Conventions and Features

You can save time when you use this book by understanding how the Step by Step series shows special instructions, keys to press, buttons to click, and so on.




Numbered steps guide you through hands-on exercises in each topic.

A round bullet indicates an exercise that has only one step.

This icon at the beginning of a chapter reminds you to install the files used in the exercises.

This icon indicates a new or greatly improved feature in this version of Microsoft Windows.


This section provides a helpful hint or shortcut that makes working through a task easier.


This section points out information that you need to complete the procedure.


This section shows you how to fix a common problem.

When a button is referenced in a topic, a picture of the button appears in the margin area.


A plus sign (+) between two key names means that you must press those keys at the same time. For example, "Press ALT + TAB" means that you hold down the ALT key while you press TAB.

Boldface type

Program features that you click or press are shown in black boldface type.

Blue italic type

Terms explained in the glossary are shown in blue italic type.

Red boldface type

Text that you are supposed to type appears in red boldface type in the procedures.

Italic type

Folder paths, URLs, and emphasized words appear in italic type.

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