Doing a Direct Lookup

Most kinds of business documents have a reference number, such as a purchase requisition or invoice number. When you know the number, you can use it directly to display the document:

  1. From the Purchasing screen, choose Requisition, Display. The Display Purchase Requisition: Initial screen appears.

  2. Enter the Purchase Requisition number you recorded from Lesson 7 ("Creating a Document") in the Purchase requisition field (see Figure 9.1).

    Figure 9.1. When you know the number, you can enter it here.

  3. Press Enter. The Display Purchase Requisition: Item Overview screen appears. As you can see in Figure 9.2, the fields are grayed out (shaded). This is SAP R/3's way of telling you that these fields are display-only; you can't type in them. The only fields not shaded are the item selection boxes and the starting line item field (the white boxes to the left and the white box in the lower-left corner).


    The Starting Line-Item Field The screen normally lists approximately the first eight line items on the document, starting with line-item 1. However, if you type 50 into this field and press Enter, your display will start with line item 50 instead. This makes it easier to work with long documents in which many line items are listed, or to go to an item in a long requisition.

    Figure 9.2. Displaying the line items.

  4. Click the selection box beside the second item to display more detail, and then click the Details screen button. The Display Purchase Requisition: Item 00020 screen appears (see Figure 9.3).

    Figure 9.3 shows the same item you saw on line 2 of the previous screen, but with more fields showing. (Notice that line item number 20 shows in the title bar.) In this format, all the fields are display-only.

    You can see that the Requisnr. field has the value that you entered in Lesson 7.

    Figure 9.3. You're looking at the details for line item 20.


    Viewing Multiple Line Items If you want to see several line items, you can click all their selection boxes, and then browse through them in order by clicking the Details screen button and pressing Enter after each item.

  5. Click the Back tool button to return to the Purchasing screen.


Accessing Different Screens Different kinds of screens may be associated with every kind of document and are accessible from screen buttons. One additional screen available in the current example is the Text Overview screen. (For more details on text entry, see Lesson 14, "Editing Text.")


Additional Screens Just because SAP R/3 provides the additional screens doesn't mean you need to use them at your company or for every kind of record.

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