Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize
how close they were to success when they gave up.

Thomas Edison, inventor and scientist


They weren’t really buying a shoeshine; they were being sold Joe Girard.

The purpose of this book is to establish the foundation you need to help realize your most important goals and expectations in life. Whether you’re in sales or service, a different kind of profession, or just searching for a way to make your life more fulfilling and meaningful, My 13 Rules will get you on the winning track to health, happiness, and success.

I’ve had the privilege of writing four very successful books that have sold millions of copies over the years. The book you have in your hands right now goes a step further. It not only captures the essence of what made me the world’s greatest salesperson but, more important, it describes how I overcame difficult obstacles as I powered my way through life. By following my 13 rules, I put a set of gold keys in my hands that not only unlocked the doors to a rewarding and satisfying life, but also gave me a richer experience. They changed who I was as a person and how I lived my life!

My success came making a living in the toughest retail selling game of them all: automobiles. While I certainly had my share of good fortune, there was no luck involved. Since I’m not a superstitious person, I don’t believe in luck. In fact, for me a number like 13 is fantastic! I sold 13,001 brand-new retail vehicles over a 15-year sales career (and threw in one more to remind everyone I was #1 in what I did). I became the world’s greatest salesperson (as attested in the Guinness Book of World Records, audited by the accounting firm Deloitte & Touche) by applying My 13 Rules. I sold more retail big-ticket items, one-at-a-time, than any other salesperson in any retail industry in history including houses, boats, motor homes, insurance, and automobiles. It’s a record that has never been broken!

If you’re browsing this book for the first time in a bookstore, look at some of the other books on the shelves that surround this one. Some of them will have flashy titles that promise you the world, with “secret” steps and formulas to untold wealth and rewards. Others will claim to be written by “experts.” Whenever you see books like these, begin by asking yourself these questions:

image “Were they written by people who have actually had real-life experiences?”

image “Are the claims just armchair psychologists’ theories, or do they really work?”

In other words, “How credible are they?” I call people who make those claims ATANAs because they’re “All Talk and No Action.” Before you tell somebody to do something, it’s a good idea to have first lived the part and walked the talk yourself. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against psychologists. I do have a problem with smug-sounding theories that are hawked as solutions for serious decisions in life.

Many of the books you see on these shelves were written by educated people who studied or learned a few things from other people and then decided to take their message to the street by writing a book. Me? I did it in just the opposite way. I got my street smarts first on the front lines, and then I wrote a book. What approach makes the most sense to you? In the end, it’s all about credibility. That’s exactly what you get with Joe Girard: CREDIBILITY.

I put my foundation for success together when I first got started selling cars and trucks. I analyzed and organized everything I did. I was mainly looking for things I did or had done that might have an impact on the success or failure of a typical workday. I studied the various processes and approaches I used. I compared my methods with others in similar retail businesses. I wanted to know what other successful people were doing. Before long, I had a pile of different ideas. I was basically looking for a success pattern. And I finally found it—the first step up the steep climb to success!

I realized that anything that had to do with a process—like the flow of paperwork, or the order of explaining detailed product features and benefits to a customer—was not where the edge would be that I was looking for. I figured anyone could do that. We all had the same paperwork flow and the same products and information (training manuals, videos, and catalogs). There was clearly no advantage to be gained there. I quickly discarded anything process- or product-related, or anything that had to do with how the dealership operated. At that point, it was very clear there was only one thing left—ME.

By narrowing my focus on me and how I did things, I was able to pinpoint some very special characteristics—13, to be exact. But I was in for a pleasant surprise:

They would apply to everything I did in life, not just work-related things!

I discovered that these 13 traits would form the foundation for (and become) something much bigger. They became My 13 Rules.

I Overcame Adversity and You Can, Too!

The reason I’m so confident you will find this book useful (especially when compared to other books) is because it represents the experience of somebody who is probably a lot like you: struggling to find a way to succeed in life. I know how depressing and discouraging that can be. There will always be intimidating roadblocks in life. The question is, “Do you see them as obstacles or opportunities?”

If you want to become successful, the first rule in life is to build a foundation. That’s what these rules will be focusing on: getting your future planted on some solid ground so you can properly launch your efforts on a targeted course for success.

Looking back, I wish I had gotten my future on solid footing earlier in life. For many years, I found myself “spinning my wheels.” I must have had 40 jobs in a variety of fields. I had no idea what I wanted to do or how to do it. I got absolutely no encouragement at all from my father. It seemed as though the only time he ever talked to me was to remind me I’d never amount to anything. The rest of the time, I was subjected to his beatings. Without knowing it, he actually lit a spark of energy inside me because I so resented his treatment of me. But through her love and encouragement, my mother was the gasoline in my engine. “Show him, Joey. Show him,” she used to whisper to me. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, that was the birth of my burning desire to be somebody.

As luck would have it, even with my rough childhood, I discovered something early on about myself that really helped me. From the time I shined shoes as a nine-year-old kid, trolling the local bars on Detroit’s lower east side where the factory workers would go after work, I had pretty good instincts about “how to make the sale.” I got quite creative in my approach. Even pleading and begging, but with style, became an art form with me. Sure enough, I noticed an increase in customers. I began to believe that a good salesperson could sell anything—because people don’t buy products, they buy people they like and trust who can solve their problems. They weren’t really buying a shoeshine; they were being sold Joe Girard.

I quickly learned the most important thing to sell was the world’s number-one product—YOU! It was a “game-changing” discovery that would prove itself right on the mark years later when I became the world’s number-one salesperson. To this day, in my office, I have a framed picture of me when I was nine years old, on my knees shining a shoe. I keep it there as a constant reminder of where I came from. It was a childhood I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but it’s one I’m also proud of. It was truly where it all started for me.

I couldn’t have been more depressed and disillusioned about life than when I was growing up. As a result, I took a lot of left turns early on, hanging around with the wrong crowds. But for my mother and a special friend, Abe Saperstein, who took me under his wing in his home-building business early on in my working years, I might well have finished up getting into serious trouble.

Although my start was shaky, as I grew older I learned from my failures and experiences. I soon realized that unless I had some idea of what things I should be focusing on to be successful, I was going nowhere. And on top of it all, I had a young family of my own. Nothing will motivate you any faster than a wife and child who need something to eat. Motivation to me meant survival—a bag of groceries for the next couple of days for the ones I loved who were counting on me.

Through many years of trial and error, I eventually did develop a foundation for myself. It wasn’t easy, but I did accomplish it. In fact, I’ve been improving and perfecting it my entire life. My foundation for a successful life has been to continuously sharpen the skills and traits that were major contributors to my success. The result is My 13 Rules. Everything I am about to tell you came from the front lines of life, not from some university term paper or theory. This is how it REALLY is.

Forget About a Magic Formula

If you’re looking for a book on Joe Girard’s “secrets” to success, forget it. Put the book down now. I’ve got a news flash for you:


The elevator to Health, Happiness, and Success is “out of order.” You’ll have to use the stairs, one step at a time, just like I did—a kid expelled from high school with a bad attitude. How about that for a place to launch your future? But it can be done. I am living proof. In spite of setback after setback, whatever the world threw at me, I made it to the top just the same! IF I CAN DO IT, ANYONE CAN!

I never thought for one moment there was a magical set of secret steps or a shortcut to success. I had seen and read about too many of these scam artists who deliberately took people’s money when they were down by promising them a way to the top. I always felt there was something suspicious about that. I never bought into it. Whenever I saw something like that, I always asked myself, “Why? Why the hell would anyone who claimed to have the ’secret’ to success want to give it away by sharing it with others?” If you had something like that, you’d probably hide it and keep it to yourself. Wouldn’t you? In my mind, these promises are no different than the books that claim to pick winners at the racetrack or beat the blackjack table. Believe me, I know from my delinquent days as a teen how easy it is to fall prey to the lure of “easy money” gambling.

As I said up front, there are no shortcuts and no secrets. I will show you how to become successful by using your smarts. If you think there’s another way, forget it. You’re dead. There is no other way.

Let’s be clear about one thing. There’s nothing magical about putting a list together of things you should do to give a good impression. Anyone can do that (and many have). That’s not what this book is about at all. I’m going to take you beyond that kind of shallow thinking and drive into your mind and heart principles that are to be lived by, not just memorized.

What I’m talking about is a cycle of actions you put into motion every day of your life automatically, from the moment you get up in the morning. These principles become who you are. They are what people see whenever you are present. They will see YOU, living and breathing My 13 Rules. You are going to transform yourself starting right now! THAT will be your foundation for success.

How This Book Is Organized

So what are the 13 things I did (and still do) every day that made a positive difference in my performance and in my life? They are My 13 Rules.

If you look carefully at the rules in the Contents, you’ll notice they are grouped into a sequence of four logical categories that follow a very natural cycle and flow:

1. Prepare. Rules 1 to 6 focus on making healthy choices with a positive attitude, having a well-organized plan, being ready to work, and being ready to make the right impression. Be fully prepared before seeing anyone.

2. Interact. Rules 7 to 10 deal with how you interact positively with the people you come in contact with. The emphasis on this group of rules is being sharp, sensitive, and aware. In other words, at your very best.

3. Close the deal. Rules 11 and 12 are all about succeeding in getting your desired outcome. Winning the customer’s confidence is the primary target. Learning to sell yourself is the main objective. Closing the deal will follow naturally from that.

4. Reenergize. Finally, Rule 13 focuses on reenergizing yourself with a reward for a job well done. And believe me, I’m not all work and no play. Whenever I reached or exceeded my goals (which was often), I would reward myself and my wife. You should, too. Celebrate your hard work because you’ll soon be ready to restart the cycle all over again by preparing for your next challenge.

From the moment I got out of bed in the morning until I came home, my day was “locked” into this cycle of My 13 Rules. By preparing well for the day ahead of time, and by demonstrating sharp but caring traits whenever I interacted with customers, I was able to produce a positive environment to help me close the deal practically every time. A reward at the end of it all was how I reenergized myself to remain motivated to do it again and again and again. In fact, when I returned home from one of our trips, I’d be so enthusiastic the next morning that, by the time I actually got to work, I was primed, pumped, and ready to go, with the energy of a conquering lion. That’s how I approach everything I do in life.

I worked hard, often putting in many long hours perfecting my approach to becoming successful. My dedication and commitment to winning was fueled even more when I began to see positive improvements in my performance. The key to all of this was simple—follow the rules. That’s exactly what I did.

How to Read This Book

Each one of the 13 Rules has some very specific things you will need to pay attention to. As you read each of the 13 chapters, the goal is not to memorize the 13 rules, but rather to become them. That’s right—become them. When you “become the rules,” that’s when you’ve really succeeded in understanding them at the highest level. You’ve finally arrived! You’re a changed person. You’re on your way to a rich, rewarding, and personally fulfilling life.

With these rules, I was able to set in motion a positive cycle of actions that would serve me well throughout my sales career and beyond into my personal life. Before long, I found my interactions with family, friends, and others rising to a new level of satisfaction and fulfillment. And it was all because of the principles behind the rules. They’re not just for the office. Take them home with you and be the person you appear to be. That’s when you know you really have something: when you become a better person by living the part.

When you begin to see positive changes start to happen, then (and only then) will you realize that I have succeeded in equipping you with the right tools and values to reach the mountain summits in your life. I’m not just talking about success on the job. I’m talking about success as a spouse, success as a parent, success as a citizen in your community, success as a complete person.

I want to unleash the real you that’s been locked up and blocked from moving forward by your past. I didn’t write this book to entertain you. I wrote it so you could become a more complete, a more fulfilled, and, above all, a better person—in other words, a success. The way to get the most out of this book is to go about reading it the same way you would sit down to a well-prepared meal. You’d want to enjoy and savor the taste of each course from beginning to end. You wouldn’t rush through it because you’d get indigestion. You’d take your time. This book is the same way.

Each course (chapter) has been well prepared and designed to be digested slowly, carefully, and thoroughly. After you read a chapter, put the book down. Think about what you just read. Don’t go on to the next chapter. Speed-reading doesn’t work here. Go slow and soak it up! Meditate on the ideas and concepts. Ask yourself, “How can I make them work in my life?”

You might see something right away you need to change in the way you’re doing things. Don’t wait until you’ve read the entire book to act on my advice. It might even be a few days before you get back to the next chapter. That’s okay. If something isn’t clicking, go back and reread the chapter again until it makes sense to you. When you understand it, then you’re ready to go on to the next chapter.

You’ll be amazed at how much your learning ability will improve if you use this approach to reading this book. The idea is to digest what I’m telling you so you can apply it. Take your time. Unlike the great meal I used as an example, the nice thing about this book is that when you’re finished with it, it’s always there for you to reread again and again. What if you forget something or start slipping back into old habits? Go back and reread the book. Maybe it’s a specific chapter you need to bone up on. Go back again and again as often as you like. Get refreshed and reenergized! If you do this, you will have discovered a dynamic way of learning from a powerful reference book. Keep it near you. You’ll find it especially helpful when you’re experiencing some of life’s “speed bumps” both at home and at work (which happens to all of us from time to time). These rules will provide the spirit-lifting boost and guidance you need at just the right time.

As long as you make an honest effort to adopt the principles of My 13 Rules, you’ll set yourself in motion on a course for success unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before in your life! You’ll never go back to who you were! You’ve done your time! Focus on the future. After all, it’s where you’re going to spend the rest of your life.

In the End, It’s All About You

Now, if you think these rules are very basic, you’re right. They’re supposed to be. That’s the whole point. Most people fail in life not because they don’t know how to perform certain steps in a task. They fail because they don’t know how to REACT in a situation that requires some thought and judgment before actually doing something. Suddenly, they’re on shaky ground. This is where good judgment comes into play—thinking smart, as I like to put it.

Thinking smart has everything to do with perfecting basic skills. Once these 13 rules become second nature to you, you’ll be able to cope with situations professionally, sensibly, and, most important, successfully, in a way unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Disciplined habits are the only way to succeed over the long haul. If you make a sincere effort to embrace and live the rules every day, you will see positive results.

Never play down the importance of sharpening your basic skills. That’s where the critical mistakes are almost always made. That’s where the success edge lies. That’s what separated me from other salespeople. I never made or lost a sale because I did or didn’t know what all the steps in the paper trail of our dealership were. For a salesperson, that was something you either knew or could easily find out. It wasn’t that complicated. You’re focusing on small stuff if you think that’s where the winning edge is. My ability to influence the outcome by how I went about doing things is what closed the deal.

I knew how to do the basics better than anyone else. That has also helped me tremendously to better understand people and see things as they see them—not only as I see them. That’s the edge, and that’s what these 13 rules are all about—the basics.

No matter what you do professionally, sooner or later, the things that are going to differentiate your performance from the person in the office next to you will center on how you, as an individual, go about executing the basics in whatever it is you do. It won’t be about the process. It won’t be about how the dealership, the hospital, or the factory operates. It’s going to be ALL ABOUT YOU AND HOW YOU OPERATE. Sound simple? It is. If your reaction to that statement is, “Well, that’s easy for him to say; he doesn’t have to deal with so-and-so, or the politics in the office, etc., etc., etc. If only they’d make these adjustments, then I could be successful.” STOP!

You’ll never reach the top (you won’t even get out of the basement) if all you ever do is take on the role of victim. Forget about blaming other people for your failures and shortcomings. If you do, you’re a LOSER! You’ll never get out of jail! There will always be obstacles and people like that. Think smart. They’re just another mountain that needs to be conquered. You must get your mind off of dwelling on the negative side of things. Slowly but surely, you’ll get sucked into the pit of adversity, and you’ll be like all the other losers. You’ll be just like one of them—“behind bars.” Get off that trip NOW.

There’s nothing mystifying about My 13 Rules. They’re all about discipline and repetition. You cannot win if you attempt to do it any other way. You’re doomed if you try. Unfortunately, conquest and winning aren’t for everybody. Many people are satisfied with just a so-so existence—nothing too challenging and nothing too difficult. Just an ordinary life will do. You and I both know there are lots of people out there like that. But they all have to ponder the sobering thought, “Imagine what I could have been,” as they look in the mirror one day at the end of their working days. What will you see?

The saddest part of all is that you will be haunted by that question for the rest of your life—never knowing what you could have done or achieved, not just for yourself but for your family too. I know what I committed myself to do for just a bag of groceries so my family could eat for one more day. I’ll never forget it.

Let’s be honest here and face the truth—make all the excuses you want, but in the end, you decide where your life is going. Living with the guilt of failure for not even trying will drive you mad. It’s been said that the only real failing in life is the failure to try. When you come to the full realization that you, and you alone, make the difference in your quest for success, you will have taken that critical first step to understanding what it really takes to get to the top! Joe Girard’s 13 Rules will help you get there. We both know what YOU have to do now. I also know that YOU CAN DO IT. When you’re ready to take that first step up the mountain, I’ll be the first one to greet you when you reach the top.

It’s a new day. Let this book be the key that unlocks your future. Are you ready to get out of jail? If the answer is “yes,” then let’s unleash the real you now! Here’s to your health, happiness, and success!

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