Chapter 14
Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews


For many employees, performance review means a scary, unpredictable end-of-year review session with a manager who is out of touch with the tasks they perform every day. Some managers may feel the same way. To counteract this perception, I advocate interim reviews to address problems and issues before the official review. Managers who provide interim reviews find the final review to be a celebration of great performance because they’ve handled performance issues already. Then the final review becomes an opportunity to celebrate success and move forward.

These phrases apply to interim reviews as well as to the final reviews.

Perfect Phrases to Announce Performance Reviews and Recommend Employee Preparation

image Your performance review is scheduled for (date).

image To prepare, please review your performance goals over (time since previous review).

image Please review your job description and bring suggestions about how to update it.

image Please reflect on what goals you want to target for the next review period.

image I would like to meet with you for a performance evaluation (date, time). In the meeting I’ll review your performance over the past (time frame). I invite you to review my performance as your manager.

Perfect Phrases to Set Expectations and Create Ease

image I know these reviews can be a bit nerve-racking. I get nervous about them too!

image It’s not my job to criticize you, but to help you get better at what you do.

image I arranged to give you my full attention here.

image The purpose of this meeting is to take a look at where you are strong, where you could improve, where you want to go, and how to get you there.

image I also see these reviews as a chance for me to see how well I’ve been doing my job in supporting you.

image To make the most of this time, let’s regard ourselves as partners in this meeting.

image One reason I like reviews is that they give me the opportunity to tell you what I appreciate about you. I get to sing your praises and you won’t stop me.

image This review gives me the opportunity to help you achieve your goals.

image This review gives us the opportunity to address our concerns.

image What do you see as the best outcome for this meeting?

image This isn’t a one-way lecture. Your participation is important because what we come up with together will be far better than anything I could come up with on my own. I’m here to learn from you and to invite you to learn from me.

Perfect Phrases to Review Past Performance

image Let’s see how you did and how you want to do going forward.

image I’m holding my calls to give you my full attention.

image I have your records here.

image Let’s review each job standard and goal separately.

image Let’s see how your standards and your performance compare.

image Let’s see how your goals and your performance compare.

image Your performance in (example) is exceptional.

image You’re making a difference here by (example).

image I’m impressed by (example).

image Your standards in the area of (area) are (standard) and your performance was at the level of (performance).

image Your performance (met, exceeded, fell short of) standards by (measure).

image Your performance (met, exceeded, fell short of) your goals by (measure).

image Let’s compare notes.

image What are you most proud of?

image I try to give consistent, ongoing feedback. To help me find out how well I’m doing that, I’d like you to start to see how well your thoughts match mine. What do you think you’re doing well or excelling in? In what areas have you improved? In what areas do you need to improve?

Perfect Phrases to Address Poor Performance During the Performance Review

As a reminder, if we manage well between reviews, we won’t need corrective phrases during them. Corrective phrases have more of a place in interim reviews. But if we haven’t been consistent with those, we will need to use them in our final reviews too.

image Let’s talk about the areas for improvement.

image What do you think of your performance?

image What areas would you like to improve?

image What area of your performance do you see as not being as strong as it should or could be?

image Do you think you are meeting your standards and goals? If not, why not?

image Given the standards, we need to look at your performance in the area of (area).

image Let’s talk about your progress toward (goal).

image Here is where I see a need for improvement.

image You are expected to (expectation). Here is what you did (performance). That discrepancy has the impact on the company and your co-workers of (impact).

image Does this performance concern you as it does me? Why or why not?

image Are you surprised by this rating?

image Why do you think it’s important to us that you bring your performance up to standards? Why do you think it’s important to you? How do you think it impacts others?

image Is there anything unclear about the standards?

Perfect Phrases to Set Goals During Interim Meetings or the Performance Review

image Let’s take a look at setting new goals.

image The best goals are collaborated goals.

image Where do you see room to do your job better than the standards call for?

image Although you are meeting job standards in the area of (area), I believe you are capable of more. Do you agree?

image How would it benefit the company for you to target a higher standard in that area? How can you see it benefiting you?

image What strengths do you want to develop?

image What specifically can you do to enhance those skills?

image Where would you like to be in five years?

image What skills do you want to develop immediately?

image I recommend you improve those skills by (recommendation). Do you have ideas of how to go about it?

image How would improving those skills directly enhance your job?

image I suggest we measure success by (metric). What would you recommend?

image This goal is set to be achieved by (date).

image Based on last year’s results, is this a realistic goal? Are you willing to completely commit to it?

Perfect Phrases to Create an Improvement Plan

image Let’s work together to create a performance improvement plan to bring your performance level up.

image I believe you can do a great job with help to make that happen. What help would that be?

image I am committed to your success. I will partner with you to make this happen.

image I support you 100 percent and will let others know where I stand.

image What training would help you with the skills you need?

image What coaching do you need from me?

image Am I giving you the resources you need to do your job?

image What are the obstacles toward being able to (performance standard)?

image Can you agree to this plan?

image Will you commit to this plan in writing?

image Let’s review the effectiveness of this plan when we meet (date).

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