Chapter 15
Perfect Phrases for Ending Employment


When the appropriate coaching sessions don’t bring positive results and standards remain unmet, or when an employee must be discharged for non-performance-related reasons, it is tough to find the words. In the case of a performance-related termination of employment (note: not termination of the employee!), if we’ve done our jobs, they already know. Make employment severance as quick and clean as possible, and preserve as much of the employee’s dignity as you can. The conversation will have three parts:

1. Opening

2. Brief explanation

3. Closing

Perfect Phrases to Open the Severance-Due-to-Performance Meeting

image I am sorry it has come to this.

image I suspect you know what this meeting is about.

image Please sit down. We have come to a final decision regarding your employment.

Perfect Phrases to Explain the Situation of Severance Due to Performance

image We gave you warnings and your performance is still not at an acceptable level.

image In our prior meetings we outlined the standards you must meet to stay on with us and you haven’t met them.

image Despite warnings, your performance has not reached an acceptable level.

image I am forced to terminate your employment.

image Today will be your final day of employment.

image The reasons for this are the ones we have discussed and that are on file.

image This decision is final. It was based on your inability to rebound from two unsatisfactory performance reviews.

Perfect Phrases to Open the Severance-Due-to-Cutbacks Meeting

image It’s hard for me to tell you this. I know it’s harder for you to hear it.

image I wish it could be different, but I am not in control here.

image This is one of the hardest things I have to do.

Perfect Phrases to Explain the Situation of Severance Due to Cutbacks

image Budget cutbacks force the elimination of your position.

image Despite our efforts to avoid having to do this, your job has been eliminated.

image Sometimes reality requires me to let go of people I value. That’s what is happening now. I have to terminate your employment effective immediately.

image I understand that (another company) is looking for people with your qualifications.

image HR has a few leads for other jobs.

image How can I help you pull resources together?

image Personnel will discuss your final pay and collect your office keys.

image Talk to me. I can’t change it, but I can listen and understand.

Perfect Phrases to Reaffirm the Employee and Close the Meeting

image I wish this could have been resolved otherwise.

image I hope you find work that suits you.

image I sincerely wish you good luck in your next position.

image (Shake hands.) Good luck. Please contact (Name) if you have any questions about (your noncompete agreement, severance package, handing off work, COBRA, etc.).

image I will be happy to provide a reference stating (comments).

image As you know, we have procedures when employment is ended. I’d like to be able to let you take your time to tie things up, and the fact that I can’t does not reflect how I feel about you personally.

Perfect Phrases to Answer Common Severance Questions

image These are the terms of your employment termination.

image Your last day is . . .

image Regarding bonuses you are eligible for . . .

image Regarding accumulated sick leave and vacation time you haven’t taken . . .

image Regarding pension, profit sharing, and saving plans . . .

image You will receive your last paycheck on (date).

image You (will, will not) be eligible for unemployment insurance.

image Let’s go over what I will say to prospective employers if we receive a signed release from them.

image We will notify you any time someone requests information.

image Let’s go over what we’ll tell your co-workers and clients about your no longer working at this company.

image Your medical and insurance benefits (will, will not) continue.

image We do require that you return company property such as a car, pager or cellular phone, and keys by (time).

image You (can, cannot) say good-bye to everyone before you go.

image The way for you to go to your work area to get your personal things is (guidelines).

image You have the (hour, day, week) to gather your belongings.

image We (do, do not) want you to complete pending projects.

image To pass on your work to other employees, we ask that you . . .

image Whatever questions remain after today can be directed to . . .

image We will handle your pending appointments by . . .

Perfect Phrases to Tell the Workforce About an Employment Termination

image (Name’s) employment has been terminated effective . . .

image To protect privacy, I won’t go into details.

image If any of you has concerns about this, we can discuss them privately.

image To cover (his, her) responsibilities we need to work together.

image I’ll need your help to figure out how we can keep things running smoothly.

image What suggestions do you have for handling this?

image Let’s plan the transition.

image If this creates a particular hardship for any of you, please let me know.

Perfect Phrases for the Exit Interview

If an exit interview is for employment that ended in termination, it is best if someone who was not involved in the employment termination conducts it. Here are some phrases.

image The purpose of this meeting is to exchange information about your perception of the company and how it treats employees. We also want to tie up loose ends about the severance.

image Do you feel management communicates well?

image Is there anything you believe we should know regarding your experience here?

image What changes would help employees do their jobs better?

image What questions remain?

image Let’s review the noncompete agreement.

image Have you returned all company items?

Perfect Phrases to Manage Remaining Employees After Layoffs

Statistics show that fewer than half of companies experience increased profits after layoffs.1 This is largely attributed to the fact that surviving employees have a sense of demoralization and anxiety. While there isn’t a panacea to instantly resolve the challenges of layoffs, good layoff management can help. Here are some phrases for that.

image The recent layoffs have increased everyone’s workload, including mine. But I know this is the time we need to stay in sync with each other most. I will increase my availability through the transition by . . .

image I won’t pretend things aren’t tough. Here’s what we’re doing to weather the storm.

image Between the Internet and the rumors, you’ve heard or guessed about what’s going on. Talk to me, and I’ll tell you what I know and what I don’t know, and if there are things I can’t tell you yet, I’ll admit it to you.

image I don’t know what we will do about (situation), but I’ll let you know as soon as I do.

image I understand the layoffs have created trauma and disruption, and while I’d like to pretend we can all get over it by Monday, I know the process takes time.

image I know it’s weird to come to work and not see (Name) anymore. It will take time for all of us to adjust.

image It’s hard to understand why we’d let someone as valuable as (Name) go. We did it because . . .

image If you have any more questions about why we laid (Name) off or how we’re going to adjust, please ask.

image I can understand why you’re angry about the layoffs.

image We’re all anxious about the layoffs. Let’s get clear about our direction so we can focus that anxiety into energy.

image I can’t fix it, but I can listen.

image It’s tough right now. I believe we’re going to turn this around because . . .

image Let’s lay our situation on the table and do some action planning as a team.

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