Chapter 7
Perfect Phrases for Employee Orientation


As the old proverb says, “Well begun is half-done.” While we’re at it, let’s also recall the proverb “a stitch in time saves nine.” It’s worth our time to start employees out right. Too often orientation means showing new hires their work space and running off to fight a fire or resolve a crisis. Since we never get a second chance at a first impression, we need our Perfect Phrases to help our new employees feel welcome and oriented.

Perfect Orientation Phrases to Greet and Welcome

image We are glad you are here because . . .

image We are looking forward to having someone here with your experience in . . .

image Let me introduce you. This is (Name) and (he, she) is responsible for . . .

image We know what it’s like to be new, and we’re here to help the transition go smoothly.

image We have the following measures to help you through the inevitable learning curve.

image When you get stuck, here’s what you do.

image When you need help, this is whom you turn to.

image If we get caught up in our own activities and forget to anticipate what you will need, let us know.

image What questions do you have now?

Perfect Orientation Phrases to Introduce the New Employee to the Company

image The history, mission, and goals of the (department, company, organization) are . . . Here’s where you can get more information on them.

image Let me show you the organizational chart. If you direct a communication to the wrong person, we’ll redirect you.

image The employee handbook actually is a great source of information for you. Please review it and bring me your questions. Then we can highlight what we see as the most relevant policies.

image Here is the operating manual from the person who had the job before you. I expect it will be useful, and I also know you will develop your own approaches.

image Security information and your ID card are available at the . . .

image Benefits information is available through . . .

image If you have any safety concerns or injuries contact . . .

image The parking info you need is . . .

Perfect Orientation Phrases to Reinforce Disciplinary Policies

Some of these phrases address information that should be in the company manual. When we verbalize them, we reinforce them, and the policies find their way into our employee’s awareness.

image We require our employees to dress according to the following dress code. (Code.)

image Our absenteeism policy is (detail).

image As our manual states, employment here is at will. That means either one of us can end your employment at any time.

image If you ever need to file a grievance, this manual tells you how. I can help, unless the grievance is with me, of course. I’m planning on that not happening, but if it should, contact . . .

image Our policy about proprietary information is . . .

image Other key policies that all employees need to know before starting their jobs are . . .

Perfect Orientation Phrases to Get New Employees Started

image Please start by attending to the . . . If you need me, the best time and the best way to reach me is . . .

image Your job responsibilities are . . . We will meet to clarify them on (date), and we can see if they need to be adjusted.

image Please review your position description so we can discuss expectations and standards.

image Your workdays and hours are . . . Is that what you expected?

image Your position description provides the framework and essential job duties for your scope of responsibility.

image The position description provides clarity on priorities and helps you understand how you will be evaluated.

Perfect Orientation Phrases to Establish Feedback

image Plan to meet with me (weekly, daily, twice weekly, etc.) for the first six months.

image Regular meetings provide an opportunity to clear up misunderstandings, clarify priorities, and develop a synergistic working relationship.

image So I can coordinate and oversee you and so you can do your job, we need to be completely honest with each other about how things are going.

image My goal is to empower you to handle issues on your own as soon as possible. In the beginning you can expect me to be very involved. That will decrease as you learn the ropes.

image Initially, if you have any questions about (item), bring them to me and let me decide.

image Initially, if you have any questions about (item), bring them to me and we’ll decide how to handle it.

image If you have any questions about (item), decide what to do and let me know what you decided.

image Decide about (item) on your own. Don’t worry about telling me about it unless you want to.

image You are free to make decisions about (item) without consulting me.

image If you have any issues that require immediate attention, here’s how you can get hold of me.

image I prefer to hear from team members during (times). If something needs immediate attention, contact me immediately.

Perfect Orientation Phrases to Introduce the New Employee to the Culture

image Office etiquette around here is to (return calls within three hours, clean the coffeepot when less than one cup remains, etc.).

image The way people socialize around here is (lunch, birthday parties, social activities, etc.).

image Generally the culture is (casual, formal, driven, competitive, cooperative, etc.).

image Always copy (Name) on anything related to (item).

image The standard format for letters and memos is (format).

image A great way to build relationships between colleagues, supervisor, and staff is to (method).

image Our company has a (softball, bowling, racquetball, etc.) team. All employees are welcome to participate. If you’re interested, talk to (Name).

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