Chapter 16
Perfect Phrases for Virtual and Face-to-Face Meetings and Announcements


Meetings are tough enough to manage when everyone is in the room. When we lead virtual meetings, we have special challenges. New skills and habits will help us create clarity when meeting attendees can’t see each other. We also need to teach attendees how to best communicate virtually.

Perfect Phrases to Start a Virtual Meeting

image This is (Name). Before we start with the agenda, I want to explain our telecommunication guidelines.

image Please give us your full attention. Just because we can’t see you doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter if you do other things.

image Please be aware that there might be people listening whom you don’t know about. Someone might have you on speakerphone where others in the office can hear.

image If you have questions before I open the floor, handle them by . . .

image I (invite, ask you to hold) questions as I present the main focus of the call.

image I will keep the phone lines open to encourage dialogue. If there is background noise, please mute yourself by . . .

image This is (Name). When you speak, please identify yourself, as I just did.

image If you’re listening with speakerphone, please pick up the phone to speak.

image Does everyone understand what we are trying to accomplish today?

image (Name), how does that sound to you?

image Thanks, all of you. Does this make sense?

image We seem to be at an impasse. Let’s take this (issue, topic) offline for additional work and discuss it again next week. I’ll reach out to each of you individually over the next (hour, day, week) to discuss it more and get back to the group with a summary of the individual input. The next agenda item is . . .

image Excuse me, team. We’re all talking at once. Let’s go around the table on this one. Let’s each take thirty seconds to give input. (Name), I’d like for you to start.

Perfect Phrases to Start Both Virtual and Face-to-Face Meetings

The following phrases apply to starting both virtual and face-to-face meetings.

image The purpose of this meeting is to . . .

image The agenda covers the following points . . .

image (Name) will ensure we stick to the times allotted for each point.

image Please be brief.

image Please give the meeting your full attention. Tweeting and texting doesn’t just distract you; it takes away from the entire group.

Perfect Phrases to Keep Meetings on Track

One of the biggest complaints people have about both virtual and face-to-face meetings is that they go on too long and are unproductive. Use these Perfect Phrases to keep your meetings on track.

image That’s outside the scope of this meeting. Let’s table that discussion and get back on target.

image That’s not why we’re here today. Let’s return to the main focus of today’s meeting.

image We’ll schedule that for another time.

image We’re beginning to lose sight of the main point.

image That is off topic. If it really is a pressing issue, we can accommodate it by tabling our discussion of (item). Do we want to do that?

image What do we need now to make a decision?

image Are we ready to decide?

image We have ten minutes. What do we need to do to accomplish our goals in that time?

image That’s all the time we have today.

Perfect Phrases to Emphasize a Point

Pay careful attention to my next point. When we make points we really want people to remember, a simple phrase for emphasis can drive the point home. Here are a few.

image Pay careful attention to my next point.

image The key point is . . .

image If you remember one point, remember this . . .

image Listen carefully to what I am about to say.

image Here is the main point.

image This is particularly important.

image Here is what matters most.

image Here is an interesting fact.

image Everyone, please write this down.

image This next point is critical.

Perfect Phrases to Handle Interruptions

image Excuse me, I wasn’t done yet.

image Let me finish. I’m almost done.

image Hear me out, and I will do the same for you.

image Just one more minute and I’ll be done.

image Allow me to complete my point.

image I want to hear your point after I have completed mine.

image Hold that thought until I’ve completed mine.

Perfect Phrases to Solicit Opinions

image What do you think about this proposal?

image Would you like to add anything, (Name)?

image Who else has something to contribute?

image What’s the best way to get this done?

image If you did have an objection to this initiative, what would it be?

image What other comments are there?

image Please tell me what you like about this (plan, procedure, idea, etc.).

image What would make you like this plan more?

image What could conceivably go wrong with this in the worst possible scenario?

image What do you think of this? I’m looking for fodder, not answers.

image Do you see a better way of doing this?

image What have I overlooked?

image Let’s go around the room and ask at least one question each. If we are making any assumptions, let’s find out now.

image I want to make sure my instructions are clear. What is your understanding of what I just said?

image What did I leave out?

image What would you like reviewed?

image What do you recommend our first step to be?

image Take a moment and summarize our discussion so far.

image What main points stand out in what we said?

image Let’s see if I communicated well. What did you hear me say?

image We (I) can’t do this alone. Your input is crucial.

image I need to hear from those of you who have not spoken yet.

Perfect Phrases to Comment on Opinions

image I never thought about it that way before.

image Good point!

image That’s an option. I’d like to get some more to work with, though.

image I get your point.

image I see what you mean.

image Tell me more.

image What else?

image Exactly!

image Very insightful.

image I have to agree with (name of participant).

image Up to a point I agree with you. What I question is . . .

image I can see why you see it that way, but have you considered . . . ?

image Explain to me how that can work.

image I don’t see what you mean. Could we have some more details please?

image I’m listening to you but I don’t understand. What do you mean by . . . ?

image That wasn’t what I was looking for, but it is an excellent point.

Perfect Phrases to Correct Information

image I can tell I wasn’t clear.

image I need to clarify.

image That’s not the point I intended.

image That’s not what I meant.

image Let me state it another way.

image Let me say this.

image There seems to be a misunderstanding here.

Perfect Phrases to Focus Decisions

image How do we turn that into action?

image What do (you, we) need to decide?

image In order for me to decide, I still need . . .

image What do you suggest we do about this?

image What do you conclude from that?

image What do you see as the next step?

image If you had to choose a course of action now, what would it be?

image What do we want to have completed by our next meeting?

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