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Accessories, 113–114

Actors/athletes (celebrity trap), 71–72

Adrenaline, 15

Adversity, dealing with, 31, 32

Alcohol breath, 99–100

Ali, Muhammad, 34–35

Amway Corporation, 64

Anger, 33

Anticipate/look ahead, 227

Appearance. See Dress the part

Apple Computer, 117

Applebee’s, 179

Appointment book, 54, 55

Armstrong, Lance, 6

Armstrong, Louis, 161

Ash, Mary Kay, 65

Athletes/actors (celebrity trap), 71–72

Attitude. See Positive attitude

Author’s experiences/beliefs:

accolades, 261

Army injury, 201–202

auto sales:

cutting out Saturday selling days, 20–21

oil embargo, 20

starting out, 32

stay at same dealership, 181

typical day, 78–79

“bending the rules,” 58, 59, 218

biweekly paychecks, 77

boxing heroes, 34–35

call me, not the service

department, 234

catechism classes, 194

charity, favorite, 254

closing the office door, 45

customer service, 45, 134

death of first wife, 37

end-of-the-day analysis, 44

family, 225

fast pace of business, 55

“free loader” customers, 243–244

gambling, 12

Guinness Book of World Records, 174–175

“I Like You” buttons, 159–160

jump-starting the career, 186–188

lectures, breaking the ice, 160–161

lunch, 74, 76, 184

motivational speaker, 230

“my $100,000 lesson,” 195–197

odd jobs while growing up, 129

personal assistants, 79, 183, 187

regulating time, 68

repeat business, 174

sales leadership awards, 80–81

service reps, 75, 166, 187

shoeshine boy, 71, 148, 150

sleeping, 23

smoking, 10–11

spending your own money, 180, 235

spot deliveries, 216–217

studying habits of successful people, xi, 179

stuttering, 129–130

time management, 48, 49, 61–62

vacation, 257

weight loss, 7–8

Auto industry:

employee turnover, 32, 77

“pedal to the floor,” 43

recalls, 23

Bad habits. See Girard’s list of NO-NO’s

Balanced life, 68

Bathing/showering, 109

Be on time, 102–103

Believe (DeVos), 65

Belushi, John, 72

Bird dog (referral) fee, 185–186, 187

Bonds, Barry, 72

Break the shackles of the past, 33

Business vs. pleasure, 73

Call me, not the service department, 234

Casey, Solanus, 194

Celebrity trap, 71–72

Cell phones, 101–102

Chaos, 41, 47

Chaplin, Charlie, 148

Chewing gum, 96

Chewing tobacco, 95

Chip on your shoulder, 161

Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 194

Churchill, Winston, 141

Cigarettes, 10–11, 95–96

Closing the deal, 212

Clothing, 107, 112–115. See also Dress the part

Cobain, Kurt, 72

Cold calling, 59

Cole, Ed, 81, 153

Cologne, 96–97

Commitment, 13, 14, 82, 233, 237

Complainers, 24, 25

Complete person, 242–245

Concentrate on the moment, 85–87

Confident image (air of confidence), 32

Confucius, 55

Coolidge, Calvin, 259

Covering up, 205

Crybabies, 24, 25

Customer-centered focus, 64, 92, 93, 139

Customer relationship building. See Stay in touch

Customer’s postpurchase problems, 221–223

Customer’s sphere of influence, 177

Daily planner, 54, 55

Daly, John, 12, 72

Dandruff, 109

Darwin, Charles, 39

da Vinci, Leonardo, 119

Deception, 199–202

de Leon, Ponce, 38

DeLorean, John, 81, 105, 108, 116

DeVos, Rich, 64, 65

Diamonds Are Forever, 223

Digital harassment, 169

Direct mail, 59, 171–176

Dirty jokes, 98–99

Discipline, 7, 156

Discount coupons, 178–179

Distractions, 29, 30, 64, 68, 76, 82, 93

Donahue, Phil, 153

“Dope ring,” 46, 84, 98

Dress for Success (Molloy), 108

Dress the part, 90–92, 105–120

accessories, 113–114

blue-collar workers/dress down slightly, 107

clothing, 107, 112–115

dress for the occasion, 112–113

hair, 109

makeup, 109–110

nails, 110

posture, 110–111

separate yourself from the pack, 117–118

shaving, 110

shoes, 114–115

showering/bathing, 109

weight control, 110

Drugs, 100

Earrings, 100–101

Effort, 37

Ellington, Duke, 18

End-of-the-day analysis, 44, 45

Enthusiasm, 26

Envy, 80

Exaggerating, 204


celebrity trap, 72

listen, 140

positive attitude, 25

slacking off, 74

smile, 161–162

stay in touch, 190

time management, 53

vacation, 68, 257

Fast-trackers, 260

Fields, W. C., 69

Filing systems, 49

Financial objectives, 59

First impression, 90, 108. See also Dress the part; Girard’s list of NO-NO’s

Fix problems yourself, 58, 59

Ford, Henry, 263

Ford Motor Company, 43

Forgetting, 54

Francis of Assisi, 62

Franklin, Benjamin, 105

“Free loader” customers, 243–244

Frowning, 157–158. See also Smile

Gambling, 12

Gates, Bill, 168

General Motors, 19, 43

Gibbs, Tony, 282

Giffords, Gabrielle, 30–31

Girard, Kitty, 37, 41, 147, 162, 225, 249

Girard, June, 37, 255

Girard’s destiny, 198

Girard’s law of 250, 177, 200

Girard’s list of NO-NO’s, 89–104

alcohol breath, 99–100

be on time, 102–103

cell phones, 101–102

chewing gum, 96

cologne, 96–97

dirty jokes, 98–99

earrings, 100–101

pointers/tips, 94

profanity, 97–98

smoking/chewing tobacco, 95–96

Girard’s success patterns (listen. think. speak.), 138

Girard’s three “I Like You” kisses, 185–186

Goals, 36, 56

Golden rule (customers), 168

Grooming, 109–110. See also Dress the part

Guinness Book of World Records,174–175

Gum, 96

Hair, 109

Have a great life (have no regrets), 268–269

Health, 3–16

commitment, 13

discipline, 7

gambling, 12

moderation, 12–13

physical fitness program, 10, 15

smoking, 10–11

stay the course, 13–14

wanting it bad enough, 16

weight loss, 7–8, 9–10

willpower to change, 14

Hillary, Edmund, 28–29

“Hit the bricks running,” 42, 43

Hollywood actors (celebrity trap), 71–72

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 123

Honesty. See Tell the truth

Houston, Whitney, 72

How to Close Every Sale (Girard), 282

How to Sell Anything to Anybody (Girard), 174, 177, 282

How to Sell Yourself (Girard), 282

Howe, Gordie, 147

“I Like You” buttons, 159–160

“I Like You” cards, 171–174

IBM, 237, 238

Ignoring the customer, 176–177, 178, 233

Imposters of success, 72

Instant ownership, 216–217


honesty. See Tell the truth

listen. See Listen

smile. See Smile

stay in touch. See Stay in touch

Internet, 65, 169

Jackson, Michael, 72

Jealousy, 80

Jennings, Peter, 11

Jobs, Steve, 6, 117

John Daly: My Life In and Out of the Rough (Daly), 12

Johnson, Samuel, 89

Joplin, Janis, 72

Jordan, Michael, 163

Judgmental world, 92

Kelly, Mark, 31

Knowledge of customer/product, 220–221

LaLanne, Jack, 8, 13, 207

Laughter, 159

Laziness, 14, 46, 77, 256

Leave legacy of compassion and commitment, 238–240

Lehman Brothers, 19

Liberace, 188

Lifetime commitment, 237

Lincoln, Abraham, 231

List of priorities, 40–41

Listen, 123–145

complete and undivided attention, 134, 141

don’t jump to conclusions, 127


Girard’s mistake, 135–137

listening with the heart, 144–145

remodeling designer, 133–134

single mom-nurse, 135

family life, 140

guidelines/pointers (12–step approach), 142–143

love analogy, 142

observe by glancing with discretion, 127

positive listening, 138

professionals, other, 139–140

silence, 132, 138

stop talking, 137–139

taking notes, 134

understand customer’s needs and wants, 125

use all your senses, 125–132

“Listen and lock,” 227–229

Lock up every opportunity, 211–230

customer’s postpurchase problems, 221–223

follow-up, 215–216

instant ownership, 216–217

knowledge of customer/product, 220–221

“listen and lock,” 227–229

look ahead/anticipate things, 227

reinforce the relationship, 224

spot deliveries, 216–217

stop talking, 227–229

stupid blunders, 229–230

telephone calls, 224–225

trust, 215–220

women customers, 219–220

Lombardi, Vince, 67

Long-term relationship, 58

Look ahead/anticipate things, 227

Louis, Joe, 35

Luck, 226

Madoff, Bernard, 201

Make it the customer’s decision, 218

Makeup, 109–110

Mantle, Mickey, 72

Mary Kay Cosmetics, 65

Mastering Your Way to the Top (Girard), 282

McDonald’s, 251

Meditation, 44, 136, 167, 265

Middleton, Kate, 156

Missing an appointment, 54, 102, 103, 178

Moderation, 12–13

Modest goals, 63

Molloy, John, 108

Mona Lisa (da Vinci), 156

Monroe, Marilyn, 72

Motivation, 21, 26

Nails, 110

Needs, 36

Negative atmosphere, 24, 25

Negative thinking, 83

Note taking, 134

Nurturing relationships, 236–247

Obesity-related problems, 14

Oil embargo, 20

Olive Garden, 179

Optimist, 158

Organize your life, 39–66

being handcuffed by your plan, 60–61

crises, 50, 51

customer-priority mindset, 64

end-of-the-day analysis, 44, 45

fix problems yourself, 58, 59

“hit the bricks running,” 42, 43

list of priorities, 40–41

match tools to your goals, 60–62

organization as learned skill, 50

organized mindset, 64

planning for tomorrow, 45, 48, 53

prioritization, 63

proverbs/quotations, 62

questions to ask, 56, 57

“rainy days,” 50, 51

raise the bar on expectations, 63–64

refine the plan, 59, 60

role models, 64–65

start with small steps, 60

to-do list, 43, 63

wasting time, 46

write things down, 52–56

Outback Steakhouse, 179

Overcharging (“padding” the price), 200–201

Overselling, 227

Patience, 82

Peale, Norman Vincent, 17, 65, 138, 207, 281

Perfume, 97

Personal observation, 125–129. See also Listen

Personal problems, 29, 30, 152

Pessimist, 158

Peters, Tom, 211

Physical fitness equipment, 13

Physical fitness program, 10, 15

Planning for tomorrow, 45, 48, 53

Positive attitude, 17–38

adversity, dealing with, 31, 32

anger, 33

answer lies inside you, 38

break the shackles of the past, 33

complainers and whiners, 24, 25

confident image (air of confidence), 32

distractions, ignore while at work, 29, 30

effort, 37

enthusiasm, 26

Gabrielle Giffords, 30–31

Edmund Hillary, 28–29

Mark Kelly, 31

Joe Louis, 35

make prospects feel like a million bucks, 26–27

motivation/attitude, contrasted, 18–22

Muhammad Ali, 34–35

needs, wants, goals, 36

personal life (family time), 25

personal problems, 29, 30, 152

“putting in time aimlessly,” 37

smarter execution, 37

stay clear of negative people, 25

transform yourself, 33

Positive listening, 138

Posture, 110–111

Power dressing, 108

Power of Positive Thinking, The (Peale), 17, 65, 138, 207

Power reputation, 240–242


appearance. See Dress the part

attitude. See Positive attitude

health. See Health

importance, 4–5

organize your time. See Organize your life, wasting time

what not to do. See Girard’s list of NO-NO’s

work while you work. See Work while you work

Presley, Elvis, 72

Prioritization, 63

Procrastination, 46

Productivity, 101

Profanity, 97–98

Prompt reply to customer, 178

Psychiatrists, 140

“Put your foot in your mouth,” 139, 228

“Putting in time” aimlessly, 37

“Rainy days,” 50, 51

Raise the bar on expectations, 63–64

Recreational drugs, 100

Red Lobster, 179

Relationship building, 170, 182

Repeat business, 167, 174. See also Stay in touch

Reward yourself, 249–261

don’t “dance” too much at the top, 257–258

long-term reward, 258–259

reenergizing vs. doing nothing, 256–257

ultimate reward (knowing you did your best), 259–261

Roker, Al, 110

Role models, 64–65

Rose, Pete, 72

Ruskin, John, 249

Saperstein, Abe, 194–195

Satisfaction guaranteed, 232. See also Stand in front of everything you do

Save the Children Foundation, 254

Schweitzer, Albert, 268

Sense of humor, 158–159

Service reps, 75, 166, 187

Shakespeare, William, 107

Shared love and courage, 31

Shaving, 110

Shaw, George Bernard, 3, 267

Shoes, 114–115

Showering/bathing, 109

Silence, 132, 138, 227–229

Simpson, O. J., 72

Single women customers, 219–220

Small talk, 76

Smarter execution, 37

Smarter thinking, 58

Smile, 147–162

difficult times, 155–156

family life, 161–162

laughter, 159

make customer feel important, 150, 153

other forms of smiling, 154

put on a happy face, 161

say “I like you,” 159–160

sense of humor, 158–159

share only positive thoughts, 156–157

sincerity/honesty, 153

“the blues,” 152

turn the frown upside down, 157–158

use your whole face, 157

whom to associate with, 158

“Smile” (Chaplin), 148

Smoking, 10–11, 95–96

Socrates, 70

Sorrow, 37

Spending your own money, 180, 235

Spot deliveries, 216–217

Stand in front of everything you do, 231–246

call me, not the service department, 234

complete person, 242–245

leave legacy of compassion and commitment, 238–240

nurturing relationships, 236–247

power of a promise, 232–235

power reputation, 240–242

visionary, 245–246

what to do, 241–242

Start with small steps, 60

Stay in touch, 163–190

additional help, 183, 184, 187

bird dog (referral) fee, 185–186, 187

customer relationship building, 165, 169–170, 182

customer’s sphere of influence, 177

desert-water analogy, 164–165

digital harassment, 169

direct mail, 171–176

entertaining those who can help you, 187

family, 190

Girard’s five initiatives, 186–187

Girard’s three “I Like You” kisses, 185–186

ignoring the customer, 176–177, 178

importance of existing customer base, 166

prompt reply to customer, 178

sounding board for customer’s personal problems, 182

telephone calls, 188–189

unhappy customers, 179–181

what to do, 165, 170

Stopwatch-index card experiment, 84–85

Studying habits of successful people, xi, 179

Stupid blunders, 229–230

Suckers, 69, 70

Taking notes, 134

Tardiness, 102–103

Telephone calls, 188–189, 224–225

Tell the truth, 191–208

consequences of lying, 193, 202

covering up, 205

deception, 199–202

don’t stop trusting, 198–199

dos and don’ts, 203–206

exaggerating, 204

Girard falls prey to lying con artist, 195–197

“little white lies,” 205–206

living a lie, 192–194

“padding” the price (overcharging), 200–201

silence, 202, 203

stretching the truth, 199

temper truth with kindness, 204

trust, 206

Thomas, Lowell, 207, 281

Time management. See Organize your life; Work when you work

Titanic, 226

To-do list, 43, 63

Toyota, 43

Tragedy, 37

Truth. See Tell the truth

Trust, 58, 154, 206, 215–220

Turning your customer off. See Girard’s list of NO-NO’s

Twain, Mark, 191

Tyson, Mike, 72

Understand customer’s needs and wants, 125

Unhappy customers, 179–181

Value of time, 84–85

Van Andel, Jay, 64

Vignettes. See Author’s experiences/beliefs

Visionary, 245–246

Voltaire, 256

Walmart, 232

Walton, Sam, 167, 168, 232, 240

Wanting it bad enough, 16

Wants, 36

“War paint,” 109

Wasting time, 46

Weight loss, 7–10

What not to do. See Girard’s list of NO-NO’s

Whiners, 24, 25

Whom to associate with, 74, 158

Williams, Hank, 72

Winehouse, Amy, 72

Winfrey, Oprah, 9–10

Winning, xvii, 23, 31, 72, 79–80, 227

Women customers, 219–220

Women’s Dress for Success Book, The (Molloy), 108

Woods, Tiger, 72

Work when you work, 29, 30, 67–87

athletes/actors (celebrity trap), 71–72

business vs. pleasure, 73

concentrate on the moment, 85–87

faking, falling, and failing, 70–72

pointers/tips, 72

service reps, 75

stay focused, 73–76, 81

stopwatch-index card experiment, 84–85

strong beginning, then slacking off, 70–71

suckers, 69, 70

typical Joe Girard day, 78–79

value of time, 84–85

whom to associate with, 74

working smart, 82

working the system, 73

Working smart, 82

Working the system, 73

Write things down, 52–56

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