose this graphic partly because it was just plain fun to create, but also to show how easy it is to draw some things in Visual Basic 2005 that are cumbersome to draw in VB 6.

The following Paint event handler paints the panel with a background color and some text, as shown in Figure 9-2. This same effect can be accomplished with a standard Label, but this provides another example of how the face of just about any control can be graphically rendered as desired:

Buttons and other controls can be graphically redefined for unique or special effects
Figure 9-2. Buttons and other controls can be graphically redefined for unique or special effects
	Private Sub Panel1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Panel1.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw a nice title.
	   Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics
	   canvas.DrawString( _
Drawing on Controls for Special Effects", _
	      New Font("Arial", 14), Brushes.DarkBlue, 5, 5)
	End Sub

The next two methods, one for Button1 and the other for Button2, are nearly identical. They demonstrate that even though Button2 now appears much different from the more standard Button1 (see Figure 9-2), both buttons behave the same and can be used in a program in the same way:

	   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	         ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
	      MsgBox("Button1 clicked!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, _
	         "Painting on Controls")
	   End Sub

	   Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	         ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
	      MsgBox("Button2 clicked!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, _
	         "Painting on  
	   End Sub
	End Class

9.3. Letting the User Select a Color


You need the user to select a specific color for drawing.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09UserColorSelect

For simple color-selection needs, use the ColorDialog control. This dialog, shown in Figure 9-3, lets the user select any of the 16,777,216 24-bit colors available in Windows.

The color dialog, in “full open” mode
Figure 9-3. The color dialog, in “full open” mode


Create a new Windows Forms application, and add the following controls to Form1:

  • A Label control named ColorName. Set its Text property to Not Selected.

  • A PictureBox control named ColorDisplay. Set its BorderStyle property to FixedSingle.

  • A Button control named ActChange. Set its Text property to Change….

  • A ColorDialog control named ColorSelector.

Add informational labels if desired. The form should look something like Figure 9-4.

The controls on the color selection sample form
Figure 9-4. The controls on the color selection sample form

Now add the following source code to the form’s code template:

	Private Sub ActChange_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ActChange.Click
	   ' ----- Prompt to change the color.
	   ColorSelector.Color = ColorDisplay.BackColor
	   If (ColorSelector.ShowDialog() = _
	         Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) Then
	      ' ----- The user selected a color.
	      ColorDisplay.BackColor = ColorSelector.Color
	      If (ColorSelector.Color.IsNamedColor = True) Then
	         ' ----- Windows has a name for this color.
	         ColorName.Text = ColorSelector.Color.Name
	         ColorName.Text = "R" & ColorSelector.Color.R & _
	            " G" & ColorSelector.Color.G & _
	            " B" & ColorSelector.Color.B
	      End If
	   End If
	End Sub

Run the program, and click the Change button to access the dialog. The form will show the selected color, and either the name of the color (if known) or its red-green-blue (RGB) value.

The ColorDialog includes a few Boolean properties that let you control the availability of the “color mixer” portion of the form (the right half). The dialog does not include features that let the user indicate transparency or the “alpha” level of a color.

9.4. Working with Coordinate Systems (Pixels, Inches, Centimeters)


You’ve been drawing on a graphics canvas (such as the surface of a form or control), and working with pixels. But your program lets the user work in inches or centimeters, and you don’t want to do all the conversions yourself.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09MeasurementSystems

The Graphics object that you receive in a Paint event handler (or that you create else-where) provides a few different ways to scale to different measurement systems. The easiest way is to set its PageUnit property to one of the predefined GraphicsUnit enumeration values. The sample code in this recipe uses GraphicsUnit.Display (the default), .Inch, and .Millimeter.


Create a new Windows Forms application, and add the following controls to Form1:

  • A RadioButton control named ShowPixels. Set its Text property to Pixel Sample.

  • A RadioButton control named ShowInches. Set its Text property to Inches Sample.

  • A RadioButton control named ShowCentimeters. Set its Text property to Centimeters Sample.

  • A Label control named Comment. Set its AutoSize property to False, and resize it so that it can hold a dozen or so words.

  • A PictureBox control named SampleDisplay. Set its BorderStyle property to FixedSingle. Size it at about 250 x 250 pixels.

Your form should look something like Figure 9-5.

Now add the following source code to the form’s class template:

	Private Sub ChangeSystem(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
	      Handles ShowPixels.CheckedChanged, _
	      ShowInches.CheckedChanged, _
	   ' ------ Update the example text.
	   If (ShowPixels.Checked = True) Then
	      Comment.Text = "50x50 rectangle at position " & _
	         "(50, 50). Major ruler ticks are at 100 pixels."
	   ElseIf (ShowInches.Checked = True) Then
	      Comment.Text = "1x1 inch rectangle at position " & _
	         "(1, 1). Major ruler ticks are inches."
The controls in the measurement systems sample
Figure 9-5. The controls in the measurement systems sample
	      Comment.Text = "1x1 centimeter rectangle at " & _
	         "position (1, 1). Major ruler ticks are centimeters."
	   End If

	   ' ----- Now update the display.
	End Sub

	Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
	   ' ----- Show the pixel example by default.
	   ShowPixels.Checked = True
	End Sub

	Private Sub SampleDisplay_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles SampleDisplay.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw the surface based on the user's selection.
	   Dim rectangleArea As Rectangle
	   Dim thinPen As Pen
	   Dim rulerWidth As Single
	   Dim tickStep As Single
	   Dim tickSize As Single
	   Dim counter As Integer
	   Dim bigTick As Single
	   Const ticks As String = "1424142414241"

	   ' ----- Clear any previous content.
	   ' ----- Adjust to the right system.
	   If (ShowPixels.Checked = True) Then
	      ' ----- Draw a 50-by-50-pixel rectangle at (50,50).
	      rectangleArea = New Rectangle(50, 50, 50, 50)
	      rulerWidth = e.Graphics.DpiX / 5.0F
	      bigTick = 100.0F
	   ElseIf (ShowInches.Checked = True) Then
	      ' ----- Scale for inches.
	      e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch

	      ' ----- Draw a 1" x 1" rectangle at (1,1).
	      rectangleArea = New Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1)
	      rulerWidth = 0.2F
	      bigTick = 1.0F
	      ' ----- Scale for centimeters (actually, millimeters).
	      e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter

	      ' ----- Draw a 1cm x 1cm rectangle at (1,1).
	      '       Note: 0.2 inches is 1/5 of 25.4 millimeters.
	      rectangleArea = New Rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10)
	      rulerWidth = 25.4F / 5.0F
	      bigTick = 10.0F
	   End If

	   ' ----- Create a single-pixel pen.
	   thinPen = New Pen(Color.Black, 1 / e.Graphics.DpiX)

	   ' ----- Draw a ruler area. The rulerWidth is 0.2 inches
	   '       wide, no matter what the scale. Make a 3-inch
	   '       ruler.
	   e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.BlanchedAlmond, 0, 0, _
	      rulerWidth, rulerWidth * 15)
	   e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.BlanchedAlmond, 0, 0, _
	      rulerWidth * 15, rulerWidth)
	   e.Graphics.DrawLine(thinPen, rulerWidth, rulerWidth, _
	      rulerWidth, rulerWidth * 15)
	   e.Graphics.DrawLine(thinPen, rulerWidth, rulerWidth, _
	      rulerWidth * 15, rulerWidth)

	   ' ----- Draw the ruler tick marks. Include whole steps,
	   '       half steps, and quarter steps.
	   For counter = 1 To ticks.Length
	      ' ----- Get the tick measurements. The "ticks" constant
	      '       includes a set of "1", "2", and "4" values. "1"
	      '       gives a full-size tick mark (for whole units),
	      '       "2" gives a half-size tick mark, and "4" gives
	      '       a 1/4-size tick mark.
	      tickSize = CSng(Mid(ticks, counter, 1))
	      tickStep = rulerWidth + ((bigTick / 4.0F) * (counter - 1))

	      ' ----- Draw the horizontal ruler ticks.
	      e.Graphics.DrawLine(thinPen, tickStep, 0, _
	         tickStep, rulerWidth / tickSize)

	      ' ----- Draw the vertical ruler ticks.
	      e.Graphics.DrawLine(thinPen, 0, tickStep, _
	         rulerWidth / tickSize, tickStep)
	   Next counter

	   ' ----- Adjust the (0,0) point to the corner of the ruler.
	   e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(rulerWidth, rulerWidth)

	   ' ----- Draw the rectangle.
	   e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(thinPen, rectangleArea)

	   ' ----- Put things back to normal.
	   e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Display
	End Sub

Run the program, and click on each of the three radio buttons to see the results. Figure 9-6 shows the application using centimeters.

Drawing using centimeters (millimeters) as the unit system
Figure 9-6. Drawing using centimeters (millimeters) as the unit system

The focus of the application is on drawing the black rectangle:

	e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(thinPen, rectangleArea)

The rest of the code is there to make it easy to see the difference between the drawing systems.

The Graphics object defaults to the coordinate system of the display. On a monitor, each unit is a single pixel. When you draw a 10 x 10 rectangle, you are drawing a rectangle 10 pixels high and 10 pixels wide. To draw a 10 x 10-inch rectangle, you need to change the scaling system so that “1” represents an inch instead of a pixel.

The PageUnit property does just that. It supports a few common measurement systems, including Inches, Millimeters, and even Points.

You can also create your own custom scaling factor in each direction (X and Y) by using the Graphics object’s ScaleTransform() method. This lets you set a scaling factor for both the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) directions. To see scaling in action, create a new Windows Forms application, and add the following source code to the form’s code template:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint
	   e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 10, 10, 30, 30)
	   e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(2, 2)
	   e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 10, 10, 30, 30)
	End Sub

This code draws two 30 x 30 rectangles, one normal (i.e., 30 x 30 pixels), and one scaled by a factor of two in each direction (resulting in a 60 x 60 square). Figure 9-7 shows the output of this code.

A normal and a scaled square
Figure 9-7. A normal and a scaled square

Everything about the second (larger) square is scaled by two: its size, its starting position (at (20,20) instead of (10,10)), and even the thickness of its pen (it’s twice as thick).

9.5. Creating a Bitmap


You want to create off-screen bitmaps to store graphics in memory.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09BitmapObject

Create Bitmap objects, and load images into them or draw directly on them.


You can create a bitmap in memory, draw graphics onto a Graphics object created for the bitmap, and then draw the bitmap to a form, panel, or other paintable surface. This can provide an increase in speed, and sequentially drawing multiple bitmaps onto a visible surface gives you a simple but effective type of animation.

The code example in this recipe creates a bitmap based on the size of the form and the nature of the Graphics object for the form. A new Graphics object is created based on the new bitmap, so graphics methods will apply to the bitmap. Much of the rest of the code creates radial lines emanating from two points near the center of the bitmap. Finally, once the bitmap graphics are complete, the bitmap is drawn to the form’s Graphics object, which paints onto the face of the form:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw to the form indirectly through a bitmap.
	   Dim x As Single
	   Dim y As Single
	   Dim xc As Single
	   Dim yc As Single
	   Dim angle As Single
	   Dim radians As Single
	   Dim workImage As Bitmap
	   Dim canvas As Graphics
	   ' ----- Create a bitmap that is the same size and
	   '       format as the form surface.
	   workImage = New Bitmap(Me.Size.Width, Me.Size.Height, _
	   ' ----- Create a canvas for the bitmap. Drawing on the
	   '       canvas impacts the bitmap directly.
	   canvas = Graphics.FromImage(workImage)

	   ' ---- Draw a radial pattern.
	   For angle = 0 To 360 Step 2
	      radians = angle * Math.PI / 180
	      x = 500 * Math.Cos(radians)
	      y = 500 * Math.Sin(radians)
	      yc = Me.ClientSize.Height / 2
	      xc = Me.ClientSize.Width * 10 / 21
	      canvas.DrawLine(Pens.Black, xc, yc, xc + x, yc + y)
	      xc = Me.ClientSize.Width * 11 / 21
	      canvas.DrawLine(Pens.Black, xc, yc, xc + x, yc + y)
	   Next angle

	   ' ----- Stamp the bitmap on the form surface.
	   e.Graphics.DrawImage(workImage, 0, 0)
	End Sub

The key lines of code here are the ones that create the workImage and canvas objects. They create a bitmap compatible with the form and a graphics surface for the bit-map. All drawing methods require a Graphics object to provide a drawing surface. The last line uses the Graphics. DrawImage() method to draw the custom image onto the form, providing a way to get the in-memory bitmap onto a visible surface.

Figure 9-8 shows the new bitmap’s contents as drawn onto the face of the form.

Drawing an in-memory bitmap onto a form
Figure 9-8. Drawing an in-memory bitmap onto a form

As you resize this form, its Paint event fires repeatedly, and the bitmap is recreated on the fly. However, it doesn’t redraw the entire surface, because Windows tries to limit screen redraws to only those parts that it thinks have changed. In this case, only the newly exposed areas of the form are redrawn. To circumvent this, add the following code to the form:

	Private Sub Form1_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
	   ' ----- Redraw the surface cleanly.
	End Sub

Now the entire image is redrawn as the form size changes.


For the smoothest action be sure to set the form’s DoubleBuffered property to True. The combination of double buffering and drawing the lines in-memory on a bitmap creates surprisingly smooth graphics updates as the form is resized.

9.6. Setting a Background Color


You want to customize a form’s background color but don’t want the controls on the form to look out of place.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09BackgroundColor

No problem: most controls automatically take on the same background color as their container.


The demonstration of this effect is simple. Add the following code to a button’s Click event to change the background color to some random selection. Place any controls of interest on the form to see how the changing background affects them:

	Private Sub ActBackground_Click( _
	      ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
	      Handles ActBackground.Click
	   ' ----- Change the background to some random color.
	   Dim redPart As Integer
	   Dim greenPart As Integer
	   Dim bluePart As Integer
	   Dim surpriseColor As New Random

	   redPart = surpriseColor.Next(0, 255)
	   greenPart = surpriseColor.Next(0, 255)
	   bluePart = surpriseColor.Next(0, 255)
	   Me.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(redPart, _
	      greenPart, bluePart)
	End Sub

As shown in Figure 9-9, the RadioButton, Label, and CheckBox controls all adjust automatically by taking on the same background color as the containing form. The TextBox control’s background remains white, by design. Place any other controls you might be using on this form to see how they behave.

Many controls automatically take on the same background color as their container
Figure 9-9. Many controls automatically take on the same background color as their container

9.7. Drawing Lines, Ellipses, and Rectangles


You need to draw some basic shapes on a graphics surface. What choices are available?


Sample code folder: Chapter 09 DrawingBasicShapes

The System.Drawing.Graphics object includes several methods that draw filled and unfilled shapes, including methods for lines, rectangles, and ellipses. This recipe’s code implements a simple drawing program using these basic shapes.


Create a new Windows Forms application, and add the following controls to Form1:

  • A RadioButton control named DrawLine. Set its Text property to Line and its Checked property to True.

  • A RadioButton control named DrawRectangle. Set its Text property to Rectangle.

  • A RadioButton control named DrawEllipse. Set its Text property to Ellipse.

  • A ComboBox control named LineColor. Set its DropDownStyle property to DropDownList.

  • A ComboBox control named FillColor. Set its DropDownStyle property to DropDownList.

  • A PictureBox control named DrawingArea. Set its BackColor property to White (or 255, 255, 255) and its BorderStyle property to Fixed3D. Make it somewhat large.

Add informational labels if desired. The form should look like the one in Figure 9-10.

The controls on the shape drawing sample
Figure 9-10. The controls on the shape drawing sample

Now add the following source code to the form’s code template:

	Private FirstPoint As Point = New Point(-1, -1)

	Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	   ' ----- Fill in the list of colors.
	   For Each colorName As String In New String() _
	         {"Black", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", _
	         "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet", "White"}
	   Next colorName
	   LineColor.SelectedIndex = LineColor.Items.IndexOf("Black")
	   FillColor.SelectedIndex = LineColor.Items.IndexOf("White")
	End Sub

	Private Sub DrawingArea_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	      Handles DrawingArea.MouseDown
	   ' ----- Time to do some drawing.
	   Dim useLine As Pen
	   Dim useFill As Brush
	   Dim canvas As Graphics
	   Dim drawBounds As Rectangle

	   ' ----- Is this the first or second click?
	   If (FirstPoint.Equals(New Point(-1, -1))) Then
	      ' ----- This is the first click. Record the location.
	      FirstPoint = e.Location
	      ' ----- Draw a marker at this point.
	      ' ----- Get the two colors to use.
	      useLine = New Pen(Color.FromName(LineColor.Text))
	      useFill = New SolidBrush(Color.FromName(FillColor.Text))

	      ' ----- Get the  
drawing surface.
	      canvas = DrawingArea.CreateGraphics()

	      ' ----- Remove the first-point marker.

	      ' ----- For  
rectangles and  
ellipses, get the
	      '       bounding area.
	      drawBounds = New Rectangle( _
	         Math.Min(FirstPoint.X, e.Location.X), _
	         Math.Min(FirstPoint.Y, e.Location.Y), _
	         Math.Abs(FirstPoint.X - e.Location.X), _
	         Math.Abs(FirstPoint.Y - e.Location.Y))

	      ' ----- Time to draw.
	      If (DrawLine.Checked = True) Then
	         ' ----- Draw a line.
	         canvas.DrawLine(useLine, FirstPoint, e.Location)
	      ElseIf (DrawRectangle.Checked = True) Then
	         ' ----- Draw a rectangle.
	         canvas.FillRectangle(useFill, drawBounds)
	         canvas.DrawRectangle(useLine, drawBounds)
	         ' ----- Draw an ellipse.
	         canvas.FillEllipse(useFill, drawBounds)
	         canvas.DrawEllipse(useLine, drawBounds)
	      End If

	      ' ----- Clean up.
	      FirstPoint = New Point(-1, -1)
	   End If
	End Sub

	Private Sub DrawMarker(ByVal centerPoint As Point)
	   ' ----- Given a point, draw a small square at
	   '       that location.
	   Dim screenPoint As Point
	   Dim fillArea As Rectangle

	   ' ----- Determine the fill area.
	   screenPoint = DrawingArea.PointToScreen(centerPoint)
	   fillArea = New Rectangle(screenPoint.X - 2, _
	      screenPoint.Y - 2, 5, 5)
	   ' ----- Draw a red rectangle. Cyan is the RBG
	   '       inverse of red.
	   ControlPaint.FillReversibleRectangle(fillArea, Color.Cyan)
	End Sub

Run the program, and use the RadioButton and ComboBox controls to select the object style and colors. Click on the DrawingArea controls twice to specify the two endpoints of each line, rectangle, or ellipse. Figure 9-11 shows the program in use.

Drawing basic shapes
Figure 9-11. Drawing basic shapes

Drawing shapes is so easy in .NET as to make it somewhat humdrum. Back in the early days of computer drawing, drawing a line or circle required a basic understanding of the geometric equations needed to produce such shapes on a Cartesian coordinate system. But no more! The Graphics object includes a set of methods designed to make drawing simple. Most of them are used throughout the recipes in this chapter.

This recipe’s code spends some time watching for the locations of mouse clicks on the drawing surface. Once it has these locations and the user-selected colors, it draws the basic shapes in just a few quick statements:

	If (DrawLine.Checked = True) Then
	   canvas.DrawLine(useLine, FirstPoint, e.Location)
	ElseIf (DrawRectangle.Checked = True) Then
	   canvas.FillRectangle(useFill, drawBounds)
	   canvas.DrawRectangle(useLine, drawBounds)
	   canvas.FillEllipse(useFill, drawBounds)
	   canvas.DrawEllipse(useLine, drawBounds)
	End If

See Also

Recipe 9.26 discusses the FillReversibleRectangle() method used in this recipe’s code.

9.8. Drawing Lines One Pixel Wide Regardless of Scaling


You need to draw a one- pixel-wide line, but this becomes problematic when the graphics scaling mode is changed.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09 PenWidth

Set the pen’s width to −1. Although this approach is not formally documented in the GDI+ references, it does cause the thinnest line possible to be drawn no matter what the scaling is set to.


The Graphics object’s PageUnit property allows you to set the scaling to standard units such as inches or millimeters. This can be very handy for some types of graphics-drawing tasks, but it alters the way lines are drawn. The DrawLine() method accepts a pen that defines the color and width of the drawn line. By default the pen’s width is always set to 1 unit wide, and as long as the PageUnit is left at its default setting of Pixels, all is well: a 1-unit-wide line will be drawn as 1 pixel wide. However, when PageUnit is set to Inches, for example, a 1-unit-wide line is rendered as 1 inch wide, which is likely not what you want at all.

To demonstrate this in action, and to show the workaround, this recipe’s code first draws a line diagonally across the form with a red pen set to a width of 1, then draws another line on the other diagonal using a green pen set to a width of −1.

Create a new Windows Forms application, and place three RadioButton controls on the form, named UsePixels, UseMillimeters, and UseInches. Set their Text properties appropriately. Then add the following code to the form’s code template:

	Private Sub RadioButton_CheckedChanged( _
	      ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
	      Handles UsePixels.CheckedChanged, _
	      UseMillimeters.CheckedChanged, _

	   ' ----- Change the scaling system.
	End Sub

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
          ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw contrasting  
	   Dim xCorner As Single
	   Dim yCorner As Single
	   Dim canvas As Graphics

	   canvas = e.Graphics
	   xCorner = Me.ClientSize.Width
	   yCorner = Me.ClientSize.Height
	   If (UseMillimeters.Checked = True) Then
	      canvas.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter
	      xCorner /= canvas.DpiX
	      yCorner /= canvas.DpiY
	      xCorner *= 25.4
	      yCorner *= 25.4
	   ElseIf (UseInches.Checked = True) Then
	      canvas.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Inch
	      xCorner /= canvas.DpiX
	      yCorner /= canvas.DpiY
	      canvas.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel
	   End If

	   ' ----- Clear any previous lines.
	   ' ----- Draw a one-unit line.
	   canvas.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 1), 0, 0, _
	      xCorner, yCorner)

	   ' ----- Draw a one-pixel line.
	   canvas.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Green, -1), xCorner, _
	      0, 0, yCorner)
	End Sub

As this code shows, the graphics PageUnit property is set appropriately for these units, and the red line will show the obvious difference in the line width. Figure 9-12 shows the results when the red line is drawn 1 inch wide (it’s black and white here, obviously, but imagine it’s red). The green line is drawn 1 pixel wide, no matter which scaling mode is selected.

In addition to the PageUnit mode, the ScaleTransform() method can customize the scaling of your graphics. This transform affects all coordinates, and all pen widths too; a pen width of 1 draws a 1-unit-wide line at whatever scale is set. Again, the workaround is to set the pen’s width to –1 to get a consistent 1- pixel-wide line.

A one-inch-wide line and a one-pixel-wide line
Figure 9-12. A one-inch-wide line and a one-pixel-wide line

9.9. Forcing a Form or Control to Redraw


You want to activate the Paint event for a form or control to cause its graphics to refresh.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09Invalidating

It’s best to let the operating system handle exactly when any object should repaint itself. In Visual Basic 2005, this means it’s best to draw in an object’s Paint event and not to worry about when to activate the painting. However, there are times when you want to control when graphics are redrawn, such as for simple animations, when data values in the program change, or when other events happen that affect the image. In these cases, you can call the Refresh() method of the object to be refreshed, or you can call the Invalidate() method to do much the same thing. The operating system handles the rest of the details.


The demonstration code shown here draws a five-pointed star centered on the mouse cursor. As the mouse moves around on the form, the star moves with it, which means each mouse-move event should trigger a form Paint event. You accomplish this by invalidating the form with each move of the mouse. You can also use the Refresh() method.

Create a new Windows Forms application, and add the following code to the form’s class template:

	' ----- Keep track of the mouse position.
	Private MouseX As Integer
	Private MouseY As Integer

	Private Sub Form1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.MouseMove
	   ' ----- Record the mouse position.
	   MouseX = e.X
	   MouseY = e.Y
	   ' ----- Mark the form for redrawing.

	   ' ----- If you want to update the form quicker,
	   '       call Refresh() instead of Invalidate().
	End Sub

The form’s Paint event grabs the form’s Graphics object to provide the surface to draw on, then creates an array of points defining the five points of the star, centered around the current position of the mouse:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint

	   ' ----- Refresh the form display.
	   Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics
	   Dim starPoints(4) As Point
	   Dim angle As Double
	   Dim radians As Double
	   Dim pointX As Double
	   Dim pointY As Double
	   Dim counter As Integer
	   Const pointDistance As Double = 50
	   Const angleStart As Integer = 198
	   Const angleRotation As Integer = 144

	   ' ----- Calculate each of the star's points.
	   angle = angleStart
	   For counter = 0 To 4
	      angle += angleRotation
	      radians = angle * Math.PI / 180
	      pointX = Math.Cos(radians) * pointDistance + MouseX
	      pointY = Math.Sin(radians) * pointDistance + MouseY
	      starPoints(counter) = New Point(CInt(pointX), _
	   Next counter
	   ' ----- Draw the star. I've provided a few alternatives.
	   canvas.FillPolygon(Brushes.DarkRed, starPoints, _
	   'canvas.FillPolygon(Brushes.DarkRed, starPoints, _
	   'canvas.DrawPolygon(Pens.DarkRed, starPoints)
	End Sub

There are several ways to draw or solid-fill a polygon such as this five-pointed star. The last three statements in the code let you experiment with three different techniques. The algorithm used to fill the center of a polygon can either end up with alternating areas filled, or not. Figure 9-13 shows the results of filling using Drawing2D.FillMode.Alternate. The Drawing2D.FillMode.Winding mode causes the star to be completely filled in, including the center area.

As the mouse moves the form is invalidated, causing the star to move with the cursor
Figure 9-13. As the mouse moves the form is invalidated, causing the star to move with the cursor

The Invalidate() method does not force an immediate refresh of the form. Instead, it puts in a request for a redraw the next time the system is not too busy. Windows considers screen updates low-priority tasks, so if your system is busy doing other things, the screen changes will be postponed. If you want the changes to occur immediately, follow the Invalidate() method call with a call to the form’s (or, if you are drawing on a control, the control’s) Update() method:


The Refresh() method combines both lines into one method call. So why would you call Invalidate() when the more powerful Refresh() method is available? Invalidate() accepts arguments that let you narrow down the size of the area to redraw. Redrawing the entire form can be a slow process, especially if you have to do it often. By passing a Rectangle or Region object to Invalidate(), you can tell Windows, “Redraw only in this limited area.”

9.10. Using Transparency


You know that .NET includes cool new transparency and " alpha blending” features, and you’d like to try them out.


Windows Forms include a few different transparency features. The simplest are accessible through two properties of each form: Opacity and TransparencyKey. Opacity ranges from 0% to 100% (actually, 0.0 for full transparency and 1.0 for full opacity) and impacts the entire form. Figure 9-14 shows a form set at 50% opacity with this paragraph showing through.

A see-through form with 50% opacity
Figure 9-14. A see-through form with 50% opacity

The TransparencyKey property lets you indicate one form color as the “invisibility” color. When used, anything on the form that appears in the indicated color is rendered invisible. Figure 9-15 shows a form with its TransparencyKey property set to Control, the color normally used for the form’s background. It appears over this paragraph’s text.

A see-through form with surface invisibility
Figure 9-15. A see-through form with surface invisibility


A bug in the initial release of Visual Basic 2005 causes some images drawn on a form’s surface or on one of its contained controls to ignore the TransparencyKey setting, even if that image contains the invisibility color. There is a workaround that uses a third transparency feature of GDI+, the Bitmap object’s MakeTransparent() method. The following block of code loads an image from a file, sets the White color as transparent, and draws it on the invisible background from Figure 9-15, producing the results in Figure 9-16:

	Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	   Dim backImage As New Bitmap("c:logo.bmp")
	   Me.BackgroundImage = backImage
	End Sub
A transparent image on a transparent form
Figure 9-16. A transparent image on a transparent form

A fourth transparency feature involves partially invisible colors. Although the System.Drawing.Color structure includes several predefined colors, you can create your own colors through that structure’s FromArgb() method. One variation of this method accepts four arguments: red, green, and blue components, and an “alpha” component that sets the transparency of the color. That value ranges from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (fully opaque). Another variation accepts just an alpha component and a previously defined color:

	' ----- Make a semi-transparent red color.
	Dim semiRed As Integer = New Color(128, Color.Red)
	' ----- Here's another way to do the same thing.
	Dim semiRed As Integer = New Color(128, 255, 0, 0)

You can then use this color to create pens or brushes as you would with any other color.

Some older systems don’t support all methods of transparency. If there is any chance your program will run on such older systems, don’t depend on transparency as the sole method of communicating something important to the user.

9.11. Scaling with Transforms


You want to zoom the view of a drawing area so that the user has a wider or narrower view of the content.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09ScalingTransform

Add a scaling transform to the drawing surface before outputting the text. The System.Drawing.Graphics object includes a ScaleTransform() method that lets you scale the output automatically, with separate scales in the X and Y directions.


Create a new Windows Forms application, and add the following controls to Form1:

  • A TextBox control named DisplayText. Set its Multiline property to True and its ScrollBars property to Vertical. Size it so that you can see multiple lines of user-entered text.

  • A TrackBar control named DisplayScale. Set its Minimum property to 1 and its Maximum property to 5. The TrackBar control appears in the All Windows Forms section of the Toolbox by default.

  • A Button control named ActDisplay. Set its Text property to Display.

  • A PictureBox control named DrawingArea. Set its BackColor property to White and its BorderStyle property to Fixed3D.

Add informational labels if desired. The form should look like Figure 9-17.

The controls on the scaled content sample
Figure 9-17. The controls on the scaled content sample

Now add the following source code to the form’s class template:

	Private Sub ActDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ActDisplay.Click
	   ' ----- Force the text to redisplay.
	End Sub

	Private Sub DrawingArea_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles DrawingArea.Paint
	   ' ----- Refresh  
the drawing area.
	   Dim titleFont As Font
	   Dim mainFont As Font
	   Dim titleArea As Rectangle
	   Dim textArea As Rectangle
	   Dim titleFormat As StringFormat
	   Const MainTitle As String = "Important Message"
	   ' ----- Clear any existing content.

	   ' ----- Build some fonts used for the display text.
	   titleFont = New Font("Arial", 16, FontStyle.Bold)
	   mainFont = New Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular)

	   ' ----- Determine where the title and main text will go.
	   titleArea = New Rectangle(0, 0, _
	      DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Width, titleFont.Height)
	   textArea = New Rectangle(0, titleFont.Height * 1.4, _
	      DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Width, _
	      DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Height - _
	      (titleFont.Height * 1.4))

	   ' ----- Scale according to the user's request.
ScaleTransform(DisplayScale.Value, _

	   ' ----- Add a title to the content.
	   titleFormat = New StringFormat()
	   titleFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
	   e.Graphics.DrawString(MainTitle, titleFont, _
	      Brushes.Black, titleArea, titleFormat)

	   ' ----- Draw a nice dividing line.
	   e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 20, _
	      CInt(titleFont.Height * 1.2), _
	      DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Width - 20, _
	      CInt(titleFont.Height * 1.2))

	   ' ----- Draw the main text.
	   e.Graphics.DrawString(DisplayText.Text, mainFont, _
	      Brushes.Black, textArea)

	   ' ----- Clean up.
	End Sub

Run the program, enter some text in the TextBox control, adjust the DisplayScale control value, and click the ActDisplay button. The drawing area zooms in on the content as you adjust the scale. Figure 9-18 shows content without scaling (DisplayScale.Value = 1) and with a 2x scale (DisplayScale.Value = 2).

x and 2x scaling of content
Figure 9-18. x and 2x scaling of content

The ScaleTransform() method scales everything: text and shape sizes, pen thickness, X and Y positions, rectangular bounding boxes, and so on. The previous sample code scaled the textArea bounding box used to limit the extent of the main text to the output display area. When the content was scaled, though, the bounding box was also scaled, so that the content no longer fits the bounding box. If you still want such bounding boxes to fit, you have to scale them by an inverse factor:

	textArea = New Rectangle(0, titleFont.Height * 1.4, _
	   DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Width / DisplayScale.Value, _
	   DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Height - _
	   (titleFont.Height * 1.4))

Figure 9-19 shows the output from this revised block of code.

X scaling with boundary adjustments
Figure 9-19. X scaling with boundary adjustments

See Also

Recipe 9.4 discusses scaling based on inches and centimeters.

9.12. Using an Outline Path


You want to create a complex graphics drawing path that can simplify graphics drawing commands and can be reused repeatedly.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09 GraphicsPath

The GraphicsPath object lets you create and store a complex sequence of graphics lines, rectangles, ellipses, and polygons as a single object.


The GraphicsPath is part of the Drawing2D namespace, so be sure to add the following Imports statement to the top of your code:

	Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D

In this recipe we’ll use a GraphicsPath object to draw a checkerboard. The drawing takes place in the form’s Paint event handler:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint

To begin, the graphics surface for the form is referenced, and a static GraphicsPath reference variable (thePath) is created. The path is created the first time the event handler gets called and is used again on successive calls:

	  ' ----- Draw a checkerboard.
	  Dim across As Integer
	  Dim down As Integer
	  Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics
	  Static thePath As GraphicsPath

	  ' ----- Draw the checkerboard the first time only.
	  If (thePath Is Nothing) Then
	     thePath = New GraphicsPath
	     For across = 0 To 7
	        For down = 0 To 7
	           If (((across + down) Mod 2) = 1) Then
	              thePath.AddRectangle( _
	                 New Rectangle(across, down, 1, 1))
	           End If
	        Next down
	     Next across
	  End If

The scaling needs to take place every time the Paint event is triggered because as the user changes the size of the form (and the graphics surface), the checkerboard stretches to fit it:

	  ' ----- Scale the form for the checkerboard.
	  Dim scaleX As Single
	  Dim scaleY As Single
	  scaleX = CSng(Me.ClientSize.Width / 10)
	  scaleY = CSng(Me.ClientSize.Height / 10)
	  canvas.ScaleTransform(scaleX, scaleY)
	  canvas.TranslateTransform(1, 1)

Finally, the path is drawn using a blue brush, and its outline is drawn around the edges:

	  ' ----- Draw and outline the checkerboard.
	  canvas.FillPath(Brushes.Blue, thePath)
	  canvas.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Blue, -1), 0, 0, 8, 8)
	End Sub

The form’s Resize event needs a command to cause the form to refresh as it is resized. This causes the checkerboard to be redrawn on the fly as the form is stretched or shrunk:

	Private Sub Form1_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
	   ' ----- Redraw the checkerboard.
	End Sub

For maximum smoothness of the action, be sure to set the form’s DoubleBuffered property to True.

Figure 9-20 shows the checkerboard when the form has been resized to fairly square dimensions.

A checkerboard drawn using a single path
Figure 9-20. A checkerboard drawn using a single path

9.13. Using Gradients for Smooth Color Changes


You want to fill a graphics area with colors that smoothly transition from one shade to another.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09SmoothColor

Create a GraphicsPath object, use it to create and define a PathGradientBrush, set the various colors of the brush, and then use the new gradient brush to fill a graphics area.


The PathGradientBrush object enables a lot of creative color transitions in your graphics. The code in this recipe provides a good starting point for further experimentation.

Some of these objects require referencing the Drawing2D namespace, so be sure to add the following Imports statement to the top of your source code:

	Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D

This example dynamically updates the gradient fill as you move the mouse over the face of the form. To do this, the mouse position is recorded with each MouseMove event, and the form repaints itself by calling its Refresh() method:

	' ----- Keep track of the mouse position.
	Private MouseX As Integer
	Private MouseY As Integer
	Private Sub Form1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.MouseMove
	   ' ----- Record the mouse position.
	   MouseX = e.X
	   MouseY = e.Y

	   ' ----- Cause a repaint of the form.
	End Sub

The form’s Paint event handles the important details of the gradient color fill. Let’s take this step by step.:

  1. The Paint event is called with each move of the mouse:

    	     Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
    	           ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
    	           Handles Me.Paint
  2. The graphics path can be any shape, even discontinuous rectangles, ellipses, and so on. In this case the path is defined as the rectangle around the edge of the form’s client area:

    	        ' ----- Create path around edge of form's client area.
    	        Dim thePath As New GraphicsPath
  3. The PathGradientBrush is created using the predefined path. The object uses this geometric information internally to determine smoothly transitioning colors for all pixel locations during drawing:

    	        ' ----- Use the path to construct a gradient brush.
    	        Dim smoothBrush As PathGradientBrush = _
    	           New PathGradientBrush(thePath)
  4. You can define one point in the center of the brush area to have a specific color. Here, set the point under the mouse cursor to White. Colors will transition away from white based on distance from the mouse cursor to the edges of the path:

    	        ' ----- Set the color at the mouse point.
    	        smoothBrush.CenterPoint = New PointF(MouseX, MouseY)
    	        smoothBrush.CenterColor = Color.White
  5. One or more colors can be set along the path using the SurroundColors property of the PathGradientBrush object. Set an array of four colors, so each corner of the form provides a standard color:

    	        ' ----- Set a color along the entire boundary of the path.
    	        Dim colorArray() As Color = _
    	           {Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue, Color.Yellow}
    	        smoothBrush.SurroundColors = colorArray
  6. The new PathGradientBrush is used to fill the rectangular area of the form, and all pixels on the form are set to a smoothly transitioned shade depending on the geometry and settings made earlier in the code:

    	        ' ----- Fill form with gradient path.
    	        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(smoothBrush, Me.ClientRectangle)
    	     End Sub
  7. To have the effect update smoothly, set the form’s DoubleBuffered property to True. Figure 9-21 shows the form’s appearance as the mouse is moved around on it.

Color gradients open the door to many special color-shading effects
Figure 9-21. Color gradients open the door to many special color-shading effects

9.14. Drawing Bezier Splines


You need to draw smooth curves between points, but you’d prefer not to delve into a lot of complex mathematical calculations.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09BezierSplines

The DrawBezier() graphics method draws a smooth curve between two points, using two other points as control points—or points that tug at the curve to change its shape as desired.


Bezier splines are defined by two endpoints and two control points. (The mathematical theory behind Bezier splines is beyond the scope of this book. For more information, check out the links in the “See Also” section at the end of this recipe.)

The example program shown here lets you experiment interactively with the DrawBezier() graphics method. First, make sure you import the Drawing2D namespace, as follows:

	Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D

Up to four mouse-click points will be recorded in an array of points. Keep track of the points using a generic list:

	' ----- Keeps track of the mouse positions.
	Dim BendPoints As New Generic.List(Of Point)

As the mouse is clicked and new points are added to the array, the form is told to refresh itself by calling its Refresh() method:

	Private Sub Form1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.MouseClick
	   ' ----- Record another mouse position.
	   BendPoints.Add(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
	   ' ----- Update the display.
	End Sub

The form’s Paint event is where the important action takes place:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint
	   ' ----- Get the form's drawing surface.
	   Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics

Each point is drawn as a small solid-filled ellipse (circle). When there are four points, they are passed to the DrawBezier() method to draw the curve using a black pen. The first and fourth clicks are the endpoints. Clicking on the form a fifth time erases all the points, and the curve starts over:

	   Dim scanPoint As Point
	   Const PointSize As Integer = 7

	   ' ----- Draw available points.
	   If (BendPoints.Count <= 4) Then
	      For Each scanPoint In BendPoints
	         canvas.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, _
	         scanPoint.X - PointSize, _
	         scanPoint.Y - PointSize, _
	         PointSize * 2, PointSize * 2)
	      Next scanPoint
	   End If

	   ' ----- Draw the spline if all points are there.
	   If (BendPoints.Count >= 4) Then
	      canvas.DrawBezier(Pens.Black, BendPoints(0), _
	         BendPoints(1), BendPoints(2), BendPoints(3))
	   End If
	End Sub

Figure 9-22 shows the results after four points have been clicked.

Drawing a Bezier spline
Figure 9-22. Drawing a Bezier spline

9.15. Drawing Cardinal Splines


You need a curve that goes smoothly through two or more points.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09CardinalSplines

A Cardinal spline plots a curve through two or more points. Unlike the Bezier spline, the Cardinal spline intersects every point and does not use external control points.


The mathematical description of the way the Cardinal spline works is beyond the scope of this book. For a more in-depth discussion and explanation of the math involved, see the links in the “See Also” section at the end of this recipe.

The following code demonstrates the Cardinal spline by collecting points as they are clicked on the face of the form. A list of the points is built up, and with each added point, the Cardinal spline is drawn anew. A button at the top of the form lets you erase all the points to start over, and a TrackBar control lets you set the tension parameter for the spline. The tension is a number ranging from 0 to 1 that is passed to the DrawCurve() method to determine the smoothness of the curve as it passes through each point. The easiest way to understand the effect of this parameter is to slide the TrackBar and watch the curve change shape.

Here’s the code that lets the form monitor for mouse clicks, builds the set of points, and refreshes the form to activate its Paint event:

	' ----- Keep track of the mouse positions.
	Private BendPoints As New Generic.List(Of Point)

	Private Sub Form1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.MouseClick
	   ' ----- Add a mouse position.
	   BendPoints.Add(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
	   ' ----- Update the display.
	End Sub

The form’s Paint event is where the drawing of the selected points and the spline connecting them takes place. The event fires when the form is refreshed, which is caused by calling the Refresh() method when the mouse is clicked or the trackbar is adjusted.

This code draws each plotted point in red as the user clicks it. Then, if there are two or more accumulated points, it draws the Cardinal spline using the DrawCurve() method:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw the spline points and line.
	   Dim tension As Single
	   Dim canvas As Graphics
	   Dim scanPoint As Point
	   Const PointSize As Integer = 7

	   ' ----- Determine the tension.
	   tension = TensionLevel.Value / TensionLevel.Maximum
	   LabelTension.Text = "Tension: " & tension.ToString

	   ' ----- Draw the points on the surface.
	   canvas = e.Graphics
	   For Each scanPoint In BendPoints
	      canvas.FillEllipse(Brushes.Red, _
	         scanPoint.X - PointSize, _
	         scanPoint.Y - PointSize, _
	         PointSize * 2, PointSize * 2)
	   Next scanPoint

	   ' ----- Draw the Cardinal spline.
	   If (BendPoints.Count > 1) Then
	      canvas.DrawCurve(Pens.Black, _
	         BendPoints.ToArray, tension)
	   End If
	End Sub

When the Trackbar’s slider is adjusted, the form’s Refresh() method is called to trigger a repaint:

	Private Sub TensionLevel_ValueChanged( _
	      ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
	      Handles TensionLevel.ValueChanged
	   ' ----- Update the tension and display.
	End Sub

When the Reset button is clicked, the set of points is emptied, and the form is repainted to erase the points and the curve:

	Private Sub ActReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ActReset.Click
	   ' ----- Clear all points.
	End Sub

Figure 9-23 shows a typical spline curve through six points with the tension set to 0.6. A lower tension results in sharp angles at the bend points, while higher tension gives a smoother curve.

Cardinal splines travel through all given points
Figure 9-23. Cardinal splines travel through all given points

9.16. Limiting Display Updates to Specific Regions


You want to clip your graphics using some complexly shaped area, without having to resort to difficult code to compute intersections and other clipping details.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09ClippingRegion

Create a Region object defined by a path, set the Graphics object’s Clip property to this region, and draw any standard graphics on the Graphics object surface. Clipping takes place using the path.


A single path can range from a simple sequence of lines to an elaborate mix of connected or disconnected rectangles, ellipses, or polygons. This means that a path can take on a complex outline, and it can involve a lot of independent parts. In the example presented here a large number of tall, thin rectangles are added to a single path, and this path is then used to define a Region object that clips the drawing of a string.

Several of the objects used in this example are in the Drawing2D namespace, so be sure to add the following Imports statement to the top of your source code:

	Imports System.drawing.Drawing2D

The remaining code appears in the form’s Paint event handler. The first thing the Paint handler does is access the form’s graphics surface, passed as a member of the PaintEventArgs instance (e). The area is cleared to solid white:

	Private Sub Form11_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw using a region to restrict output.
	   Dim canvas As Graphics
	   Dim fencePath As GraphicsPath
	   Dim onePicket As Rectangle
	   Dim counter As Integer
	   Dim slottedRegion As Region
	   ' ----- Clear the background.
	   canvas = e.Graphics

Next, a GraphicsPath object is created and filled with a lot of tall, thin rectangles, spaced apart somewhat like the pickets on a picket fence. These rectangles don’t touch each other, but they are all added to a single complex path object:

	   ' ----- Create a picket fence path.
	   fencePath = New GraphicsPath
	   For counter = 0 To 200
	      onePicket = New Rectangle(counter * 10, 0, 6, 500)
	   Next counter

The path just created is then used to define a new Region object:

	   ' ----- Create a region from the path.
	   slottedRegion = New Region(fencePath)

The path itself can’t be used to define a clipping region, but a Region object can. Even regions defined by complexly shaped paths provide rapid clipping on the graphics surface. To this end, we’ll now assign the slottedRegion to the Graphics object’s Clip property:

	   ' ----- Set clipping using the region.
	   canvas.Clip = slottedRegion

You can apply any graphics drawing methods you want at this point, and everything drawn will be clipped as defined by the Graphics object’s Clip property. In this example we clear the entire surface to a new color (given a white-cyan-white-cyan picket fence image), and then draw a string of text using a large font:

	   ' ----- Draw some slotted  
DrawString("Picket Fence", _
	      New Font("Times New Roman", 77), _
	      Brushes.Blue, 20, 20)
	End Sub

Figure 9-24 shows how both graphics methods are clipped.

Regions can be used to clip graphics in very intricate ways
Figure 9-24. Regions can be used to clip graphics in very intricate ways

9.17. Drawing Text


You want to draw some nicely formatted text on the drawing surface.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09DrawingText

The primary tool for drawing text is the Graphics.DrawString() method. To make adjustments to the text, you can alter the font’s properties, apply transformations to the canvas itself, or use a StringFormat object. This recipe’s sample code uses each of these methods to display a string of text.


Create a new Windows Forms application, and add the following controls to Form1:

  • A TextBox control named DisplayText. Set its Multiline property to True and its ScrollBars property to Vertical. Size it so that you can see multiple lines of user-entered text.

  • A CheckBox control named UseBold. Set its Text property to Bold.

  • A CheckBox control named UseItalic. Set its Text property to Italic.

  • A CheckBox control named UseUnderline. Set its Text property to Underline.

  • A CheckBox control named UseStrikeout. Set its Text property Strikeout.

  • ACheckBox control named ShowBoundingBox. Set its Text property to Show Bounding Box.

  • AComboBox control named DisplayAlign. Set its DropDownStyle property to DropDownList.

  • A TrackBar control named DisplayRotate. Set its Minimum property to 0, its Maximum property to 360, its TickFrequency property to 15, its SmallChange property to 15, and its LargeChange property to 60. The TrackBar control appears in the All Windows Forms section of the Toolbox by default.

  • A Button control named ActDisplay. Set its Text property to Display.

  • A PictureBox control named DrawingArea. Set its BackColor property to White and its BorderStyle property to Fixed3D.

Add informational labels if desired. The form should look like Figure 9-25.

The controls on the text drawing sample
Figure 9-25. The controls on the text drawing sample

Figure 9-25.

Now add the following source code to the form’s class template:

	Private Sub ActDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ActDisplay.Click
	   ' ----- Force the  
text to redisplay.
	End Sub
	Private Sub DrawingArea_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles DrawingArea.Paint
	   ' ----- Refresh the drawing area.
	   Dim mainFont As Font
textArea As Rectangle
	   Dim textStyle As New FontStyle
	   Dim textFormat As StringFormat
	   Dim alignParts() As String

	   ' ----- Clear any existing content.
	   ' ----- Build the font used for the display text.
	   textStyle = FontStyle.Regular
	   If (UseBold.Checked = True) Then _
	      textStyle = textStyle Or FontStyle.Bold
	   If (UseItalic.Checked = True) Then _
	      textStyle = textStyle Or FontStyle.Italic
	   If (UseUnderline.Checked = True) Then _
	      textStyle = textStyle Or FontStyle.Underline
	   If (UseStrikeout.Checked = True) Then _
	      textStyle = textStyle Or FontStyle.Strikeout
	   mainFont = New Font("Arial", 12, textStyle)

	   ' ----- Move the (0,0) origin to the center of the
	   '       display.
	   e.Graphics.TranslateTransform( _
	      DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Width / 2, _
	      DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Height / 2)

	   ' ----- Determine where the main text will go. The Offset
	   '       method repositions the rectangle's coordinates
	   '       by the given X and Y values.
	   textArea = New Rectangle(20, 20, _
	      DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Width - 40, _
	      DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Height - 40)
	   textArea.Offset( _
	      -CInt(DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Width / 2), _
	      -CInt(DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Height / 2))

	   ' ----- Prepare the alignment.
	   textFormat = New StringFormat
	   alignParts = Split(DisplayAlign.Text, ",")

	   Select Case alignParts(0)
	      Case "Left"
textFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
	      Case "Center"
textFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
	      Case "Right"
	         textFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far
	   End Select
	   Select Case alignParts(1)
	      Case "Top"
	         textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near
	      Case "Middle"
	         textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
	      Case "Bottom"
	         textFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far
	   End Select

	   ' ----- Rotate the world if requested.
	   If (DisplayRotate.Value <> 0) Then
	   End If

	   ' ----- Draw the bounding box if requested.
	   If (ShowBoundingBox.Checked = True) Then
	      e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, textArea)
	   End If

	   ' ----- Draw the main text.
	   e.Graphics.DrawString(DisplayText.Text, mainFont, _
	      Brushes.Black, textArea, textFormat)

	   ' ----- Clean up.
	End Sub

	Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	   ' ----- Build the list of alignments.



	   DisplayAlign.SelectedIndex = 0
	End Sub

To use the program, enter some text in the TextBox field, and adjust the other controls as desired to alter the text. Then click the Display button to refresh the displayed text. Figure 9-26 shows some sample text displayed through the program.

Rotated and embellished text
Figure 9-26. Rotated and embellished text

The Graphics. DrawString() method is pretty simple to use: you pass it a text string, a position (or bounding rectangle), a font, and a colored or patterned brush, and the text appears on the canvas. Except for how the position and boundaries of the text are specified, there isn’t that much flexibility in the method itself. However, there is flexibility in the values passed to the method. Changes to the font or font styles, as demonstrated in this code, clearly have an impact on the results. Similarly, you can create any type of solid, patterned, or image-based brush, and use it to draw the text itself.

Transformations made to the canvas also impact the text output. This recipe’s code applies two transformations to the canvas: it repositions the X-Y coordinate system origin from the upper-left corner of the canvas to the center, and it rotates the canvas if requested by the user so that the text appears rotated. Recipe 9.18 discusses the reasons for these two transformations in more detail.

The Drawing.StringFormat class, used in this sample to align the text within its bounding box, provides additional text-drawing options. The StringFormat.FormatFlags property lets you set options that adjust how the text appears in its bounding box. For instance, you can indicate whether the text should automatically wrap or not. The StringFormat.HotkeyPrefix property lets you indicate which character should be used to draw shortcut-key underlines below specific letters of the text, as is done using “&” in Label and other controls.

See Also

Many of the recipes in this chapter show text being formatted and output in a variety of formats and displays.

9.18. Rotating Text to Any Angle


You want to draw some text onto the output canvas and rotate it by a specific number of degrees.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09DrawingText

The code for Recipe 9.17 includes features that let you rotate text in 15-degree increments. The code will not be repeated in full in this recipe, but this recipe’s discussion will expand on the text-rotation features in more detail.


The sample code in Recipe 9.17 includes two transformations to the canvas. As mentioned in other recipes, transformations impact every drawing command made to the canvas surface, preprocessing all drawing commands for size, position, and rotation before the output appears on the canvas. The sample code performs two transformations: one that repositions the (0,0) origin (or center point) from the upper-left corner of the canvas to the center of the canvas, and one that rotates the canvas by a user-specified amount. Here is the relevant code:

	' ----- Move the (0,0) origin to the center of the display.
	e.Graphics.TranslateTransform( _
	   DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Width / 2, _
	   DrawingArea.ClientRectangle.Height / 2)
	' ----- Rotate the world if requested.
	If (DisplayRotate.Value <> 0) Then
	End If

Rotating text is a byproduct of canvas rotation; although the user sees the text rotate, your code acts as if the canvas itself is being rotated under the drawing pens. This means that it is not the text that is rotated, but the world of the canvas, and this rotation occurs around the (0,0) origin of the canvas.

In the sample code, the goal is to rotate the text so that the center of the text’s bounding box stays in the center of the display. The movement of the origin through the TranslateTransform() method call is required to properly rotate the text about its center point. If the code had left the origin at the upper-left corner of the canvas, the rotation would have occurred around that point, and some rotation angles would have moved the text right off the display. The left half of Figure 9-27 shows the out-put of text rotated at a 45-degree angle according to the sample code: the text rotates about its own center because the origin of the canvas world was moved to that same position. The right half of the figure shows what would have happened if the origin had remained at the upper-left corner of the PictureBox control.

Rotating the text’s bounding box when the origin has been moved to the center of the canvas (left) and when it remains at the default upper-left corner (right)
Figure 9-27. Rotating the text’s bounding box when the origin has been moved to the center of the canvas (left) and when it remains at the default upper-left corner (right)

Although the sample code allows rotations only in 15-degree increments, you can pass any valid degree value to the RotateTransform() method.

See Also

Recipe 9.17 contains the code discussed in this recipe.

9.19. Mirroring Text on the Canvas


You want to mirror the text displayed on a graphics canvas.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09MirrorText

Use a custom matrix transformation through the Graphics object’s Transform property. This recipe’s sample code mirrors text both vertically and horizontally.


Create a new Windows Forms application, and add the following controls to Form1:

  • A RadioButton control named VerticalMirror Set its Text property to Vertical and its Checked property to True.

  • A RadioButton control named HorizontalMirror. Set its Text property to Horizontal.

  • A PictureBox control named MirroredText. Set its BorderStyle property to FixedSingle and its BackColor property to White. Size it so that it can show a sentence or two of text in either direction.

Figure 9-28 shows the layout of the controls on this form.

The controls on the mirror text sample
Figure 9-28. The controls on the mirror text sample

Now add the following source code to Form1’s class template:

	Private Const QuoteText As String = _
	   "The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror " & _
	   "with a cop in it. (Dudley Moore)"

	Private Sub VerticalMirror_CheckedChanged( _
	      ByVal sender As System.Object, _
 	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
	      Handles VerticalMirror.CheckedChanged
	   ' ----- Update the display. This event indirectly
	   '       handles both radio buttons.
	End Sub

	Private Sub MirroredText_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles MirroredText.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw the text and its reverse.
	   Dim drawingArea As Rectangle
	   Dim saveState As Drawing2D.GraphicsState
	   Dim mirrorMatrix As Drawing2D.Matrix

	   ' ----- Clear the background.

	   ' ----- Deterine the drawing area.
	   If (VerticalMirror.Checked = True) Then
	      ' ----- Put text on the left and right of the mirror.
	      drawingArea = New Rectangle(5, 5, _
	         (MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Width  2) - 10, _
	         MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Height - 10)

	      ' ----- Draw the mirror line.
	      e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, _
	         MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Width  2, _
	         5, MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Width  2, _
	         MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Height - 10)
	      ' ----- Put text on the top and bottom of the mirror.
	      drawingArea = New Rectangle(5, 5, _
	         MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Width - 10, _
	         (MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Height  2) - 10)

	      ' ----- Draw the mirror line.
	      e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 5, _
	         MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Height  2, _
	         MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Width - 10, _
	         MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Height  2)
	   End If

	   ' ----- Draw the text.
	   e.Graphics.DrawString(QuoteText, MirroredText.Font, _
	      Brushes.Black, drawingArea)

	   ' ----- Mirror the display.
	   saveState = e.Graphics.Save()
	   If (VerticalMirror.Checked = True) Then
	      mirrorMatrix = New Drawing2D.Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 1, _
	         MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Width, 0)
	      mirrorMatrix = New Drawing2D.Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, _
	         0, MirroredText.ClientRectangle.Height)
	   End If
	   e.Graphics.Transform = mirrorMatrix

	   ' ----- Draw the text, this time, mirrored.
	   e.Graphics.DrawString(QuoteText, MirroredText.Font, _
	      Brushes.Black, drawingArea)

	   ' ----- Undo the mirror.
	End Sub

Run the program, and use the RadioButton controls to adjust the direction of the mirror. Figure 9-29 shows the mirror in the vertical orientation.

Text reversed with a vertical mirror
Figure 9-29. Text reversed with a vertical mirror

The Graphics object includes methods that perform basic scaling ( ScaleTransform())), repositioning ( TranslateTransform()), and rotating transformations ( RotateTransform())). While these transformations all seem quite different from each other, they all actually use the same method to accomplish the canvas-level adjustments. Each method sets up a matrix transformation, a mathematical construct that maps points in one coordinate system to another through a basic set of operations. In college-level math courses, this system generally appears under the topic of Linear Algebra.

In addition to the predefined transformations, you can define your own matrix calculation to transform the output in any way you need. This recipe’s sample code applies a custom matrix that reverses all coordinate system points in either the horizontal or vertical direction. The intricacies of matrix transformations and cross products are beyond the scope of this book. You can find some basic discussions of the math involved by searching for “matrix transformations” in the Visual Studio online help.

9.20. Getting the Height and Width of a Graphic String


You want to know how many pixels a text string will require in both the horizontal and vertical directions.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09MeasuringText

GDI+ includes several features that let you examine the width and height of a string. Graphics.MeasureString() is a general-purpose text-measurement method that bases its measurements on a font you pass to it:

	Dim result As SizeF = _
Graphics.MeasureString("How big am I?", Me.Font, _
	MsgBox("Width = " & result.Width & vbCrLf & _
	   "Height = " & result.Height)

On our system, using the default form font of Microsoft Sans Serif 8.25 Regular, the message box displays the following response:

	Width = 75.71989Height = 13.8252


Font measurement is tricky. Fonts are more than just the width and height of their letters. The height is a combination of the core height, plus the height of ascenders (the part of the letter “d” that sticks up) and descenders (the part of the letter “p” that sticks down). The width of a character string is impacted by kerning, the adjustment of two letters that fit together better than others. To get a flavor of some of these measurements, consider the following code:

	Public Class Form1
	   Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	         ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	         Handles PictureBox1.Paint
	      ' ----- Show vertical font measures.
	      Dim textArea As SizeF
	      Dim linePen As Pen
	      Dim largeFont As Font
	      Dim fontRatio As Single
	      Dim ascentSize As Single
	      Dim descentSize As Single
	      Dim emSize As Single
	      Dim cellHeight As Single
	      Dim internalLeading As Single
	      Dim externalLeading As Single

	      ' ----- Create the font to use for drawing.
	      '       Using "AntiAlias" to enable text smoothing
	      '       will result in more precise output.
	      e.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = _
	      largeFont = New Font("Times New Roman", 96, _
	      ' ----- Fonts are measured in design units. We need to
	      '       convert to pixels to mix measurement systems.
	      '       Determine the ratio between the display line
	      '       height and the font design's line height.
	      fontRatio = largeFont.Height / _
	         largeFont.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing( _

	      ' ----- Get the measurements.
	      textArea = e. 
Graphics.MeasureString("Ag", largeFont)

	      ' ----- Offset everything for simplicity.
	      e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(20, 20)

	      ' ----- Draw the text.
	      e.Graphics.DrawString("Ag", largeFont, _
	      Brushes.Black, 0, 0)

	      ' ----- Create a line-drawing pen.
	      linePen = New Pen(Color.Gray, 1)
	      linePen.DashStyle = Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash

	      ' ----- Calculate all of the various font measurements.
	      ascentSize = largeFont.FontFamily.GetCellAscent( _
	         FontStyle.Regular) * fontRatio
	      descentSize = largeFont.FontFamily.GetCellDescent( _
	         FontStyle.Regular) * fontRatio
	      emSize = largeFont.FontFamily.GetEmHeight( _
	         FontStyle.Regular) * fontRatio
	      cellHeight = ascentSize + descentSize
	      internalLeading = cellHeight - emSize
	      externalLeading = _
	         (largeFont.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing( _
	         FontStyle.Regular) * fontRatio) - cellHeight
	      ' ----- Draw the top and bottom lines.
	      e.Graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, 0, textArea.Width, 0)
	      e.Graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, textArea.Height, _
	         textArea.Width, textArea.Height)

	      ' ----- Draw the ascender and descender areas.
	      e.Graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, _
	         ascentSize, textArea.Width, ascentSize)
	      e.Graphics.DrawLine(linePen, 0, _
	         ascentSize + descentSize, textArea.Width, _
	         ascentSize + descentSize)
	      ' ----- Clean up.
	   End Sub
	End Class

We added this code to a form with a single PictureBox control. The results appear in Figure 9-30.

The four lines from top to bottom are as follows:

  • The top of the “line height” box

  • The baseline, based on the ascender height

    Measuring elements of a font
    Figure 9-30. Measuring elements of a font
  • The bottom of the descender

  • The bottom of the “line height” box

The code also includes calculations for other measurements, although they are not used in the output.

9.21. Drawing Text with Outlines and Drop Shadows


You want to draw some text but display only its outline, and you want the text to have a drop shadow.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09OutlineText

Use a GraphicsPath object to record the outside edge of a text string, and then use that outside edge, or path, to draw the actual drop shadow and outline elements.


Create a new Windows Forms application, and add a PictureBox control named PictureBox1 to the form. Set this control’s BackColor property to White and its BorderStyle property to FixedSingle. Give it a size of approximately 400,150. Now add the following source code to the form’s class template:

	Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles PictureBox1.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw text using an outline.
	   Dim outlinePath As New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath
	   Dim useFont As Font
	   ' ----- Make some output adjustments to get a better
	   ' outline.
	   e.Graphics.TextRenderingHint = _
	   e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = _

	   ' ----- Draw the text into a path.
	   useFont = New Font("Times New Roman", _
	      96, FontStyle.Regular)
	   outlinePath.AddString("Outline", useFont.FontFamily, _
	      FontStyle.Regular, 96, New Point(0, 0), _

	   ' ----- Replay the path to draw a drop shadow.
	   e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(25, 25)
	   e.Graphics.FillPath(Brushes.LightGray, outlinePath)

	   ' ----- Replay the path to the surface.
	   e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(-5, -5)
	   e.Graphics.FillPath(Brushes.White, outlinePath)
	   e.Graphics.DrawPath(Pens.Black, outlinePath)

	   ' ----- Finished.
	End Sub

Running this program displays the outline and drop shadow shown in Figure 9-31.

Text in an outline form, with a drop shadow
Figure 9-31. Text in an outline form, with a drop shadow

While the Font class includes support for italic, bold, strikeout, and underline for-matting, it does not include features that automatically enable outlining or drop shadows. However, you can enable these features yourself using a GraphicsPath object. A graphics path is like a tape recording of a set of drawing commands that records the outline of the drawn elements. You use the GraphicsPath’s drawing methods to record the outlines of shapes and text strings in the path. You can then later use this path like a macro that can be replayed on the graphics surface.

The GraphicsPath object’s AddString() method adds the outer edge of all characters in the supplied text string to the path. There are additional methods that let you include other shapes, such as AddLine(), AddRectangle(), and AddEllipse().

See Also

Recipe 9.17 includes some similar alignment and rotation features.

9.22. Calculating a Nice Axis


You want to create a chart with a “nice” axis; that is, one with reasonable scaling numbers for a given number of tick marks and with a reasonably rounded increment for each tick value. These scale values should be chosen so the range of data points spans most of the length of the axis.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09NiceAxis

Use the NiceAxis() function presented here to calculate a reasonable axis given the minimum and maximum values of the data and the number of ticks along the axis.


This function was created to solve the tricky problem of determining a reasonable plotting axis for a range of numbers. When manually determining a scale, it’s easy to accidentally scrunch the data points too closely by choosing a scale with larger than necessary values or a scale with awkward fractional values at each tick mark that make mental interpolation of intermediate values nearly impossible.

This function solves these problems by automatically choosing reasonable values for a chart’s axis. In many cases you will want to call this function twice, once for the X-axis and once for the Y-axis.

Pass this function the minimum and maximum data values to be plotted, and the number of divisions or tick marks along the axis. The calculations in the function iterate to find division steps that are reasonable and that still allow all data points to fall within the range of the axis. Here’s the code for the NiceAxis() function:

	Public Function NiceAxis(ByVal minimumValue As Double, _
	      ByVal maximumValue As Double, _
	      ByVal divisions As Double) As Double()
	   ' ----- Determine reasonable tick marks along an axis.

	   '         Returns an array of three values:
	   '         0) minimum tick value
	   '         1) maximum tick value
	   '         2) tick mark step size
	   Dim axis(2) As Double
	   Dim trialDivisionSize As Double
	   Dim modFourCount As Double = 1
	   Dim divisionSize As Double

	   ' ----- Get the starting values.
	   divisionSize = (maximumValue - minimumValue) / divisions
	   trialDivisionSize = 10 ^ Int(Math.Log10(divisionSize))

	   ' ----- Iterate until we arrive at reasonable values.
	   Do While (maximumValue > (trialDivisionSize * _
	         Int(minimumValue / trialDivisionSize) + _
	         divisions * trialDivisionSize))
	      modFourCount += 1
	      If ((modFourCount Mod 4) > 0) Then
	         trialDivisionSize = 8 * trialDivisionSize / 5
	      End If
	      trialDivisionSize = 5 * trialDivisionSize / 4
	   ' ----- Return the results.
	   axis(0) = trialDivisionSize * _
	      Int(minimumValue / trialDivisionSize)
	   axis(1) = axis(0) + divisions * trialDivisionSize
	   axis(2) = (axis(1) - axis(0)) / divisions
	   Return axis
	End Function

This function shows a good example of returning an array. In this case the array returns the minimum and maximum values for the ends of the nice axis, and the step size for the numbers along the tick marks or divisions along the axis.

The following code provides a working example. NiceAxis() is called with minimum and maximum data values of –3.4 and 3.27, and 10 tick marks are requested along the scale of this axis. As shown in Figure 9-32, the function returns the nearest whole-number values for each end of the axis (–4 and 6) and a recommended whole step size of 1 for each tick mark:

	Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
	Dim axis() As Double = NiceAxis(-3.4, 3.27, 10)

	result.AppendLine("Minimum Value: -3.4")
	result.AppendLine("Maximum Value: 3.27")
	result.AppendLine("Divisions: 10")

	result.Append("Axis Minimum: ")
	result.Append("Axis Maximum: ")

	result.Append("Division Steps: ")

The NiceAxis( ) function returns end points and the division step size for a nicely scaled chart axis
Figure 9-32. The NiceAxis( ) function returns end points and the division step size for a nicely scaled chart axis

9.23. Drawing a Simple Chart


You want to create your own data charts, and you would like to have code for a sample chart as a starting point for your own customizations.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09 DrawingCharts

The simple chart presented in this recipe should provide plenty of creative ideas and useful techniques for designing your own custom charts.


The chart presented here provides a good starting point for drawing your own charts, but it shouldn’t be used as presented. For one thing, the data values are hard-coded into an array in the form’s Paint event, and you’ll likely want to pass in your own data for plotting. The goal of this example is to present several graphics techniques in an easy-to-follow way.

As in most of the graphics examples in this chapter, the drawing takes place in the form’s Paint event. The graphics drawing surface is referenced for easy use of its drawing methods:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint

	   ' ----- Draw a nice chart.
	    Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics

For demonstration purposes, an array of Y data point values is hardcoded in this routine, and the corresponding X values are assumed to be evenly spaced 10 units apart in the range 0 to 100:

	   ' ----- Create an array of data points to plot.
	   Dim chartData() As Single = _
	      {20, 33, 44, 25, 17, 24, 63, 75, 54, 33}

We’ll use three pens: a red one, a black one, and a gray one. By setting each pen’s widths to –1, we guarantee the sketched lines to be one pixel wide even if the scaling changes, and in this example we do change the scaling to plot the entire chart on the form no matter what size the window is stretched to:

	   ' ----- Create some pens.
	   Dim penRed As New Pen(Color.Red, -1)
	   Dim penBlack As New Pen(Color.Black, -1)
	   Dim penShadow As New Pen(Color.Gray, -1)

The next lines create the font and brush used to draw the axis numbers along the tick marks. The font size is relative to the chart scaling, which means that as the chart window is resized, the numbers along the axis will grow and shrink proportionately:

	   ' ----- Prepare to add labels.
	   Dim labelFont As New Font("Arial", 3, FontStyle.Regular)
	   Dim labelBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Blue)

Several variables are used during the scaling process and to plot the data points:

	   ' ----- Used to plot the various elements.
	   Dim x1, y1 As Single 'Lower left corner
	   Dim x2, y2 As Single 'Upper right corner
	   Dim scaleX, scaleY As Single
	   Dim xScan, yScan As Single
	   Dim oneBar As RectangleF

The chart is drawn in a rectangle from 0 to 100 in both the X and Y directions. By scaling the graphics surface from –10 to 110, a margin is left for the axis labels. By default, the Y scaling of a graphics surface starts at the top-left corner and increases as you move down in the area. A standard X-Y chart assumes an origin in the bot-tom-left corner, with increasing values going up the graphics surface. This requires the Y scaling factor in the ScaleTransform() method to be a negative value, which inverts the scale. Also, once inverted, the scale origin needs to be shifted, or trans-lated, appropriately to relocate the origin to the bottom left of the graphics surface. This is accomplished using the Graphics object’s TranslateTransform() method:

	   ' ----- Set the scaling.
	   x1 = -10
	   y1 = -10
	   x2 = 110
	   y2 = 110
	   scaleX = Me.ClientSize.Width / (x2 - x1)
	   scaleY = Me.ClientSize.Height / (y2 - y1)
	   canvas.ScaleTransform(scaleX, -scaleY) '(inverted)
	   canvas.TranslateTransform(-x1, -y2) '(inverted)

The chart’s background color, outline, and gridlines are drawn in the following lines of code:

	   ' ----- Color the background.

	   ' ----- Draw chart outline rectangle.
	   canvas.DrawRectangle(penBlack, New Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100))

	   ' ----- Draw the chart grid.
	   For xScan = 10 To 90 Step 10
	      canvas.DrawLine(penBlack, xScan, 0, xScan, 100)
	   Next xScan
	   For yScan = 10 To 90 Step 10
	      canvas.DrawLine(penBlack, 0, yScan, 100, yScan)
	   Next yScan

We’ll use a 3D shadowed effect to draw the vertical data bars. First, draw each bar using a transparent shade of gray. To create the transparent gray color, set the alpha component of the solid brush’s color to 127. As you can see in Figure 9-33, the gridlines show through the transparent “shadows” created by these rectangles.

A simple chart that can be used as a starting point for customizing your own special-purpose charts
Figure 9-33. A simple chart that can be used as a starting point for customizing your own special-purpose charts

The data bar rectangles (they’re actually red) are then drawn on top of and slightly above and to the right of the transparent gray bars. This results in a nice 3D shadowed effect:

	   ' ----- Draw some shadowed bars.
	   For xScan = 0 To 90 Step 10
	      ' ----- Draw the shadow first.
	      oneBar.X = xScan + 0.6
	      oneBar.Y = 0
	      oneBar.Width = 6
	      oneBar.Height = chartData(xScan  10) - 2
	      canvas.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(127, _
	         Color.Gray)), oneBar)

	      ' ----- Now draw the bars in front.
	      oneBar.X = xScan + 2
	      oneBar.Y = 0
	      oneBar.Height = chartData(xScan  10)
	      canvas.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.Red), oneBar)
	   Next xScan

When drawing text, a complication arises if the scaling has been inverted: the text is drawn upside down! This might be useful in some situations, but to get the labels correct on this chart, the Y scaling transform must be reinverted to correctly plot the tick-mark numbers:

	   ' ----- Need to un-invert the scaling so text labels are
	   '       right-side-up.
	   canvas.ScaleTransform(ScaleX, ScaleY)
	   canvas.TranslateTransform(-x1, -y1)

Each number along the X and Y axes is drawn using the Graphics object’s DrawString() method. Parameters passed to this method include the string to draw, the font for the text, the brush for the text’s color, and the coordinates at which to start drawing the string. These coordinates are not pixel locations, because the graphics have been scaled using transforms. Instead, they are relative positions or units within the scaled world. This causes the text to be plotted in the correct relative position, no matter what size the window is stretched to:

	   ' ----- Label the Y-axis.
	   For yScan = 0 To 100 Step 10
	      canvas.DrawString(yScan.ToString, labelFont, labelBrush, _
	         -2 * yScan.ToString.Length - 3, 97 - yScan)
	   Next yScan

	   ' ----- Label the X-axis.
	   For xScan = 0 To 100 Step 10
	      canvas.DrawString(xScan.ToString, labelFont, labelBrush, _
	         xScan + 1.7 - 2 * xScan.ToString.Length, 103)
	   Next xScan

The last step is to clean up all of the graphics objects we’ve created:

	   ' ----- Clean up.
	   canvas = Nothing
	End Sub

Figure 9-33 shows the chart drawn on the form as a result of the previous code. Set-ting the form’s DoubleBuffered property to True ensures that the chart is drawn smoothly and continuously as the form is resized when the following code is included:

	Private Sub Form1_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
	   ' ----- Refresh on resize.
	End Sub

9.24. Creating Odd-Shaped Forms and Controls


You’re tired of the plain rectangular forms and controls. You want to use irregular shapes for your form and the controls included on it.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09IrregularShapes

Use a GraphicsPath object to define the new drawing and clipping region for the form and controls. This recipe’s code uses an ellipse to define the boundaries of a form and a control.


Create a new Windows Forms application, and add a Button control named ActClose. Set its Text property to Close, and put the button somewhere in the middle of the form. Then add the following source code to the form’s class template:

	Private Sub ActClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ActClose.Click
	   ' ----- Close the form.
	End Sub

	Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

	   ' ----- Change the shape of the form and button.
	   Dim finalShape As Region
	   Dim shapePath As Drawing2D.GraphicsPath
	   ' ----- Reshape the form.
	   shapePath = New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath()
	   shapePath.AddEllipse(0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)
	   finalShape = New Region(shapePath)
	   Me.Region = finalShape

	   ' ----- Reshape the button.
	   shapePath = New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath()
	   shapePath.AddEllipse(0, 0, ActClose.Width, ActClose.Height)
	   finalShape = New Region(shapePath)
	   ActClose.Region = finalShape
	End Sub

When you run the program, both the form and the button appear with elliptical shapes. Figure 9-34 shows the form in use. We left the Visual Studio view of the source code in the background so that you can see the nonrectangular shape of the form.

An irregularly shaped form and button
Figure 9-34. An irregularly shaped form and button

So what shapes can you use? If you can build it into a GraphicsPath object, you can use it to define the boundaries of your form or control. Replacing the form or control’s Region property results in a new clipping region for the form (the clipping region is the area outside which the form is not drawn; it’s not just hidden, it actually doesn’t exist).

Since the new region indicates only which portions of the form are drawn or not, you’ll find that any normal form or control components that reside only partially within the clipping region will appear cut off. Unfortunately, the result can be some-what ugly. For example, the elliptical button created by this recipe’s sample code doesn’t look very good because portions of the original rectangular border still appear. You can also still see small portions of the form border. In addition to providing a custom region, you may want to provide custom drawing code for the control or form in its Paint event handler. For forms, setting the FormBorderStyle to None lets you supply your own form border.

Another way to change the shape of a form is by making a portion of the form invisible. This is done by setting a specific form color to the invisible color using the form’s TransparencyKey property.

See Also

Recipe 9.10 shows how to use transparency to make a portion of a form invisible.

9.25. Using the RGB, HSB (HSV), and HSL Color Schemes


You want to provide the user with options for color selection: RGB (red-green-blue), HSB (hue-saturation-brightness, also known as HSV for hue-saturation-value), and HSL (hue-saturation-luminosity).


Sample code folder: Chapter 09RGBandHSV

The easiest way to provide user-based color selection is to use the ColorDialog control to prompt the user to choose a color. This standard Windows dialog includes fields for RGB numeric entry and for HSL entry. Each of the HSL scales ranges from 0 to 240 (239 for hue), and changes to those fields automatically update the displayed RBG values (see Figure 9-35).

The ColorDialog control is described in Recipe 9.3.

In addition to the ColorDialog control, the new .NET System.Drawing.Color structure provides access to many predefined colors, plus methods to specify and obtain color values. Three of its methods let you convert an instance’s RBG value to distinct HSB values:

  • The GetHue() method returns a value from 0 to 360 that indicates the hue of the Color object’s current color.

  • The GetSaturation() method returns a value from 0.0 to 1.0 for the active color, in which 0.0 indicates the neutral grayscale value, and 1.0 is the most saturated value.

  • The GetBrightness() method returns a value from 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (white).

Using the ColorDialog control with separate HSL and RBG fields
Figure 9-35. Using the ColorDialog control with separate HSL and RBG fields

This recipe’s sample code lets the user select a color using either the RBG method or the HSB (a.k.a. HSV) method.


Create a new Windows Forms application, and add the following controls to Form1:

  • Three HScrollBar controls with the names ValueRed, ValueGreen, and ValueBlue. Set their Maximum properties to 255.

  • One HScrollBar control named ValueHue. Set its Maximum property to 360.

  • Two HScrollBar controls with the names ValueSaturation and ValueBrightness. Set their Maximum properties to 100.

  • A PictureBox control named ShowColor.

  • Six Label controls with the names NumberRed, NumberGreen, NumberBlue, NumberHue, NumberSaturation, and NumberBrightness. Set their Text properties to 0.

Add descriptive labels if desired. The form should look like Figure 9-36.

Now add the following source code to the form’s class template:

	Private Sub RBG_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) _
	      Handles ValueRed.Scroll, ValueGreen.Scroll, _
	   ' ----- Update the HSV values based on RBG.
rgbColor As Color
The controls on the color model sample
Figure 9-36. The controls on the color model sample
	   ' ----- The  
color structure already has the formulas
	   ' built in.
rgbColor = Color.FromArgb(0, ValueRed.Value, _
	      ValueGreen.Value, ValueBlue.Value)
	   ValueHue.Value = CInt(rgbColor.GetHue())
	   ValueSaturation.Value = _
	      CInt(rgbColor.GetSaturation() * 100.0F)
	   ValueBrightness.Value = _
	      CInt(rgbColor.GetBrightness() * 100.0F)

	   ' ------ Refresh everything else.
	End Sub

	Private Sub ValueHue_Scroll(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) _
	      Handles ValueHue.Scroll, ValueSaturation.Scroll, _
	   ' ----- Update the RBG values based on HSV.
	   Dim useRed As Integer
	   Dim useGreen As Integer
	   Dim useBlue As Integer
	   Dim useHue As Single
	   Dim useSaturation As Single
	   Dim useBrightness As Single
	   Dim hueSector As Integer
	   Dim factor As Single
	   Dim target1 As Single
	   Dim target2 As Single
	   Dim target3 As Single

	   ' ----- Convert to relative 0.0 to 1.0 values.
	   useHue = CSng(ValueHue.Value)
	   useSaturation = CSng(ValueSaturation.Value) / 100.0F
	   useBrightness = CSng(ValueBrightness.Value) / 100.0F

	   If (useSaturation = 0.0F) Then
	      ' ----- Pure grayscale.
	      useRed = CInt(useBrightness * 255)
	      useGreen = useRed
	      useBlue = useRed
	      hueSector = CInt(useHue / 60.0F)
	      factor = Math.Abs((useHue / 60.0F) - CSng(hueSector))
	      target1 = useBrightness * (1 - useSaturation)
	      target2 = useBrightness * (1 - (factor * useSaturation))
	      target3 = useBrightness * (1 - ((1 - factor) * _

	      Select Case hueSector
	         Case 0, 6
	            useRed = CInt(useBrightness * 255.0F)
	            useGreen = CInt(target3 * 255.0F)
	            useBlue = CInt(target1 * 255.0F)
	         Case 1
	            useRed = CInt(target2 * 255.0F)
	            useGreen = CInt(useBrightness * 255.0F)
	            useBlue = CInt(target1 * 255.0F)
	         Case 2
	            useRed = CInt(target1 * 255.0F)
	            useGreen = CInt(useBrightness * 255.0F)
	            useBlue = CInt(target3 * 255.0F)
	         Case 3
	            useRed = CInt(target1 * 255.0F)
	            useGreen = CInt(target2 * 255.0F)
	            useBlue = CInt(useBrightness * 255.0F)
	         Case 4
	            useRed = CInt(target3 * 255.0F)
	            useGreen = CInt(target1 * 255.0F)
	            useBlue = CInt(useBrightness * 255.0F)
	         Case 5
	            useRed = CInt(useBrightness * 255.0F)
	            useGreen = CInt(target1 * 255.0F)
	            useBlue = CInt(target2 * 255.0F)
	      End Select
	   End If

	   ' ----- Update the  
RGB values.
	   ValueRed.Value = useRed
	   ValueGreen.Value = useGreen
	   ValueBlue.Value = useBlue

	   ' ------ Refresh everything else.
	End Sub

	Private Sub RefreshDisplay()
	   ' ----- Update the numeric display.
	   NumberRed.Text = CStr(ValueRed.Value)
	   NumberGreen.Text = CStr(ValueGreen.Value)
	   NumberBlue.Text = CStr(ValueBlue.Value)
	   NumberHue.Text = CStr(ValueHue.Value)
	   NumberSaturation.Text = _
	      Format(CDec(ValueSaturation.Value) / 100@, "0.00")
	   NumberBrightness.Text = _
	      Format(CDec(ValueBrightness.Value) / 100@, "0.00")

	   ' ----- Update the  
color sample.
	   ShowColor.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, _
	      ValueRed.Value, ValueGreen.Value, ValueBlue.Value)
	End Sub
	Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
	   ' ----- Set the initial color.
	   RBG_Scroll(ValueRed, _
	      New Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs( _
	      ScrollEventType.EndScroll, 0))
	End Sub

Run the program, and use the six scrollbars to adjust the color selection.

The RGB model for describing colors numerically has become common for use in Microsoft Windows, but it is not always the most convenient method for certain applications or for output to devices other than computer monitors. The HSB/HSV system is more useful in selecting colors for computer-based artwork.

The System.Drawing.Color structure includes methods that let you extract the HSB components of an RGB color, but it doesn’t work in the other direction. Therefore, the sample code includes the calculation for HSB-to-RGB conversions.

See Also

A useful web site that discusses color models is EasyRGB, found at

See Recipe 9.3 for details on using the ColorDialog control.

9.26. Creating a Rubber-Band Rectangular Selection


You want to add " rubber-band selection” to your graphics, giving the user the ability to click and drag with the mouse to select a rectangular region of an image.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09RubberBand

Use the RubberBand class presented here to use one of three different-appearing rubber-band selection algorithms.


You’ve probably seen rubber-band selection in action when cropping images or working with screen-grabbing programs, paint programs, and so on. The RubberBand class presented here can be included in any project in which you want to let the user select a rectangular area of an image in this way.

The complete code for the class is presented below. The RubberBandStyle enumeration and the public Style property work together to let you set the RubberBand object’s appearance while in operation. While the user drags the mouse, the selected area is outlined with either a dashed-line rectangle (as in Figure 9-37, below), a solid line with inverted colors, or a solid-filled box with inverted colors.

There are two overloaded constructors in this class, which let you instantiate a RubberBand object in three different ways. (The plan was to have only one constructor with two optional arguments, but Visual Basic does not permit structure objects—Color, in this case—to be optional.) You can set the RubberBand’s Style and BackColor properties when you create the object, or you can set these properties later. You do need to indicate the control on which the RubberBand is to operate, so the painting on the screen can coordinate with the surface of the control. The Start(), Stretch(), and Finish() methods are called from the program that creates the RubberBand object to update the rectangular selection. Once “rubberbanding” is complete, the Rectangle property returns the results. These methods are demonstrated in the calling code presented later.

Here’s the code for the RubberBand class:

	Public Class RubberBand
	   ' ----- The three types of rubber bands.
	   Public Enum RubberBandStyle
	   End Enum

	   ' ----- The current drawing state.
	   Public Enum RubberBandState
	   End Enum

	   ' ----- Class-level variables.
	   Private BasePoint As Point
	   Private ExtentPoint As Point
	   Private CurrentState As RubberBandState
	   Private BaseControl As Control
	   Public Style As RubberBandStyle
	   Public BackColor As Color
	   Public Sub New(ByVal useControl As Control, _
	         Optional ByVal useStyle As RubberBandStyle = _
	      ' ----- Constructor with one or two parameters.
	      BaseControl = useControl
	      Style = useStyle
	      BackColor = Color.Black
	   End Sub

	   Public Sub New(ByVal useControl As Control, _
	         ByVal useStyle As RubberBandStyle, _
	         ByVal useColor As Color)
	      ' ----- Constructor with three parameters.
	      BaseControl = useControl
	      Style = useStyle
	      BackColor = useColor
	   End Sub

	   Public ReadOnly Property Rectangle() As Rectangle
	         ' ----- Return the bounds of the  
rubber-band area.
	         Dim result As Rectangle

	         ' ----- Ensure the coordinates go left to
	         ' right, top to bottom.
	         result.X = IIf(BasePoint.X < ExtentPoint.X, _
	            BasePoint.X, ExtentPoint.X)
	         result.Y = IIf(BasePoint.Y < ExtentPoint.Y, _
	            BasePoint.Y, ExtentPoint.Y)
	         result.Width = Math.Abs(ExtentPoint.X - BasePoint.X)
	         result.Height = Math.Abs(ExtentPoint.Y - BasePoint.Y)
	         Return result
	      End Get
	   End Property

	   Public Sub Start(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
	      ' ----- Start drawing the rubber band. The user must
	      '       call Stretch() to actually draw the first
	      '       band image.
	      BasePoint.X = x
	      BasePoint.Y = y
	      ExtentPoint.X = x
	      ExtentPoint.Y = y
	      CurrentState = RubberBandState.FirstTime
	   End Sub

	   Public Sub Stretch(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
	      ' ----- Change the size of the rubber band.
	      Dim newPoint As Point

	      ' ----- Prepare the new stretch point.
	      newPoint.X = x
	      newPoint.Y = y

	      Select Case CurrentState
	         Case RubberBandState.Inactive
	            ' ----- Rubber band not in use.
	         Case RubberBandState.FirstTime
	            ' ----- Draw the initial rubber band.
	            ExtentPoint = newPoint
	            CurrentState = RubberBandState.Active
	         Case RubberBandState.Active
	            ' ----- Undraw the previous band, then
	            '       draw the new one.
	            ExtentPoint = newPoint
	      End Select
	   End Sub

	   Public Sub Finish()
	      ' ----- Stop drawing the rubber band.
	      CurrentState = 0
	   End Sub

	   Private Sub Normalize(ByRef whichPoint As Point)
	      ' ----- Don't let the rubber band go outside the view.
	      If (whichPoint.X < 0) Then whichPoint.X = 0
	      If (whichPoint.X >= BaseControl.ClientSize.Width) _
	         Then whichPoint.X = BaseControl.ClientSize.Width - 1

	      If (whichPoint.Y < 0) Then whichPoint.Y = 0
	      If (whichPoint.Y >= BaseControl.ClientSize.Height) _
	         Then whichPoint.Y = BaseControl.ClientSize.Height - 1
	   End Sub

	   Private Sub DrawTheRectangle()
	      ' ----- Draw the rectangle on the control or
	      '       form surface.
	      Dim drawArea As Rectangle
	      Dim screenStart, screenEnd As Point

	      ' ----- Get the square that is the  
rubber-band area.
	      screenStart = BaseControl.PointToScreen(BasePoint)
	      screenEnd = BaseControl.PointToScreen(ExtentPoint)
	      drawArea.X = screenStart.X
	      drawArea.Y = screenStart.Y
	      drawArea.Width = (screenEnd.X - screenStart.X)
	      drawArea.Height = (screenEnd.Y - screenStart.Y)

	      ' ----- Draw using the user-selected style.
	      Select Case Style
	         Case RubberBandStyle.DashedLine
	            ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame( _
	               drawArea, Color.Black, FrameStyle.Dashed)
	         Case RubberBandStyle.ThickLine
	            ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame( _
	               drawArea, Color.Black, FrameStyle.Thick)
	         Case RubberBandStyle.SolidBox
	            ControlPaint.FillReversibleRectangle( _
	               drawArea, BackColor)
	      End Select
	   End Sub
	End Class

To demonstrate the RubberBand class, the following code creates an instance and calls its Start(), Stretch(), and Finish() methods based on the user’s mouse activities. When the mouse button is first depressed, the code calls the Start() method. As the mouse is moved, the Stretch() method is called to continuously update the visible selection rectangle. When the mouse button is released, the Finish() method completes the selection process. At this point, the read-only Rectangle property returns a complete description of the selected area:

	Public Class Form1
	   ' ----- Adust the second and third arguments to
	   ' see different methods.
	   Dim SelectionArea As RubberBand = New RubberBand(Me, _
	      RubberBand.RubberBandStyle.DashedLine, Color.Gray)

	   Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, _
	         ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	         Handles MyBase.MouseDown
	      ' ----- Start  
rubber-band tracking.
	      SelectionArea.Start(e.X, e.Y)
	   End Sub

	   Private Sub Form1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, _
	         ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	         Handles MyBase.MouseMove
	      ' ----- Update the rubber-band display area.
	      SelectionArea.Stretch(e.X, e.Y)
	   End Sub

	   Private Sub Form1_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, _
	         ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) _
	         Handles MyBase.MouseUp
	      ' ----- Finished with the selection.
	   End Sub

	   Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	         ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	         Handles MyBase.Paint
	      ' ----- Add some interest to the form surface.
	      Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics
	      Dim polygonPoints() As Point = {New Point(300, 150), _
	         New Point(200, 300), New Point(400, 300)}

	      ' ----- Draw some shapes and text.
	      canvas.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.Red), _
	         10, 20, 200, 150)
	      canvas.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.Blue), _
	         100, 100, 250, 100)
	      canvas.FillPolygon(New SolidBrush(Color.Green), _
SelectionArea.Rectangle.ToString, _
	         New Font("Arial", 12), Brushes.Black, 0, 0)
	   End Sub
	End Class

Figure 9-37 shows the results of running this demonstration code to select a rectangular area on the form. In this case the mouse was dragged down and to the right to select the area, but the code compensates for dragging in any direction and returns a proper rectangle.

The RubberBand class lets you select rectangular areas of any graphics area
Figure 9-37. The RubberBand class lets you select rectangular areas of any graphics area

9.27. Animating with Transparency


You want to add some simple animation to a form and make it interesting enough to catch the user’s eye without being overbearing or distracting.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09 TransparentAnimation

One idea is to use a timer to redraw graphics whose transparency varies over time.


There are many ways to add simple animation to your graphics, and adjusting the transparency is just one simple trick that can add an interesting and creative effect to your images. This example also demonstrates how the alpha setting of a color changes drawings through the full range of transparency, from completely invisible to completely opaque.

Create a new Windows Forms application, and add a Timer control named Timer1. Set its Interval property to 10 (milliseconds) and its Enabled property to True. Also, set the form’s DoubleBuffered property to True.

A good way to drive the animation action is by redrawing with each tick of a timer. Notice that the drawing commands are not done in the timer’s Tick event. Instead, you tell the form to refresh itself and add the graphics commands where they really belong—in the form’s Paint event. Add the following code to the form’s class template to have the timer trigger screen updates:

	Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
	   ' ----- Update the animated display.
	End Sub

The form’s Paint event is called at the rate set by the Interval property of the timer. The 10-milliseconds setting provides a fairly smooth and noticeable transparency transition. Use a larger number for slower, more subtle action.

The currentSetting variable increments or decrements each time through the Paint event handler, with the change amount reversing direction when 0 or 255 is reached:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint
	   ' ----- Display the next step in the animation.
	   Static currentSetting As Integer = 0
	   Static changeFactor As Integer = 1
	   Dim transparentGreen As Color
	   Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics
	   Dim trianglePoints() As Point = {New Point(180, 50), _
	      New Point(30, 280), New Point(330, 280)}

	   ' ----- Adjust the transparency factor.
	   currentSetting += changeFactor
	   If (currentSetting = 0) Or (currentSetting = 255) Then
	      ' ----- Change direction.
	      changeFactor = -changeFactor
	   End If

The following line is the heart of this example; it shows how to create a color with a controllable degree of transparency. You can pass just red, green, and blue values to Color.FromArgb() to create a solid shade, or you can add the fourth parameter, called alpha, to control the color’s transparency. The values of all four parameters range from 0 to 255. Anything drawn with the designated color will be drawn with the indicated amount of transparency:

	   ' ---- Set the transparent green color.
	   transparentGreen = Color.FromArgb(currentSetting, 0, 255, 0)

These statements draw the solid geometric objects in the background, in preparation for drawing a transparent triangle in front of them:

	   ' ----- Draw some geometric figures.
	   canvas.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.Red), _
	      10, 20, 200, 150)
	   canvas.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.Blue), _
	      100, 100, 250, 100)

There is no GDI+ method to draw a triangle, per se. But a triangle is just a three-sided polygon, so it’s easy to use the DrawPolygon() or FillPolygon() methods to do the trick. In this case we fill a polygon (triangle) using a solid brush comprised of our current shade of transparent green:

	   ' ----- Draw a transparent green triangle in front.
	   canvas.FillPolygon(New SolidBrush(transparentGreen), _
	End Sub

Figure 9-38 shows the graphics with the triangle drawn using an intermediate transparency.

The triangle in the foreground fades from complete transparency to complete opacity and back again
Figure 9-38. The triangle in the foreground fades from complete transparency to complete opacity and back again

9.28. Substitutions for Obsolete Visual Basic 6.0 Features


You used to use a lot of form-based drawing features in Visual Basic 6.0, but many of them seem to be missing from the .NET versions of Visual Basic.


Sample code folder: Chapter 09VB6Replacements

GDI+ is a full-featured drawing package that provides easier access to form-based drawing than Visual Basic 6.0 did. Unfortunately, finding the replacements for some of VB 6’s form-based drawing features takes a bit of work. This recipe discusses some of the more significant replacements.


Most of the replacement features involve GDI+ drawing, although you can simulate some older features using Label controls. The features discussed in this section focus on those methods and controls that were used directly on a form. In .NET, any of the drawing commands that you use on the form’s surface can also be used on any control.

Any discussion that mentions “drawing on the form” refers to drawing through the form’s Graphics object. Such drawing is usually done in the form’s Paint event handler, which provides you with a Graphics object:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint
	   ' ----- Draw a  
	End Sub

You can also create a Graphics object at any time in other event handlers and methods using the form’s CreateGraphics() method:

	Dim formCanvas As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics()
	' ----- Properly dispose of the graphics canvas.

Let’s look at some of the specific replacements:

Line controls

There are two replacements for Visual Basic 6.0 Line controls. If your line is horizontal or vertical, you can use a Label control with the BackColor property set to the line color you need. Adjust the width or height of the label as needed to increase the thickness of the line. Be sure to clear the Text property and set the AutoSize property to False.

If you need diagonal lines, you can draw them on the form surface in the form’s Paint event using the DrawLine() method.

Shape controls

There is no direct control replacement for the Visual Basic 6.0 Shape controls. Rectangular or elliptical shapes can be drawn directly on the form using the DrawRectangle() and DrawEllipse() methods. The related FillRectangle() and FillEllipse() methods draw filled shapes, with no edge lines.

There is no drawing command that can generate a rectangle with rounded corners. You must create it yourself using DrawLine() and DrawArc() method calls. You can also build this shape as a GraphicsPath object. Here is a method that draws a rounded rectangle directly on a graphics surface. The rounded corner has a radius of five pixels (units, actually):

	Private Sub DrawRoundedRectangle( _
	      ByVal sourceRectangle As Rectangle, _
	      ByVal canvas As Graphics, ByVal usePen As Pen)
	   ' ----- Draw a rounded rectangle.
	   Dim saveState As Drawing2D.GraphicsState
	   ' ----- Move the origin to the upper-left corner
	   '       of the rectangle.
	   saveState = canvas.Save()
	   canvas.TranslateTransform(sourceRectangle.Left, _

	   With sourceRectangle
	      ' ----- Draw the four edges, starting from the top
	      '       and moving clockwise.
	      canvas.DrawLine(usePen, 5, 0, .Width - 5, 0)
	      canvas.DrawLine(usePen, .Width, 5, .Width, .Height - 5)
	      canvas.DrawLine(usePen, .Width - 5, .Height, 5, .Height)
	      canvas.DrawLine(usePen, 0, .Height - 5, 0, 5)

	      ' ----- Draw the four corners, starting from the
	      '       upper left and moving clockwise.
	      canvas.DrawArc(usePen, 0, 0, 10, 10, 180, 90)
	      canvas.DrawArc(usePen, .Width - 10, 0, 10, 10, 270, 90)
	      canvas.DrawArc(usePen, .Width - 10, .Height - 10, _
	         10, 10, 0, 90)
	      canvas.DrawArc(usePen, 0, .Height - 10, 10, 10, 90, 90)
	   End With

	   ' ----- Restore the original  
graphics canvas.
	End Sub

This code draws a 100-by-100-unit rounded rectangle at position (10,10) on the form’s surface:

	Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
	      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
	      Handles Me.Paint
	   DrawRoundedRectangle(New Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100), _
	      e.Graphics, Pens.Black)
	End Sub

Figure 9-39 shows the output from this code.

A manually rounded rectangle
Figure 9-39. A manually rounded rectangle
Cls() method

To clear the entire graphics surface, use the Clear() method. You pass it the color used to clear the surface:

Scale() method

To change the coordinate system on the form’s surface, use the Graphics object’s ScaleTransform() method. You can also supply a custom matrix transformation by assigning the Graphics object’s Transform property.

PSet() method

There is no method that can draw a single pixel on a graphics surface. You can simulate it using the DrawLine(), DrawRectangle(), or FillRectangle() methods and providing very precise coordinates. Another way to draw a single point is to create a single-point bitmap and draw the bitmap onto the canvas. The Bitmap class does have a SetPixel method:

	' ----- Draw a red pixel at (5,5).
	Dim tinyBitmap As New Bitmap(1, 1)
	tinyBitmap.SetPixel(0, 0, Color.Red)
	e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(tinyBitmap, 5, 5)
Point() method

While the Graphics object does not let you query the color of an individual pixel, you can do so with a Bitmap object. This object’s GetPixel() method returns a Color object for the specified pixel.

Line() method

Replaced by the DrawLine() method.

Circle() method

Replaced by the DrawEllipse() and FillEllipse() methods.

PaintPicture() method

Replaced by the DrawImage() method.

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