Appendix A. Flat File Data Sources

To test the examples in this book, you need the flat file data sources listed in Table B.1. All the files can be found in the ZIP file accompanying this book.

Table B.1. Flat files data sources and usage instructions
NoFile NameUsed InInstruction
1product2-1.txtChapter 2Copy to the mysqldatadw directory and rename to product.txt
2product2-2.txtChapter 2Delete product.txt, copy this file to mysqldatadw directory, and change its name to product.txt
3customer2.csvChapter 2Delete customer.csv, copy this file to the mysqldatadw directory, and change its name to customer.csv
4customer8.csvChapter 8Delete customer.csv, copy this file to the mysqldatadw directory, and change its name to customer.csv
5product8.txtChapter 8Delete product.txt, copy this file to the mysqldatadw directory, and change its name to product.txt
6customer10.csvChapter 10Delete customer.csv, copy this file to mysqldatadw directory, and change its name to customer.csv
7promo_schedule.csvChapter 11 
8campaign_session.csvChapter 16 
9ragged_campaign.csvChapter 16 
10factory19.csvChapter 19Copy to the mysqldatadw directory and change its name to product.txt, and then change its name again to factory.csv
11non_straight_campaign.csvChapter 20 
12product21.txtChapter 21Rename product.txt back to product8.txt, then rename this file to product.txt
13zip_code.csvChapter 23 
14customer23.csvChapter 23Rename customer.csv back to customer10.csv, then rename this file to customer.csv
15factory23.csvChapter 23Rename factory.csv back to factory19.csv, then rename this file to factory.csv

You should follow the instructions in the Instruction column carefully, especially when testing these three flat files, customer.csv, factory.csv, and product.txt.

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