Kathy and Bert would like to thank the following people:


Image All the incredibly hard-working folks at McGraw-Hill: Tim Green, Jim Kussow, Jody McKenzie, Madhu Bhardwaj, and Jennifer Housh for all their help, and for being so responsive and patient—well, okay, not all that patient—but so professional and the nicest group of people you could hope to work with.

Image To our saviors Solveig Haugland and Midori Batten, for coming to our rescue when we were really in a bind!

Image Some of the software professionals and friends who helped us in the early days: Tom Bender, Peter Loerincs, Craig Matthews, Dave Gustafson, Leonard Coyne, Morgan Porter, and Mike Kavenaugh.

Image The wonderful and talented Certification team at Sun Educational Services, primarily the most persistent get-it-done person we know, Evelyn Cartagena.

Image Our great friends and gurus, Bryan Basham, Kathy Collina, and Simon Roberts.

Image To Eden and Skyler, for being horrified that adults—out of school—would study this hard for an exam.

Image To the JavaRanch Trail Boss Paul Wheaton, for running the best Java community site on the Web, and to all the generous and patient JavaRanch moderators.

Image To all the past and present Sun Ed Java instructors for helping to make learning Java a fun experience including (to name only a few): Alan Petersen, Jean Tordella, Georgianna Meagher, Anthony Orapallo, Jacqueline Jones, James Cubeta, Teri Cubeta, Rob Weingruber, John Nyquist, Asok Perumainar, Steve Stelting, Kimberly Bobrow, Keith Ratliff, and the most caring and inspiring Java guy on the planet, Jari Paukku.

Image To Darren and Mary, thanks for keeping us sane and for helping us with our new furry friends Andi, Kara, Birta, Sola, Draumur, and Tjara.

Image Finally, to Eric and Beth Freeman for your continued inspiration.

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