Abstract classA class from which no objects are created.
Abstract data typeIn an object-oriented environment, a user-defined data type; a class.
Accessor methodA function that returns the values of private data stored about an object.
Aggregate functionA SQL function—for example, AVG and SUM—that computes a variety of measures based on values in one or more numeric columns.
AggregationIn an object-oriented environment, a class that manages objects created from another class.
ArrayIn a SQL database, an ordered collection of elements of the same data type stored in a single column and row of a table.
AssertionA constraint that is not attached to a table but is instead a distinct database object. It can therefore be used to enforce rules that apply to multiple tables or to verify that tables are not empty.
Attribute (relational database)A column in a relation.
Attribute (XML element)A data value that describes an XML element and is part of the element's tag rather than appearing in a separate element nested under the parent element.
Base classA class at the “general” end of an inheritance relationship; a parent class.
Base tableA relation whose contents are physically and permanently stored in a database.
Before-image fileA file that contains images of every action taken by a transaction and is used to undo actions when a transaction is rolled back.
Case sensitiveAware of the difference between upper- and lower-case letters.
CatalogA group of schemas, usually composed of all schemas handled by a single DBMS.
ClassA declaration of data and methods that describe a single entity and that will be used as a template to create objects.
ClusterA group of catalogs. Cluster definition is specific to a given DBMS.
Commit (a transaction)End a transaction, making any changes that it made permanent. A committed transaction is never rolled back.
Common table expression (CTE)A virtual table created by a SQL query that is used as the data source for another query. Unlike a view, the definition of a CTE is not stored in the database and must be used immediately after it is created.
CompositionA relationship between two classes where objects created from one class are part of objects created from the other.
Concrete classA class from which objects are created.
Concatenated foreign keyA foreign key made up of two or more columns that references a concatenated primary key.
Concatenated primary keyA primary key made up of the combination of two or more columns.
ConcatenationCombining two strings by placing one at the end of the other.
Concurrent executionThe simultaneous handling of multiple transactions by a single database.
Connect (to a database)Establish a user session with a database.
Constraint (on a relation)A rule to which data stored in a relation must adhere.
Container classIn an object-oriented environment, a class that manages groups of objects created from another class.
Control classA class that controls the operational flow of an object-oriented program.
Correlated subqueryA subquery that a DBMS cannot process completely before turning to the outer query. The DBMS must execute the subquery repeatedly for every row in the outer query.
Correlation nameAn alias for a table used in a SQL query.
CursorA pointer to a row in the result table generated when an embedded SQL SELECT returns multiple rows.
ConstructorIn an object-oriented environment, a method that is executed automatically every time an object is created from a class.
Data dictionaryIn the broadest sense, documentation of a logical structure of a database. In relational database terms, a collection of tables that store data about the database.
Data dictionary drivenA property of a relational database where all access to data begins with a check of the data dictionary to determine whether the requested database elements are present in the database and whether the user has the necessary access rights to perform the requested action.
DatabaseA place to store data long with information about the relationships between the data.
Database management system (DBMS)Software that manipulates a database, isolating the user from the physical file storage structures.
Declaration (in an XML document)A statement at the beginning of an XML document that identifies the version XML being use and optionally a character encoding scheme.
Derived classA class at the “specific” end of an inheritance relationship; a child class.
DestructorIn an object-oriented environment, a method that is run each time an object is destroyed (removed from main memory).
DifferenceA relational algebra operation that returns the rows found in one table but not in another.
Dirty readThe problem that arises when a transaction reads the same data more than once, including data modified by concurrent transactions that are later rolled back.
Disconnect (from a database)Terminate a user session with a database.
DivideA relational algebra operation that searches for multiple rows in a table.
DomainAn expression of the set of values from which the values stored in a column of a relation are taken.
DropDelete an element of database structure from a database.
Dynamic embedded SQLEmbedded SQL in which the entire SQL statement cannot be assembled prior to running the program. The SQL statement is therefore completed and processed during the program run.
Dynamic parameterA value given to an embedded SQL statement at runtime rather than when the program in which the statement is contained is compiled.
Embedded SQLSQL statements placed within a host language, allowing SQL to be executed by application programs.
EntitySomething about which we store data in a database environment, such as customer, an inventory item, or a sale.
Entity classIn an object-oriented environment, a class that is used to create objects that manipulate data.
Entity-relationship diagram (ERD)A graphic method for depicting the relationships in a database environment.
Equi-joinA join that combines two tables based on matching (equivalent) data in rows in the two tables.
Escape characterA character, usually , that removes the special meaning of whatever follows in a literal string.
Exclusive lockA lock on a database element that prevents other transactions from updating or viewing the database element while the lock is held.
Extensible markup language (XML)A way of representing data and data relationships in text files, typically for data exchange between software of different types.
FieldA piece of data contained within a column of the ROW data type.
Foreign keyA column or combination of columns that is the same as the primary key of some table in the database.
Frame (in a windowing query)A portion of a windowing query's window that “slides” to present to the DBMS the rows that share the same value of the partitioning criteria.
FunctionA small program that performs one task and returns a single value. It may be built into the SQL language or written by a user, database administrator, or application programmer.
Get methodA function that returns the values of private data stored about an object.
GrantGive access rights to database elements to users. The user that creates a database element has all rights to that element. Other users have no access unless they are specifically granted access rights.
Granularity (of a lock)The size of the database element on which a lock is placed (usually a table or a row within a table).
Grouping queryA query that groups rows of data based on common values in one or more columns and that optionally computes summary values from each group.
HierarchyA structure for data relationships where all relationships are one-to-many and no child entity may have more than one parent entity.
Host languageA programming language in which SQL statements are embedded.
Identifier chainThe fully qualified name of an element in a SQL database, including the catalog, schema, table, and column of the element.
Indeterminate cursorA cursor in which the effects of updates by the same transaction on the result table are left up to each DBMS.
IndexA data structure that provides a fast-access path to one or more columns in a relation.
Indicator variableA variable that accompanies an embedded SQL dynamic parameter to indicate the presence of nulls in the parameter.
InheritanceA general to specific relationship between classes in an object-oriented environment.
Inner joinA join that excludes rows for which there is no match between the tables being joined.
Input parameterA value sent by an embedded SQL statement to the DBMS.
Insensitive cursorA cursor for which the contents of the result table to which it points are fixed.
Instance (of a relation)A relation containing one or more rows of data.
Interactive SQLIndividual SQL statements entered from the keyboard and processed immediately.
Interface classIn an object-oriented environment, a class that handles input and output operations.
Interleaved executionA sequence of executing concurrent transactions in which the actions of two or more transactions alternate.
IntersectA relational algebra operation that returns all rows common to two tables.
Isolation levelThe degree to which a transaction can view data modified by other transactions running concurrently.
JoinA relational algebra operation that combines two tables making new rows that are a combination of one row from each of the two source tables.
LockingThe processing of giving a transaction exclusive rights to view and/or update a database element to prevent problems that arise with interleaved transaction execution.
Lost updateAn error condition that occurs when the interleaved execution of a transaction wipes out an update of another transaction.
Markup languageA set of special codes placed inside a text document to identify the elements of the document and optionally to give instructions to software using the document.
MessageRequests for data manipulation sent from one object to another.
Method (class)A program module that acts on objects created from a class in an object-oriented program.
Method (SQL)A program module that is part of a user-defined data type that is used to create objects.
ModuleA group of SQL routines.
MultisetIn a SQL database, an unordered collection of elements of the same data type that is stored in a single column and row.
Mutator methodA function that modifies the values of private data stored about an object.
Natural equi-joinAn equi-join.
NonproceduralA process that specifies “what” but not “how,” leaving the manner in which the result is obtained up to the DBMS.
Nonrepeatable readThe difference in result tables that occurs when a nonserialized transaction reads the same data twice and retrieves different values but the same rows as the result of the actions of other interleaved transactions.
NullA value, distinct from 0 or a blank, that means “unknown.”
ObjectAn instance of a self-contained element used by an object-oriented program, containing data that describe the specific element and links to program modules that operate on the element.
Object-orientedA programming and database environment in which elements in the environment are conceptualized as entities and data and programs are stored together.
Outer joinA join that preserves all rows from both source tables. Where a new row cannot be formed by combining rows, the outer join places nulls in empty columns.
Output parameterA value returned by an embedded SQL statement to the host language program.
OverloadingIn an object-oriented environment, two methods of the same class that have the same name but different signatures (input parameters and data types).
Partition (in a windowing query)A set of rows for which an aggregate function will compute a summary value.
Persistent stored module (PSM)A SQL program written using the SQL programming language.
Phantom readThe difference in result tables that occurs when a nonserialized transaction reads the same data twice and different rows are retrieved as a result of the actions of other interleaves transactions.
PolymorphismThe redefinition of the body of a superclass method inherited by a subclass. The polymorphic method retains the same signature.
PrecedenceThe order in which a DBMS evaluates operators in a predicate when multiple operators are present.
PrecisionIn a floating-point number, the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
PrecompilerA program processor that examines a source code file for SQL statements and translates them into calls to routines in external program libraries. The result is another source code file that can be compiled by a normal programming language compiler.
PredicateA logical expression used to qualify the rows that are affected by a data manipulation request.
Primary keyOne or more columns whose values uniquely identify every row in a relation.
ProceduralA process that is expressed in a step-by-step manner. It specifies “how” as well as “what.”
ProcedureA SQL routine that is stored in a database and executed with the SQL CALL statement. It does not return a value.
ProductA relational algebra operation that forms all possible combinations of rows from two source tables.
ProjectA relational algebra operation that takes a vertical subset of a table. In other words, it extracts complete columns.
Prolog (of an XML document)A statement at the beginning of an XML document that identifies the version of XML being used and optionally a character encoding scheme.
Query optimizerA part of a DBMS that examines a nonprocedural data manipulation request and makes a determination of the most efficient way to process that request.
Read lockA lock on a database element that prevents other transactions from updating the database element while the lock is held.
Recursive queryA query that queries itself.
Referential integrityA constraint on a relation that states that every nonnull foreign key value must reference an existing primary key value.
RelationThe defintion of the structure of a two-dimensional table with columns and rows.
Relational algebraA set of procedural operations used to manipulate relations.
Relational calculusA set of nonprocedural operations used to manipulate relations.
RestrictA relational algebra operation that takes a horizontal subset of the rows in a table, usually choosing the rows that meet the logical criteria specified in a predicate.
RevokeRemove previously granted access rights from a user.
Roll back (a transaction)End a transaction, undoing any changes made by the transaction and restoring the database to the state it was in before the transaction began.
Root (of an XML hierarchy)The top node in a hierarchy, providing a single point of access to the hierarchy.
RoutineThe smallest unit of a SQL PSM. Typically it performs a single action, such as updating a total or inserting a row in a table.
Schema (relational database)In database design theory, the overall logical design of a database. In a SQL DBMS, a group of tables and supporting elements such as views and indexes.
Schema (XML)A special type of XML document that contains definitions of document structure used to validate XML documents that contain data.
Signature (of a function)The name and parameters of a function.
Scope (of a temporary table)The visibility of a temporary table. Local temporary tables can be seen only by the program module that created them. Global temporary tables can be seen by the entire database session.
Scrollable cursorA cursor that can move to the first, last, or prior row in a table rather than just to the next row.
Serial executionA sequence of executing concurrent transactions in which one transaction runs from start to finish before a second transaction begins.
SerializableA property of interleaved transaction execution such that the result of the interleaved execution is the same as the result of serial execution.
SessionA block of time during which a user interacts with a database.
Set functionA SQL function—for example, AVG and SUM—that computes a variety of measures based on values in one or more numeric columns.
Set methodA function that modifies the values of private data stored about an object.
Shared lockA lock on a database element that prevents other transactions from updating the database element while the lock is held.
Static embedded SQLEmbedded SQL in which the entire SQL statement can be specified when the program is written, allowing the statement to be precompiled before the program is executed.
Stored procedureA SQL program module that is invoked by an application program using the SQL CALL command. Stored procedures are stored in the database they manipulate.
SubclassA class at the “specific” end of an inheritance relationship; a child class.
SubqueryA complete SELECT statement that is part of another SELECT.
SubstringA portion of a string.
SuperclassA class at the “general” end of an inheritance relationship; a parent class.
TagThe markup device in an XML file. XML tags exist in pairs, with an opening tag before the element being identified and a closing tag after it.
Temporary tableA relation whose contents are not stored in the database but that exists only during the database session in which it was created.
Θ-join (theta-join)A join that combines two tables on some condition, which may be equality or something else such as greater than or less than.
Three-valued logicA system of logic in which logical expressions can be evaluated to true, false, or maybe. It is the result of the presence of nulls in relations.
TransactionA unit of work presented to a database. The transaction may be committed, in which case any changes it made to the database are permanent or it may be rolled back, in which case any changes it made to the database are rolled back.
Tree structureA structure for data relationships where all relationships are one-to-many and no child entity may have more than one parent entity.
TriggerA SQL program module that is executed when a specific data modification activity occurs. Triggers are stored in the database they manipulate.
Truncate (a table)Remove all rows from a table, leaving the structure of the table in the database's data dictionary.
TupleA row in a relation.
Two-phase lockingA locking scheme in which a transaction is given a shared lock on a database element when it retrieves a value. The shared lock is upgraded to an exclusive lock when the transaction attempts to modify the value.
TypecastChange the data type of a value for output or use in a SQL program.
Typed tableA table created as a class using a user-defined data type to define the structure of the objects to be stored in the table. Each row contains one object.
Uncorrelated subqueryA subquery that a DBMS can process completely before processing the query in which the subquery is contained.
UnionA relational algebra operation that combines two tables by merging their rows into the same structure.
Union compatibleA property of two tables where all columns in both tables are drawn from the same logical domains.
UpdatabilityA property of a view that indicates whether it can be used to perform updates that can then be propagated to the base table from which it was derived.
User-defined data type (UDT)In a SQL database, a declaration of a structured data type that can be used as the domain of a column or as an object.
ViewA stored SQL query from which a virtual table is created for use each time the name of the view is used.
Virtual classA class from which no objects are created.
Virtual tableA table that exists only in main memory. It may be created by the end user as a temporary table or it may be created by a DBMS to hold the results of a query.
Wait stateA hold placed by a DBMS on the execution of a transaction because the transaction is unable to obtain a needed lock on a database element, usually because the element is locked by another transaction. The transaction must wait until the lock can be placed.
Well-formed XML documentAn XML document that meets all the XML syntax rules including having only one root element, paired tags, case sensitive tags, proper tag nesting, and quoted attribute values.
WindowA set of rows for which an aggregate function will compute a summary value.
WindowingA SQL technique for computing aggregate measures for groups of rows that also displays the individual rows in each group.
Windowing functionA function that computes an aggregate measure about a partition in a windowing query.
Write lockA lock on a database element that prevents other transactions from updating or viewing the database element while the lock is held.
XMLA way of representing data and data relationships in text files, typically for data exchange between software of different types.
XML schemaA special type of XML document that contains definitions of document structure used to validate XML documents that contain data.
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