Chapter 17
Perfect Phrases to Empower the Team


I say that successful managers make themselves obsolete. I also say that a really good manager is one who can go on vacation without needing to field phone calls to fight fires. That happens when staff is empowered to do their jobs autonomously. I have included acknowledgment and appreciation phrases in my empowerment section because appreciation is a huge empowerment tool. Perfect Phrases that empower help us express appreciation, motivate employees, and help our teams do their jobs independently.

Perfect Phrases to Show Appreciation

image When you did (action), it made my job easier because . . .

image I am thrilled that you took care of that without my having to get involved.

image You handled that so well I’m feeling unnecessary—and that’s a good thing.

image My formal job is to oversee you, but it seems like my real job is to congratulate you.

image I would have missed that had it not been for you.

image Your idea made the difference because (reason).

image This (report, project, etc.) is exceptional because . . .

image That was true genius.

image I am impressed by (action) because . . .

image I like working with you because . . .

image I can tell you are skilled with (skill set) by the way . . .

image I respect your mastery of detail in how you . . .

image You worked hard and you did it!

image I respect your deep understanding of . . .

image Thank you for consistently going out of your way to . . .

image Your professionalism is shown by . . .

image The time and thought you put into (project, initiative, etc.) is evident by the way you . . .

image You handled the details of (project) beautifully.

image I know it wasn’t easy to (task) but you did it!

image You are an asset to the team because . . .

image You simplified this process in ways I never imagined.

Perfect Phrases to Motivate

image You have the power to make this happen.

image This is not something just anyone could do, but I know you can.

image I can see the skills you’ll acquire from this task being valuable for you throughout your career.

image The job you do on this will help us fulfill our mission and vision.

image If you give it your best, I see two outcomes: growth and success.

image Take this on like you can’t fail and know I’m here cheering you on.

image I see what you accomplished last quarter, and I get very excited to imagine what you can do going forward.

image Here is what we are facing, and it’s up to us to turn it around. I believe we can.

image I am confident in our ability to overcome this issue and be stronger for having done so.

image If this were easy, everyone would do it. Everyone is not doing it, and we are. I’m proud to be on a team like this.

image I am committed to your success.

image Let’s focus on what we want rather than what we don’t want.

image I know we can create the future we want. We just need to agree what that is.

image Just because it hasn’t been done does not mean we can’t do it.

image We can find a better way.

image I always appreciate your way of looking at things.

image I’m optimistic about what we will accomplish.

image This company’s future is in our hands.

Perfect Phrases to Empower Audibles and to Create Autonomy

image Your input is important to me. How would you solve this?

image I’d like your input before I make my decision.

image I find most employees are too busy trying to figure out what I want rather than figuring out what doing a good job means. What I want is for you to figure out what doing a good job means, even if that means renegotiating your job description.

image Please bring me two or three possible solutions and we will decide this together. It’s true I am the manager, but I would not want to implement a solution that doesn’t work for you.

image If you were the manager, what would you suggest?

image What have you tried so far?

image I want you to stretch the boundaries of your job.

image What have you done yourself to eliminate the obstacles?

image How does it appear to you?

image This is a decision you can make without consulting me.

image We’ve set the plan, but use your judgment if you need to call an audible.

image How would you handle this situation if I weren’t available?

image If I’m not available and things change, call an audible.

image Have you applied all the guidelines yourself before bringing this to me?

image If you did know how to handle the situation, what would you do?

image How have you handled this in the past?

image I appreciate how you handled that one on your own.

image In the future I would like you to make your own decisions about (area).

image We have a budget of (amount) for this project. I trust you to decide how to apply it.

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