Converting the Lettercase of a String


You want to convert a string to uppercase or lowercase.


Use the UPPER() or LOWER() function. If they don’t work, see Converting the Lettercase of a Stubborn String.


The UPPER() and LOWER() functions convert the lettercase of a string:

mysql>SELECT thing, UPPER(thing), LOWER(thing) FROM limbs;
| thing        | UPPER(thing) | LOWER(thing) |
| human        | HUMAN        | human        |
| insect       | INSECT       | insect       |
| squid        | SQUID        | squid        |
| octopus      | OCTOPUS      | octopus      |
| fish         | FISH         | fish         |
| centipede    | CENTIPEDE    | centipede    |
| table        | TABLE        | table        |
| armchair     | ARMCHAIR     | armchair     |
| phonograph   | PHONOGRAPH   | phonograph   |
| tripod       | TRIPOD       | tripod       |
| Peg Leg Pete | PEG LEG PETE | peg leg pete |
| space alien  | SPACE ALIEN  | space alien  |

To convert the lettercase of only part of a string, break it into pieces, convert the relevant piece, and put the pieces back together. Suppose that you want to convert only the initial character of a string to uppercase. The following expression accomplishes that:


But it’s ugly to write an expression like that each time you need it. For convenience, define a stored function:

mysql>CREATE FUNCTION initial_cap (s VARCHAR(255))
    -> RETURN CONCAT(UPPER(LEFT(s,1)),MID(s,2));

You can then capitalize initial characters more easily like this:

mysql>SELECT thing, initial_cap(thing) FROM limbs;
| thing        | initial_cap(thing) |
| human        | Human              |
| insect       | Insect             |
| squid        | Squid              |
| octopus      | Octopus            |
| fish         | Fish               |
| centipede    | Centipede          |
| table        | Table              |
| armchair     | Armchair           |
| phonograph   | Phonograph         |
| tripod       | Tripod             |
| Peg Leg Pete | Peg Leg Pete       |
| space alien  | Space alien        |

For more information about writing stored functions, see Chapter 16.

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