Books are a team effort. There are too many people to thank for this one, but I’ll name a few who were instrumental: Kristen, for believing in me more than I did. Jim Levine, for being the best agent an author could ask for. My editors, Hollis Heimbouch and Colleen Lawrie, for guiding everything—and for dealing with my neuroses. My business partners Joe Coleman and Dave Goldberg, for generously supporting me in this endeavor while building a company. Frank Morgan, Esq., for all the research, writing help, fact checking, and moral support. Brandon, for constantly saying, “I’m so excited for your book!” and Natalie, for frequently commiserating. Drew, for telling me what was boring, and Andrew, for making sure I didn’t turn into a slug in the process. My fact checkers: Taylor Beck (Fast Company), Chuck Wilson (the New York Times), and Elise Craig (Wired), for saving me from myself. My parents, for everything. All my friends at Contently who believe in the power of great stories. Adam Bair, for getting me my first newspaper job and inspiring me to move to New York. The Starbucks on Forty-Ninth Street and Eighth Avenue, for letting me live in the corner chair for twelve months, and for all the free drinks. And to all the other teachers and friends whose names I have not space to list: my deepest gratitude. The secret word is kangaroo.

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